dorknhime · 3 years
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dorknhime · 3 years
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tannernovlan_: My friends are out of this world… #dadjoke what a weekend. Happy Birthday to the og Space Cowboy @glenpowell always the best time celebrating you
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dorknhime · 3 years
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chordoverstreet: Happy birthday to the man himself glenpowell Can’t wait to see what you do this year bud!! You get better and better each year like a fine wine!! Love you bud!!
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dorknhime · 3 years
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nickolaswayne via Instagram Story
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dorknhime · 3 years
Chord Overstreet- “Dancing In The Dark” (Bruce Springsteen Cover) Live at Hotel Cafe
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dorknhime · 3 years
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Hotel Cafe, September 23rd, 2021.
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dorknhime · 3 years
Via Jenna Ushkowitz's Instagram Story (September 23rd, 2021)
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dorknhime · 3 years
Acapulco — Official Trailer | Apple TV+
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dorknhime · 3 years
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Chord Overstreet as “Chad” in Apple TV+’s upcoming show Acapulco 
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dorknhime · 3 years
chordoverstreet: “Good Times” comes out this Friday 9/24 and the first 5,000 people to pre-save will get a sneak peak at the #Sunkissed music video. link in bio ❤️
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dorknhime · 3 years
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chordoverstreet: Don’t forget to share my last IG Reel to your story and tag @chordoverstreet on Instagram. I’ll see you guys at @thehotelcafe on 9/23! 
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dorknhime · 3 years
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嵐 // 22th
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dorknhime · 3 years
tannernovlan_ via Instagram Story
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dorknhime · 3 years
From TV Life 2020/12/25:
TL: While looking back at 2020, please determine an award for each member. Sakurai-san in 2017, 2018, and 2019 won the award for appearing on Nippon Television the most. For getting the award for three consecutive years, he's been included in the hall of fame.
S: I'm included in the hall of fame? Thank you very much.
M: In that case, let's give him a new award this year!
A: Ah, protein?
M: "Consumed Protein Award."
S: Ahahaha! (laughs)
A: Between us members, he consumed it the most.
M: Tofu or natto for example.
O: When Sho-chan eats natto, he stirs it a lot.
S: It's fun! (laughs)
M: Then, once again, congratulations for receiving "Consumed Protein Award."
S: I’m thankful.
M: Please give a comment for receiving the award!
N: Since this is the first in Japan.
S: Between the many awards available, this is the one I was aiming for the most (laughs).
O: Fufu… that’s great (laughs).
TL: Next up is Ninomiya-san. In 2019, he ate cereals and did a lot of exercise, so he received “Health Oriented Award.”
N: I haven’t been exercising much lately.
M: In that case, what should we go for? I see him wearing jerseys and sandals often, but…
A: After work, he doesn’t go to the green room and goes straight home, huh. Lately, when I notice it, he’s no longer there (laughs).
M: Ah, that’s right!
N: In that case, “When I Notice It, He’s Not There Award” (laughs).
A: That’s right (laughs).
S: Sexy Zone were also surprised, right. After the live broadcast of Music Station, they went to the green room to greet us.
N: That time, Leader was also not in the green room, right?
O: I also went home at the same time as Nino.
S: Ohno-san also wasn’t there? (Laughs) So, I told Sexy Zone, “He's no longer here.” They were surprised, “Eh?!”
A: Nino also went home without returning to the green room after recording Arashi ni Shiyagare, right?
N: I didn’t return.
M: He changes his clothes in the anteroom in front of the studio and goes home just like that.
S: VS Arashi too, right?
N: That’s right (laughs).
S: Also, during concerts, he’s quick to go on standby. He’s already done two and half hours before the concert starts.
A: He’s hasty, right? (Laughs).
S: That's right. Then, "Hasty Award?" (Laughs)
N: Is that okay to give it to me? I thought that award should be for Aiba-san.
A: No, I'm already different. For 2020, Nino is...
O: "Hasty Award." (Laughs)
S: It's your first time receiving it, right!
N: Yay~ I'm happy! Thank you very much! (Laughs)
TL: Then, next up is Matsumoto-san. For 2019, instead of an award, we went with Sakurai-san's suggestion "Matsumoto Obtained a New Drill!" (a tool for stretching in a drill form) Afterwards, because he gave out the drill to the members, he received the award “Matsumoto Gave Out New Drills” at the same time.
M: Fufu (laughs).
A: He gave out the new drills to us, right.
S: Thanks to that, I felt great. During the live broadcast of The Music Day, for example, I put it into real use and it really helped me.
M: That's right, you used it. After that, I still haven't received any new drill.
S: I got it, 2020 Matsujun should be, "Matsumoto Obtained a New Projector!" no?
M: Ahahaha! (Laughs)
N: "Obtained a High-Definition Projector!" right? (Laughs)
S: It was long awaited, right! Lately, he's always mentioning it.
N: Since he's mentioning it so much, I think it's a good one, definitely.
O: That's right.
N: In other words...
A: Movie theater level?
S: Since if it's just a normal projector, there's one in Matsujun's house, so we haven't got the opportunity to see this one, right? If there's a chance I'm planning to go there, though.
M: That's completely alright, go ahead.
A: I also wanna see it.
M: Please come whenever (laughs).
TL: You gave out drills to members, but as expected a projector is...?
M: That's true.
S: I was waiting for it, though!
M: No, no, because I think there are people who will be troubled if they receive a projector... (Laughs)
N: In that case, for the sake of seeing the projector we have to go to Matsumoto House, right.
S: I'll go!
A: I'll go.
O: Yep.
S: I'll go with the pretext of being shown the projector (laughs).
M: Understood (laughs). Then I'll prepare good materials {as in videos, pictures etc}.
TL: Then it's Aiba-san's award. The award for 2019 is “Often Got an Undercut Award”
A: Undercut is… I also have it from time to time this year (laughs).
S: As I thought, 2020 Aiba-kun is TikTok, no?
N: That’s right. Certainly, the impression of TikTok is strong, right.
A: I had everyone’s cooperation.
S: As such, “Funny Video Grand Prize!”
N: You received a grand prize!
M: Congratulations!
A: Is it alright to have the grand prize? (Laughs) Thank you very much.
S: Aiba-kun is amazing, really. He did a simulation with the managers before we took the video.
A: I had the managers act as Arashi members. To check if we really can shoot the video with the members.
S: Thanks to that, we were able to see a different face of our managers compared to the one we usually see (laughs).
A: Even between our managers, there are people who have unexpected talents.
M: There are people like that. If we didn’t have this chance, there would be a lot of things we don’t know, I think.
O: That’s right.
S: We were uncovering the managers’ true faces (laughs).
M: Yep. They looked like they were having fun, too.
N: They had good expressions.
A: They really seemed like they were having fun doing the simulation.
S: In that sense, compared to most people's impression about a manager’s duties, Arashi’s managers’ are so much broader (laughs).
N: I think it’s tough.
M: They’re doing various things.
O: The range of work is broadening.
M: Aiba-kun’s manager’s range of work also broadened.
N: As expected of chief manager! Aiba-kun is “Chief Manager Award.”
A: That’s right. I was chief manager, right (laughs).
N: That’s right!
S: Specially for videos… right? (laughs)
N: “Chief Manager Specially for Videos Award” (laughs).
S: This is a good award, huh.
A: Thank you very much (laughs).
TL: For the last one, Ohno-san. In 2019, for owning a variety of rucksacks, from a water resistant type that's fully covered in plastic to fashionable ones, he received the "The Range of Rucksack is Broad Award."
A: I see (laughs).
S: What should be the 2020 award…
A: Leader lately is…
S: He obtained the strongest item that can become both sandals and shoes, and he’s been wearing it.
O: Yes, that thing that can become both of them.
S: That, you first took it out yesterday?
O: Yep, I started wearing it yesterday.
M: To begin with, did you wear anything other than sandals in 2020?
O: I did.
M: As expected you did, huh (laughs).
S: For In the Summer choreography on Music Station, you danced a lot, right? So the manager told him, “Please bring sneakers.” That time, it’s the first after a while since the last time you wore shoes, right?
O: That’s right, it’s been a while.
S: So he said something like, “I’ve been dancing in sandals so much, so conversely shoes make me uneasy.” And then…
O: I got blisters from the shoes.
N: I also understand that one. Normally, because you don’t wear shoes at all, you get blisters when you do, right?
O: Yep, I got blisters and they were very painful. I can dance better in sandals that I’m already used to.
A: So there’s such a thing, huh (laughs).
N: In that case, shall we go with “He Can No Longer Wear Shoes, right (award)?” (Laughs)
O: I can no longer wear them (laughs).
S: That’s new so it’s good (laughs). In that sense, the strongest item that he’s been wearing since yesterday, I think it’s really amazing.
O: From slippers, it can also be worn as something like sandals. When I’m dancing, if I cover it completely, it also becomes shoes. In addition, because the fabric inside is fluffy, it’s just right for cold seasons.
N: It’s like something to wear in a tent, correct?
O: That’s right.
M: Is that so~ I haven’t seen it.
O: I will show it to you after this.
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dorknhime · 3 years
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chordoverstreet: New video coming soon! @PaulKhoury
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dorknhime · 3 years
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Don’t miss Chord’s upcoming shows at The Hotel Cafe (livestreams & replay of the show for the next 24 hours available!) -> TICKETS
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dorknhime · 3 years
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Chord Overstreet photographed at The Hotel Cafe (Sept 2, 2021) by Aly Fabrizio. (Link)
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