dorisbestfriends4ever · 11 months
[demo2023 lyrics]
white bull terrier*
and i was two when you got me 
you singled me out behind the rusted wire fence
you never liked living alone
a 30 pound white bull terrier 
with a spot on my face that you kissed 
the day that you got me and took me home 
to where you reside
with the remains of old dogs 
that still sit at the door and wait 
of you to get home
to come home
you hated living alone 
i’m yours now
i hear your recall and i’m there
when you slap your hands
from which you feed me
the ones you bare my body in
but now my teeth can’t grip 
the words to make you hear me
i’ve learned to bite the bullet 
and keep quiet till i’m alone
time alone with you is now time alone with myself
just put me down like a dog 
who wont make it till monday 
and i’m trying to get home
i just want to get home to you
help me decide
if i should try
help me decide 
if i should try
be tall be strong 
white bull terrier
be tall be strong
white bull terrier 
the horse race*
in repetition there is comfort 
and in comfort i’ll repeat the same mistakes 
and when the race is finally over 
they’ll never catch me 
i never made it there 
if we run this race 
would you stand with me 
in the place they left and we can watch them 
move into the space that i was aiming for 
they will cross the finish line 
i am running i am chasing 
they have all moved past me we can watch them 
fall at the finish line 
but i am not complete 
were you watching 
i’m not complete 
in repetition there is comfort 
and in comfort i repeat the same mistakes 
and when the race is finally over 
they’ll never catch me 
i never made it there
(and if i make it i’ll fall at the line, the horse race)
if you keep walking 
over the petals underneath your feet
you will fall through
you will fall through 
no matter hard i try 
i’ve come undone again
i will fall through
i will fall through 
3 plates at this table 
not a single one mine
you will fall through 
you will fall through
bite marks all over this apple 
not a single one mine 
fairfield, conn.*
when it gets quiet that’s when i hear it
hear it the loudest
i should have been there, i should have known
should’ve known better
still haven’t seen you cry haven’t heard you say
never hear you say sorry
hit me as hard as you can
until the boy problems 
leave my voice
hit me as hard as you can
until my breath is gone 
spoken word - she makes me feel better, but for how long will she keep me safe
who’s gonna be there to notice i’ve changed, watch me grow, or stay the same
how was i supposed to know i spoke too much 
it felt like i was right until i got home 
i still can’t talk to my mum i still can’t tell if you leaving was good or bad 
but i promised to keep moving forward, keep growing until i see no one else around me 
i will keep running and i will keep falling 
i watched her as she drew her gun from the holster 
loaded with every vulnerability i’ve told her 
she fires it for the start of the race, i run with no knowledge of the end and i will keep running with no knowledge of the end 
at what point does “no questions asked, at some point i just wasn’t enough” turn into “no questions asked, you tried your best”
i will not find 
my way home 
i will not find 
my way home 
(and i have tried i fell, 
i will keep on running it home)
every time i stand by the kitchen 
teach myself how to cry
i forgot the feeling 
wish i understood why
catch the bus every morning 
i’m learning how to fit in
but when i sit there all alone 
they’re always there with me
reminds me of the summer 
the same 3 songs on repeat
if i could take us back to then 
would you tell me the same 
no questions asked 
at some point, i just wasn’t enough 
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