dottie02 · 2 years
kissing you on the forehead
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dottie02 · 2 years
kissing you on the forehead
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dottie02 · 2 years
i think one of my favourite things about tumblr will always be the universal solidarity of Committing To The Bit. like yes that is a great colour for a children's hospital! of course i'm going to make my poll choice to add more vanilla extract to the cake! you have a great fanart of my favourite media down in the cellar, and i should go down first? well don't mind if i do!
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dottie02 · 2 years
had a fucking hilarious dream that tumblr replaced the "block" function with the far funnier "glock" function, which did the exact same thing except whenever anyone blocked you a random bullet hole, like a png of a bullet hole, would appear on your blog. discourse blogs were unreadable bc you'd go to the page and the sheer amount of bullet hole pngs stacked over the blogs obscured everything. I woke myself up laughing
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dottie02 · 2 years
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dottie02 · 2 years
Listen, I'm a firm believer in evidence based medicine. I don't have the kind of mistrust for medical science that leads one to be anti-vaxx or go into crystal healing or homeopathy or whatever. I generally agree that the first person you should ask about your health is a doctor.
But like
But like
After AIDS was mistaken for "a cancer caused by being gay, maybe a symptom of the Disease of Gayness" and all women's issues were chalked up to "hysteria" (aka - You Have A Uterus Disease) and all the many
racist medical practices that have gone on and still go on
I just do not understand the very specific kind of left-leaning individual
who can understand all of that
and is like "No but fatness is the one kind of human diversity that actually just is itself an illness and actually you can just diagnose someone with Being Fat and not explore their healthcare further. Go lose weight if you want basic dignity, chubbo."
Like sometimes I'll get these replies to some of my posts and I'll go to the blog (to block them) fully expecting to see, like, a racist or a troll or something and I find the blog of an otherwise seemingly somewhat socially aware thoughtful individual who apparently lost all their compassion and critical thinking skills the second a fattie was mentioned.
It's not the only marginalized category of people that experiences this phenomenon. But that doesn't stop it from being infuriating. There's a very specific kind of despair and helplessness felt when looking at someone who by all rights should by an ally and hearing them say "We need to end all human suffering.
Except you."
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dottie02 · 2 years
As it turns out, Thomas is the only one who thinks Virgil looks sleep-deprived. None of the other Sides think Virgil is sleep-deprived because they see him asleep all the time.
They’re wrong.
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dottie02 · 2 years
Do you ever eat popcorn out of the palm of your own hand with such ardent desperation that you feel like both a wild horse and the gentle schoolgirl feeding it treats to gain its affection 
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dottie02 · 2 years
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dottie02 · 2 years
Jeph Jacques decided to go out in a blaze of shitposts and in his honor I think it's only right to share these tweets with a wider audience
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goodnight, sweet prince
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dottie02 · 2 years
One of my least favorite mental illness things is "hungry but dont feel like eating" and its companions "hungry but all the food in the house is Illegal," "hungry but can't make anything," and "hungry, want to eat, but why bother"
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dottie02 · 2 years
My favorite thing about fanfic is watching a writer go through all 5 stages of grief as their fluffy one-shot inexplicably becomes a 100k-word novel.
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dottie02 · 2 years
Everyone is moving to here from Twitter. Should we be afraid?
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dottie02 · 2 years
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Phil made SBI art on his latest stream! Apparently he didn‘t plan on this becoming an sbi drawing, but it just happened, now we have an sbi family crest.
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dottie02 · 2 years
id rather you have cringy but honest interests than try and act like everything youve ever loved was in an ironic way cause you think that love for simple or useless or silly things is beneath you . pathetic! embrace existence with both hands coward
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dottie02 · 2 years
In most places it’s illegal to ask people to disclose their sexual orientation or etc. when applying for a job. This applies to acting, because it is a job. 
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dottie02 · 2 years
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happy borth mr innit
[original ref!]
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