dousedinvetiver · 2 years
"Life's pivotal events can provide you with a way to define yourself as a unique and matchless being, but you must put aside the judgments that might otherwise prevent you from gaining insight into your distinct way of interpreting the world. Try to recognize your feelings without categorizing or evaluating them. When you feel unsure of the legitimacy of your reactions, remember that cultural, sociological, spiritual, and familial differences can cause two people to interpret a single event in widely dissimilar ways. Examining your responses can show you that your emotional complexity is something to be valued, because it has made you who you are today. " - Daily Om
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dousedinvetiver · 2 years
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I finished this in a few hours yesterday and as I continue with the second in the series, I'm still not sure how I feel about this story. The world building isn't as intricate as I"m accustomed to (Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings, Kushiel's Legacy, etc) and the characters are not as complex. At it's core, like most fantasy series, it's about good and evil and the gray areas in between. I don't hate it, but I don't LOVE it, yet I woke and immediately started Siege and Storm. I guess the occasional easy read in this genre is ok?
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dousedinvetiver · 2 years
The great refresh, reset, restart.
The cursor in this textbox in my little Tumblr corner sat blinking most of today after creating this new blog. Where once the words flowed like water from my brain to my fingers I have spent the better part of the past several years with severe writer's block. I have been unable to journal, to work on my novel, to create any meaningful content at all. It's been worse for the past 25 months which have been full of seemingly neverending and overwhelming grief. But...if I never start, I'll never get going! So, here goes.
I started my official herbalism, Ayurveda, and aromatherapy studies several years ago and have decided to get back to it. Nature's medicine makes so much sense to me and though my career is in Western medicine, I practice holistically and believe multiple modalities are better than one alone. I miss formulating my own herbal oil infusions, tinctures, tea blends, and aromatherapy butters, balms, etc. I think this reset will be easier than getting back to my writing but in a way that's what's going to help me get back to journaling and eventually dusting off my other writing outlets!
Just a little about me: I recently celebrated a milestone birthday, live on the east coast, and love to cook. I love being a student and if I could get paid to study, I would study everything possible for the rest of my days. I still prefer writing by hand to typing when journaling and carry a notebook or journal wherever I go (even if it hasn't been used in some time). I am double board certified in family medicine and psychiatry and love what I do - currently working in mental health. I have a special interest in trauma and persons both directly and indirectly affected by domestic violence specifically.
Anyway, that's enough rambling for now.
Does anyone even still use Tumblr?
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