dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
beth what the holy hell is that
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
and thus i have a draw something
username meepindoodle
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
ocs i would like to interact with at some point
any of bri's
any of rena's
any of barclay's
maybe a few more
however these might have to wait for a bit until i get off my lazy ass and put more effort into threading
or until i get better ideas for starters other than "doug is inexplicably away from the inn in the forest/on a forage run/fixing his alarm system/insert excuse here and he runs into a stranger"
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
one until 200
what do for 200
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
ugh my writing has been so completely subpar recently i don't even think i can adequately finish these fics they're so boring and stale and repetitive this one right now is almost four pages in my comp book and it's still completely beige in prose what am i doing
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
skippocalypse replied to your post
it's just doug and dustin malarkey sdfghjk
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
why don't we just like
have it span the entire day and a little more for everyone involved
12 am in the earliest timezone to 12 am the next day in the latest timezone
even if it ends up being like 7pm for someone when the first person reaches midnight and 10am next day for someone else when the last person reaches midnight
and people can just participate as they come online
idk if that makes sense w/e
(´; A ;`)
|A ;`)
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
the tag is fine
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
what if he actually does get nervous enough to just blurt out something like
then the mood is ruined and he's really embarrassed and willingly decides to sleep on the couch
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
How to Prepare Your Anus for Two
Hey Bri you know what you should do
[1:37:50 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: pepper your anus
[1:37:57 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: *PREPARE
[1:38:02 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: NO FUCK
[1:38:03 PM] Bri: PEPPER MY ANUS
[1:38:08 PM] Bri: SALT YOUR VAG
[1:38:14 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: DON'T PEPPER YOUR ANUS
[1:39:11 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: I HATE YOU OMG
[1:41:20 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: BOTH
[1:41:38 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: BRING ME BOTH ON A SILVER PLATTER
[1:41:56 PM] Hank/Ariela/Robert/Logan/Winter: yum
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
On 11/05/2013, at 20:08, Doug wrote: > fuqin “[hank i would like your blessing to marry doug]” “what”
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
oc fate list since bri wants me to suffer
okay i'm gonna start with the definite deaths first then roll into the more ambiguous areas
first in the group to die is delilah, who dies in childbirth (a la lori grimes). she goes into labor while the group has literally nothing with which to help her through the birthing process, and dies of blood loss despite both darren and jessica's best efforts to keep her alive. her last words were asking if the baby was okay.
jessica dies several months later, during a supply run in an unstable old building - the floor falls out from beneath her and she ends up impaled on a stray pole on the floor below. toby and bianca were the only ones with her; as bianca isn't able to handle killing a still-living person (despite the fact that she's near-death), she asks toby to keep her from becoming a walker. which actually really sucks for him because by that point he kind of considered her a surrogate daughter in place of the biological daughter he couldn't protect so
toby joins her shortly thereafter when the house they take refuge in is overrun by walkers. he tosses charlie the keys to his truck, instructing the remaining survivors to escape while he holds off the horde breaking through their fortifications. he's killed by the walkers while giving the others the opportunity to escape.
now my fate for darren has gone through several notions, a lot of them involving him either going crazy or killing himself after delilah dies (in addition to that, possible fates involved having the baby die as well). but ultimately, i've decided his fate would be to remain level-headed (if not embittered and hardened after his wife's death) and raise his child for a few years before formally departing from the group. since women have a natural maternal instinct around children i can see bridgette taking it upon herself to serve as a surrogate mother to the baby (with jessica pitching in to help when needed); despite his immense depression darren decides to stay with them until the kid would be old enough to survive without maternal assistance. therefore, after about three or four years, darren and his child take off on their own.
i don't actually have anything planned for charlie, vivian, bianca, or bridgette. they survive up until doug joins the community, but i don't really know what's going to happen to them after that. i'd consider having them join the community as well, but that'd be both a little intrusive on my part (like yo i can't just throw any old people into the community) and i don't really want them to die in the takeover. or perhaps if they did, bridgette would take off shortly after due to her distaste for enclosed living spaces (bridgette's a strong independent survivor who don't need no community), and maybe the other three will head off on their own later as well (at that point charlie would be 24, bianca 22 and vivian 17).
pbbbt there we go aRE U HAPPY
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
okay i gotta skeedaddle cause i have a smelly ap test in the morning ciao
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
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dougmun-blog1 · 11 years
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gurl whatchu so happy about there's zombies out there 
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