doomwitctheories · 4 days
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YOU and HIM is an 18+ visual novel. Minors, refrain from interacting.
All characters depicted (except Xura) belong to YOUandHIM, created by Unknown Hermit.
Xura is a self-insert OC (Original Character).
The picture depicts how I imagine Xura would get along with the cast after successfully dodging all murder attempts.
XURA (General information)
20+ years old.
Loves: Art, Cartoons, Animals, Hiking, Knitting, Cooking, Writing, Short indie games.
Hates: Modern technology, Minimalism.
Personality: Elmo , Spring is here, Banene, Thought process
ADAM: Fatal Attraction
Adam (angry man) Xura (cheerful voice) Ethan and Cain (laughter).
Tag you're it
What murder
Adam's rightfully intimidated
ETHAN: Roommates
Bugs (Xura) and Daffy (Ethan)
Old Robin (Xura) and New Robin (Ethan)
Glasses (Xura) and Scar (Ethan)
Woman (Xura) Man (Ethan)
CAIN: Friends!
Stable friend (Xura) Depressed friend (Cain)
Someone get this guy a cookie
KING: Teenage dream
King and Xura: Hi!
Love for King
Best friends
SAFFRON: Coworkers
Would shoot Saffron twice
Fluttershy (Xura) Rarity (Saffron)
Girl (Xura) Boy (Saffron)
Best served cold
Chapter 1 bad end
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doomwitctheories · 2 months
YOU and HIM is an 18+ visual novel. Minors, refrain from interacting.
So... as an Audhder with special interest in videogames and animals, those two things may overlap once.
... or multiple times.
Just for fun, I'm using one of my favorite visual novels to gush about animals, much like a game theory episode.
Two disclaimers before we start. Even tho I'm very interested in zoology, I'm not an expert, so it's very likely I will make mistakes. Secondly, I'm not a native English speaker, so there's a chance I'll make your eyes bleed with bad grammar.
By the way, trigger warnings:
Animal mating behavior and genitalia. Predators and hunting. Carnivorous plants.
If you're uncomfortable with that, skip this post in its entirety.
Adam is a spotted hyena.
Adam is cat coded.
Cunning perceptiveness, playful taunting, antisocial behavior...
He's the human equivalent to an angry cat.
Except, this man doesn't take breaks.
Felines are carnivores focused on precision rather than resistance. Their strikes are deadly and expertly calculated, but they don't have much stamina. As a result, they generally need long periods of rest.
But this man is built like a fucking train. Adam is relentless, and he doesn't even look tired while chasing their target to the ends of the Earth.
That determination is usually attributed to canines.
Then, how come he has both the cat-like feel and the endurance of a dog?
That's when it hit me. Hyenas.
Spotted hyenas are the most dog-like members between the felines. They're tremendously intelligent, and utilize planning and deceit to get their way. Unlike other hyenas, spotted hyenas aren't scavengers, but hunters. Much like canines, they can and will hunt their preys to exhaustion.
Also, they live in matriarchal societies, which reminded me of Adam's undying love and respect for his mom (presumably).
Also! Also! (And this is specially rad). Hyenas are literally the embodiment of consent. Why? Well, female reproductive organs have evolved to look similar to their male counterparts. The advantage of this is that, to mate, female hyenas have to retract their pseudo-penis to create an opening. Which essentially means, mating literally can't occur without consent. In other words, forcing copulation is physically impossible for hyenas.
(cough cough *male hyenas are subs, even if they outweigh their partners* cough cough)
Who said that!? Anyway.
There you have it. Adam is a spotted hyena. I cannot unsee it, and now you can't either.
Mermay season. If Adam is a tiger shark, then Saffron is a great white shark.
For Mermay, the creator of the game posted a beautiful drawing of Adam as a tiger shark.
(Which, by the way, has a lot of similarities to a hyena, starting with the spot patterns on their tail, that look very much like the fur of a spotted hyena. Another similar characteristic is their diet. Surprisingly varied, they will go after anything, really. Much like hyenas. Both are the "predator garbage eaters" of their respective ecosystems).
But this section isn't about tiger sharks as much as it is about Saffron.
If we look at the ranking of recorded fatal shark attacks, tiger sharks are really high up, only second to the great white shark. Which is odd because, even if either encounter is extremely rare, white sharks tend to be more curious and swim near boats and surfing areas, yet tiger sharks are up there in the rank right behind them. This leads me to believe that, under the same circumstances, tiger sharks are more likely to attack you than white sharks.
I find this comparison really fitting for the dynamic Adam and Saffron present in game. While Adam is the very first predator you encounter (tiger shark: more opportunistic, less selective), he's much easier to dodge than Saffron, who's much less likely to confront you himself, despite roaming around and studying you curiously, but once he's in court, you better pray (great white shark: less opportunistic, more selective).
Appearance-wise, white sharks and Saffron are also alike. Not only cause of the albino hair, that matches the shark's white belly, but cause of their pointed snout, which is considered an elegant feature.
Their hunting style is also similar to Saffron's, generally stalking their prey from below, to later launch a surprise attack that tends to be fatal on its own. I compare this to his bad end, in which he attacks YOU from behind, leaving you completely defenseless thanks to a powerful anesthetic.
In conclusion, we have found ourselves a deadly shark duo for the next mermay. Adam the tiger shark and Saffron the great white shark.
YOU are a Venus flytrap and Adam is doomed.
In literature, the femme fatale refers to a character (not necessarily a woman) that relies on seduction to bend their victims to their will.
YOU are at a disadvantage. Your opponent is larger, stronger, faster and more experienced than you. Much like insects, they have a set of tools and freedom of movement you simply don't.
How do you survive then?
You need to turn your opponent against themselves by messing with their biology.
The traps of the Venus flytrap are covered with a delicious nectar.
One sip of this nectar, and it's over for their prey, fly or otherwise.
Even if the insect doesn't trigger the trap at first and manages to flee, they will return on their own volition.
This is due to the addictive nature of their taste, that works like a drug. As insects enjoy their meal, they get increasingly wobbly and uncoordinated.
And the more they linger, the more drunk they get, until it's only a matter of time the flytrap honors their name.
As you can see, these plants are the eco-friendly version of the femme fatale.
They beckon their meal closer, with a promise of such sweetness that makes their judgement hazy, and before they realize it they're already too deep.
I think Adam would agree this perfectly represents YOU, even if you're only acting this way to escape the serial killer.
To further resemble the first encounter between YOU and Adam, these traps don't close on impact. They have a timer. A set of sensory hairs that signal the trap to close shut if an insect brushes them twice or more in the span of 30 seconds.
Their resources are scarce, so they play the waiting game and rely on precision in order to survive, for striking without the field secured could lead to their death.
YOU need to be patient and make sure Adam is intoxicated before stabbing him the first time. YOU play with your words and remain vigilant on any opening available to make your move. YOU rely on confusion and purposefully ignite strong emotional reactions on your opponents to take advantage.
YOU play the part of a Venus flytrap, that learned to lure and manipulate in order to make it when all the odds are against them.
Pretty cool if you ask me.
It's even better, because you aren't competing against an insect, but with a human.
And humans are social creatures.
This means, attachment is a key factor of their condition, and they can't get rid of things they're attached to.
And Adam is no different.
The more time he's around YOU, the more attached he will become.
This essentially means Adam can't hurt YOU without hurting himself in the process.
Just the thought of YOU fading away has him recalling memories of his mother's passing, and we've seen the impact his nightmares have on him.
If YOU died, Adam would be physically incapable of acting normally. He would start to slip up, behave erratically or lash out. He could be potentially forced into therapy, but recovery would take precious time Saffron can't afford to lose. Not to mention the irreversible hit to their reputation.
Worst case scenario, another member of the band could be replaced. But the main singer? Impossible.
In summary, it's only a matter of time both Adam and Saffron realize hurting YOU would mean the end of CAKE, which would ultimately grant your survival.
On the downside, YOU will have to deal with Adam "hunting" you for the rest of your life. And just because you're safe, doesn't mean your friends and closed ones share the same luck.
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doomwitctheories · 4 months
CAKE 🍰 is an acronym: Cain Adam King Ethan.
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doomwitctheories · 4 months
Ever since chapter 2 released, I've had many ideas, that unfortunately aren't solid enough to write a full theory. But I need to get them out of my head, so here they are:
Cannibalism is the way Saffron has found to get closer to people, stemming from a deep fear of rejection. In the bad end of chapter 1, Saffron conveys a deep loneliness when YOU rejects his invitation. He knows how to preserve bodies, and he dines in the company of corpses in his freezer. I'm unaware if he preserves most of his victims as long as possible, or if the corpse depicted on Twitter is important somehow. Either way, he seems keen on getting to know his victims deeply and prepare his torture table as a special gift for each one. That level of dedication tells me that his cannibalism is, in some ways, the only way he believes he can find connection with someone because if people knew the real him (broken, intense...) they would turn their nose or run away.
YOU was framed for a "crime" they didn't commit. At first, I thought there would be a twist involving the MC. After all, Adam is some sort of hitman and if he was so sure that only despicable people drove through that highway, then there must be something fishy going on with YOU. Some could argue that MC's job was enough of an evil deed in his eyes, but in chapter 1, it's implied he's only catching on to their occupation after re-reading Saffron's message. There's also a passing comment about YOU hurting the people around them, which doesn't make sense if the sole reason behind the hunt was their online job. Furthermore, after meeting Saffron and Aunt Ruth the idea of YOU being evil just doesn't fit. Saffron has a distaste for his own blood and the blood of Ruth. He likes the sweet scent of a cute and innocent gardener boy. From these instances, I understand that Saffron likes the taste of good-hearted people. And YOU tastes delicious, apparently. So then, why are these two psychos going after YOU? Ruth seemed paranoid that someone was coming after her. She was frantic about losing her guns and bought a ton of lockers the minute YOU left. And YOU's parents were really persistent about YOU tackling the issue with the guns. If YOU was known to hurt their family, I doubt they would've requested anything. On that note, it seems like YOU's family is not that good. They must know Aunt Ruth didn't treat them well when they were young, and YOU said that their uncle is their favorite family member, not even mentioning their parents. MC's family seems narcissistic, or at least dismissive and uncaring of YOU. I think what Adam believes YOU did was really something their family did, later pinning it on them and leaving them to deal with it. That revelation will probably play into Adam's guilt later on.
YOU is the sin of pride. So, every sin so far has been related to CAKE in some way, and we see all the moms of the band members hanging out in a picture (I assume they're moms, though they could be other relatives), Ruth included. None of the moms are related to a sin, but someone in their bloodline is, someone in the main cast. At least that's the pattern so far. That would mean YOU must be a deadly sin as well. Probably pride because of how they've been portrayed so far. That would leave sloth as a mystery character.
YOU's only friend is going to make an appearance in game. They seem to care about their friend, and if YOU gets access to a new phone, their friend is going to be worried sick about them and maybe even move to their location to check on them.
God is the leader of a murderous mafia related to the church and Adam's father. Someone pointed out in a Twitter post that Adam's second name (James) means "Son of God". Furthermore, we can see Adam holding the crown of thorns in a TikTok. Both seem to imply Adam is the son of God. It's also worth noting that, strictly speaking, biblical Adam is the first son of God, but then he was tainted with sin, and humanity had to wait for a new son of God to erase the first sin. I think these two versions of the son of God live in Adam's backstory somehow.
Adam will call YOU "his Angel" at some point. It matches the religious themes and contrasts his first impression of YOU as his personal devil. It would be a beautiful 180.
I'm sure I'm wrong about almost everything here, but that's the fun of it. Please do share your opinions in the comments.
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