doqweek · 7 years
Daily DOQ Drabble #52
Day 7 of @doqweek
She’s tied to the bed. Hands and ankles bound to their respective corners. Spread out for them like a delectable dessert on display. Something for their eyes and mouths to feast on. Blonde curls cascade over her shoulders, down over her breasts as she watches Regina and Robin kiss, kneeling at the end of the bed between her legs. His fingers tangle in dark locks as Regina strokes his straining erection for a moment before they pull away from each other and eye her hungrily.
Mal groans, already slick and ready for them, her sex glistening as Regina smirks and settles between her thighs. Her tongue snakes out to lick along her folds and Maleficent does her best to arch into the sensation even as she’s limited in her movements. Robin’s fingers swirl along her skin, skimming up her thigh, the other hand along the small of Regina’s back, before circling her navel and then reaching up to cup her breast, thumbing at her nipple.
Thank god they hadn’t forced her to wear the blindfold this evening. Not being able to see either of them while they lavish her body with attention would be absolute torture.
Settling beside her, Robin mutters against the side of her breast, his breath hot and tempting against her skin, “You’re gorgeous, darling,” a moment before his mouth latches onto her nipple, suckling it as Regina does the same to her clit. And Mal can’t contain the loud moan that rips from her throat. Thankfully, the boys are away for the day. She can be as loud as she desires. Can scream until she’s hoarse from the pleasure they bring her.
There’s no doubt in her mind that by the time they’re done with her, she’ll be shouting from the rooftops.
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doqweek · 7 years
DOQ prompt: the three of them go to the movies & Mal & Robin try to get Regina to orgasm. Mal using magic, and Robin using words.
{ ffn } { ao3 }
It’s become a sort of game for them.
Teasing each other. Seeing how far and how quickly they can rile each other up. Anywhere. Everywhere. Seducing one another in every nook and cranny of Storybrooke. They’ve already christened the back hallway of Granny’s. On several occasions, in fact. All of them only feigning embarrassment when the older woman eyes them knowingly from behind the counter as they return to their table.
There had been the time that Maleficent had sunk to her knees in front of Robin behind one of the stacks in the library, Regina heatedly making out with him against the dusty books before joining the blonde to suck him off.
The Charming’s loft. Regina’s mercedes (quite the feat, that one). That time in the store room of The Rabbit Hole. The Merry Men’s camp. Robin had even seduced them into a lovely venture out into the clear blue water of the beach during one of the warmer days this past summer.
It’s not something they do all the time, but all three of them would be lying if they said they didn’t get a little rush from their scandalous activities. If the threat of someone stumbling across them having sex in the alleyway next to Archie’s office wasn’t a turn on.
Tonight hadn’t started off as one of those days.
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doqweek · 7 years
Drawn to the Fire (5/7) - DOQ Week Day 5: Teach Me (rated Tish)
Okay, this sucks because I was rushing it, I’M SO SORRY. There’s also no smut, only hints of it, because again, I’m so late with this that I was just trying to get it done to get to the next day. I’m so so sorry. This is ostensibly sort of a sequel to Chapter 30 of The Fire’s Found a Home in Me. @doqweek
Summary: Regina goes out drinking with Emma and Snow, plays a bit of pool, and remembers who taught her how to play.
AO3 Link
Drawn to the Fire (Day 5: Teach Me)
Regina gets the text from Emma a little before she’s set to leave the office. It’s a simple, to the point, Girls night? and for a second, Regina’s tempted to turn her down. She doesn’t have plans for the night, but it’s a Friday, and she was looking forward to going home to Robin and Mal and their children. She already knows Robin took care of dinner, ordering Chinese from Mushu’s, and it’s just what she’s in the mood for.
But as she’s typing out her response, Emma sends another text before she can finish: Please?
For Emma to plead with her, Regina knows things must be serious. With a sigh, she erases the message she was working on, and shoots back, Sure. Give me a couple of hours to get ready, then meet at Aesop’s?
She’s packing up her things when her phone vibrates again. This time it’s Snow, and she barely gets to read the first message before she’s sending another, and another. Regina has long since decided that Snow’s most annoying habit, besides telling secrets, is the mass of texts she’ll send instead of just saying something in one.
Hey, have you talked to Emma?
She’s had a bad fight with Hook.
I think she could really use some friendship tonight.
Think we could have a little girls’ night?
There’s a pause in the flurry, and Regina has the thread pulled up now. She can see Snow typing something, and then presumably erasing it and starting over. Regina rolls her eyes, finishes gathering her things, and then finally, her phone vibrates with another text from Snow.
You could bring Maleficent, too, if you want.
Regina sighs, wiping her thumb over her screen as she considers the message. She appreciates that Snow is trying here, but Snow knows how Mal feels about her. She can handle the occasional family dinners they have, because she knows how much it means to Regina, but in general, Mal prefers to avoid the Charmings as much as she can. She’s forgiven them for Lily, but she hasn’t forgotten, something Regina completely understands.
So she texts back, Yes, I’ve talked to Emma. We’re meeting at Aesop’s in a few hours. It’ll just be me. She pockets her phone after that, ignoring when Snow texts back so that she can finally get out of her office.
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doqweek · 7 years
Start of Something New, Chapter 13
@doqweek Day 7: DOQ + Kink. A direct continuation from Chapter 12, in which Regina dresses up as the EQ for Robin and Mal…. because @outlawqueenbey and @trina-deckers made me.
Previous installments of this verse can be found HERE.
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doqweek · 7 years
Daily DOQ Drabble #51
Day 6 of @doqweek “I miss you”
Robin and Mal are curled together in bed, the thief spooned behind the dragon, fast asleep. Regina takes a moment to admire them from the doorway, the light from the hallway spilling over the bed. Mal’s slow and even breathing, the way her chest rises and falls as Robin’s soft inhales and exhales tickle one of the curls on her neck. His arm is hooked around her waist, drawing her into him, his hand resting just beneath her breast.
She loves them so much. More than words can ever do justice to. How she’s missed them the last several days.
As quietly as possible she sneaks into the room, cautious not to wake them as she tiptoes over the soft carpet into the bathroom, readying herself to join them. Not even ten minutes later she’s lifting the comforter and sliding in next to Maleficent. The blonde instantly stirs, seemingly recognizing her presence even in slumber as she scoots a tad closer to Regina’s body, reaching out a hand to land on the brunettes hip. “Hmmmm… Regina?”
“Shhh, go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Mal’s eyes remain closed as she nods slowly, but her arm pulls Regina into her body as she nuzzles her nose into Regina’s neck. Placing a light kiss to her skin, she sleepily murmurs, “We missed you tonight. Please tell me the Charming’s have finally averted their crisis.”
Chuckling, Regina nods, lets her nose rub over the apple of Mal’s cheek as her arm settles around her and Robin’s waists, her nails scratching lightly over the cotton of his t-shirt along the base of his spine. It’s enough to startle him back to semi-consciousness. So much for not waking them, Regina berates mentally. Not that she really minds. After days spent mostly away from them, the three of them need a bit of cuddle time.
“R’gina?” Robin slurs in that sexy, hoarse accent, shifting his arm so both of them are wrapped in his embrace. She answers him quietly, gives him the same order she’s just given Mal to go back to sleep and smiles when he tells her groggily, “Glad y’ur home. Missed you.” Before he’s out again.
It doesn’t take long for her to join her lovers in slumber, not with the steady calm of the the two people she loves breathing lulling her to sleep.
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doqweek · 7 years
Daily DOQ Drabble #50
Day 5 of @doqweek “Teach me”
Magic has never been something Robin is overly comfortable with. Not after his run-ins with The Dark One and the way it had ultimately failed to save Marian. Then there’s the issues of spells and curses that bring back dead wives and leave them frozen, only to discover it’s really your lover’s crazy sister. Magic is complicated. And always comes with a price. Robin has always done his best to steer clear of it.
But it’s also a vital part of both of the women he loves. One that he wants to understand, even embrace if possible. For the two of them, Regina and Mal, he’s willing to give it another chance. To learn more about this side of their lives.
He stands opposite them in Regina’s vault, surrounded by spellbooks and mysterious looking potions. Clear blue eyes flickering between Maleficent and Regina’s, down to the cauldron they’re adding various liquids and ingredients to. His gaze settles back on Regina’s as he says, “Teach me,” before shifting it back to Mal’s.
“Alright.” They answer in unison, glancing at each other with demur, amused smiles for a moment before focusing on him once more.
Robin listens intently as Regina explains what they are doing, why each ingredient is important, how each plays off each other. He watches Regina pour and stir and toss, and when he catches Mal studying him out of the corner of his eye, appreciation etched onto her features, Robin thinks abandoning his previous views on magic well worth it.
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doqweek · 7 years
Start of Something New, Chapter 11
@doqweek Day 6: Reunion- Lily comes to Storybrooke for a visit.
Previous installments of this verse can be found HERE.
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doqweek · 7 years
Day 4 DOQ Week: Bandit!Regina DOQ
A/N: I couldn’t think of anything fun for this day, so I set it in the Heroes & Villains verse because who doesn’t love Bandit!Regina?  Thanks as always to @repellomuggletum15 for the beta! 
Regina steels herself and opens the heavy door to the tavern, preparing for the worst.
This place is off the beaten road, unlikely to draw in the Queen’s guards and spies, and thus it’s become sort of a safe haven for runaways and criminals.  Regina is both these things, and cannot afford to eat and drink and warm herself at the safer, more well lit places near town.  So when she has a bit of coin, and when her clothes are soaked to the bone, she wanders in for a pint of ale and some of the warmth of the fire.
She’s one of the few women who frequent the tavern while they are off the clock.  There are working women there, bar maids and harlots alike.  But women customers?  And single ones at that?
She stands out, so she tries to avoid going to the tavern at this late hour, except when it’s necessary. And it’s necessary now, as it’s pouring down rain, and she desperately needs some shelter, and some heat.
She’s readied herself for the hoots and whistles she’s grown accustomed to every time she steps inside the rowdy bar. But this time, there’s not a single sound to be made.
She looks around, puzzled. She should be relieved, is relieved, to finally not have a captive audience watching her every movement.
“You’re not the only act in town, sister.”  The bitter dwarf scoffs at her, rolling his eyes at her as she makes her way up to the bar. And then she looks around to see exactly what that idiot had been referring to.
The eyes of the entire tavern are on the woman with the wavy blonde hair in the corner.
Regina takes a moment to admire her.
She’s wearing a dress, still, but it’s soiled and damp.  Her hair is tangled and untamed, with bits of leaves stuck in some of the strands.  It has probably been awhile since she’s had a real place to sleep.
“That’s Maleficent,” Granny says, handing Regina a pint.  “The Maleficent.  God knows how she got all the way over here.  The girl’s wanted dead or alive by Queen Aurora. Between you and her, I’m making enemies with two of the most powerful sorcerers in the land.  The queens will probably have a showdown right here and burn the place.  So thanks for that.”  The old lady frowns.  She talks a big game, but Regina knows Granny worries about her, about almost all her customers.  When she had nothing, Granny dropped her a key and told her to keep warm for the night, on the house.  She justified it of course, by saying that if Regina died, she’d lose a loyal customer. She was only investing in the girl, hoping to get many years of drinks out of her.
The next time she handed her a room key, Granny said it was because she had become an attraction of sorts at the tavern, and if Regina died she’d lose a “free show”.
So yes, the woman cares. And it shows, in the way she looks at her, with that glimmer of worry.  “You should talk to her.  Give her some tips for the bandit life.  She’s holding her own quite well here, but I’m not sure how she’s lasted this long.  She does not look well.”
Granny hands Regina a key without a word as to who it’s for or why she’s giving it to her.  She thinks she’s supposed to give it to Maleficent. But hell, it’s pouring down rain and she is cold and tired of the forest floor.  She’ll keep the room herself unless it’s taken away from her.
Regina makes her way to an open seat.  She glances at the men congregating around Maleficent and rolls her eyes.  The woman is doing well though, batting away hands and giving death stares so deadly cold that Regina can feel them from over here.
She’ll have to learn how to make that face, because it seems to be working.  
“She’s worse than the ice queen over here,” grimaces one of the bar’s regulars, pointing in Regina’s direction.
“I’ve always wanted to meet an ice queen,” Maleficent drawls, motioning for Regina to sit next to her.  “Come here little one, let’s be frosty together.”
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doqweek · 7 years
just a reminder!;)
DOQ Week: April  10-16
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A few things about this week:
The prompts are purposely broad, so get as creative as you want.  For example, for “teach me”, you could have Regina teaching Mal how to do her duties as mayor, Robin teaching Mal how to pick a lock, Mal teaching Roland how to cook, etc.  Or, you could do a Teacher AU.  Or any form of AU where something is being taught to someone.  As long as DOQ is involved, you can probably make it work.
As this is DOQ week, we have OQ fans and DQ fans writing.  No putting down either of those ships, or any of the DOQ characters.  I’d ask we also be respectful to all the ships in OUAT, so no one gets uncomfortable.
Some of these prompts may work with Robin, Regina, and Mal just being friends.  Or a pairing like Mal and Regina + interacting/befriending Robin.  However, again, please don’t disrespect DOQ, OQ, or DQ.  Play nicely. 
All forms of art are encouraged
Tag @DOQweek on tumblr or @Imagine_DOQ on tumblr.  use hashtags #DOQWeek
Be a pal and review and reblog, writers and artists work hard. :)
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doqweek · 7 years
Castle on the Hill (DOQ day 3 and 4)
Day 3 and 4 for  @doqweek  (late again-oops) I think I may continue to pair up just because I have no free time. This is short because I allotted time and then forgot I had picked up an extra shift at work tonight!
It’s their first family vacation, they decide (after some disagreements) that it’s time to take a trip back to the Enchanted Forest, the land that used to be home.
Unbeta’d. Please excuse all the grammar mistakes, I know they can be really annoying but I wanted to get this out! Disclaimer. I don’t own OUAT.
Read this chapter and Days 1 and 2 here
They had been together for about a year, and after a few crazy months where Emma turned to the dark side, Roland rather hilariously suggested it was because they had cookies, life had returned to normal. As normal as it ever gets in Storybrooke- which meant numerous fears of a curse, rumours of another villain destroying the town. Mal had moved into the mansion after the six month mark, she was never at her apartment anyway and sometimes we have to not think of the consequences and close our eyes and leap.
Henry was sixteen, he would be leaving to go to college soon, and Roland was growing up into a big boy which made everyone’s heart ache. All was forgotten when he gave them a toothy grin, and the dimples would reappear. Him and Henry would often be found in each others rooms, exchanging stories of far off lands. Henry helping Roland with his reading on the way. Reading was something that Roland liked to share with Mal. Robin and Regina were sure that Roland had raided the library for every book that included a dragon. Mal didn’t seem to mind one bit, had laughed when Roland handed her the first one, the picture of innocence. Mal would share stories of her own, edited for the child’s ears, and would only stop once his laughter made way for gentle snores. Elle was doing well, she had started crawling a few months ago, which had led to the mortified faces of the three parents, and Henry declaring he was going to Ma’s house. Some things should not be picked up by your eight month child. After that disaster, they had all been more careful and enjoyed watching their daughter explore. At just over a year she was trying to walk, pushing herself up and grabbing on to something, she was nearly there, but every time Regina had the camera ready she would fall to the floor with a gentle thud. The first time it had happened Robin had panicked, thought she had hurt herself, Regina reminded him how resilient children were, and if Elle hurt herself they would know about it.
It was summer, and as much as they loved Storybrooke they just wanted to get away, enjoy a family holiday before Henry got too stressed about his GPA, and well before anything else could arrive in Storybrooke.
The kids loved the idea, Roland wanted to go to Disneyland, Mal, naturally thought this was a brilliant idea, she would do anything Roland said. Regina laughed, asking Mal if she knew what Disneyland was, Mal shook her head- embarassed. Regina would kiss away the embarassment later, saying how sweet it was that she would do anything for their little boy. Mal had quietened her, pressing a kiss to her lip- as much as she loved the little lion man, now was not the time to be discussing their kids.
Robin was less keen on Disneyland- he would not be getting on a metal contraption thousands of feet in the air, that would spin you around. Roland had called him boring. Henry had, rather cheekily blamed his mom. Regina indignant asked why
“He’s heard you slag off the bug so many times he doesn’t think that anything can be safe”
“A roller coaster has to be tested daily, and it’s a theme park for children it’s perfectly safe. That yellow monstrosity hasn’t seen a safety check since it left the factory a century ago”
Now it was Mal’s  turn to laugh “Now now dear don’t get too wound up “
Regina never one to let someone have the last word replied “Oh honey you should know that this isn’t me wound up”
Henry, wisely, cleared his throat. He loved his family, but sometimes they were a bit too much. There were things that no son should see or hear. At least all three of them had the decency to look at least a little embarrassed, he knew it was only a matter of time, so returned to the topic they were supposed to be talking about it. He had somewhere he wanted to go, but he wasn’t quite sure how his parents were going to take it, “Um mom, mama, pa”
“Yes my little prince” his mom replied. Henry was still Regina’s ultimate weakness, forever the apple of her eye.
“I was wondering could we maybe go to the Enchanted Forest for our holiday, the portals in the sorcerer’s house are safe now, and well I wanted to see it, I know it doesn’t hold the happiest of memories for all of you, so it’s just a suggestion”
Regina went to move to her son, “Henry, just take a deep breath” she was hugging him tightly, and sooner or later was joined by Mal and Robin. Roland went to pick Elle up, before joining.
All three adults shared a look and it was clear they were all thinking the same thing. They loved their son, loved how he always had their back, how he loved them so much. He was wise beyond his years, cared so much, sometimes much. He was sixteen, so much of his childhood a whirlwind of emotions- he deserved to enjoy his adolescence.
The hug broke, and Regina gently cupped his face, “Henry our past is just that, yes it’s affected us, we’ve made decisions we will have to live with, we’ve all faced hardships, battles won and lost. I used to think that it would never be worth it, my life was destined to be a disappointment. I was wrong, it took a long time, but look around. I have two gorgeous sons, a beautiful daughter, two people who love me with all their heart. I have a family. Everything I, we, went through, led us here and I cannot regret that. The Enchanted Forest doesn’t always hold the happiest memories, so why not make better ones”
Henry didn’t reply- sometimes no words are needed, and instead hugs his mother again.
Regina had to hold back the tears, she didn’t want Henry to think that she didn’t want to go, or that he’d upset her. He hadn’t. She just loved him, loved all of them so much.
“Why don’t you go and pack”
Henry did just that, taking Roland and Elle with him. He knew his parents would want to talk, just because they were alright with going didn’t mean it was going to be easy.
Robin embraced Regina as soon as the children left, felt the moisture of her tears on his shoulder.
Mal had put the kettle on, nothing solved problems like a cup of tea.
“He was so concerned for us. I could see the excitement in his eyes at the prospect of going to the Enchanted Forest,  but he felt guilty for asking. I don’t want him to feel like he can’t ask me something”
Mal and Robin’s heart ached, knowing Regina had nothing to worry about, Henry adored her , but also knowing the insecurities,  the gnawing anxiety that came along with years of loss and neglect.
They told her how much Henry loved her , leant their shoulders to cry on,  whispered sweet nothings in her ear.  
The following morning and Regina’s anxiety had subsided.  It was their first family vacation and she was excited.
So it seemed were the rest of the family if Roland’s scream of “We’re all going on a summer holiday”  . There were no bleary eyes around the table, just the excitable buzz that came with going away.
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doqweek · 7 years
DOQ prompt: Regina and Robin discuss sexual fantasies and one of them mentions threesomes.
Day 4 of @doqweek. Things get a little wild in the missing year with Mal ;)
{ ffn } { ao3 }
Naked skin.
Soft and tempting. Like rose petals beneath his fingertips as Robin slowly strokes his hand up and down Regina’s spine, across her bicep. Her skin is still warm and flushed from their latest tumble in her bedchamber. It would seem it’s one of the rare times that she allows him to hold her after they’ve brought each other to the heights of pleasure.
Whatever it is that they have between them, this physical pull, emotional tether, uncharted chemistry, whatever label one would call it, feels stronger in these quiet moments. More intimate. While it’s not something that Robin could have ever anticipated feeling when he and the queen had met, he can’t say that he isn’t intrigued by it.
Where Robin would love nothing more than to delve into the depths of her soul, to learn every nook and cranny of what this fascinating woman is made of, Regina isn’t ready for that yet. Barely gives him anything more than the physical. And he can’t really blame her for it. What little he has learned of what she’s gone through, from Regina herself, as well as the princess, is that she’s been forced to endure pain and suffering for most of her life.
The loss of her son has prevented her from opening herself up to anymore pain.
So he will give her whatever he can, whatever she needs from him. If that means this stays merely sex, a distraction, Robin can accept that. Will bide his time and support her until she’s ready to give him the pieces of her heart that he craves. For she’s stolen his own out from under him.
Her leg slides over his, her thigh settling between each of his own as she tucks her chilled toes beneath his calf. It makes Robin chuckle and wrap his arm more securely around her shoulders as her head rests on his chest, just above where his heart rate is slowly returning to something resembling a normal rhythm.
“Tell me one of your fantasies.”
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doqweek · 7 years
Start of Something New, Chapter 10
@doqweek Day 5- “Teach Me.” When Roland wants to have a family dinner outside on a nice spring day, Regina decides to teach Mal how to make a pie–and things get messy.
For @the-alpha-incipiens who requested flirty cooking with the line “I’ve never been so attracted from you” and the line “you think you’re funny?” from my prompt list. And for @x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x who suggested meringue. 
Previous installments of this verse can be found HERE.
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doqweek · 7 years
Castle on the Hill (DOQ day 3 and 4)
Day 3 and 4 for  @doqweek  (late again-oops) I think I may continue to pair up just because I have no free time. This is short because I allotted time and then forgot I had picked up an extra shift at work tonight!
It’s their first family vacation, they decide (after some disagreements) that it’s time to take a trip back to the Enchanted Forest, the land that used to be home.
Unbeta’d. Please excuse all the grammar mistakes, I know they can be really annoying but I wanted to get this out! Disclaimer. I don’t own OUAT.
Read this chapter and Days 1 and 2 here
They had been together for about a year, and after a few crazy months where Emma turned to the dark side, Roland rather hilariously suggested it was because they had cookies, life had returned to normal. As normal as it ever gets in Storybrooke- which meant numerous fears of a curse, rumours of another villain destroying the town. Mal had moved into the mansion after the six month mark, she was never at her apartment anyway and sometimes we have to not think of the consequences and close our eyes and leap.
Henry was sixteen, he would be leaving to go to college soon, and Roland was growing up into a big boy which made everyone’s heart ache. All was forgotten when he gave them a toothy grin, and the dimples would reappear. Him and Henry would often be found in each others rooms, exchanging stories of far off lands. Henry helping Roland with his reading on the way. Reading was something that Roland liked to share with Mal. Robin and Regina were sure that Roland had raided the library for every book that included a dragon. Mal didn’t seem to mind one bit, had laughed when Roland handed her the first one, the picture of innocence. Mal would share stories of her own, edited for the child’s ears, and would only stop once his laughter made way for gentle snores. Elle was doing well, she had started crawling a few months ago, which had led to the mortified faces of the three parents, and Henry declaring he was going to Ma’s house. Some things should not be picked up by your eight month child. After that disaster, they had all been more careful and enjoyed watching their daughter explore. At just over a year she was trying to walk, pushing herself up and grabbing on to something, she was nearly there, but every time Regina had the camera ready she would fall to the floor with a gentle thud. The first time it had happened Robin had panicked, thought she had hurt herself, Regina reminded him how resilient children were, and if Elle hurt herself they would know about it.
It was summer, and as much as they loved Storybrooke they just wanted to get away, enjoy a family holiday before Henry got too stressed about his GPA, and well before anything else could arrive in Storybrooke.
The kids loved the idea, Roland wanted to go to Disneyland, Mal, naturally thought this was a brilliant idea, she would do anything Roland said. Regina laughed, asking Mal if she knew what Disneyland was, Mal shook her head- embarassed. Regina would kiss away the embarassment later, saying how sweet it was that she would do anything for their little boy. Mal had quietened her, pressing a kiss to her lip- as much as she loved the little lion man, now was not the time to be discussing their kids.
Robin was less keen on Disneyland- he would not be getting on a metal contraption thousands of feet in the air, that would spin you around. Roland had called him boring. Henry had, rather cheekily blamed his mom. Regina indignant asked why
“He’s heard you slag off the bug so many times he doesn’t think that anything can be safe”
“A roller coaster has to be tested daily, and it’s a theme park for children it’s perfectly safe. That yellow monstrosity hasn’t seen a safety check since it left the factory a century ago”
Now it was Mal’s  turn to laugh “Now now dear don’t get too wound up “
Regina never one to let someone have the last word replied “Oh honey you should know that this isn’t me wound up”
Henry, wisely, cleared his throat. He loved his family, but sometimes they were a bit too much. There were things that no son should see or hear. At least all three of them had the decency to look at least a little embarrassed, he knew it was only a matter of time, so returned to the topic they were supposed to be talking about it. He had somewhere he wanted to go, but he wasn’t quite sure how his parents were going to take it, “Um mom, mama, pa”
“Yes my little prince” his mom replied. Henry was still Regina’s ultimate weakness, forever the apple of her eye.
“I was wondering could we maybe go to the Enchanted Forest for our holiday, the portals in the sorcerer’s house are safe now, and well I wanted to see it, I know it doesn’t hold the happiest of memories for all of you, so it’s just a suggestion”
Regina went to move to her son, “Henry, just take a deep breath” she was hugging him tightly, and sooner or later was joined by Mal and Robin. Roland went to pick Elle up, before joining.
All three adults shared a look and it was clear they were all thinking the same thing. They loved their son, loved how he always had their back, how he loved them so much. He was wise beyond his years, cared so much, sometimes much. He was sixteen, so much of his childhood a whirlwind of emotions- he deserved to enjoy his adolescence.
The hug broke, and Regina gently cupped his face, “Henry our past is just that, yes it’s affected us, we’ve made decisions we will have to live with, we’ve all faced hardships, battles won and lost. I used to think that it would never be worth it, my life was destined to be a disappointment. I was wrong, it took a long time, but look around. I have two gorgeous sons, a beautiful daughter, two people who love me with all their heart. I have a family. Everything I, we, went through, led us here and I cannot regret that. The Enchanted Forest doesn’t always hold the happiest memories, so why not make better ones”
Henry didn’t reply- sometimes no words are needed, and instead hugs his mother again.
Regina had to hold back the tears, she didn’t want Henry to think that she didn’t want to go, or that he’d upset her. He hadn’t. She just loved him, loved all of them so much.
“Why don’t you go and pack”
Henry did just that, taking Roland and Elle with him. He knew his parents would want to talk, just because they were alright with going didn’t mean it was going to be easy.
Robin embraced Regina as soon as the children left, felt the moisture of her tears on his shoulder.
Mal had put the kettle on, nothing solved problems like a cup of tea.
“He was so concerned for us. I could see the excitement in his eyes at the prospect of going to the Enchanted Forest,  but he felt guilty for asking. I don’t want him to feel like he can’t ask me something”
Mal and Robin’s heart ached, knowing Regina had nothing to worry about, Henry adored her , but also knowing the insecurities,  the gnawing anxiety that came along with years of loss and neglect.
They told her how much Henry loved her , leant their shoulders to cry on,  whispered sweet nothings in her ear.  
The following morning and Regina’s anxiety had subsided.  It was their first family vacation and she was excited.
So it seemed were the rest of the family if Roland’s scream of “We’re all going on a summer holiday”  . There were no bleary eyes around the table, just the excitable buzz that came with going away.
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doqweek · 7 years
for the @doqweek : day 4, EF/Missing Year. dedicated to my fellow sinner @x-wishes-on-fallen-stars-x ;) 
After being fooled by Snow, Regina needs to unwind, and she goes to Mal’s castle to… play a bit. Until a famous thief interrupts them…
Take My Hand Through The Flames, on Ao3. 
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doqweek · 7 years
Swingers, Ch 3
A/N: Soooo…this is my first attempt at a foursome. I’ve been working on it for a straight year. And if it were not for @repellomuggletum15, @somewhereapart, @trina-deckers, @outlawqueenbey, @the-alpha-incipiens, and @brookeap3, this fic would have NEVER gotten done. So I thank you guys for helping me, cheerleading me, encouraging me, and giving me those much needed kicks to the ass. And Bea, who turned this messy project into something readable (i.e., something with actual punctuation).
This is for DOQ Week, Day 3: First Times. There are lots of firsts here. First real girlfriend for Mal, first time with someone Mal cares about, Mal’s love interest’s first time swinging, even a first “I love you”.
Headed to your coast in two weeks!  Can’t wait to see you xoxox
It isn’t too different from her standard text, and Mal’s isn’t too different when she makes plans around Boston and stop in to visit Robin and Regina.  Over time they’ve become close friends, but the distance keeps their visits to a few times a year, and despite them all wishing the visits were more, there is a certain novelty being kept in play by seeing each other so rarely.  There is also a certain amount of casual flirtation they do up to these visits, usually in a group text.  And it is nice.  They are close friends, closer than most people know, and wonderful lovers.
Their visits do not always include winding up in bed together, but it usually happens.  Over the years those excursions have become a bit wilder as they had grown more comfortable with one another (or, particularly as Robin and Mal have become more comfortable with each other.  Regina, well, Regina is comfortable with both of them.)
During one visit, Mal had expectantly showed up with a date, a handsome, if goofy-looking guy named Kristoff. Kristoff was a Norwegian that was happy and upbeat almost nauseatingly enthusiastic about everything.  By the end of the night, he had wound up in the sheets with them.  That in itself had been very new for Regina and Robin, and had been a test for Robin’s comfort.
They would swing before, but by the time Robin got involved it was very much like couple swapping, where he and another beautiful woman engaged while Regina did the same with that lady’s partner.  But that… that had been four people all having sex, leaving Robin and a less-concerned Kristoff to navigate around each other.  It was a different experience, he wasn’t used to making eye contact with a man so often during sex, especially an overly enthusiastic man who gave goofy smiles and wiggled eyebrows suggestively at Robin during the entire night.  And though Robin found he quite enjoyed his time with the couple, he admitted to Regina he was pleased to learn Mal had cut Kristoff loose (“He bored me,” was the only thing she had gotten out of her as the reason for the breakup).
But then there is Ruby, Ruby, the SuicideGirls model who had a home full of black lights and lava lamps and glow-in-the-dark sex toys.  Ruby is fun, and gorgeous, and up for whatever.  Mal had met her at one of the parties she attended and became close friends, or playmates… or something (they certainly weren’t exclusive, exclusivity was not in Mal’s nature).
Sex with Ruby is… otherworldly.  It is almost a blessing that Regina and Robin do not live closer to the two of them, or the sex might become too addicting.  There had been one weekend where the four of them had never left Mal’s bed – they had only met for drinks, and Ruby showed up, dressed in far too little, makeup heavy and smeared. In a few moments the girl was on Robin’s lap, and minutes later she leaned in to kiss Regina right there as they enjoyed cocktails, and then they were all lost in each other, nearly getting thrown out of a cab going back to Mal’s,  It was… intense.  There have only been a few times attraction and needs had been so raw as that first weekend with Ruby.  And while she missed the nice meals, great conversation, the time alone with Mal to just catch up and be friends, she walked away with fond memories of that weekend, and quite frankly, if it were to repeat itself it would be quite nice….
Regina is lost in thought about that weekend when the phone rings.  She’s surprised to see it’s Mal.  Mal isn’t one for phone calls.  She is texts and the occasional email, but that’s really it.  
“Regina!” Mal exclaims… and what was that in her voice?  She sounded a bit younger and almost… scared?  Hesitant?   “I got your text.  It’ll be nice to see you.”
“Is something wrong?” Regina asks, figuring she should just be direct.  Mal’s false excited voice doesn’t fool her - never will.  Something is off.  Perhaps Mal wanted to take sex off the table for the weekend, maybe it was a bad time for her… maybe….
“No, nothing’s wrong.  I, uh, I….It’ll be nice.  You both can meet Gwen.”  Meeting friends or romantic partners isn’t new to Regina.  But it’s the way she says her name – Gwen ­­– that throws her off.
“Oh, Gwen, huh?” she teases, imitating her tone.  “And who is Gwen?”
“My girlfriend,” Mal clarifies, though she needn’t.  Still, using the word, defining a relationship like that, is so out of character for Mal the word almost slaps Regina in the face.
“I was unaware you had a girlfriend.”  She tries to keep the hurt out of her voice, but they tell each other everything, she and Mal, and it hurts to not know of every new development in her life.
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doqweek · 7 years
Drawn to the Fire (3/7) - DOQ Week Day 3: First Times (Rated M)
Better late than never, right? This is for you, @audreysl0ve. I hope you like it. @doqweek
Summary: The first time Mal, Robin, and Regina have sex together.
AO3 Link
Drawn to the Fire (Day 3: Family)
Regina glances at the clock, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she checks the time. She paces in her living room, wanders into the hallway to stare into a mirror. Fixes her hair, releases that lip and makes sure her lipstick isn’t on her teeth now. Studies her reflection carefully, smoothes the royal blue fabric of her dress over her hips and tummy.
This is ridiculous. She is being ridiculous.
Telling herself that doesn’t stop the flutter of nerves in her belly, the coils twisting and curling around each other like snakes, working her all up into knots—
Okay, that’s enough of the mixed metaphors.
She pointedly does not look into the mirror again, her eyes slipping right past it as she heads into her kitchen. The food is ready, of course, laid out perfectly so all she has to do is take it to the table once they arrive. The wine is breathing, and she considers pouring herself a glass, just to take the edge off. To get rid of those butterflies taking up residence in her stomach.
Regina goes to run a hand through her hair, but she doesn’t want to muss it. An unbidden thought passes through her head that it’ll be mussed soon enough anyway, but she shouldn’t think like that. This evening is not about that, and there are no guarantees that this dinner date is going to end with them all in bed together.
Except it might, because they had finally discussed it. Robin and Mal have been seeing each other for a few weeks now, having their own private outings, learning and getting to know one another better. They had had group dates as well, just the three of them, usually here at the mansion or occasionally in the forest. Nowhere public, not yet, not when they’re still feeling each other out, still learning just what they’re doing.
She’s still not sure what they’re doing, but she’s — dare she even think it — been happier than she’s felt in weeks, even in that brief, sunny time when she had Robin and Roland and before Marian — before her sister — came back to try and ruin it. There’s been some stress over their arrangement, mostly centered around trying to balance everything, making sure no one felt left out, trying to navigate a brave new world in their love lives. Not to mention the various insecurities they all have, the tempers and the stubbornness.
Another glance at her reflection in a mirrored surface in her kitchen, her face morphing into a scowl as she realizes she’s being ridiculous, again. She already knows everything is perfect, not a hair out of place, flawless makeup that both Robin and Mal like on her, a dress that she knows she looks fantastic in. But she’s still checking every five seconds, like some sort of teenager with her first crush, when she is well beyond that stage of her life.
But this night is special, it’s important in a way all the others are not. Sex had been off the table for all their other group dates, with Mal and Robin not feeling quite comfortable enough for that. The most they had done was a little kissing; some rather passionate kissing that had left her wanting more, had had her lying in her bed with her own hand between her thighs, remembering how it felt to kiss Robin and then kiss Mal.
(She’s not sure she’s come harder than when she touched herself remembering when she asked Robin and Mal to kiss, just because she wanted to see it. It had been everything she could have hoped for, the two people she loved kissing each other, tentative and shy at first but then slowly building.)
Tonight, however, there’s the possibility it won’t stop with kissing. Both Mal and Robin had talked to her beforehand, letting her know they were open to maybe moving to the next stage, if she was game, and was she ever. She wants them, and though she’s slept with them individually in the time since they started this arrangement, she’s become more and more eager to have them together. To experience that particular act with them.
She couldn’t believe when both Mal and Robin approached her and said they might be willing to take that next step. Just the possibility had set her tingling with arousal.
And now she’s here, a nervous wreck like some inexperienced girl about to lose her virginity. (She was that girl, once, and no, she will not think about her wedding night now. Her nerves are different, anyway, anxious but excited, unlike that particular night she tries to bury down deep in her memories.)
The sound of her doorbell ringing makes her jerk, has her startling out of her thoughts the way sudden, loud noises always do, and that has her feeling anxious and ridiculous as well. It’s just the doorbell, and she’s expecting people anyway, so it shouldn’t be such a shock. But she’s scattered tonight, nervous, so worried that tonight is going to be the night everything blows up in her face, she’s been so happy…
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doqweek · 7 years
↖️ this blogger supports dragon outlaw queen.
Reblog if you agree!
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