dosdedos2 · 13 days
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Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 (1987) Dir. By Shinji Aramaki Animated By: Hideaki Anno & Kōji Akimoto
Legendary Neon Genesis Evangelion creator Hideaki Anno was only in his mid to late 20s and Kōji Akimoto being only 14 when he helped designed and animated Metal Skin Panic a mecha cyberpunk anime film.
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dosdedos2 · 2 months
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Revive movie posters as an art form NOWWWWW
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dosdedos2 · 3 months
Anytime i see a bunch of pride flags i have to restrain myself from saying "where mexico" bc i doubt anyone will know I'm referencing this
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dosdedos2 · 5 months
everyone get unemployed. i will provide for us.
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dosdedos2 · 5 months
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dosdedos2 · 5 months
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dosdedos2 · 5 months
"the early 2010s were better" no they weren't. "hey soul sister" was on the radio.
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dosdedos2 · 5 months
Still really funny that Marvel named a movie “Endgame” and sold it as the final culmination of the MCU where they killed off two main characters and retired a third and then were shocked when people started losing interest in the MCU after that
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dosdedos2 · 7 months
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He's just hanging around
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dosdedos2 · 7 months
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naw the world aint ready for this text post yet
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dosdedos2 · 8 months
So I know I recently started up my tumblr again but I mostly used it as some sort of public diary and for that reason I haven’t been able to bare my soul but honestly I did find another medium to do so, so even I updated my account and everything… I’m gone… again…
See you guys when I come back
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dosdedos2 · 9 months
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dosdedos2 · 9 months
Jeffrey Epstein‘s flight log was released and scary stuff!
I’ve been googling some of the names and reading some dates and I found some off putting and down right scary 😬
Unfortunately, it’s already known that former 42nd POTUS (from 1993-2001) is named in (I believe, don’t quote me) about 30% of documents.
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Another name I found is Kristy Rogers. Now if you google KR you get an ad for missing children 🥶
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Now if the fact that we get a missing person’s report isn’t scary enough, here’s his flight log but look at the names and pay attention to the dates these flights are taking place! Now I don’t know how to read the 3 letter locations on the from/to column but enlighten me!
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Now if she’s been missing since August of ‘97, why is she on this private flight log in March of ‘01??? That’s chilling.
We’ve also had tv reporters, pornstars, gymnasts, oh and secretary of the treasury Larry Summers.
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There were more than just 19 year old Kristy Rogers, there was also 19 year old Virginia Roberts.
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And of course, somehow not surprising:
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Our 45th POTUS (from January ‘17 to January’21) Donald Trump, with his son Eric Trump.
01/04/2024 @4:00am
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dosdedos2 · 9 months
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dosdedos2 · 9 months
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dosdedos2 · 9 months
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dosdedos2 · 9 months
Work gets annoying sometimes.
I’m not upset with my job but there is one aspect I do hate. I work overnight and I’m the only one here so whenever anything needs doing, I’m the one who does it. With that being said, I move approximately 10-15 cars a night (which is hardly anything for this line work), the whole night. Needless to say, I have a lot of down time. I like to wait sometime between 2am and 5am in order to take a break 🚬. The reason this bothers me is because there could be NO other cars for last 3 hours but the second I step out for 10 minutes, we have 3 pulls, 5 parks, and 2 residents asking to pull something out of their car.
Literally, as I was typing this, this exact scenario happened 🙄
Miss me with that annoying “sometimes you have to work at work” bullshit. Get off your high horse because I’m allowed to feel and I feel annoyed.
Despite all this, I do like my job. I work for a collective total of about 30-40 minutes in my 8 hour shift, I make decent money, and I like my boss… liked, he got fired 😔
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