dorlezzie · 16 days
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My contribution to the #cruelmarauderssummer exchange @inkstainedforever and I hosted over on insta 🙈
This is my 8th or 9th time binding Dear Your Holiness and this time I got to partner with the incredible @industrations to create this book.
Indi drew the STUNNING front and back cover as well as the moth and the vines/moth border and Remus’ hand with the Eucharist for the cover. I can’t get over the colors and the two scenes Indi drew 🫠😩🥹😭 Thank you thank you THANK YOU for being the sweetest human and so patient with me as I changed my mind and took my sweet time finishing these.
@mollymarymarie thought you might want to see this version 😘
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dorlezzie · 25 days
HP Fandom Harm Reduction
As much as I wish it were possible, you cannot “separate the art from the artist,” when the author is alive and currently causing harm. If you’re unable to abandon your comfort characters (which is particularly difficult for neurodivergent people), the best we can do as a fandom is withdraw any and all financial support in protest. Avoid licensed merch, The Wizarding World in Orlando, and buy the books used.
For those of us that continue to create fan works, we know that subversive interpretations of the characters infuriates her. Which is part of why many in the Marauders fandom have added significant racial, ethnic, disability, and LGBT+ representation to our stories.
Another important thing to keep in mind is the publicity that our fandom gives to JKR. If we share content in a public forum like TikTok, X, or even here on Tumblr, we are giving her a platform. To undermine that impact, make your feelings about JKR known as loudly as possible. Encourage others to avoid giving financial support to her (she also gets royalties from anything Disney or Universal makes with the Harry Potter brand).
Instead, support Transgender Rights organizations (particularly those that are directly impacted by JKR’s TERF donations in the UK) and trans people seeking healthcare or support:
Organisations and Charities:
TransActual UK
Gendered Intelligence
Gender Identity Research & Education Society (GIRES)
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dorlezzie · 1 month
so cute, loved to do it<3
npt : @lilacfiresoul @tsukiandladybugs @moonydoodlez & anyone who wanna tag along!!!
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@lucasthedoofus-imbackbitch @imarayoffuckingsunshine @imqueerandadeer @gaygoose09 @crowwolf8 @justagremlinoncaffeine
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dorlezzie · 1 month
Regulus: Effie said she’s on her way.
James: How do you know?
Regulus: She… texted me?
James: Why would she text you? I’m her son?
Regulus: Yeah well I’m clearly her favourite.
James: How-
Regulus: Look *whips out phone* she has TWO hearts next to my name.
James: WHAT?
Regulus: See.
James: I only have ONE??
Regulus patting James on the back: Shhh, it’ll be okay.
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dorlezzie · 2 months
Love at first sight
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dorlezzie · 2 months
Regulus: Guys, I need to tell you something
Regulus: I’m in love with my brothers best friend
Barty: Your own brother? The one that was disowned??
Regulus: Not my brother, his best friend
Dorcas: Remus?
Regulus: That’s my brothers boyfriend. I’m in love with his best friend
Pandora: Lily!?
Regulus: No, that’s Remus’ best friend
Regulus: It’s James, I’m in love with James
Evan: Your brothers best friend!?
Regulus: [heavy sigh]
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dorlezzie · 2 months
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dorlezzie · 2 months
kid fic - @wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 221
"Pads?" Harry asked, innocent face twisted into an expression of confusion. "I have a question."
"What's up, Prongslet?" Sirius looked toward his godson, concerned. Harry never looked so...well...serious.
"Can boys date girls? Because Ron says his mummy and daddy are going on a date."
He almost spit out his tea. The question was so hilariously ass-backwards but so sweetly innocent. Indeed, Harry had been raised around all queer couples- he and Remus, Dorcas and Marlene, Regulus and Barty. It made sense, really.
"Harry," he said gently, pulling the small child into his arms. "You mum and dad were married. Remember?"
Harry's eyes widened larger than galleons. "They dated?"
A snort came from the doorway, and Sirius turned to see Remus standing there, eyes sparkling. "Yes, Harry. They loved each other very much. You know that."
But Harry looked even more confused. "Like you and Paddy love each other, though? Not just like me and Ginny love each other?"
Sirius let out another chuckle. "No, Haz. They loved each other like Remus and I do."
"Oh," Harry nodded, face clouded over with thought. "I guess that's okay, then."
Remus walked up to Sirius from behind, pulling him into a hug. "I'm so glad Harry accepts the straights. We've raised such a tolerant child," he murmured in his husband's ear, making Sirius cackle.
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dorlezzie · 2 months
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dorlezzie · 3 months
The people who compare Regulus to a star and James to the sun are correct, but consider: the sun IS a star. Regulus burns just as brightly as James does. You just have to get closer to him.
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dorlezzie · 3 months
going from vanity crimson rivers to melanie just lovers...... they really are the same
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dorlezzie · 3 months
Regulus: can you turn the light off..? I don’t like, the way my body looks…
James: no, no, it’s good!
James: *takes off his glasses*
James: I can’t see shit no more!
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dorlezzie · 3 months
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Barty hearing that Sirius Black apparently k!lled James Potter when he was subject to seven years of their painful codependency.
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dorlezzie · 3 months
✨Life of someone who reads fanfiction✨
I'm working as a process engineer in a multinational environment. I had quite a chill day so I could listen to a fanfiction on Spotify (these podcasts saved my life tho).
And there was a moment when from one side, I could hear some hardcore yelling in korean, and from the other, some seriously toe-curling Wolfstar smut.
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dorlezzie · 3 months
rush, may 3 -- @jegulus-microfic -- 630 words
based off "so high school" by taylor swift from the tortured poets department! genuinely haven't been able to listen to anything else since it came out, and i HAD to write jegulus to it so <3
content warning for brief (but funny) mentions of the noble house of black's ... marriage system lmao
and !! some brief hot kissing at the end (nothing nsfw)
“Regulus. Kiss, marry, kill …” Dorcas glances around at the group, her eyes scanning over Lily, who’s curled up next to Pandora, Peter and Remus sitting together on the sofa, and coming to rest on Sirius on the floor at James’ side.
Immediately, Sirius starts laughing. James can't help but laugh too, watching as opposite him, on the other sofa with Evan and Barty, Regulus’ mouth drops open. “My brother?” he blurts out in disbelief.
Dorcas holds up a finger. “No, hold on, I’m not finished.”
Batting his eyelashes, Sirius makes kissy noises at Regulus, whose face twists into a disgusted expression that could curdle milk. “Come on, Reg. What’s a little bit of marriage between family? Not like it hasn’t happened before.”
Peter and Remus start giggling at this, and Sirius lolls his head back to grin at them. “What? I mean, I don’t think anyone’s married their brother before, but there’s always a first for everything. Toujours pur, right?"
“I will shove my wand down your throat,” Regulus threatens, pointing said wand at his brother. “I’ll kill you.”
“That’s not a very nice way to treat your brother and your husband.”
“I refuse to—”
“Oi!” Dorcas raises her voice to be heard, and the two of them reluctantly stop bickering. Regulus, with a scowl, leans back. “Kiss, marry, kill Sirius …” She swivels her finger around to point at Barty “Barty …” who smirks, and then, torn between picking either Lily or Pandora, who both freeze and look at her in anticipation, she flicks that finger at— “James.”
James blinks. He forces himself not to look in Regulus’ direction, trying hide his smile as a rush of embarrassment creeps in. Of course, Dorcas has no idea about them, but just the fact that she picked him for the game makes his stomach flutter a little bit.
Regulus is still scowling as he jabs his wand at Sirius. “Kill Sirius.”
“Oh, what?” Sirius protests, but he’s still laughing. “Reg, really? So you don’t want to kiss or marry me? I’m distraught.”
Ignoring him, Regulus continues, “Kiss Barty. And I guess …” He screws his nose up as if it’s hard for him to make the decision, but James knows it’s all for show. “Marry Potter?”
Looking up in surprise, James plays along. “Marry me? Thought you found me annoying?”
“I do.” He reaches for the firewhiskey bottle down by the side of the sofa. “But I’m not kissing or marrying my brother, and Barty and I have kissed before, so it won’t be much different. Plus, I can divorce you after.”
“Wow, I’m flattered.”
“You shouldn’t be. Your ego is already big enough. I’m not trying to stroke it any further.”
Later that night, when James pulls away from Regulus’ lips, he asks as he catches his breath, “Marrying me and then divorcing me, are you, love?”
“What?” Regulus rolls his eyes. His hair is messy from where James has had his fingers in it. “Oh, stop it. It was a game and you know it. I would’ve picked you for all three if I could, but then that would’ve been too suspicious.”
“All three?” James hooks his fingers through the belt loops in Regulus’ trousers, pulling him closer and pressing lips to the underside of his jaw. “So you’d murder me, Reggie? Is that what you’re saying?” 
“Mm, perhaps,” Regulus muses, tilting his head back so James’ mouth can move down his neck, his arms around James’ shoulders. “If it means no one else could have you, and I got to keep you forever, then yes.”
“You already kill me everyday just by existing,” James murmurs.
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dorlezzie · 3 months
Like Bowie
Based on an anonymous request, Wolfstar raising Harry
"Paddy? Moons?" Harry's small voice rang out into the sitting area, jolting Sirius from his half-asleep state.
Lifting his head off of Remus's lap, he looked over to the six-year-old, who was currently on the floor, frozen in the middle of playing with a toy Quidditch set. "Yeah, Haz?" Sirius responded, his voice soft.
"The kids at school keep asking me about my scar," Harry said, his tone a bit sad. "They said it's weird and scary."
Immediately, Sirius felt a sharp pang of hurt in his chest. Ever since he and Remus had taken Harry in after James and Lily had died, his overprotectiveness had been almost debilitating, and it was no secret that Harry sometimes struggled with accepting and understanding the things that had happened when he was only an infant. it had been an argument between the two of them about if they should even send Harry to Muggle school, and now the kids were treating him like this? Merlin, if they only knew.
But Remus sat up as well, looking gently between Sirius and Harry. "Progslet, do you remember us telling you about Bowie?"
Harry pondered this for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, he's the one that Pads wants to hold hands with," he answered, giggling a bit.
Sirius let out a bark of laughter at that.
"Not quite," Remus answered patiently, smiling as well. "But we like him, right? He's not scary?"
"No," Harry answered immediately. "He's cool."
"Well, let me show you something," the taller man continued, waving his wand so a record levitated from a shelf.
Sirius and Harry both looked at Aladdin Sane, with an image of David Bowie himself on the cover, a huge lightning bolt painted across his face.
"See? Bowie loved lightning bolts. He would have thought your scar was so cool," Remus explained earnestly, smiling at Harry.
The little boy gasped, eyes huge. "Wow! I'm cool, just like Bowie!"
Sirius laughed at his amazement, knot in his stomach loosening. "That you are, Haz!"
And as Harry turned back to his toys, worries forgotten, Sirius looked at Remus adoringly. "You're amazing, you know," he murmured, his heart full and light.
"As are you," Remus smiled, leaning back onto the couch, pulling Sirius back to him.
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dorlezzie · 3 months
please give me more established relationship jegulus where all bets are off during quidditch season. you are no longer my boyfriend you are The Enemy. arguing over who gets the pitch for morning practice because the gryffindors booked it but when they show up the slytherins are already there. ribbing each other every chance they get. making outrageous bets on each other’s games and heckling each other in the hallways. their friends keeping them separated the morning of game day because the tension is just way too charged and “do not kiss him potter stop that is SABOTAGE”
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