doodling-doodle · 8 hours
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Through the Eras
May 11th
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doodling-doodle · 14 hours
You know, it would be extremely hilarious if after all this freaking out, it turns out that Night Swan and Si’Ha Nova were the ones with the relationship and the Traveller was a cockblocker.
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doodling-doodle · 14 hours
What do you mean there's more outfits for The Eras Tour? What do you mean there's another Lover bodysuit? What do you mean there's another shirt for Red?
I'm not going back to the Eras I've already done, because Lover and Fearless were just difficult
I'll do all the Red shirts and the coat
And if TTPD is now a set... depends on the outfits and what I want to do about it, I'm still not entirely sure
Just wanted to update for the drawings
Anything else I'm missing right now?
Update: 1989 has a new outfit. Consequently, so does 1996 now
Update 2: okay so did everything get a new outfit today??? And yes, TTPD is now an Era, so I'll figure out what I want to do for that and properly look at the outfits, plus give it time to see if there's alt outfits... anyone happen to now the set list?
Update 3:
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doodling-doodle · 16 hours
I know, right?
I can’t wait for the Night Swan event to happen and prove that we were all overreacting about the whole thing with the Traveler so we can look back on it and laugh
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doodling-doodle · 1 day
That's what I'm talking about!
If we can make AUs, then I don't see an issue with saying fuck canon, you know?
I do that all the time anyway
Don't let these idiots take away your work, we'll keep working on shit and make them mad about it
Alright, so, people are talking about it
The Traveler being Jacks Dad theory... even though I HEAVILY doubt it will happen (they can't be that stupid, right?)
If it does... WanderRose folks, are we going to collectively agree to ignore canon, or...?
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doodling-doodle · 1 day
Alright I wanted to get this posted before I started posting the fic
The extra era of Jacks tour, Lose Yourself
I now have the drawings! I managed to get these done
So… I used refs from the Rep stadium Tour, the hooded outfit
So if the hair looks off, it’s because the ref wasn’t exact
Oh and arms… wrists to be specific
But here
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But honestly… I love this
And the second one
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And now this should be the last time I struggle with the outfits… hopefully
I don’t know when it will happen, but Red is next!
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
written for @doodling-doodle
The big man in a faded skull balaclava has been waiting beside Johnny's bed for an hour, now.
Johnny has been pretending to sleep, eyes barely slitted to see the man waiting for him. He doesn't know him. He doesn't know where he is. His head aches fiercely, like he's gone out and gotten pished, but he doesn't have any memory of drinking the night before. He doesn't remember much of anything, actually; it's like where his life is, there's a big, gaping hole. He doesn't know what to make of it.
"I know you're awake, Johnny."
The man's a Manc, and he knows Johnny's name. Johnny's not sure what to make of the latter piece of information. He considers playing at sleep for a while longer, but decides against it. He opens his eyes.
The lights are too bright, and he immediately closes his eyes again, hand coming up to cover his face. The Manc beats him there, hand pressed gently over his eyes in a way that feels astonishingly intimate from a stranger. It helps, though-- the man's hand is cool, and he blocks out all the light. Johnny sighs softly, despite himself, relaxing back into the bed.
"Better?" the man asks, and his voice is a bit amused. "I'm going to lift my hand again. You should keep your eyes shut."
Johnny nods against his palm. He braces for the man to lift his hand, eyes squeezed closed. He feels the man lift his hand, sees his eyelids turn from cool black to red as they're exposed to the fluorescent lights, but his head doesn't protest. He peeks open an eye cautiously. No problem. He glances over.
The man from Manchester is sitting back, watching him with those big brown eyes from behind that stupid looking balaclava. Even without the mask, Johnny thinks his expression would be impenetrable. He wonders what the point of this mask is, anyways. He opens his mouth to ask, and what comes out is, "Sorry. Do I know you?"
There is a flash of... something, in the man's gaze, there and gone in an instant. His mouth shifts beneath the mask. "That's not a funny joke."
Johnny frowns at him. His head is still aching, and it's taking half of his attention, so he sounds more Scottish than usual when he says, "Umnae jokin'. Who're ye?"
The man blinks at him, slow, and Johnny notices that his eyelashes are blond, but thick around his eyes. He thinks, maybe, that the man has beautiful eyes. He wonders if the man has a girl back home.
"Johnny," the man says, "it's me. Ghost. Simon."
The name does something funny to the space behind Johnny's sternum, but it doesn't ring a bell. He shakes his head, slowly, frowning at the man. "Dinny know ye."
The man-- Simon-- reaches over and takes Johnny's left hand, holds it up. Johnny wears a ring. When Simon holds up his own left hand, he wears a matching one, down to the single embedded gem in the center.
Johnny frowns. "Am no married," he says, because it has to be said, because he has no memory of marriage, or a relationship that could lead to marriage. Things are starting to come back; a family in Glasgow, a teenage stint in jail over some vandalism, his own middle name. None of the memories hold this frankly ridiculous looking man in front of him.
Johnny opens his mouth to say this, and his lips once again betray him. "Ye look right stupid in that mask, y'know."
Simon chokes a noise that might be a laugh and raises his hand as though to cuff him before freezing. He drops his hand, sticks it in his pocket, and looks away.
Johnny frowns at him. "What was that?"
Simon says, "Your head. I don't want to hurt you."
Johnny's frown grows, involves his eyebrows and the corners of his lips. "What's wrong with my head?" He reaches up to touch himself, experimentally, and his fingers contact with some bandaging. He is confused. "What happened?"
Simon's eyes flash again, this time with something like recognition, and he says gently, "Johnny, you were shot. What do you remember?"
Johnny cannot, for the life of him, imagine what sort of situation would have gotten him shot. He says as much to Simon, with many an expletive thrown in, and Simon says, "You don't remember your job." It's not a question, but Johnny answers anyways.
"Why would my job have anything to do with me being shot?"
Simon sighs, and scrubs his face. "This is worse than I thought."
"What d'ye mean?" Johnny demands.
Simon looks up at him from behind the mask. "You have no idea what I look like behind this," he says. "You don't remember us getting married, or your job, which means you don't know how we met. There's... a lot of history for us to unpack together. You won't like all of it." He pauses. "I don't know how much to tell you. I don't even know where to start."
Johnny hates, despite himself, to see those pretty brown eyes look as troubled as they do. He reaches over, touches Simon's hand, and smiles encouragingly. "Hey. It'll be okay." He holds up his left hand, with its ring, for Simon to see. "You promised me in sickness and in health, apparently, right?"
It's the right thing to ask. Simon's sad expression becomes certain, and he sits up a little bit. "Right," he agrees."
Johnny says, "Well. Let's see what a promise from Simon Riley gets ye."
There is a pause, and then Simon Riley smiles. Johnny can't see the rest of his face, but he knows that it's a smile, the way the man's eyes crinkle so tight. "What has you grinnin' like that?" he asks.
Simon says, "I never told you my last name."
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
Hold on a sec
It's heavily theorized that Cygnus is Jacks brother, right?
Why aren't we considering that The Traveler is Cygnus' father and not Jack's? Making those two half-siblings
Because Jack looks nothing like Night Swan, and looks nothing like The Traveler... but if the Traveler is around... what if Cygnus is his son?
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
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May I offer a meme in these uncertain times?
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
Hi, Ubisoft
Oh, what's this?
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Don't worry about it, just don't do anything stupid now :)
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Waiting with bated breath over here…
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
Why does this actually make more sense
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May I offer a meme in these uncertain times?
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
Alright, so, people are talking about it
The Traveler being Jacks Dad theory... even though I HEAVILY doubt it will happen (they can't be that stupid, right?)
If it does... WanderRose folks, are we going to collectively agree to ignore canon, or...?
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
We're going to hope for the best here, y'all, We have to
But like. It wouldn't make sense when it comes to Jacks appearance? He doesn't look like Night Swan, and he definitely doesn't look like The Traveler
So if they do decide to do it, it would be one of the stupidest and likely rushed decisions I've ever seen
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May I offer a meme in these uncertain times?
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doodling-doodle · 2 days
Damn it
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and i did
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doodling-doodle · 3 days
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doodling-doodle · 3 days
Hey yall
Guess what?
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Chapter one and two are done! I'm editing them now, but chapter one could be out by the end of the week!
Now, there probably won't be a set schedule, it depends on how quick I write these chapters in between writing and posting my main things
But if the past WEEK told me anything... yeah these chapters might get long and I have no clue how long it'll run for. Hell, this could be a 50 chapter story, and the last time I did that, it took me six months, while writing it every day... now add time between each chapter and writing and editing time, it could take a year
Please don't kill me if there's long wait times between chapters and drawings, I promise to try my hardest
But stay tuned for next time on "Doodle is losing her mind!!"
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doodling-doodle · 4 days
Worth it
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Click for better quality
I'm going to hell for this
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