dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
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Okay so I have 84 of you and happy with that number after all I didn't even think I'd get ten followers let alone five so I figured hey why not do a follower contest thingy? Now I can't do much seeing as I'm piss poor broke right now with buying presents and the lot of other things but I can do little things for you that might make up for it The rules?:
Must be following me
Must be a roleplay blog no exceptions sorry
Likes and reblogs count just don't annoy your followers yeah?
Please don't unfollow me after this if you win that is just plain rude
The prizes?:
 Fifteen  lucky winners will win a promo for a month straight with reblogs on both the sideblog and here,A drabble prompt or one shot of your choice,a rp with me no matter what it is,a gif hunt of the character you choose(granted the gifs will more then likely not be mine but its the thought that counts right?),a possible fan video
Ten lucky winners will get a  personal promo of your own for three weeks(reblogs included),Drabble or oneshot,a rp with me
Five lucky winners will get a list promo for two weeks,a rp with me
I'm sorry I couldn't give you all more but maybe next time I can
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
"Yes anything"He replied back to her noticing the pout but not saying a word about it.Listening to her talk about the boy he chuckled lightly as he watched her drink some blood from him.Without saying a single word he walked over to where she was,grin on his lips as he lowered his head,sinking his fangs into the happy meal on legs.
The boy had hit the pavement hard right after he was drained. Bones crushing under the weight of which he fell and Spike could help the little dark chuckle that escaped his lips. Humans were such fragile beings. Their bones could break so very easily that it was a wonder how they lasted as long as they had. But then again if there were no more humans then where would that lead them?
Their food supply would surely be needed to get by day by day. Well there was always animal blood but what use would that be? Soon the animals would be gone as well and that would mean they would all starve right? No I guess he had to be thankful for having humans around even if they were weak. Well atleast some of them were. Others were stronger and would no doubt bring a good fight to the forefront.
That's not a bad thing either. A good fight always excited him to no end. It was like a dance that could either turn sour or make everything so very good.
drenched in red
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
The name is Kendra. I am a vampire slayer trained by my watcher Sam Zabuto. I was killed by Drusilla…
//my promo thing is still going on but I wanted to promo this Kendra blog because I can. but seriously guy, A KENDRA BLOG. go follow, yeah?
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
losing a follower
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
Describe me in three words. I can only publish, not respond.
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
"You belong with me."
"Always and forever luv"
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
Send a ♔ if you want to RP with me
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
Hmm well I could try Eric if you wish...never really liked bill all too much
Which character?
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
Send 'You belong with me' and watch how my muse reacts.
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
carodejnice replied to your post: making another side blog but need to know what fandom to do it in
which character?
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
making another side blog but need to know what fandom to do it in
trueblood,charmed,the vampire diaries or supernatural?
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
Pretend to be my character's mother/father in the ask box anonymously
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
Bringing her hand up to his lips he kissed it,running his tongue along it once to get a little taste of the blood settled there "Mm 'uppose your right"He chuckled lightly and closed the distance between their mouths seeing as their heads were now rested against eachother "Anything for you my plum"He said between the kiss before pulled back and away from her,circling the remaining humans a few times before grabbing one and twisting their arm until a loud snap was heard as he twisted it enough to both break the both and have it pressed firmly against their back "Pain,Misery and fear mixed all in one little bundle,it's a shame we can't chase after you now isn't it mate?"He ran his fangs along the side of the males neck before pushing him forward towards Dru.
drenched in red
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
drenched in red
Moonlight glowed from up above,shining it's light onto the current battle field of dead bodies. There was a few left standing as well as a very blood covered blonde vampire and his dark princess. How long has it been since he's let loose? Before the whole Sunny hell thing? Who the hell knows all we know is that it seemed the bodies were piling up around Drusilla and him in a massacre way. A ferel smirk curled on his lips as he jumped from side to side. Energy clearly rolling off him in waves as he held out his hand towards his sire "I 'o believe they don't 'now who they are messing with luv"His blue eyes roaming over the dead bodies "'hall we kill them 'ow or play for a bit?"His fangs glistening with the added blood on them.
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
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"t's complicated but all I can 'ell you is I'm in a 'ad mood and don't want to hurt you"
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
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"Nows 'ot the best time Dru luv"
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dontcallmewilliam · 11 years
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