dovah-doge · 10 months
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honestly, graves and soaps could be swapped for each other 😭
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dovah-doge · 1 year
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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Sketching wenclair
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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Obsessed with this concept
(the fact that the ravens annoy the wolves sksksnsjksn)
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dovah-doge · 2 years
Today’s topic: Spider-Gwen’s unexpected transformation from a Marvel Comics gimmick into a fan favorite superhero
Spider-Gwen is another of my favorite Spider character of the Spider-Verse and the fact her personality and style is so different from the other Spider-People is just incredibly magnificent. So, I just thought that I could ramble a bit about her today because I feel like I didn’t talk about her in a while (heh…)
Although Spider-Gwen may appear to be a gimmick mashup of Gwen Stacy and Spider-Man, she has her own history and style like I mentioned earlier.
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One of the few characters in superhero comics who has technically remained dead, like dead, dead, is Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker’s former love. However, despite Gwen’s death in 1973’s Amazing Spider-Man #121, one of her Multiverse “Variants” has gone on to become a superhero in the mainstream Marvel Universe and is referred to as Spider-Gwen.
Spider-Gwen is one of the most well-known “Variants” in Marvel Comics. She has a history connected to one of the main stories that brought the Marvel Multiverse into prominence in recent memory, Spider-Verse. She was also known as Spider-Woman in her original code-name and Ghost-Spider in her more recent superhero identity.
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In point of fact, Spider-Gwen is one of the characters whose appearance in the critically acclaimed animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse helped spread awareness of the Marvel Multiverse. Into the Spider-Verse is an adaptation of the same comic book story in which she made her debut. Spider-Gwen has left a lasting impression on fans, to the point where she is getting her own Gwen-Verse event with even more Multiverse Gwen Stacy variants with connections to other Marvel heroes.
So, where did Spider-Gwen originate? What is her connection to Spider-Man?And how does her story differ from the mainstream Marvel Universe’s Gwen Stacy?
Right now, we’ll unravel the history and powers of Spider-Gwen.
Who is Spider-Gwen?
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First and foremost, it is essential to keep in mind that Spider-Gwen is in fact a nickname for Earth-65’s Gwen Stacy, whose original superhero name was actually Spider-Woman. However, the character’s nickname has endured and is still one of the character’s most frequently referred to terms among fans, even serving as the title of some of her solo series.
You might have guessed that on Earth-65, Gwen Stacy has powers similar to those of Peter Parker from the mainstream Marvel Universe. She got them after being bitten by a genetically modified spider, which is also very similar to Peter Parker.
Nevertheless, this is where Earth-65 Gwen Stacy and the Peter Parker of her world depart significantly from mainstream continuity. Gwen becoming empowered while Peter remains a normal human is a pivotal moment for their alternate Marvel Universe rather than simply reversing their roles in each other’s stories.
Similar to how Peter Parker learned from his Uncle Ben’s death, Gwen Stacy learns about power and responsibility from her father, police captain George Stacy, on Earth-65. Captain Stacy tells his daughter that the newly dubbed Spider-Woman could really make a difference and do some good in the world if she were more of a hero than a spotlight hound.
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From that point on, Gwen/Spider-Woman becomes much more heroic, receiving a brand-new costume and a pair of web-shooters from the Wasp in her reality. However, Gwen’s struggle to balance her time as Spider-Woman with her schoolwork and playing in her band The Mary Janes—which, of course, includes Mary Jane Watson—is mirrored by her new superhero identity.
When her best friend Peter Parker uses an experimental serum to transform into a monstrous creature similar to his mainstream Marvel Universe foe the Lizard, Gwen suffers her greatest loss. Even though Peter intends to use the serum to become a hero, his transformation into a monster resembling a lizard sends him into a frenzy and immediately puts him in Spider-Woman’s path.
At their senior prom, the two fight in front of their entire school. Spider-Woman defeats the monster so brutally that he passes out and takes on the persona of Peter Parker. Gwen is shocked and unable to react before her best friend, who was unable to endure the trauma in his human form, succumbs to injuries she caused.
As a result of being labeled a criminal, Spider-Woman finds herself in the path of numerous twisted Earth-65 versions of well-known Spider-Man villains, from the Vulture to the Rhino to her own symbiote arch-nemesis Gwenom, as well as corrupt attorney Matt Murdock and renegade cop Frank Castle.
Spider-Gwen in the Marvel Universe
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Perhaps Spider-Gwen in the Spider-Verse ought to be the heading, as Spider-Man: Spider-Verse s the crossover in which Spider-Gwen, then referred to as Spider-Woman, made her first appearance in the Marvel Universe as a whole, including her first appearance in the mainstream Marvel Universe.
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 was the first issue in which Spider-Gwen made her debut. In that issue, the story of how she got her powers, how Peter Parker died, and how her father found out who she was and inspired her to be more heroic was told.
Gwen, on the other hand, got her big break in the “Spider-Verse” crossover, when she and dozens of other Spider-heroes from around the Multiverse joined forces to fight off a group of villains who wanted to get rid of every Spider-Man’s rivals from every reality.
Gwen returned to her home reality following the conclusion of Spider-Verse, where her popularity quickly led to her own Spider-Gwen title, which ran for several volumes.New versions of Captain America, the Hand, and other characters appeared in Gwen’s home reality of Earth-64 during those stories.
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Nonetheless, Gwen was repeatedly dragged into the mainstream Marvel Universe (technically Earth-616, for those counting) and worked with Peter Parker on the project Spider-Man: The Clone Conspiracy, teaming up with Jessica Drew and Cindy Moon/Silk to form a group of Spider-Women, and even having a brief relationship with Miles Morales, who was brought into the main Marvel Universe from another reality.
When the villains of Spider-Verse returned in the story Spider-Man: Spider-Geddon, Gwen wound up moving to the mainstream Marvel Universe full-time. There, she decided to switch her code-name from Spider-Woman to Ghost-Spider, since Jessica Drew had been using that name in the core Marvel Universe for a long time. She also decided to relaunch a title under the new name.
In her latest appearance in the crossover tie-in King in Black: Gwenom Vs. Carnage, Gwenom (Gwen’s symbiote controlled form) takes on her reality’s version of Carnage, which bonds with Mary Jane Watson to become the oddly nicknamed MJarnage (doesn’t sound quite like Gwenom, does it?).
Spider-Gwen in movies and TV
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Despite the fact that Gwen Stacy has been portrayed in a number of different Spider-Man movie franchises, Spider-Gwen has not yet appeared in live action. Bryce Dallas Howard played her in Spider-Man 3 first. The role of one of the main characters in Amazing Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man 2 was then played by Emma Stone.
So far, she hasn’t appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but with Spider-Man: No Way Home’s connections to the previous Sony Spider-Man franchise films, a return isn’t impossible.
However, Spider-Gwen has appeared in animated form on both big and small screens. As I mentioned, she was one of the lead characters of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, voiced by Hailee Steinfeld (who will return as Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Part I).
Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider has also appeared in a number of animated series, including Ultimate Spider-Man, Marvel Rising, Marvel’s Spider-Man (2017 TV Show) and even the most recent Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.
For the time being, whether Spider-Gwen will (or could, given potential film rights issues between Marvel and Sony) come to the MCU remains an open question - though Spider-Man: No Way Home’s Multiverse-based story, which brings in characters from previous Sony Spider-Man films certainly opens the door to Spider-Gwen making a surprise appearance as I mentioned earlier
However, given that Spider-Gwen has her own devoted following as well as a prominent multimedia presence in animation, it appears likely that a live-action version of her will be made available in the near future. This could happen as part of Sony’s burgeoning Spider-Man spin-off franchise, which already features Venom, Morbius, and Kraven.
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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nothing is ever going to be better than this gif. I see this gif and I just about cry every time.
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dovah-doge · 2 years
Ship: Kaitlyn and Abi platonic friendship
Title: For the Rest of the Night
Kaitlyn never meant to be cruel, but she knew she had gone too far the minute she saw the tears in Abigail's eyes.
Canon Divergent AU wherein Kaitlyn goes after Abigail to apologise for the dare. They both end up back in the lodge and realise they have far more in common than expect it.
Of course the boys have to ruin it. Nick's been infected, Dylan and Ryan are arguing over who gets to hold a gun, and Emma and Jacob are missing.
Kaitlyn takes charge, drags her new BFF Abi along, and canon changes forever.
Send me a ship and a fic title, and I'll tell you what I'd write for it.
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dovah-doge · 2 years
Ryan: *covered in blood* This came loose.
Dylan: *holds up severed hand* This.
Abi/Nick/Kaitlyn: *high-pitched screaming*
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dovah-doge · 2 years
Incorrect "The Quarry" 10
Kaitlyn to Abi: "Listen, if you like Nick, be honest and tell him. You really just need to shoot your shot." Abi later that night:
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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one of my worst flaws as a person living on this earth is that, sometimes, for practice, i like to take gory bloody adult media and draw it like it was a cute milt kahl-era cel flick from the 70s
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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outfit swaps
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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Fallout New Veggie
Keep reading
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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nothing to see here just two girlbosses girlbossing
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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this one exchange alone gives me all the confirmation i need that emma and dylan love being menaces together
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dovah-doge · 2 years
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How I imagine Dylan to approach Ryan for the first time
bonus (tw blood):
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