“Just stay close to me. I’ve known these lads a long time, good friends, but they haven’t had to face temptation for a long time.” Soon they were through the main populated areas, on their way to the infirmary.
“Why?” she asked innocently. Newt remembered a little something, but not much. The girl now came within a few feet of the man. “My name is Newt. Who’re you? And can you help me find Clemens, then?”
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He smiled slightly, looking at his feet. “One of the reasons I’m the one here with you is that androids are easier to repair than humans. In essence, while I’m quite expensive, I’m also expendable.”
"I didn't think they'd take so much time in repairing you." The Clone said in a flat tone from where she sat on a chair, wrapped in her straight jacket. Cameron was the last individual she wanted to see, but she was curious to see how he would respond to her now.
“You did a fair deal of damage, Eight,” he said casually, but seemingly a bit disappointed… perhaps even hurt. “For a while, they were considering requisitioning an entirely new body for me. The engineers and need for frugality won out.” He pulled his collar down, showing her the scar-like repair seam on his neck.
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"My name's David," he replied, motioning for her to follow him. "I'll show you back to the infirmary. Y'see, it's dangerous to wander around here because a lot of the brothers ain't used to seeing women or little girls, and they may do something stupid."
Newt just about leapt out of her skin when she heard a voice. When she saw it was just one of the guys, she gave a sigh of relief, and a hand over her chest. “Ripley? She’s sleeping.” The girl took a few steps towards him. Her head tilted to one side a bit. 
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He frowned. "Dunno if she told you this, but it ain't safe for a little girl like you. Best to stay in the infirmary so Clemens can keep an eye on you."
“Hello, darlin’,” David said to the girl, pausing as he was heading down a corridor. “You shouldn’t be wandering about alone. Where’s your friend, the Leftenant?”
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“Hello, darlin’,” David said to the girl, pausing as he was heading down a corridor. “You shouldn’t be wandering about alone. Where’s your friend, the Leftenant?”
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"I didn't think they'd take so much time in repairing you." The Clone said in a flat tone from where she sat on a chair, wrapped in her straight jacket. Cameron was the last individual she wanted to see, but she was curious to see how he would respond to her now.
“You did a fair deal of damage, Eight,” he said casually, but seemingly a bit disappointed... perhaps even hurt. “For a while, they were considering requisitioning an entirely new body for me. The engineers and need for frugality won out.” He pulled his collar down, showing her the scar-like repair seam on his neck.
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The lieutenant chuckled, pulling the blankets tighter around her and the medic who was snuggled up against her with his face in her neck. Her one hand rubbed the back of his head. "Are you comfortable?"
“Mmm,” he said, his eyes closed. “Quite comfortable, yes.”
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Alien 3
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"Clemens?" The lieutenant murmured quietly as she quietly entered the infirmary. Her eyes had heavy shadows underneath them and her cheeks were tear-streaked.
He stood immediately from his chair, setting aside the book he’d been reading. “Ripley... what’s wrong?”
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Tubes in the synthetic's neck were now snapping, more white fluid pouring down over the clone's hands. Cameron's eyes were rolling wildly, randomly, little more than the whites visible. "I... want... to... help..." he managed to sputter, conductive fluid spraying from his lips as his vocal track slipped even further. His systems were beginning to shut down.
"Why are you bleeding?" The clone hissed, a grin threatening to spread across her face as she gripped the neck of the fake medic and dug her claws into his artificial skin.
The android expressed no pain, only a slight sense of alarm. He hadn’t expected her to break her bonds and attack him, though his programming did account for the eventuality of taking damage. He expected his memory was already being dumped to the cloud upon being damaged. “Eight… please, think of what you’re doing… destroying me will accomplish nothing…” his voice was slightly off-pitch, slower and reverberating.
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"Fuck, lass," he said, leaning down to get a better look at where she was bleeding. "You must've been booking if you got that from a pipe."
"Why are you bleeding?" -David
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“I ran into a pipe. Just an accident.”
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"Why are you bleeding?" The clone hissed, a grin threatening to spread across her face as she gripped the neck of the fake medic and dug her claws into his artificial skin.
The android expressed no pain, only a slight sense of alarm. He hadn’t expected her to break her bonds and attack him, though his programming did account for the eventuality of taking damage. He expected his memory was already being dumped to the cloud upon being damaged. “Eight... please, think of what you’re doing... destroying me will accomplish nothing...” his voice was slightly off-pitch, slower and reverberating.
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“It’d be difficult to kill all of them before they kill you, Ripley. In regards to how they’ll do it, I imagine it’d be in much the same way you were made; dramatic genetic re-sequencing facilitated by I. Raptus’ incredibly pliable DNA.”
"My superiors believe I'm wasting my time trying to reach you," Cameron said, entering the chamber and seating himself. "They think our time would be better spent... 'training' you."
      The clone was silent, a tiny grin spreading across her face once he was finished speaking. She had expected questions, not this. Her grin was unsettling and cold, dark eyes watching his every movement, no matter how slight.
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 —— “Roll over? Play dead? Is that what they have planned?”
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Happy 1st of Halloween y’all
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Send “Why are you bleeding?” for my muse’s reaction.
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"Essentially, yes," the android said sardonically. "Though I suppose programming might be a better word. They are contemplating wiping your memory and implanting you with genetic combat training, based on manipulation of your xenomorph DNA. They have had a certain level of success doing so for the creatures themselves."
"My superiors believe I'm wasting my time trying to reach you," Cameron said, entering the chamber and seating himself. "They think our time would be better spent... 'training' you."
      The clone was silent, a tiny grin spreading across her face once he was finished speaking. She had expected questions, not this. Her grin was unsettling and cold, dark eyes watching his every movement, no matter how slight.
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 —— “Roll over? Play dead? Is that what they have planned?”
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"Many of the inmates come down into these tunnels to 'mine' for resources. There were a lot of items left behind by the original staff down in the inactive areas. I've only been down here a few times myself." He consulted a map he'd brought, taking a turn.
"Should we be doing this?"
“I don’t see any reason we shouldn’t be,” Clemens replied, smirking.
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