dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
I'm gonna recover bye
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
At this point do I even have anorexia
Like REALLY I haven't restricted in so long and when I did I was shitty at it
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
okay, i want to tell you all something right now. no, i don’t want to be your anorexia buddy,no the group chat isn’t open, and stop asking for me to help you throw your food up and starve. S T O P, i love you now love yourself and i’d be happy to help you do that.
message me if you need any help at all, i care for you and i’m here for you to rant to.
insta: @groovybavy
snapchat: barbie.benz (don’t judge the name)
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
Already eaten a bunch and I want a Butterfinger ugh what do I do
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
I'm not going to eat ever again
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
I'm a fucking fatass
I just keep fucking binging thanks BED. I swear can't I just have anorexia or BED not both please? Like wtf make up your mind
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
Food really isn't that bitch
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
I'm just so done
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
In order to avoid binging...
I've decided that after a few days of really good restriction I'll have one day where I can just kinda eat what I want if I really want it. Like I just ate a whole Butterfinger and a handful of Reece's pieces and I don't feel bad bc I already lost 7 lbs this week. And I know that tomorrow I'll be able to restrict again bc I already ate. We'll see how long this lasts but hopefully it will work out a bit.
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
trying to prove a point to 95% of the world
reblog this if its ok for men to wear:
make up
hair extentions
dye their hair
dress like femals
be feminine
do anything feminine
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
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This is the Dog of Protection.
Reblog and you’ll never be forced to reblog anything you don’t want to ever again!
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
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Do you think this is a pretty sight? This is the reality of having anorexia for 12+ years. The reality of what eating disorders can do to your body.
When I was in high school and then in college getting my bachelors degree, I spent more time in hospitals and treatment centers than I did out of them.
And then I found out
My organs failed. Permanently.
Last year, I needed major surgery that took about 4 HOURS, and after that I was admitted to the hospital for a week on heavy pain medications, being wheeled around because I couldn’t walk.
I had tubes everywhere.
I had to medically withdraw from graduate school because I had to spend that time in doctors offices, infusion centers for IVs, in the ER, or admitted into the hospital.
Now I have a 6 inch scar across my abdomen and will be on medications for the rest of my life to help my heart and stomach function enough to keep me alive.
I’ve nearly died multiple times from the ED, but I had never believed that my organs could shut down and leave me to deal with that reality for the rest of my life.
That is not a way anyone should have to live life.
This is what an eating disorder looks like. Not the “thinspo” everyone sees on the Internet. This is what you don’t see behind those pictures and it’s not pretty.
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
Leelah Alcorn’s blog was deleted and posts about her are being removed. Don’t stop spreading this. Reblog everything you can, post everything you can. 
These are her pictures
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here are some of her drawings
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this is her note
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Don’t let this die.
Not this.
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
Ya know what's wack?
You breath and shit and piss out fat when you're loosing weight. Isn't that wack?
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
Maybe I'm starting to see a little bit of ribs again?
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
My dad just saw my scale. He didn't say anything but I know he saw it. Fuckkkk
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dont-eat-nuf-said · 6 years
Well shit
I definitely like my friend. Probably gay friend. Who 100% finds me the most annoying scum of the Earth. And also I'm like 99% sure he has a huge boner for my friend who has been dubbed my wife. So I want to fucking cry
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