dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
Looking back at my internship in Aruba
Hello everyone. I am back in Belgium. It is very strange. I have to go back to school. It is very difficult to get used to normal life again. I miss the sun, my colleagues, the atmosphere, etc. Looking back on my adventure. It was nice to live on our own for a while. It is a lot of responsibility. It was also very nice at work. My colleagues were very friendly and fun to work with. It was a nice atmosphere at work. Aruba itself is a very beautiful island. Beautiful beaches, cozy bars and restaurants, very nice activities, very friendly people, etc. I certainly want to go there again one day. 
Finally, I would like to thank everyone once again for this wonderful opportunity. I have had a wonderful time there which I will never forget.
This is my last blogpost. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye.
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
De laatste dag op The University of Aruba
Hallo allemaal. Het is bijna zover. Het einde is in zicht. Mijn laatste dag op the University of Aruba is voorbij. Ik heb mijn resultaat besproken met zowel Iveta, mijn stagementor, als met Mr. Pareijn. Ik ben enorm tevreden met het resultaat. Hieronder zie je ook nog een foto met mijn collega’s en mijn certificaat.
Bij deze wil ik iedereen ook nog eens even bedanken. Zowel mijn stagementor als het volledige team van Finance. De voorbije drie weken zijn heel goed verlopen. Het waren allemaal heel fijne mensen om met samen te werken. Het is ook niet normaal wat ik allemaal heb bijgeleerd van hun. Alles werd goed uitgelegd. Ze betrokken me overal bij. Dat was enorm fijn.
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
Aruba’s grand lightning parade
Hello everyone. Yesterday we went to the grand lightning parade. Aruba is the third best country to celebrate carnival. So we are very happy to be here. The whole month of February there are all kinds of events. The grand lightning parade was such an event. It was a very big turnout. All women and men dressed up. It was really wonderful to see. Below I give you some videos. Be sure to take a look. Thank you for reading my blog. Bye for now.
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
The second week at work
Hello everyone. Today is Saturday 23/02. Yesterday was the last day of our second working week.  In this blog post I want to take you with me this week and tell you what I have done. I always work here from 8 am to 5 pm. We start our day here at the University of Aruba always very quiet. We take a drink, talk to our colleagues, etc. The days here at the university pass quickly. It is always very busy. So there is some work to be done. My tasks here at the university are not very diverse, but it is a lot of work. Of course, 3 weeks is not such a long time. It is therefore difficult for the companies to fully integrate us into the company at that time. However, they do try to show us a lot. What I can do here is book purchase invoices, file paper, copy and scan, book some payments, etc. I also do a lot of research. Checking if everything is correct. I even have a day to help get the archive in order. It was a lot of work. A lot of extras didn't really happen this week. I experienced some funny moments in the workplace. The people from the financial department are all really nice to work with. One day I work together with Sueyenne, then with Javier and also with Debbie. All three of them are very nice to work with.  I want to thank them very much for their guidance these three weeks. This was my second working week. Bye for now.
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
Hallo allemaal. In deze blogpost ga ik jullie vertellen over ons tweede weekend hier in Aruba. Het was een onvergetelijk weekend. We hebben zowel een stukje natuur bekeken als een stukje cultuur. 
zaterdag 17/02
Op zaterdag hebben we veel verschillende dingen gedaan. We zijn die dag meteen vroeg opgestaan. Mevr. Noyens wilde graag met ons de Hooiberg beklimmen. Het zijn meer dan 600 treden die we moesten oplopen. Na de Hooiberg moesten we even bekomen. Daarom zijn we met z’n allen naar het strand gegaan. Aan dat strand is het blauwste water van Aruba te vinden. Het is echt heel mooi om te zien. We hebben daar enkele uren gelegen op het strand. Na enkele uren hadden we even genoeg van het strand. Het was middag dus de zon was wel erg sterk. Met als gevolg dat ik heel erg verbrand was die dag. We zijn dus maar terug gegaan naar Blue Village. We hebben daar nog even een rustige namiddag gehad. Later zijn we nog even een kapelletje gaan bezoeken. Het was niet erg groot maar er worden toch nog steeds vieringen in gedaan. Naast het kapelletje lag ook een vredesdoolhof. Mevr. Noyens en ik hebben het helemaal afgelegd. In de avond zijn we lekker iets gaan eten. Er was op dat moment ook karaoke bezig in die bar/restaurant.
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zondag 18/02
Zondag zijn we weer vroeg op gestaan. We hadden afgesproken met een stagementor van vorig jaar. Daarmee zijn we een off-road trip gaan doen. Hier zijn we in het Arikok National Park geweest. Maar ook op enkele andere prachtige plaatsen buiten het park. Ze heeft ons echt de mooiste plaatsjes van Aruba laten zien. Echt magisch. Later zijn we samen met haar even pizza gaan eten. Het waren erg grote pizza’s dus we hebben ze moeten delen om ze op te krijgen. In de avond zijn we nog rustig even naar de winkel geweest. Een rustige avond gehad en dan niet te laat gaan slapen om maandag weer fris en wel op het werk te staan.
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
My first 2 internship days
Hello everyone. Yesterday was my first day at the University of Aruba. Monday I had already been there, but only for an introduction. Yesterday I really started.
Tuesday 12/02 I was at work at 8 o'clock. Here I had a long conversation with Iveta, my supervisor. We discussed the company, my school and my qualities. We got to know each other a little better. Then I was introduced to my colleagues from the financial department. The rest of the day I walked with Sueyenne. I listened all day long to how she explained what she had to do. At the end of the day I also did a bit of filing work.
Wednesday 13/02 Today I arrived again at 8 o'clock. I started the morning quietly with some explanation. At 10 o'clock Sueyenne had to go to class. She is also taking a course in business economics at the university. So she let me scan some papers at that time. I also did some filing work. In the afternoon I got a moment to work on my GP. There was no work for me for a while. After that I did some filing work again.
These were my first two days. Bye for now...
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
Our first day in Aruba
Hello everyone. My first day in Aruba was really nice. We did a lot of fun things in one day. 
First, we had a nice breakfast in the resort. After that, we did our first shopping in the supermarket. We had bought so much. The trunk of our bus was even too small to transport. In the afternoon we went to explore the city Oranjestad. It is a very nice city. There is a large harbour, shopping streets and many bars. We even saw some iguanas in the city. A little later we left the city. It was very hot there, so we went to the beach. Before we went to the beach, we quickly went to the California Lighthouse. It is a very nice spot. You have a very nice view over Aruba.
This was our first day in Aruba. Bye for now... 
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
University of Aruba
Hallo allemaal. Nog vijf dagen te gaan. Dan vertrek ik eindelijk naar het warme Aruba. Ik kijk er erg naar uit. 
Mijn stage vindt plaats in de universiteit van Aruba. Deze universiteit is gelegen in Oranjestad. Dit is de hoofdstad van Aruba. Ik zal mijn stage doen op de afdeling ‘Finance’. Hier zal ik drie weken werken onder begeleiding van mijn stagementor. Wie ik nu al zeer dankbaar ben voor deze kans. 
Tot de volgende blogpost. Te aworo!
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
What I want to do
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Above, I show you four topics of what I would like to do in Aruba. 
First of all, I want to go to the Arikok National Park. This park is a home for rattlesnakes, parakeets, whiptail lizzards, numerous iguanas, goats, donkeys and migratory birds. In the National Park you can observe the area’s wildlife, explore the caves, sand dunes and limestone cliffs that populate the area or cool down in the natural pool (on the first picture).
Second, I want to make a walk in eastern Aruba. Here, you can find Ayo and Casibari Rock Formations. It is a cluster of cacti and boulders. Formations make it an interesting stop and offer a panoramic vista from the top.
The next topic is Aruban Carnival. It is a really big deal over there. It means weeks of events that bring us colorfully decorated floats, loud music, luxuriously costumed groups, King & Queen elections and beautiful light parades. On Jouvert Morning, there is a big jump-up. On that morning, there are thousands of people who wake up to go to San Nicolas. There, they walk behind beautiful decorated floats.
And last but not least, I want to go to Eagle Beach. It is a long stretch of white sand. On some websites, it reaches the top 10 of most beautiful beaches. There are shade trees in some areas, so you don’t have to lay in the sun all day. 
You see, I am really looking forward to going to Aruba and seeing all of this. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye for now...
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dorienvandenbergh · 6 years
Welcome to my blog
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Within four weeks, I will leave this country to go on an internship in Aruba. This internship will take place on the University of Aruba and lasts three weeks. I leave 9 February and I will be back on 3 March. This is a beautiful opportunity, which I’m really grateful. In this blog you can follow all my adventures. I will post work-related things, but I also want to show you a little more about Aruba itself. Bye for now...
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