Quotes from 2016
Looking back at 2016 and pulling out some quotes from my friends and I:
"Put cha leg down, ya gay ass bastard"
"Diesrepecting the fandom, I see"
"Jesus christ is my best friend"
"When I wake up in the morning, when I walk around butt naked lookin' for some Oreos"
"I didn't hit it, I was just testing out the structural value"
"Thats not how I wanted that to turn out.
Thats what your mom said"
"If you think about it, hungry hungry hippos taught kids to eat balls"
"He's my sweet boi. He's my good boi."
"You look like skrillex"
"Shut ur fuck"
"If you touch my goldfish crackers again, I will cut you"
"Orange is the new black; that applies to the white house"
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Math class
So in math class, my friend and I tried to tripped my other friend as he was walking down to row of desks. We succeeded in tripping him and he almost fell face first. He caught himself and started doing pushups to play it off. My friend and I were laughing so hard. I laughed so hard that I snorted and everyone within earshot stared at me, which only made my friend and I laugh harder.
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