dot-nidothing · 7 days
On the topic of the explorers, who's fit goes the hardest? I think Amethio got that shit ON
Yeah, honestly I agree, Amethio's fit goes the hardest but I also think some of Sango's disguise outfits are equally as good. Although as disguises they're pretty useless considering we all recognized her instantly... The outfits themselves are still nice.
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dot-nidothing · 7 days
I have a gift for you, it's a PokeBall. What's inside? It's Nidoqueen! Here you go
Huh!? Thank you but I... Can I really accept this? Is it not your partner? It means a lot that you'd do this and I'll take good care of it! But... Is it really okay for me to accept this?
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dot-nidothing · 7 days
Hey Dot!
Lizzy here and I have a quick question for you ofc
Which of the Explorers do you think is the worst?
(For me, it’s Spinel. I hate that Behyeem guy >:( )
also I love Nidothing’s design so much
I definitely agree, I hate that creep Spinel. He wiped Liko's memory that one time when he stole her pendant, which was terrifying. She could've been in serious danger if she hadn't been found and/or if she hadn't gotten her memories back... I'm just so glad we found her quickly, that could've ended horribly...
Then on top of all that, he put out false intel online making us believe she was somewhere else and causing her to stay lost and in danger for longer.
I'm fairly sure he's behind all the other cases of fake intel we've come across too, although I don't have any actual proof..
Then there's what happened lately when Liko got separated from me and Roy in the mountains and Liko told us he used the Rakaruim to make his Umbreon go crazy and then trapped her and Amethio in a cave...
There aren't enough words to express how much I despise Spinel. I can't stand him. He's absolutely the worst of all the Explorers.
..Well anyway...
Thank you, I'm glad you like Nidothing's design! While my Uncle made the costume for me, I came up with the design myself.. So I'm quite proud of it, especially when people say they like it. So thank you!
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dot-nidothing · 7 days
Alright, I beat Liko in a Pokemon Battle! Is it normal for trainers to scream when you dropkick their Pokemon? And are they supposed to bleed so much?
You're not supposed to dropkick Pokémon OR make them bleed. That's not how Pokémon battles work at all.
...Is this why Liko's been so upset the past day? This was a really bad time for you to do something like this, not that you should EVER do something like this... But this was a horrible time considering all that's happened lately...
For future reference, please check the playlist on the Nidothing channel titled Let Me Battle and watch the videos in it to learn how to Pokémon battle properly without causing severe physical harm to your opponent's Pokémon.
I don't really know who you are but you're clearly some level of crazy if you're dropkicking Pokémon... You should get that checked out...
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dot-nidothing · 7 days
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I suppose it is kind of obvious when you look at it that way, huh...?
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dot-nidothing · 7 days
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Pokemon Trainer Goku wants to battle!
(art by me)
Oh wow, this is cool art! It's good to finally have a face to the name Goku too... Thank you for this, your artstyle is so nice too!
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dot-nidothing · 9 days
A Pokemon battle, huh? Well, if that's how people fight over here, then I'm down! Where do I get one of these "Pokemon?"
They're pretty much everywhere, in cities, in the wild, the ocean, the sky... Everywhere you can think of, pokemon are there.
As for how to get one, you can go to a Professor's laboratory and get a starter Pokémon as soon as you've turned ten years old or if you can get a Pokeball from literally any store you can catch a wild one but only under certain circumstances.
A Pokémon will not be caught by a Pokeball if it doesn't want to be or if it's not tired out first. So you'll either have to befriend it or battle it to weaken it so it can't break out of the Pokeball!
Of course, this is just a quick simple explanation, if you need more information I've actually made videos about these exact topics on the Nidothing channel! You should be able to find them in the playlist titled Starting Your Journey!
Hope this helps!
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dot-nidothing · 9 days
What editing software do you use? Where did you get your green-screen?
My green-screen was a gift from my Uncle a few years back, long time viewers of the Nidothing channel might remember when I used to record with just a blank wall in the background... Or when I used to put pictures up behind me.... Or the homemade projector incident....
As for editing software... Surprisingly, I don't use anything too fancy like most people seem to think I do. I mostly use free editing software, I only actually pay for one program.
Since I have to pay for the app I use to make the background music I use in all my videos, I have to either buy or buy the materials to make all the props I use in my videos and I have to buy all the equipment like cameras, mics, ect... It seemed logical to save money on editing software when I can do most of what I need to do on free apps anyway.
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dot-nidothing · 9 days
Do you spell it like "camouflage" or " "
" " Definitely, it's far more effective.
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dot-nidothing · 9 days
hello i am a mysterious higher being. insert 3d being noises anyways we know how you feel about liko. will you admit it, is the question (i am not the higher being that will determine that)
Hi? Sorry, is that an appropriate greeting for a mysterious higher being? I'm not used to this....
I mean yeah, I'll admit it... Maybe not to her just yet because I don't think I'm ready but I'll admit it to others.
I'm not in denial, I'm just... Not ready to confess? I do want to confess how I feel about her at somepoint but now isn't the right time. Especially not with everything that's happened lately.
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dot-nidothing · 9 days
I heard Liko's pretty strong. Can I fight her?
Like in a Pokémon battle or a physical fight? I don't think she'd fight someone physically.. But she'd probably accept a Pokémon battle? You'd probably have to ask her though, not me.
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dot-nidothing · 10 days
Hmm. What a... disappointing revelation. The weak masquerading as the strong. To think the Nidothing is... a pacifist. Disgusting. Even your precious Tinkatink understands, creating mallets out of lesser steel pokemon, it's natural superiors. The same pokemon that you cower behind to fight your battles for you, to bloody their hands to keep yours clean. This is simply the rule of nature. The weak should fear the strong, not command them. Anyway, what materials do you use for your Nidothing outfit? I want to create a cosplay :)
What the heck? I've read this five times now and I still cannot decipher if this is a joke or not, who ARE you? This ask terrifies me.
I think most Pokémon trainers follow the rule of not harming Pokémon? And most people follow the law of not bloodying their hands because killing people or Pokémon is illegal?
Anon, really, who are you?
Well... Anyway, the zip used to be metal but I had to replace it with plastic so Tinkatink doesn't try to turn it into a hammer and cause another near accidental face reveal on stream... The fabric itself is just regular fabric? I'm not really sure what kind. Murdock made it for me and he's always been the one to fix it if it needs patching up or if the stitching comes loose so I'm not really sure what kind of material it is. It's pretty soft though. Hope that helps?
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dot-nidothing · 10 days
How many nidorina pelts did it take to make your Nidothing outfit? Did you hunt and skin them yourself? Asking for a friend
Assuming this is a joke... Anon, how does it feel to be the funniest person in my ask box?
Assuming it's not a joke or that even if it is, that some people do actually believe this... My outfit isn't made from actual Nidorina, it's just regular fabric designed to look like a Nidorina. No Pokémon were harmed in the creation of my outfit, I have never hunted or skinned a Pokémon and I never intend to do so.
But regardless, this is the funniest ask I've gotten by far. Thank you for this, it really made me laugh.
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dot-nidothing · 10 days
No no, talk more about Liko, please.
Okay... Is there anything in particular you'd want me to talk about her?
I can just ramble if that's what you wanted, she's super great and I like her a lot so I could talk about her for days... But is there something specific you wanted to know, Anon?
I'll keep this short for now but I guess in general she's an amazing person, she's so kind to others and her Pokémon... I really care about her a lot and I'm glad we made friends. She's a super talented trainer and artist and sometimes I can't believe she was a fan of my videos before we even met... I'm just so glad we did meet. I'd probably still be spending all day in my room if we didn't.
I'm going to end this here um... If there was anything specific you wanted to hear just let me know, I'm happy to talk more about her!
Thank you for the ask, anon!
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dot-nidothing · 2 months
Iono?! You're on Tumblr??
Wait, this was you? Why?
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Who let their Rockruff or Lycanroc in my ask box?
Mom? Uncle Murdock? Was this either of you?
Half convinced this is one of the explorers trolling me actually.
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dot-nidothing · 2 months
Love you
Oh, thank you, love you too anon :)
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dot-nidothing · 2 months
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Who let their Rockruff or Lycanroc in my ask box?
Mom? Uncle Murdock? Was this either of you?
Half convinced this is one of the explorers trolling me actually.
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