doubledaredevil · 8 months
Baking With OP Men
Headcannons of what it would be like to bake with OP men cause I love baking and thinking about this made me so soft
Characters: Portgas D. Ace, Roronoa Zoro, Sanji, Monkey D. Luffy
CW: Mostly fluff, written with a romantic relationship in mind, pretty clean the most they're doing is kissing lmfao
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Is not very helpful I’m sorry but it's true
Listen okay Ace tries but he has a very short attention span (and narcolepsy 💀) so he has trouble focusing on and remembering your instructions
Will absolutely volunteer to help you though, partly to keep you company but mostly because he loves to steal the batter
“Ace you’ll get salmonella!”
"It’s worth it!”
If you assign him small tasks like mixing the ingredients together, then he usually does alright
You can’t give him more than one task at a time though or else he’ll get confused
Do NOT let him measure ingredients. He believes in measuring with his heart, and while I love Ace his heart is NOT good at baking
He does best when you two make something quick and easy like cookies. If you try to tackle a longer project, like cinnamon buns, he gets bored with all the waiting around in between steps and will forget about it to go do something more exciting
While baking isn’t really his favourite he LOVES decorating
He's not very good at it but he gets so excited and it's so cute
Decorating gingerbread cookies in the winter, he goes all out
“Look y/n i made it look just like you!!”
*cut to a mess of icing and candy thrown onto a cookie in a totally abstract way*
“uhhh yeah… Looks great, Ace!”
His favourite to decorate though is cake
He likes how much freedom he has
Usually you just bake for fun, so you let him go crazy with the decorating because you like to see how giddy and creative he gets
If you’re baking for a special occasion or a birthday or something a little more formal, you’ll work together to decorate the cake
He’s shockingly good at getting little details with the icing
He’s not great at the rest of it but boy does he shine in that one specific area
You always end up with way less batter than you’d expected because Ace sneaks fingerful after fingerful of batter while you’re not looking
The kitchen is an absolute disaster after you’ve finished, but you two are laughing the entire time, even while cleaning it up
Baking with Ace is never serious, and he always makes the experience even more enjoyable for you
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Like Ace, is not very helpful
The difference is that Zoro doesn’t even try
He’ll sit at the counter to keep you company, and he doesn’t mind watching you work
He thinks its cute how your brows furrow when you’re focusing on what the task at hand
Will let you talk his ear off as you explain what you’re doing
Won’t contribute much to the conversation but he nods and makes little noises to let you know that he’s listening
Zoro will participate if you make him, but he’ll put up a good fight and complain the whole time
Secretly he doesn’t mind because he likes doing stuff with you, but he’s very stubborn so he'll never admit it
He’s surprisingly good at following your orders
It’s the only time you can boss him around
If the baking goes well he’ll accept compliments but if it doesn’t turn out he will not hesitate to put the blame squarely on you (jerk)
Zoro's weirdly good at math so the best task to give him is measuring the ingredients
Especially if you’re messing with the size of the batch
He can do the fractions so quick in his head it’s really impressive
Will always eat what you make whether it turns out good or not
Even if it’s burnt Zoro will eat it without hesitation and he’ll tell you how much he likes it
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Will be over the MOON if you ask him to bake with you
Sanji loves you and he loves cooking; it’s literally the perfect combination
He’s better at cooking than he is at baking but this man is a perfectionist and he did not spend years at the Baratie without learning how to bake well
Unfortunately Sanji's a bit of a control freak in the kitchen and has trouble letting you do anything
“Oh angel be careful of your fingers with that knife I don’t want you to hurt your beautiful skin!”
“That pan looks a little hot mon amour, shall I turn it down so we don’t risk burning the butter?”
“We want to be careful not to overmix the batter, right y/n-swan?”
“Of course, of course! I’m sorry my darling its just–”
Eventually he’ll back off (reluctantly) and let you lead
Is obviously very good at baking so you can get him to do anything without worrying about him messing up
It also means you can tackle harder projects like macarons (my worst enemies...)
You two love to experiment in the kitchen, testing the limits of what you’re able to make
Follows directions very well because Sanji just wants to make you happy (this man loves being bossed around)
He is SO GOOD at decorating its fucked up
He doesn’t even try either it just comes naturally to him
Sanji's only downfall (other than his control issues lmfao) is that he is easily distracted by you
You’re just so pretty!! And look at how focused you are!! How could he not give you a kiss?
No you don’t understand he HAS to kiss you right now it would be a crime not to
“Sanji, I’m in the middle of something”
“So sorry, my love!”
He is not sorry at all he’s grinning like an idiot while apologizing
Even if the outcome is bad Sanji refuses to waste food
He’ll eat it and shower you with compliments for a job well done even if its awful because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings
(Worst case scenario though he’ll just give it to Luffy)
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Is so eager to spend time with you it doesn’t matter what you’re doing
Also he loves food so a date with you in the kitchen??? His favourite room on the ship??? there's nothing better than that
Will be of no help at all but its not for a lack of trying
“Luffy, could you grab me the eggs?”
He’s pulling out the leftover scrambled eggs from breakfast
“Uhh nevermind actually I’ll get them myself.”
He’s clueless the whole time
He’s either hovering over your shoulder or falling asleep there’s no in between
If you want to keep Luffy engaged, you need to use bright colours to convince him that it's fun because he gets bored of the beige batters
His favourite part is when he gets to mix dough with his hands and when he gets to shape the cookies
(of course he loves the messy parts)
Luffy is so bad about hygiene though he will be eating that dough with his whole hand in his mouth and then immediately going back to kneading it
You have to force him to wash his hands before you start
Its honestly so much work baking with him because you spend half the time yelling at him
Its too late he’s already burned his entire hand
Like his brother he is so bad about eating batter
He’s totally shameless with it too he’ll grab a fistful of cookie dough right in front of you
You have to smack it out of his hand
It's worth it to keep Luffy in the kitchen though because he’s cracking jokes the whole time and you’re just having so much fun
He does get bored pretty easily
Sometimes he’ll sit at the counter with his head resting on his arms as he completely ignores what you’re doing and just focuses on how pretty you look while he's drifting off to sleep
Other times he’ll just leave the kitchen without warning when he decides he’s done
He loves everything that you make he’ll eat it up
You could feed him actual rat poison and he’d still shower you with compliments lmfao
Luffy loves food so when the person he loves is feeding him something it's automatically perfect okay that’s just how it works
You have to fight him off of the food to leave some for the rest of the crew
Luffy makes baking so much fun because he loves seeing you laugh so he does his best to entertain you the whole time
Part 2 with Shanks, Mihawk and Law here
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doubledaredevil · 8 months
Fourth Wall (JJBA Yandere Scenario)
Scenario: Recently, you’ve moved on from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure to a different anime series and fandom. You realize that this was a terrible mistake.
Note: This is based on a prompt I saw on Tumblr ages ago. I just expanded on it a bit. 
Warnings: Typical Yandere behavior, threats, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, mental distress, anti-comfort. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you read. 
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Changing fandoms wasn’t that unusual for you. You would find a new anime, fall in love with it, then it became your new hyperfixation. After a while, the process would repeat. This is what happened with you and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the series anymore, you just moved on to a new anime/manga. Still…it felt different this time. You weren’t sure why, but ever since you moved on to your new favorite series, you had this unexplainable feeling of guilt wash over you every time you watched an episode of your new favorite anime or read the latest chapter of the manga. Stranger still, there was an underlying feeling of dread as well. 
As many times as you’d changed fandoms, you’d never experienced such feelings before. It was uncomfortable and you wished that you could move on to your new obsession without any strings attached. It was ridiculous, really. Why should you feel guilty about a change of taste? You weren’t hurting anything. No one would be affected by it. And yet, you still felt unnecessary shame over changing fandoms. You guessed it had something to do with the lingering attachment you had for certain characters from various parts throughout the series. It almost felt like you were leaving them behind somehow. Another silly notion. They were fictional characters and did not exist outside of the world within JoJo. They had no knowledge of you, much less having knowledge of your “betrayal”. You decided that it was stupid to dwell on it and dived headfirst into your new favorite series. That guilty feeling would surely fade after a while. 
You got the perfect opportunity to binge your new favorite anime one day. It was one of those days when you were fortunate enough to have nothing to do. All of your responsibilities had been dealt with and you had no plans other than to sit on your ass and watch your new favorite show until bedtime. Sure, you could go out with friends, but you really just wanted to chill by yourself for the day. So anime binge party it was. You made a comfy nest of blankets and pillows on the couch and set up your laptop on the coffee table. You got some snacks and a drink, made yourself comfortable on the couch, and pressed play on the screen. You relaxed into the softness of your pillows and blankets and immersed yourself in another world for a few hours. 
About ten episodes in, you had to go to the bathroom very badly. All of that soda you’d drunk was taking its toll on your bladder. You paused the video, untangled yourself from your blankets, and stiffly power-walked to the bathroom. Once you relieved yourself, you washed your hands and went back into the living room. You snuggled back into your blanket burrito and reached over to start the video, but something wasn’t right. On the screen wasn’t the anime you’d been watching. It was the first episode of Phantom Blood. 
Did you accidently click the wrong thing in your haste to pause the video and rush to the bathroom? 
That had to be it. 
It was the only thing that made sense. 
You clicked off of the JoJo episode and went back to the previous page which took you back to the episode of the new anime you’d been watching. You found the place in the episode that you left off on and pressed play. You settled back in your comfy nest and watched the rest of the episode. You watched for another hour or so. During the opening of one of the episodes, you suddenly found yourself watching the opening for an episode of Battle Tendency. You sat up straight and stared at the screen in shock and confusion. 
“What the fuck?” you muttered under your breath. 
You refreshed the page and the episode started properly. That’s the second time your video was suddenly changed to an episode of JoJo. The first time you assumed that it was because of an accidental click but now you weren’t so sure. You hadn’t been touching anything when it happened the second time. All you were doing was staring at the screen when the switch happened. Why did it keep happening? Some kind of glitch with the streaming service? You didn’t know, but it was a bit annoying. You hoped that wouldn’t be a constant thing while you were trying to watch your show. 
The rest of the day went by without further incident. Eventually, you noticed that it had grown dark and you decided that your day of doing absolutely nothing needed to come to a close. You closed your laptop and reluctantly pried yourself off of the couch. As much as you wanted to just lay there in your blanket nest, you knew that you’d get a much better sleep in your bed. So you hobbled off to your room; your mind on nothing but getting a decent night’s sleep. 
You woke up a few hours later with a dried out mouth and an aching throat. You swallowed a few times, wincing at the sandpapery feeling of your tongue against the inside of your mouth. Well that’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth wide open. You flung the covers off of you grumpily and climbed out of bed. You stumbled into the kitchen, not daring to turn the light on and submit your sleep sensitive eyes to an onslaught of painful luminosity. You made your way over to the counter, grabbed a glass, and staggered over to the sink. As you were filling the glass you suddenly had the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. You assumed that it was your sleep fogged brain at work. After all, part of the reason you woke up was because you were having a disturbing dream. You tried to remember what the dream was about, but you couldn’t piece the memories together to get a full picture. You just remembered being in a place that made you uncomfortable and meeting someone that was familiar to you, but their presence frightened you. You just couldn’t remember the details. It kinda made you want to stay awake for the rest of the night but you decided against that. You knew you’d feel like shit the next day if you didn’t get back to sleep. There was nothing worse than waking up with a splitting headache due to lack of proper rest. You downed the glass of water and put the empty glass in the sink. 
You suddenly became aware of a strange odor in the air. What was that smell? Smoke? God, was something burning?! You took another sniff of the air and recognized the smell as specifically cigarette smoke. Okay, so that meant that your house wasn’t burning down. That was good news, but why would you be smelling cigarette smoke? The only way you would be smelling cigarette smoke is if it were coming from in the same room as you…
You heard the sound of rustling fabric from somewhere behind you. You spun around and immediately spotted the outline of someone sitting at your kitchen table. You could also make out the small glow of a lit cigarette sticking out of their mouth. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could make out some details of the figure. They were large, broad shouldered, and wore a long white coat, and on their head rested an oddly shaped hat. In the miniscule amount of light in the room you could make out the glint of gold accessories on both their hat and coat. 
“No way…” you gasped in a quiet voice. “No way in hell…” 
The figure lit a lighter and held it to the wick of the candle that was located in the middle of the table. Once the candle was lit fully, you could see the figure better. It was as you expected, Jotaro as he appeared in part four was sitting at your kitchen table, glaring at you as if you were less than dogshit. 
“You recognize me?” he scoffed and took another drag from his cigarette. “I’m surprised. I thought you forgot all about me… about us….” 
You backed up against the counter, unable to believe what you were seeing and hearing. 
Jotaro glanced down at the cigarette in his hand. He held it up in front of him. 
“This is your fault, you know.” he sneered. “I quit smoking, but after you abandoned us, I started the habit again. I’ve been tolerant so far because I was stupid enough to think that you’d come back eventually. Maybe you were just taking a break and you’d come back when you were bored… that was my stupidity. I’ll own up to that. But when I realized that you’d thrown us aside like trash, well, I got pissed. I guess I took up smoking again just to stay sane…” 
You were so appalled at the fictional character seated at your table that you hadn’t been paying much attention to what he was saying. Slowly the words began to filter into your mind and of everything he said, one thing stood out the most…
He said “us”. He said that you had abandoned “us”...
That’s when you became aware of the other figures lined up behind Jotaro. 
You could make out their shapes and features in the candlelight. Jonathan stood there looking as utterly brokenhearted as a man could be. Joseph had a smug grin on his face as if he’d just caught you committing a crime. Josuke’s face was contorted in a vicious snarl while his fists were clenched by his sides. Ever so often his left eye would twitch indicating that he may be on the verge of a psychotic break. Giorno offered you a placid smile that was off putting when set against the coldness of his eyes. 
Your eyes darted nervously from one face to another before finally settling back on Jotaro’s. It was too much. You pushed away from the counter and ran out of the kitchen. A voice that probably belonged to Jonathan called out for you to stop but you paid it no attention. Luckily the kitchen was right next to the front door. Once you were outside, you could run to the neighbor’s house and get them to call the police. You wouldn’t dare tell them the truth. What would you even say? You couldn’t tell them that five fictional characters from an anime had invaded your house. They’d think you were on something. You would just tell them that someone had broken into your house. That’s all. Honestly, you didn’t know what the hell the police could do against them, but you didn’t know what else to do. You reached the front door but your hand froze just as you were about to unlock the door and yank it open. 
Two people were staring down at you from the window in the front door, two people you recognized. Kars looked down his nose at you with a haughty expression. He looked ever so much like a strict parent that had just caught his kid trying to sneak out of the house. DIO on the other hand had the most sadistic smile on his face. He made a “come-hither” gesture with his clawed hand as if he fully expected you to just open the door and throw yourself at him. Their eyes glowed with a hellish light and you couldn’t take the sight of them. You screamed and backed away from the door. As you stepped back, you saw two other familiar faces staring at you from the windows on either side of the door. Doppio had one hand pressed against the glass while the other hand held a rock from the garden to his ear as if it were a cell phone. One of his eyes had changed to a jade green color and glared at you with intense rage. His other, normal eye had a pitiful, disappointed look in it. From the other window Kira stared at you with an utterly emotionless expression. You didn’t dare speculate on what kind of thoughts could be going through his head at that moment. You screamed again and started to turn and run towards the back door…
“Star Platinum!” 
Suddenly you were held tight in an iron like hold. An invisible hand covered your mouth preventing you from screaming anymore. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that you were being held in place by Jotaro’s Stand. Struggling in Star Platinum’s grip was useless so you just hung there in midair as Jotaro approached you. 
“We weren’t done talking.” he snapped. 
He leaned in slightly and you got a whiff of cigarette smoke mixed with cologne. 
“Now you listen and you listen good,” he started to say. He held up a single finger.
“One. Just one more chance. That’s all you get. Come back to us and there won’t be a problem. Leave us again and it will get ugly.” he said, glancing up at the villains peering through the windows. His upper lip curled in disgust when he locked eyes with DIO and Kira, but only for a moment before his eyes were back on you. 
“Is that understood?” he asked. 
You nodded your head, whimpering behind Star Platinum’s invisible palm. 
You don’t know what happened after that. You just woke up in your bed with a pounding headache. 
“Fuck…” you groaned, pressing your hands to your temples. 
You felt awful. You could only guess that you just simply didn’t sleep very well. Damn nightmares. What was with that dream? Was it all because you felt guilty about leaving the JoJo fandom? You grumbled and rolled out of bed. You were going to need to take something for that headache. First you needed to get a glass of water. You stumbled off to the kitchen getting an uncomfortable feeling of deja vu. The moment you entered the kitchen, your eyes glanced to the kitchen table and you nearly fainted. 
The candle was out, but it was smoking as if it had only been put out mere moments ago. The cigarette butt that rested on the saucer that had been used as a makeshift ashtray was also still smoking. 
That night you made it a point to sit down and watch a few episodes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure starting with Phantom Blood. You planned to rewatch the entire series from the very beginning all the way to Stone Ocean. With each episode you watched, you noticed that ever so often a character’s eyes would slide over towards you as if making sure you were still there, watching them. Sometimes it would be one of the main characters. Sometimes it would be one of the villains. Sometimes it would be a side character. Regardless, they all kept checking to see if you were watching. Every day, you would make it a point to watch at least one episode of JoJo, no matter what. You didn’t dare skip out on your daily dose of JoJo. You also never went back to the other anime you’d been watching after you left the JoJo fandom. No, you learned your lesson. You were familiar enough with Jotaro’s character to know that he only gave people one chance and no more. Just like with Rubber Soul and Steely Dan. He gave them both a chance to leave mostly unscathed but they both decided to turn on him at the last minute. They both were punished severely. You weren’t going to make that same mistake. 
So you sat there on the couch, stiff and terrified as you watched your “favorite” anime… 
… like a good little fan should…
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doubledaredevil · 8 months
To Lose you...Ace, Luffy and Sabo
Request: ASL have a baby sister around the age of 10, Ace and Luffy raised her and she joins Luffy and goes with him to Marineford, role reversal and their little sister takes Ace’s place and dies in his place.
Extra Note: Ooh boy…this one really got me…I was crying reading this request because honestly I can’t even imagine their reactions if something like this happened…anyways, proceed with caution…because we have so major feels over here.
A little extra warning: Very graphic blood and gore and graphic descriptions of death…please be advised this doesn’t have a happy ending and this may be triggering for a lot of people. I’m sorry in advance.
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From the minute Ace set his eyes on you, all those years ago, he knew that he had to protect you.
You were so small…just a little baby when he, Luffy and Sabo found you whilst exploring out in the forest.
They all decided together that you would be their honorary little sister, and grow up alongside them.
They may have needed a little help from Dadan and the Bandits here and there, but they took it upon themselves to work as a team to raise you together.
The first time that they experienced a loss, was when Sabo “died” and that was unbearable, but it was the thought of you that kept Ace and Luffy going.
So the four of you became three, and Ace vowed to never let anyone he cared about get hurt…or even worse die…again.
Ace loved seeing you grow up, watching you become your very own person…brave and determined, you stood up for what you believed in and he felt his heart soar whenever you asked for his help.
Being the eldest brother, Ace took on a lot of responsibilities, most of which he had to leave behind when he left to sail the seas.
Ace had thought the most heartbreaking thing he would ever see in his life was when his beloved little sister stood at the edge of the docks, crying her eyes out as he sailed away.
He had promised to see her again, and although in his heart part of him wished that she would remain with Makino and Dadan on their home island, he knew that she would sail away with Luffy when he left. Luffy was far more lenient with rules when it came to their family.
But he never thought this would be the way to see her again…in Marineford, crying out to him to believe in her and Luffy.
Ace felt less worried about his own fate and more worried about how he could get you safely away from this battlefield whilst he was shackled and about to be killed…
Of course…everything seemed to work out, Ace, Luffy, and their wonderful little sister were only a little way of being safe, Trafalgar Law, standing upon his submarine after agreeing to allow them board and escape.
Ace had merely turned his head away for one second…away from watching his little sisters back to survey the path ahead when he heard a pained gasp and a grunt of surprise.
When he looked back, Ace had never felt more sick to his stomach.
His baby sister…only 10…was standing shellshocked, eyes were blown wide and mouth open in a silent gasp, blood dripping out of a hole through her small body. Flames and magma oozed around and out of it and Akainu stood behind her, his face a mix of anger and confusion.
It only took Ace a second to see what had happened, the minute he had looked away to the front, his little sister had looked back and taken the blow that had surely been aimed at himself.
There’s really no way to describe what this poor boy is thinking, his body completely shuts down…and it’s as if the entire battle around them comes to a halt. He can feel every person’s eyes on them…looking at his little sister.
Akainu pulls away, if not somewhat guilty for what he has done to a child, pirate or not, and doesn’t make another move for either Ace or Luffy.
His little sister takes a small step, and one more before looking down, and then back up. Her face looks confused before she looks to Ace.
The minute she finds his eyes, her body collapses…and Ace is right there to scoop her up.
“You’re ok! You’re ok…!” Ace gasps, his mind is still shut down, and he can’t think, “Everything’s going to be fine…we can fix this…there has to be a doctor…Trafalgar…he’ll fix you.”
But Ace knows better, he watches as the light starts draining from your eyes, and you look confused…so confused but he can still hear your faint whisper as you say “I love you guys…” for the very last time…
Ace doesn’t scream, he doesn’t move…he can hear Luffy let out the most heartwrenching noise imaginable…but he just looks at you, your eyes still half-open, not quite shut…staring straight through him.
You don’t look dead…surely your just playing a small little joke.
But when he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to the Heart Pirates captain, Law, he sees the smallest bit of sympathy in his otherwise cold eyes.
He knows that he has one last job to do…one last thing before he can stop everything.
He takes his little sisters body over his shoulder, pretending that the red liquid dripping down his chest isn’t really your blood, on the other shoulder he scoops up Luffy’s immobile body and he races to Trafalgars ship.
He allows Law to take Luffy to the medical wing, hooking him up and begin treating him for shock, and then they bring his little sister’s body to another room until they can find a place to bury her. 
Then and only then does he allow his body to fall into the unconscious state he’s been fighting off for what feels like hours.
When he awakens, Ace simply lies in the medical bed that Law has dumped him off then, trying to process the information and everything that’s happened.
Ace ultimately makes the choice to bury her next to Whitebeard, knowing that the old man will take good care of his little sister in whatever afterlife there may be.
He also makes the choice to leave the remaining Whitebeard Pirates ranks…choosing to now alliance himself with his brother, and vowing to never. ever. EVER, let anyone touch a hair on Luffy’s head.
Ace won’t be the same ever again, after this loss…but when he thinks of your smiling face, despite the sadness he feels at your memory, it reminds him to keep on fighting, for himself and his beliefs, and for Luffy.
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We know Luffy is goofy and immature, and sometime’s careless…but older brother Luffy is more serious. He observes everything that has to do with his sister, and he takes extra good care of her.
He didn’t put up a fight when it was time for him to set sail and his little sister wanted to go with her. He felt confident enough that he could protect her.
When it was time to go to Marineford, Luffy tried to get her to stay behind, but his little sister wouldn’t hear of it…she wanted to protect her older brothers as much as they protected her.
Luffy and his sister worked together to free Ace, and Luffy was overjoyed. Everything was going to work out, and they would be reunited again.
Luffy wouldn’t have to hear his baby sister sob Ace’s name or call for her brother in her nightmares.
Ace led the group towards the submarine, and Luffy follows eagerly behind.
Unlike Ace, who looked away from their sister the moment she was struck, Luffy is forced to watch the entire thing.
He sees Akainu coming towards them, and he watches his baby sister catch his eye, see’s his fist raised to strike Ace, and all but dives in front of the firey fist.
He is forced to watch the heated fist smash through his little sister’s body, he hears the sizzling of their skin, he watches the initial blood crust over before new blood rises.
Ace turns his head back finally, but Luffy’s already seen enough. His voice is trapped in his throat, and everything is shutting down around him. He lets her name slip through his mouth, but it’s merely a noiseless whisper.
He watches her step forward, and collapse into Ace’s arms.
He’s never truly felt like a failure until this very moment, he’s never wanted to lay down and give up, he’s never wanted to think about giving up.
He’s never thought about living without his baby sister.
For a while, he was the youngest sibling in their ragtag little honorary family. And then when they found her…Luffy had never been excited…he was going to be the big brother…he could tease her, and train with her and protect her like he had been as the youngest
But he had done nothing…couldn’t do anything now.
He let out a scream, a scream that came from within him, making his own blood curdle. He saw the light leave her eyes, and the last thing he heard was her saying “I love you…”
Luffy although upright, was unconscious seconds after.
When he awoke, he was a mess.
He fought everyone aboard the Heart Pirates sub, taking off into the woods of whatever island they had landed upon.
He called his sisters name, willed her to come out so perhaps it would all be a dream after all.
When Ace finds him, he asks if he knows where their little sister is. Perhaps she’s playing hide and seek?
But when he sees Ace’s tears, he knows. He’s always known honestly. Luffy breaks down again, utterly heartbroken.
Luffy is grateful for Ace remaining by his side because after everything Luffy isn’t sure he would be strong enough to continue without their little sister by his side.
Extra: Sabo
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Sabo didn’t get the same amount of time then the others did with you. But he still remembers the babbling little baby that he would get to hold in his arms when he was just a child. Who he would calm to sleep rocking her in his little arms.
To forget all about her was painful…
But to finally awaken these memories by a picture in a newspaper, was unbearable. They hadn’t named you, you being so young and not having any bounty.
But he could see it in your features, the shape of your nose, the color of your eyes, your hair, once few and short, now longer and full.
You were so young…and you were gone?
Sabo collapses instantly, and when he awakens he’s remembered everything.
He takes any lead, listens to anyone with information, and it eventually leads to your grave, buried beside Whitebeard, Ace’s former Captain. He sets out 4 cups, fills three of them with sake, and the fourth is filled with a sweet juice he recalls you like when you were little so long ago.
He spends the day there, thinking of you before he continues on his way.
He has a new goal in mind…he plans to find Ace and Luffy.
He wants to hear their stories, know all about how you grew up…your favorite things…what he missed when he was gone and had forgotten.
It takes some years, but finally, in Dressrosa he meets with his brothers once more, a tearful reunion that promises a little relief amongst the grief of three brothers.
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doubledaredevil · 8 months
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The FNAF troublemakers finally meet,, Abby and Gregory
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doubledaredevil · 8 months
You're just so cute!
Part 1 Strawhats x affectionate! reader Can be read as platonic or romantic Synopsis: You love giving out compliments, especially to your crew mates. Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Nami
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Likes the compliments, especially after Nami berates him.
LOVES compliments on his strength the most, but will beam if you call him smart(since no one else does TT)
Call him pirate king or the greatest pirate and he'll fold immediately.
He is fine with it generally.
Except for being called cute.
Will 1000% pout about it, especially if you call him that in front of Usopp or Chopper cause he wants to be cool yk?
"I'm not cute! What type of pirate is cute!"
Eventually will come around to it begrudgingly(he secretly enjoys it), but will also say it back to you to get you annoyed.
Backfires so bad.
Will try to compliment you back but he kinda sucks.
"You smell like the best meat in the world!"
— Or he is actually very heartfelt and deep out of nowhere
"I love how your eyes dance with the stars."
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Hates it
Ok he doesn't ACTUALLY hate it, but will act like he does
He will get all fussy about it like "Yeah, whatever." and huff off somewhere.
Will blush anytime you say anything nice about him(all the time) but NEVER lets you see it.
Actually comes to love the attention from you.
ESPECIALLY about his strength and skill.
Call him the best swordsman ever and you MIGHT see him blush since he'll be so off guard. Just might.
Will compliment you back in private, especially if you're dating.
Isn't one to focus on looks when appreciating someone, but will if you just did. Mostly points out your skills.
After some time, he won't feel embarrassed at all and will get a little cocky.
"You are so cool!" "Of course I am."
"Wow Zoro, you are strong." "Just strong? Give me more credit."
HATES if he see's you complimenting Sanji near him.
Brags to him about how cool you say he is.
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First thinks you compliment her to get out of paying her.
"I'm not going to forgive your debt by sucking up to me."
Once she realizes it's genuine, she changes her attitude.
Feels all giddy inside whenever you say anything sweet about her.
She will smile brightly to you and say thanks whenever you do so.
Doesn't have any compliments she dislikes at all
But she appreciates complimemts on her character a lot more.
Being a (former) theif and conartist makes people have a pre conceived notion of her
So saying she's nice or kind makes her feel very happy.
Will compliment you back a lot.
Mostly on skills and character.
But she does forgive some of your debt because you are kind.
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He starts stuttering before saying of course!
Tries to stay cool about it but say he is cute or hot and he disappears
With his self esteem, he feels like you don't actually mean what you say.
He WILL ask for assurance if your dating
After realizing you mean it, it will make him feel better about himself
Specifically about his fighting skills
He doesn't think he is that good but you think otherwise
Feels more confident the more you appreciate his talent
Brags about it to everyone
Will uplift you too
Originally to reflect your praise, but later on as actually genuine.
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Will evaporate
This man gets soooo flustered.
If you thought Usopp was bad, he will redefine the word.
He just can't commute.
Just tries to have any response but ends up babbling.
Honestly, his flusteredness is so cute.
He will get a nosebleed and may faint depending on the type of compliment.
Call him hot or cool and he will get a nosebleed or faint.
Especially if you say he is cool.
But say he is nice—
This man will freeze.
Feels like he doesn't deserve such praise. Especially from you.
Tries to reject the compliment and compliment you back.
"B-b-but Y/N dearest, you are the most kindest, nicest person to EVER grace this earth!"
You never let him reject it.
So he just ends up accepting the praise.
May cry a little sometimes, particularly if you say he is a good person.
Man NEEDS a hug TT
Starts showing off in combat and in general so he can receive praise from you.
Will do something cool and look at you like a puppy until you notice him.
If you don't he pouts off somewhere else.
He will also brag to Zoro about how cool you think he is
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doubledaredevil · 8 months
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gif upload test
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doubledaredevil · 9 months
Shadamy really is the ship ever. The Ultimate Lifeform who is a grumpy introvert has a soft spot for a cute pink girl because she showed him empathy when he needed it most and he's a better person because of it and he does nice things for her because he just wants to and they bond over their shared music taste and go to concerts together and she thinks he's sweet and he can be himself around her and and and
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doubledaredevil · 10 months
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Smile >:)
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doubledaredevil · 10 months
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doubledaredevil · 10 months
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So I just watched the fnaf movie
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doubledaredevil · 10 months
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I think they did get along at some point and it makes me sad if I think about it too much
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doubledaredevil · 10 months
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Hes doing studies
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doubledaredevil · 10 months
Might be weirdo syndrome but I want to put my fingerprints in a criminal database so if I die and the only thing left are my fingers my family will be able to identify me
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doubledaredevil · 11 months
Oh my god same girly
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spent my whole life successfully avoiding one piece……. now i have 4948690 episodes to watch smh 😫😫😫
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doubledaredevil · 11 months
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spent my whole life successfully avoiding one piece……. now i have 4948690 episodes to watch smh 😫😫😫
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doubledaredevil · 1 year
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doubledaredevil · 1 year
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sketched this while waiting for my sister
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