doved-icelebrity · 5 months
Digital Detox Expansion Experiment :
Bird-walks as Mindfulness
New York City and mindfulness don’t tend to be concepts one pair together. The hustle and bustle of “the city that never sleeps” (or stops) can foster pressures placed upon the city’s residents. It is an expensive, exciting, often overwhelming, hub of opportunity. Every time you walk outside, there is a feeling of vibrant possibility that enrobes you as you make your travels from place to place. The concept of “fast walkers” and speeding through the sidewalks with your headphones on and your head down is widespread and well-loved. However, an alternative mode of transportation is accessible to us. Yes, the bus.. but also, meaningful, meditative, meandering walkabouts.
Finding the meaning, beauty, and glory in the mundane is oft thought to be a key to soothing feelings of depression and/or dissatisfaction with one’s surroundings. Focusing on the internal mechanisms that perceive meaning can be a far more sustainable and powerful method than constantly attempting to control external factors. The pleasure of a walkable city presents profound benefits to one’s physical health, and it can also sharpen these meaning-making mechanisms with a little practice.
Walking Meditation is a realm of traditional Buddhist meditation practice that recognizes the importance of the mind-body-environment connection through a focus on mindful walking practices that harness concentration skills and deep contemplation (Dorje et al., 2007). This practice highlights the transformative mind-soothing powers individuals contain when this focus is applied. Mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are increasingly commonplace in an ever-changing society. Meditation practices have been shown to positively impact a variety of mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and other debilitating psychological woes (Jamil et al., 2023).
Meditative walking within one’s environment can be emphasized and accessorized in numerous ways. Whether one feels called towards mantra practices, foliage observation, or birdwatching, there are several ways to practice mindful movement. As a birder myself, I appreciate the combined restorative process of birdwatching and walking in my mindfulness walks. In my experience, this involves slowing down, noticing, and recognizing. These reactions seem as though they would be instinctual, but they are regularly overlooked in daily life. Reacquainting oneself with the lost art of slowing down can lead to a newfound passion resulting in endless discoveries of our feathered neighbors and peers.
Within the realm of my digital detox expansion experiment, I wanted to focus on the interconnection of these worlds. When one begins to notice the surrounding world, who do we meet? My intention for this experiment was to meet some of my local birds and pay close attention to them. I wanted to illustrate a small field guide series of the ones that most clearly spoke (or sang) to me during this practice. In order to accurately portray a creature, extensive awareness is required. This digital detox experiment was my mission to pay closer attention to the birds I so often gaze upon and attempt to capture their likeliness in a digital birdwatcher’s guide for birding-walking-meditations in New York City.
New York City Birding Field Guide (of some of my favorite birds) —->
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American Crow:
My experiment began on the roof of my buildings, where I have a view of neighboring rooftops. Across the street from me, there lives a crow that perches upon a pole and watches over Ridgewood. I notice the crow’s gothic iridescence. I notice the crow’s nearly navy-blue sheen in certain spots of sunlight. I whistle and it appears that the crow turns to face me, like we are nearly conversing, or at least noticing. I have a brief knowledge of crow personalities, but further research reveals to me that they are some of the smartest birds out there. Also, they eat meat. This character fascinated me, and I felt pleased to know more about my bird-neighbor.
Common Starling:
The “common” starling is anything but. I am always struck by this delicate pool of ink when I am uptown for my doctor’s appointments. They have an oil-spill quality to their spotted feathers that makes them appear vaguely magical. I often see them in parks around the city, hopping about the grass. I had heard a story about their arrival in New York City being associated with Shakespearean lore and my later research both confirmed and debunked this. The popular origin story alleges that starlings were introduced to Central Park in 1890 in an attempt to populate America with all of the birds Shakespeare had written about. Unfortunately for appreciators of this quirky tale, this story has since been debunked (Bittel, 2022). However, the reputation associated with this story lives on. This avian folklore will remain true in the hearts of those who believe it (and the minds of those who do not engage in extensive bird research). I prefer to maintain the starling Shakespearean whimsicality, though the truth (migration) can also be magical.
White-Throated Sparrow:
In addition to being gorgeously strange little creatures, some birds even possess the gift of song. Mindfulness extends to all senses, and the sound of a sparrow is a glorious reminder of this. With a delicate whistle-note that comes across like a song, the white-throated sparrow songstress makes for a meditative walk that won’t make you miss your playlist. The American Institute of Stress proclaims that listening to bird songs can have positive impacts on one’s mental health (2023). Paying attention to the sounds that surround you, like listening to a song and noticing the lyrics, can allow you to identify distinct birds by the calls they chirp out. Birdsong active listening can result in a heightened awareness superpower with the possibility of stress reduction. I noticed these birds all around the city during my digital detox experience. First by sound, and then I knew who to look for. It felt like hearing the familiar voice of a friend while out and about. A delightful sonic surprise.
I noticed this curious-looking creature while strolling through Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. Their distinct, quirky appearance made them stick out to me and it brought me joy to discover they had a name to match. Their blue-grey-lavender coat and spikey hairdo create a nearly unbelievable picture of cuteness. With a burnt orange underbelly splash, admiring these birds made me feel like I was looking at a watercolor portrait. These precious beings remind me of why birds are such a popular subject of visual art. Nature beckons us to honor it.
American Robin:
Beloved by even the most novice birdwatcher, robins are easy to spot by their Scarlett bellies, golden beaks, and velvety grey coats. Their regal faces appear to be donned in a sort of crisp white geometric eyeliner, giving them the appearance of a dolled-up pop star. I often find robins in the more tree-lined New York City parks, and I spotted a couple in the trees amidst my Prospect Park walkabout. I spot them more regularly in the warmer months, noticing their cheerful song before I see their trademark cherry-colored chests. If you catch a robin while they’re feasting, you might see them nibbling upon berries or other sweet treats. They’re known to love fruit and earthworms- a balanced diet.
Mourning Dove:
On a birding tour this past summer, the head birder described a mourning dove’s song as “sad and beautiful, like Radiohead” and I’ve thought of this comparison whenever I’ve seen / heard one since. Mourning doves are one of my personal favorite New York City bird-neighbors. They are blush-toned and brilliant, often traveling in pairs. They are monogamous birds that mate for life.. quite romantic. I often see mourning doves on fire escapes and balconies while I’m out and about. They also seem to enjoy wandering around the parks with the rest of their bird communities. Their deep cooing songs are entrancing, and I spot these blues singers nearly every day. A mourning dove is less common to spot than a rock dove, a common pigeon, but a large number of them live in the city and can be discovered and admired easily. They are known for their flimsy nests, like rock doves, and their graceful stature. They have dark spots along their coat feathers and an almost periwinkle ring around their eyes. Mourning doves and their songs represent hope and comfort according to some Christian traditions (Matthias, 2024). Seeking meaning in the birds one spots can be an almost sacred way to communicate with nature / the surrounding universe.
Pigeon (Rock Dove) :
The first bird I knew well and loved was the humble pigeon. Occasionally referred to as the “rats of the sky”, pigeons catch a complicated reputation. As a city dweller for the entirety of my adult life, I’ve been able to seek out pigeons wherever I’ve traveled and recollect a sense of home. Pigeons are one of the constants of my life- a stable sight to count on every time I go outside. They remind me of New York City, and they remind me of all misunderstood sweet things. More like a stray cat than one might assume, pigeons do well with domesticity. Humans and pigeons have an extensive relationship. Though most modern pigeons are feral, they have a long history of domestication. Pigeons were a source of companionship and communication before being cast out into the world. Once their usefulness dimmed in the wake of civilization advancements, pigeons were abandoned by the same humans that domesticated them. This backstory has always stuck with me and completely transformed how I view these winged souls. Pigeon appreciation was my gateway bird to the world of birdwatching, and birdwatching has been my gateway to other forms of alternative meditation, like mindful walking. One can practice pigeon-watching-meditation as they walk to the train, go to the grocery store, or look anywhere in the city for long enough. Pigeons are the thread that ties all of the walks of my life together, all of the park visits, and all of my days in this city. They have been in our vicinity, in swarms, for a very long time. My perspective is that, like with all of life’s mundane consistencies, you might as well see them for their beauty, because the beauty is always there.
I’ve included some of my favorite images of pigeons I’ve taken throughout the city recently.
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Throughout my birding experiment and the mindfulness experiment of my life, I am always growing more aware and more appreciative of the environment in which I inhabit. There are so many unstable variables and spaces of suffering in this world- and moments of calm in between the hard work are essential. I find peace in my periods of reflection and meditation, enjoyment in my practices of walking and birding, and delight in my experiences of stepping away from my technological devices. I am grateful for the communication, information, and entertainment that is accessible to me by way of my phone, though moments of detox are crucial. My mental and physical health and well-being is dependent on these spaces of soothing. Movement, nature, awareness, and birds are incredibly important to my life. This project reflected my adoration of these parts of my world back to me, and for this I am grateful.
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doved-icelebrity · 5 months
Jane Goodall, “The Book of Hope”, Celebrityhood, and Meaning-Making
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Jane Goodall’s “The Book of Hope” classifies itself as “a survival guide for trying times” and follows through on this promise. This book is a documented discussed between Jane Goodall, an English primatologist, conversationalist, and anthropologist (Appleton, National Geographic, 2024), and Douglas Abrams, an author and optimistic founder of Idea Architects (HaperCollins Publishers). This illuminating collaboration invites readers to live hopeful lives in order to inspire themselves and the world around them, beautifully stating “Hope is contagious.”
This book is a beacon of optimism, a lighthouse of faith, a sunbeam of necessary dreams for the often-daunting future.
Jane Goodall revolutionizes the concept of celebrityhood. Goodall is widely known and beloved, and uses this momentum to spread knowledge and potent positivity, selflessly. Goodall has dedicated her entire life to caring for animal’s wellbeing and the environments in which they exist. “The Book of Hope” illustrates Goodall’s lifelong devotion to meaningful change, discussing her journey from dreamer to globally recognized activist. This subversive depiction of celebrityhood paves new paths for what it means to be a celebrity. Fame can be wielded for the greater good, and Goodall amplifies this possibility through her actions and shared stories.
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Fame and celebrityhood as a concept is often aligned with the implication of seeking personal gain, superficial attention, and fleeting resources. Goodall’s platform depicts an opposite portrayal. Goodall transcends modern spheres of celebrity and advocates for the attention and resources she garners to be poured back into her environmental causes.
Jane Goodall has contributed widely and profoundly to social causes and her activist pursuits throughout her lifelong career. “The Book of Hope” travels along these contributions in vivid, inspirational detail. Witnessing Goodall’s efforts places a direct emphasis on the power of change that each of us holds within us. Discussions of endurance, devotion, and unyielding perseverance to her passions serve as a call to action for readers to take inspiration from.
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Goodall and “The Book of Hope” serve as powerful examples of social change being possible and pertinent. This book grows in relevancy as the world turns on and bursts of hope and feelings of ability wean away from us. Goodall ensures readers that the impact of one can influence many, and the influence of many can revolutionize communities. Spanning from discussions on climate change, politics, conservation efforts, and universes of meaning in between, “The Book of Hope” can speak to all who dare to listen.
“Only if we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved.”
“The Book of Hope” identifies and introduces distinct reasons for hope. By calling attention to individual’s ability, innovation, resilience, determination, and unrelenting spirit, readers are called back into ourselves and motivated to respond. Goodall’s unique, authentic, powerful perspective has impacted individuals for decades, and this book’s collection of her thoughts and experiences will carry on impacting readers for long to come. There will never be a time with humans do not require reminders of hope, or when the awe-inspiring actions of activists will not be important for us to draw motivation from.
“Let us use the gift of our lives to make this a better world.”
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doved-icelebrity · 5 months
The marvelous research (treesearch perhaps…) done by Suzanne Simard has illuminated my understanding of the forest-contained universe. Revealing the communication systems and collaborative efforts put into place by trees, for trees, feels akin to discovering a secret code within the natural world. The idea that trees have the knowledge, ability, and community structures allowing them to share and support among each other, without the everyday hubbub of humankind, is deeply inspirational. What elegant examples of interconnection they really are. Simard conducted research that illustrated the complexity of tree systems, introducing them as connected beings. They do not stand alone as they may seem, their root system conducts exchanges and chemical based conversations among their entire tree neighborhood.
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Illustrating tree cooperation and connection in this way brings a new level of understanding to how being of all kind may survive and thrive best. Relationships can be painted as symbiotic, harmonious, supportive frameworks. Nothing and nobody functions best when entirely isolated, attempting to get ahead and/or leave their community behind due to perceived uselessness. I was deeply struck by the introduction of the character “Mother Tree”. Selfless, sustaining, nurturing beams of beauty living among us. These Mother Trees can teach civilization so very much. Prioritization of the many over the few.
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Human consciousness further delving into the deep natural world, as exhibited in popular culture examples like “Ted Lasso”, display an increasing awareness of nature as well as a growing desire to connect. Connection with the world around us, connection with others, connection with our deeper selves. All of these concepts inform each other, and the implication of this being a momentum-gaining endeavor brings a steady stream of hope. As the world around us presents us with newly complex catastrophes, we must gain understanding and motivation to enact positive change. We must pay closer attention to the delicate, divine, disintegrating world around us. Trees can teach us about how to pay attention, work together, and communicate through meaningful action.
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A quote that spoke to my soul from this week’s post was the highlighted piece from Suzanne Simard herself. “Trees live amid an orchestra of organisms. Whispering, gossiping, eavesdropping, all working together in symphonic harmony. Recent research shows that trees are in constant communication with one another through an underground biological neural network made of mycorrhizal fungi.” Likening nature to a symphony is a glorious metaphor. I am picturing trees all holding hands or passing notes or sharing pieces of their meals. It is a very poetic familial scene.
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I have been gaining sweet memories beneath trees all my life. Whether in the Pennsylvanian woods of my childhood or at Central Park after an uptown appointment, I feel that walking somewhere and seeing a towering tree is like recognizing a dear friend. Someone you can sit with a while, to give you a place to rest, shade from your daily woes, something beautiful to gaze upon.. Seeing these friends change through the seasons, as I change, provides a deep pool of understanding to sink within. My favorite tree growing up was behind my house, I would sit beneath her and read endless poetry, growing up and outwards, alongside her.
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My Digital Detox experience and my continuing practice of virtual detoxification consistently pulls me towards nature. Firstly, I am looking up, I am seeing what’s around me. I am listening to the wind rustle the leaves, the sounds of the city bustling around me. I am smelling the warm grass and the gentle flowers. It is a sensory exploration chamber.
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doved-icelebrity · 5 months
I often wander around exclusively to strength-train my perception, picking up on street art / bumper stickers / interesting examples of lives lived. This week’s exercise spoke to my soul in this way. I find the power of a passing image to be often unspoken, only finding those that seek it out specifically or come across it on accident. As an artist, I am well aware and in awe of the ways in which beautiful images and thought-provoking words can revolutionize one’s state of mind, alter the course of a day, and perhaps even inspire a newfound passion. Consistently, I find myself so grateful to live in a city that is so rich with life in these ways. Every walk to the train can lead to a discovery of something unexpected, profound, and hidden in plain sight. I believe that what you seek is seeking you, and when you search for beauty, you can find it almost everywhere.
Aside from all things lovely, street art is so often multidimensional- speaking volumes, making impacts, diverting attention towards what must be said. Art and culture should be made as widely accessible as possible, and everyone should have access to expression and enjoyment within these realms. This method of artistic expression brings art and commentary into the everyday world, where it belongs and is constantly being reborn. When the goal is to spread a message and raise awareness, the practice of breaking down the gates preventing a piece from being seen by absolutely everyone possible is both brilliant and crucial. Being surrounded by vibrant displays of care makes for a neighborhood that feels truly cared for.
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The images of street art I have included express messages of everyday motivation, encouragement, and support, with touches of humor. I am struck by the concept of an artist spending time / energy / art supplies to spread a selfless message. In a world run by advertisements and promotion, this act of anonymous art feels contrary.
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I have been a fan of these “PMS” tags for a few years now. I see it as a proud display of feminism and Queer sexuality. I am not sure who or what is behind this initiative, but I have seen a variety of pink “PMS” paintings across Brooklyn. The idea of something a fact of life for so much of the population that is usually shamed and silenced being highlighted in hot pink makes me laugh. I am sure it can be a bit jarring to some, though I believe this would be the point. It seems like an iteration of the classic “girl power” with a gay twist. I find the implied conflation of menstruation with womanhood to be a flaw in this artwork’s message, but I can appreciate the overall artistic intention. I would love to see a trans-inclusive take on this, as many individuals get their period and many individuals don’t, and gender is unrelated. In spite of this, I can also understand that an artist’s personal goal is not always a wide reach of relatability. This brings up the point that art being put into the world widely and freely opens it up to a more expansive sphere of criticism and varied reactions. Constructive criticism is a critical part of the artist’s journey.
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It reminds me of the movements taken on by a modern period care companies (I think of a popular brand that seeks to do good around this issue called August specifically) with the goal to destigmatize menstruation. The fact of the matter is that menstruation affects a significant portion of the world and everyone that requires access to period care products deserves them, without shame, guilt, or tax. Like any health concern, treatment and awareness is essential and should never be looked down upon. Though it is done in a cheeky way, I do believe that Premenstrual Syndrome is a serious mental and physical health concern that is not as widely understood, acknowledged, or treated as it should be. The shame around menstruation prevents people suffering from symptoms to seek help. If in some world, someone sees these paintings, googles the acronym, and learns about PMS in a sincere way, then it is a success. If someone sees this while suffering from period related bodily pain and mental anguish and chuckles, then it is a success. Art can be so many things, why not make some of it about PMS.
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Without traditional guidelines and rules to adhere to, the subversive nature of the content created is limitless. An artist’s freedom of expression results in the creation of a discourse that need not fit into any sort of specific box. This makes for unparalleled levels of radical honesty and authentic engagement. Giving voice to artists that otherwise may not have the access to express themselves in this way is inspiring to all artists following a path of change making, empowerment, and expression. The world is our canvas during this lifetime, making the city in which one resides being a studio/gallery/feast of inspiration being a very natural progression. Breaking free from the borders in which art historically is sheltered behind makes for a complete disruption in the art world and an opportunity for an audience to expand beyond tradition and engage in an equally unique way. The accessibility of street art makes the overall influence on public culture vast and powerful. Seeing inspirational messages surround you seeps into your psyche, causing this inspiration to be a part of your every day path.
This method of inspiration, activism, and expressions of emotion is a blessed transformation of our daily lives. A way to make important messages known, revolutionize public spaces, spread joy, and call attention to the community and culture.
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doved-icelebrity · 6 months
What Not To Wear
Sustainable Fashion, Second-hand Shopping, and Social Media’s Sway
As an internet user and a Gen Z resident (on the cusp, at least), I find myself affected by fast-fashion everywhere I turn. I am often overwhelmed by the onslaught of passing trends and the virtual urging to participate in the current wave of whatever is fashionable. I am grateful to have been taught to seek treasure in the realm of second-hand shopping from an early age. Born out of necessity and becoming something of a passion, the world of “thrifting” is a vast one that contains a few key lessons on sustainable approaches to fashion. Though there have been periods of my life when being on-trend seemed vital to my survival, I came to learn about the concept of a capsule wardrobe and have not longed to look back. The idea of investing (whether in time or money or a combination of the two) in pieces that speak to your soul and fit your life perfectly can save endless time and frustration (not to mention the clothing-waste prevention) is a brilliant thing to adapt to. I see this idea coming into the public consciousness via social media more and more as time goes on and it is fantastic to witness. What one deems essential will differ person to person, and will allow the individual to truly consider their style and the structure of their life in a way that fast-fashion prevents.
When I have a special occasion coming up or I want a change of pace, I like to have clothing swaps with my friends. That old tee shirt / pair of trousers / dress from the back of your closet that you haven’t worn in a bit can be given a brand new life in the hands of a pal. And it’s free! When I need something more specific, I head to local second-hand shops with a vision in mind. Shopping aimlessly leads to buying aimlessly, which of course leads to clothing waste. The avoidance of these things is my goal. I consider myself a crafty individual. When I have a garment that is met with rips or tears, I am not afraid to attempt to “upcycle” it with amateur alterations, personalized patches, and a bit of luck. There is an undeniable beauty in being truly committed to the pieces you know and love, the articles of clothing that have gone on journeys without you throughout your life, have hugged all of your favorite people and seen your favorite places. I have had coats and jeans in my life for nearly a decade, and they existed on this earth long before they came into my possession. Though some of my garments occasionally go into periods of retirement, the thrill of moving them back into my outfit rotation when the time is right is my favorite sort of shopping spree.
Taken in my favorite local second-hand clothing store “Other People’s Clothes” in Ridgewood, Queens :
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Photos taken of my favorite second-hand and vintage store (now closed, heartbreakingly) The Eclectic Contessa, where I shopped for the entirety of my adolescence in my hometown in Pennsylvania :
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In terms of eco-friendly material viability, I feel that it is the same as any other kind of societal shift in the forward direction. Everything seems impossible until we do it. With enough inspiration, experimentation, funding, and demand- anything can be done. I think of the current universality of reusable grocery bags. Alternative material straws. It takes trial and error (paper straws weren’t as beloved as other materials for example) but making the toxic materials less accessible (and less popular) causes massive shifts in society, where the past can be nearly completely phased out.
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Many fashion brands (including those considered fast fashion) do indeed engage in the practice of greenwashing. This process of exaggeration and false advertising around the environmental cost of one’s practice / process results in confusion, disappointment, and distrust within consumer bases. This well-earned skepticism can cause consumers to be more conscious about the brands they suppose. This push to engage in more research when shopping results in a more thought out purchase, and a slower want-buy-discard cycle. Internet-popular societal shifts (particularly among Milennials and Gen Z) towards sustainable fashion has caused a number of luxury brands to make genuine efforts toward environmental responsibility.
A photo I took on the set of a photo shoot a few years ago for a friend’s upcycled fashion brand “For Good Luck” , hand-dyed second-hand and vintage wedding dresses and various formal wear are given new life :
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A brand that I see widely popularized on social media, and I myself am a fan of, is SAYE. They are a (primarily) sneaker brand crafting shoes from bio-based and recycled materials. Their website boasts a manifesto with a purpose to promote “a conscious lifestyle by offering high quality vegan sneakers that are kind to the planet and its people” and promises of impact compensation and total transparency. SAYE is partnered with BCome, a platform for global sustainability management, and shares their Eco-score insights clearly and directly on their website for all shoppers to see. The eco-friendly footwear materials consist of corn leather, bamboo yarn, organic cotton, apple leather, cactus leather, mango leather, recycled & synthetic rubber, recycled PET yarn extracted from water bottles, recycled polyurethane from mattress factory excess, and Seaqual yarn in collaboration with international fishing communities. SAYE also strives for responsible packaging and ethical manufacturing practices, making it a company with values throughout the entire process from design to doorstep. As a full cherry sundae on top, SAYE also funds the growth of two trees for each pair of sneakers sold and collaborates with a number of social projects. This example of a brand that is both popular, stylish, and genuinely doing good for the world is exactly the sort of product that deserves all of the praise it receives. I came to know this brand from social media posts and admired the look of the shoe before I even was made aware of the beautiful benefits behind it… this is to say that eco-friendliness and style can coexist peacefully.
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This week’s post contained a number of stats that truly struck me. It is devastating to come to terms with the hard facts around waste creation in this world, but we must face reality in order to grapple with it and make changes. The staggering concept of 25 million pounds of clothing ending up in landfills/incinerators each year is enough to make anyone look at their closet a bit differently. I was also struck by clothing waste being the fastest growing category of waste in the UK. In an age where everything seems more and more replaceable I suppose the idea of discarding thoughtlessly follows behind closely. The idea of 300 million pairs of shoes being discarded yearly is incomprehensible… I don’t mean to sound ancient but this makes me feel that not enough people know about the wonders a cobbler can craft upon a beaten up pair of shoes.
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Of course, not everyone can commit to keeping their wardrobe forever, whether it be due to changing life circumstances or style preferences. While I still feel that more of an effort should be made in being sustainable within your very own home, I am grateful that clothing producers are making strides to mitigate environmental impact. This is when the concept of fashion rentals and sustainable/recyclable materials is gorgeously good news. I found myself positively stunned by the wide variety of alternative materials on the market, and I imagine more are being created as time goes on. We are always making progress, however slowly, but it is important to remember that real progress is being made. A combined effort consisting of prior research, wardrobe / product sustainability, and brand impact transparency can make the weight our earth is carrying a little lighter.
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doved-icelebrity · 6 months
“How to Do Nothing” by Jenny Odell - Overview, Analysis, Reflections, & Lessons
Insistence on Resistance and Birdwatching Too
Jenny Odell explores the concept of “doing nothing” in a world that places immense value on productivity due to the ever growing demands of the attention economy in the digital age. Odell presents a thought-provoking argument for resisting against the incessant pulls and pressures of these technological pursuits. Themes of digital evolution, attention necessity, social media, and productivity pursuits are brought into the light and inspected honestly. What are the everlasting impacts of these streams of stress on our one wild and precious life? Odell gets to the soul of the matter, with the intention for readers to get in touch with themselves and the world we inhabit in a more mindful and purposeful way.
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“How to Do Nothing” acknowledges the clear challenges of “doing nothing” within our current societal framework. The attachment between the average individual and constant engagement is an intense bond, growing stronger through positive reinforcement that is not exactly so positive for our mental/physical/spiritual health. Readers are introduced to the concept of the attention economy, though we have been partaking within it for quite some time. The attention economy is driven forward by needs for virtual engagement, mental stimulation, and date collection. These needs can be compared to addictive behaviors, and have harmful effects on the user’s psyche. Excessive technology use results in attention spans that become more and more fragmented, as well as an ability to focus that weakens without regular use. Odell explains that a departure from this cycle is possible, and even encouraged. Though the anxious attachments to our devices is all-consuming at times, we are capable of reclaiming our lives, minds, and selves and re-entering the real world. To connect through disconnection, to look up from our virtual lives and experience reality in all its slow moving glory.
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Within “How to Do Nothing”, Odell interweaves and interrogates concepts of connection between oneself, community, and the natural world within the context of modernity and history. Odell explores changing themes of the self from different philosophical, literary, and historical lenses, interspersed with her own personal anecdotes and considerations. This balance of thinkers and different realms of reality create a diverse pool of perspective within one can float and find themselves. Odell draws from iconic thinkers, writers, speakers, researchers, and dreamers to explore the experience of the internet age. This timely odyssey throughout the importance of attention reclamation is engaging, authentic, accessible, and deeply necessary. Productivity is an understandable pursuit to seek amidst the constraints of society, but a powerful alternative exists within ourselves. Odell highlights the vast array of things we are missing out on when we place our attention on that which does not serve us / our world / our communities / our futures. The direction in which one aims their attention can transform their mindset, and, in doing so, this can change the world one mind at a time. As Odell says, “Realities are, after all, inhabitable. If we can render a new reality together- with attention- perhaps we can meet each other there.”
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“What does it mean to construct digital worlds while the actual world is crumbling before our eyes.” (Odell, “How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy”)
The COVID-19 Pandemic resulted in a flare-up of a variety of mental health issues, addiction struggles, and plain bad habits. With technology and our cellphones being one the last seemingly-safe coping mechanisms available to us at a time of such great uncertainty, of course we flocked to the screens we knew and loved. The COVID-19 lockdown of 2020 led to a significant shift within the attention economy, with internet entertainment companies being a source of much desired connection, communication, and a sense of stability during such deeply unstable times. Jenny Odell’s “How to Do Nothing” entered public consciousness at the ideal time considering these social trends. Odell’s ideas of alternative ways to spend one’s time amidst anxiety and uncertainty provided necessary solace to those struggling with their place within the attention economy. Odell addresses the push and pull individuals feel with productivity and the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown caused everyone to look at their relationship between their productivity and their mental wellbeing.
“To stand apart is to take the view of the outsider without leaving, always oriented toward what it is you would have left. It means not fleeing your enemy, but knowing your enemy, which turns out not to be the world—contemptus mundi—but the channels through which you encounter it day to day. It also means giving yourself the critical break that media cycles and narratives will not, allowing yourself to believe in another world while living in this one. Unlike the libertarian blank slate that appeals to outer space, or even the communes that sought to break with historical time, this “other world” is not a rejection of the one we live in. Rather, it is a perfect image of this world when justice has been realized with and for everyone and everything that is already here. To stand apart is to look at the world (now) from the point of view of the world as it could be (the future), with all of the hope and sorrowful contemplation that this entails.” (Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy)
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The concept of “celebrity culture” and Odell’s book “How to Do Nothing” intertwine in the ways that the foundation of celebrity culture greatly consists of individuals shifting their attention away from themselves and their immediate world in order to escape reality. Odell beckons readers to reconsider the way in which they consume/create art and culture. Celebrities often fall under this umbrella. Celebrity culture as in the concept of branding oneself and monetizing, publicizing, filtering all that one creates and consists of can be seen as a pillar of the attention economy. Shifting away from this mindset in order to resist the forces of the attention economy and the incessant demands on our attention is what Odell offers to readers as a valuable journey.
“Ultimately, I argue for the view of a self and of identity that is the opposite of a personal brand: an unstable, shapeshifting thing determined by intersections with others and with different kinds of places.” (Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy)
Internet addiction is a phenomenon that affects nearly everyone in my community, regardless of age, career path, or social media popularity. While it fluctuates in severity and source, I believe that we all find ourselves impacted by the effects of a highly toxic social media affected culture. I rely on my devices in order to stay close in geographically distant relationships, to be kept updated with new sources and media outlets, to navigate school and work related platforms, and to attempt relaxation after all of the aforementioned tasks have been completed. Digital leisure is something of an oxymoron and I do personally attempt to detox from my screen time through meditation, mindfulness, exercise, and artistic expression. Though I can’t truthfully say that I’m not usually playing music from Spotify, asking my Amazon Alexa for recipes, or following along with a guided breathing exercise on YouTube or Headspace. Even while birding, which Odell praises as an act of “doing nothing”, occasionally requires me to use an app to differentiate bird calls. I attempt to maintain awareness of my dramatic increase in internet usage, though I’ve grown up on the computer. Some of my fondest childhood memories consist of playing The Sims after school and connecting with faraway friends while living in a neighborhood that felt more distant than any cyberspace. I believe my growing away from my childhood interests includes growing away from my internet obsession as much as I am able to. I hope this growth continues on, and my screen time continues to diminish. It is an active process of mind training and focus-focused strength building. It is a process of constantly discovering and rediscovering, of reawakening and rebuilding.
“This is real. Your eyes reading this text, your hands, your breath, the time of day, the place where you are reading this—these things are real. I’m real too. I am not an avatar, a set of preferences, or some smooth cognitive force; I’m lumpy and porous, I’m an animal, I hurt sometimes, and I’m different one day to the next. I hear, see, and smell things in a world where others also hear, see, and smell me. And it takes a break to remember that: a break to do nothing, to just listen, to remember in the deepest sense what, when, and where we are. —” (Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy)
I am reminded of a quote by author Ursula K. Le Guin, written in her novel “The Lathe of Heaven” that speaks to the constant need to be rediscovered and reborn in this world, and this being the most worthy of tasks. “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone, it has to be made, like bread; re-made all the time, made new.” There is no stagnancy in love and to build a life that is as magical as this most magical thing, it to be moving, seeking, and working. Odell dissects the commonplace definition of work and productivity, and reminds us that there is work required even in “doing nothing”. Odell’s conception of “doing nothing” speaks to the disconnection from the constant demands of society’s attention economy and reconnecting to the world beyond these soul-draining structures. This “nothing” is a conscious act of resistance. One must actively disengage from familiar manipulative distraction in order to actively reengage with meaningful realms of connection and community. Odell explains “doing nothing” as a powerful example of reclaiming one’s agency in a world that so intensely benefits from our blissful ignorance.
“The world needs my participation more than ever. Again, it is not a question of whether, but how.” (Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy)
Nature, naturally, plays a monumental role in the act of “doing nothing”. When one is unsure of how to “do nothing” and how much of something this nothing really is, we can look to nature, and the glorious ecosystems that thrive spectacularly without even an occasional instagram notification. Odell often draws connections between dynamics of the attention economy and concepts existing within ecological systems. Odell suggests that looking to nature for insights into resistance and reasons to reconnect is a powerful experience. Birdwatching is an art form / practice / protest that Odell draws poetic wisdom from, with the act of birding being a divine example of doing nothing leading to noticing everything.
”However you refer to it, what this practice has in common with Deep Listening is that observing birds requires you quite literally to do nothing. Bird-watching is the opposite of looking something up online. You can’t really look for birds; you can’t make a bird come out and identify itself to you. The most you can do is walk quietly and wait until you hear something, and then stand motionless under a tree, using your animal senses to figure out where and what it is.” (Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy)
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Birdwatching experienced a surge of popularity among the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown when individuals were parched for connection with the outside world while living with interpersonal anxiety and isolation. This activity calls for the participant to engage in ultimate mindfulness. One must be present, attentive, thoughtful, and open in order to achieve connection with the bird world. As a birdwatching enthusiast myself, I was thrilled to see this comparison within this book. I find birdwatching to be a delightful form of meditation and an exquisite excuse to study nature more intently. Odell describes her birdwatching practice as an everyday, automatic activity that she incorporates into her regular routines, This practice of consistent attentiveness to one’s immediate surroundings results in a shift in one’s experience of time. When one is not rushing, the world slows and opportunities to think / notice / breathe open up expansively.
”I looked over at my neighbor, the song sparrow, and thought about how just a few years ago, I wouldn’t have known its name, might not have even known it was a sparrow, might not have even seen it at all. How lonely that world seemed in comparison to this one! But the sparrow and I were no longer strangers. It was no stretch of the imagination, nor even of science, to think that we were related. We were both from the same place (Earth), made of the same stuff. And most important, we were both alive.” (Odell, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy)
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Just as our relationships with our devices affect each moment of our waking lives, they can significantly impact us as we slumber. Blue light emissions (that we are constantly soaking up) suppress natural bodily processes of melatonin production (a sleep-regulation hormone). This disruption, as well as general cognitive stimulation and notification induced distraction, combine into a perfect insomniac cocktail. I struggle with phone related sleep anxiety, worrying that I may miss a call or an alarm. It is a practice that I am consistently working on and attempting to be aware of. I experiment with tart cherry juice, magnesium, meditation, and breathing exercises in an attempt to create a sleep-friendly sanctuary within my mind. It’s not a perfect system, though it is an ongoing practice in knowing thyself.
Though I have interspersed a selection of quotes from “How to Do Nothing” that struck and stuck with me, I will leave this post with my most favorite of the bunch.
“It’s a bit like falling in love—that terrifying realization that your fate is linked to someone else’s, that you are no longer your own. But isn’t that closer to the truth anyway? Our fates are linked, to each other, to the places where we are, and everyone and everything that lives in them. How much more real my responsibility feels when I think about it this way! This is more than just an abstract understanding that our survival is threatened by global warming, or even a cerebral appreciation for other living beings and systems. Instead this is an urgent, personal recognition that my emotional and physical survival are bound up with these “strangers,” not just now, but for life.” (Odell)
The miraculous interconnection of each being on this universe is something that comes up in my artistic practice and my thoughts in every way and every day. I am astounded by the mindset shift of this responsibility.. it is not one to dread but an enormous experiment in gratitude. We owe each other, and this world, and ourselves, so much. Our fates are all linked, they’re all holding hands in the cosmic soup, learning / wishing / and desperately trying to stay afloat.
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Hand-Drawn Map & Digital Detox Experiment
This experiment-experience did indeed result in a few insights. I have realized I cannot draw an accurate map. I have further developed my knowledge of my Spotify app dependency for cinematic soundtracks on my walks. I have grown my appreciation for my tried and true pigeon spotting grounds. I am deeply grateful to live in a neighborhood in which I can center myself and explore the environment with delight and ease. I live beside all of my favorite spaces and places, which sometimes has left me with the thought that my world is small. But my knowledge of my small space is deep, and for this I am incredibly lucky.
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doved-icelebrity · 6 months
“My Octopus Teacher” Tales of Deep-sea Dreams, Life, and Love
A meditation on patience and the incomprehensible beauty of the marine dimension. “My Octopus Teacher” highlights the importance of noticing one’s surroundings and expressing true appreciation for nature. Documentary filmmaking explores the underwater forest and beckons viewers to dive deeply within themselves . This documentary highlights the need to consider the relationship between human and nature and the impacts that individuals have on aquatic ecosystems. Throughout the portrayal of an unlikely relationship, viewers are urged to ponder themes of self-reflection, empathy, and the interconnection of all living / loving beings. The impact that each of us can have on the world around us is immense and the first step to a brighter future begins with us. Inspiration and intuition are pieces of us that must be honored. Individuals contain unlimited potential and possibility that is so often blocked by our fears of the unknown. However, the unknown could be a beautiful thing.
Craig Foster, a documentary filmmaker, spends a year of his life away from his usual world. He spends each day diving into the sea and exploring a new universe. Foster meets an Octopus and feels called to her, meeting her each day, waiting for her, studying her, and learning from her. The Octopus endures an entire life, and we view it in stunning technicolor. The visuals within this film are overwhelmingly gorgeous, creating a watercolor romance. Foster connects his own life and experience to the Octopus and contrasts the psychological / developmental differences and comparisons. Focusing on themes of emotional intelligence and the fragile / impermanent facets of reality, this film is a rich tribute to nature.
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The profound, precious experiences shown within “My Octopus Teacher” through magnificent underwater filmmaking showcase the capacity for meaningful connection within each creature. This film is an adventure in hope, discovery, and trust. These bonds that bring all life on this earth together are so often overlooked and dismissed, considered unnecessary or impossible. But the work is worthwhile, despite the vast effort required. What can we learn from one another? What worlds exist within us and around us that we hardly acknowledge? If we explore experiences deeply rather than widely, what can we find? An evolution of contemplation and understanding expands throughout this visual storytelling journey.
Octopuses do not live long lives by human standards, and due to this the importance of each day throughout this journey becomes all the more profound. Craig Foster spent around 80% of this specific Octopus’s life visiting her, exploring the details of her life, earning her trust, learning her ways. Though all lives and all loves must come to an end, the experience does not lose meaning due to its brevity. The ending of a story is a necessary part. We must move through the endings of chapters, and keep moving. In spite of this inevitability, it is our duty to protect one another while we are granted the gift of life.
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Foster shines a light on an often unseen part of our reality. It is a moving documentary that creates opportunity for deep insight. The bond forged between Foster and the Octopus is felt by the viewers, a relationship between a creature and their human is remarkably special. It is a dynamic that does not need words, yet teaches us so many valuable life lessons. The very fact that two creatures of such vastly different realms of life can connect is enough to bring anyone to tears. This film presents a rare glimpse of the world in which these intelligent creatures exist as well as the worlds in which they individually contain. Viewers are stuck by the octopus’s ability to trust, learn, adapt, and emote. Octopuses and creatures in general are humanized in this sense and this develops a more palpable human-creature connection.
The documentary brings attention to the intricacy and importance of the marine environment and the life within it that we can consider our neighbors. Though often overlooked, these creatures contain worlds of their own and require the same respect that we all deserve. “My Octopus Teacher” is a call for appreciation and awareness for marine biodiversity. The audience is inspired to advocate for the protection of these sweet, sensitive, silent creatures. In learning about the wealth of intelligence and emotion contained within each of these underwater societies, viewers are left to reevaluate their part in protecting our oceans. The urgency of climate change affects us all, and there are creatures that can not help in the same ways that humans are able to. We must speak up and stand up for them.
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Personally, I found this to be a deeply moving message contained within a remarkably pretty parallel universe. I am an avid animal appreciator, and I find the bond between creature and human to be capable of teaching the most profound truths. I am constantly learning from animals, from pets to pigeons, the universe expands each time I stop to listen to the silence they provide me. I have complicated personal feelings about whether or not we should enter another creature’s habitat, but I believe that in order to tell this tale it was a necessity. The visuals are jaw dropping, the soundtrack is delightful, and the documentary as a whole resulted in heartwarming heartbreaking perfection. I am always deeply pleased to learn about the intricacies and intelligence contained within the soul of another creature, octopuses are profoundly special and I am grateful that they got to swim in the spotlight here.
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“My Octopus Teacher” received significant acclaim within the film industry. The positive recognition received for this deeply touching story set an example for documentary filmmakers. This documentary shows us in full glory that one can tell an important story about nature and environmental advocacy and be sincerely heard and greatly appreciated. The director of the documentary, Pippa Ehrlich, sets a positive precedent for female filmmakers and gender inclusivity within documentary filmmaking and the cinematic universe at large. The positive impacts that follow critical acclaim and a wider audience viewing a touching portrayal of the fleeting beauty of nature are vast. More viewers being awakened to the world in which we live and urged to fight for the voiceless results in more of a chance for us to care for our oceans and our planet.
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doved-icelebrity · 6 months
Existential Barbie, Bubblegum-pink Patriarchy, & The Plague of Perfectionism
Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” delves into themes of feminism, patriarchy, and identity exploration to create a powerful narrative that speaks to a multitude of societal issues and challenges traditional gender norms. Using vehicles such as Barbie’s existential crisis and self discovery journey, the audience is taken on a journey through these issues with the intention of arriving in a more authentic destination. “Barbie” explores issues related to societal expectations and authenticity as well as her personal struggles with perfectionism, aging, and what her role is in society. This narrative celebrates individuality, uniqueness, and breaking free from the rigid stereotypes that bind us.
The “Barbie” movie broke several records. “Barbie” became the highest-grossing film directed by a woman, as well as the highest-grossing Warner Brothers picture, and the biggest opening for a non-sequel film. In addition to these records, “Barbie” received eight Oscar nominations, including the prestigious nomination for Best Picture. “Barbie” became a sort of cultural phenomenon and celebration of womanhood, leaving behind a trail of popcorn and pink in addition to the thought-provoking themes and amusing performances applauded by audiences.
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Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” offers a new twist on an iconic character and reframed perspectives on themes that have plagued society for ages. This biopic offers entertainment, earnestness, and fresh perspectives on the multitude of societal expectations women struggle beneath the weight of. In a lighthearted, bubblegum, beautiful way, serious issues regarding patriarchal constraints and the psychological effects of societal standards are addressed, allowing viewers to see themselves and their inner children intersecting and connecting on the big screen.
This cinematic experience is one that contains healing benefits for those that see themselves within the characters, even if in a melodramatic / comedic / dramatized version. The impact of the film is enhanced by the depth of emotion portrayed by the characters, spanning various ages and backgrounds. Margot Robbie captures Barbie’s emotional turmoil amidst her journey of the self. Robbie’s depiction of existential questioning and crisis was one that resonated with viewers deeply. Robbie exuded vulnerability throughout her quest towards an authentic personhood.
America Ferreira’s performance as Gloria, a human adult woman and mother, was a contrasting and comparative depiction of self discovery. Gloria’s character embarks upon an odyssey from loneliness and despair towards self fulfillment, much like the character of Barbie. Ferreira depicts her own version of societal pressures masterfully, and delivers monologues on the challenges, complexities, and pressures of modern womanhood that leave lasting impacts on viewers. Gloria’s unique perspective as a mother is another depiction of the bridge between a viewer’s present and past, with her heartfelt concern for her daughter within a broken society speaking to both parents and individuals tending to their own inner child.
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In the current cultural, societal, and patriarchal landscape, Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” does indeed serve as a cautionary tale. “Barbie” speaks directly to those suffering beneath the weight of societal pressures, as well as to those enforcing the standards among themselves. Through Barbie’s existential crisis and Gloria’s insightful monologue on the hypocrisy prevalent throughout the human world, the movie encourages viewers to reflect on their own identities and the standards they uphold. These themes present a beckoning for introspection and questioning of traditional norms in the face of rigid expectations. “Barbie” offers an alternative perspective; What if we don’t play along?
“Barbie” depicts the iconic Barbie dolls living within their timeless utopia, as well as adult humans, and modern teenagers. This variety of depictions is bound together by the ever-present thread of societal tradition, gender roles, and unrelenting responsibilities of what one must be / do / feel. The pressure of inflexible authority, often at the expense of women’s freedom and empowerment, is one that brings the characters together in the aim of a common goal. It is the binds that bond us.
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The Bechdel test is a set of criteria used to asses a work of fiction’s inclusion and representation of female characters. Due to “Barbie”’s focus on female characters and a central theme of the film exploring female identity within a patriarchal society, it does indeed pass the necessary standards the Bechdel test puts in place. The film’s female characters discuss identity, vulnerability, strength, and empowerment, among other themes. Men do play a role within this film, with Ken being a main character, but this is primarily to illustrate the “man’s world” in which humans live and the effects of a patriarchal society within the Mattel corporation, the business world, advertisement, and essentially everywhere one looks.
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Greta Gerwig is the director of the “Barbie” movie as well as a central role in the foundation of creation. The Barbie movie screenplay is an original work of Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach. Inspiration for this piece was drawn from previous works of Greta Gerwig’s such as “Little Women” and “Lady Bird”. These films also challenge societal expectations placed on women and explore journeys towards self exploration and discovery.
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Barbie is a concept that spreads beyond the recent film, beyond the iconic doll, beyond the decades and decades of pink plastic perfection that has been interwoven throughout childhood, girlhood, and womanhood alike. Barbie has become synonymous with perfection and beauty. The idea of a Barbie doll being the unattainable beauty standard set for young girls and women is a long running concept that this movie builds upon and aims to interrogate and dissect. As time has gone on, beauty standards shift and evolve, as does the classic Barbie doll that children grow up idolizing. This movie is another example of the evolution of societal standards, beauty standards, girlhood, and womanhood. Can one movie fix a multigenerational long issue? Of course not. But every step in the right direction is a positive move. Having a movie like “Barbie” being wildly popular within society and available for children for years to come is something that I find important, powerful, and yes, quite beautiful.
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doved-icelebrity · 7 months
Leah Thomas and Inclusive Climate Action
Leah Thomas is an environmentalist-activist that is most well known for her work in promoting intersectional environmentalism and environmental justice. At COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Thomas played a crucial role in raising awareness for inclusive climate action. Thomas placed a necessary emphasis on the importance of making marginalized communities heard and highlighted amidst discussions on climate policy and sustainability. Utilizing her platform at COP26 to discuss the importance of intersectionality in present / future conversations and the ways in which marginalized groups are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change, Thomas gave a voice to a deeply important topic at an important time and place.
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“Intersectional Environmentalism” & The Ways In Which Movements Intersect
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Intersectional Environmentalism is a way of approaching environmentalism that recognizes, discusses, and highlights the interconnection of environmental issues with additional social justice issues, such as race, gender, and class. This interconnection is crucial to acknowledge in this context as marginalized communities, particularly communities of color, face the devastating impacts of climate change at a disproportionate rate. This way of approaching environmentalism centers the most impacted communities.
The Black Lives Matter movement advocates for recognition of the ways in which racism is present within society and calls for a restructuring of these systems in order to achieve equality and justice. Black Lives Matter relates to Intersectional Environmentalism as both movements endeavor to dismantle frameworks of injustice within the current systems. In both of these movements, marginalized communities are recognized and lifted up. Each of these movements recognizes the importance of holistic approaches and solutions to global issues.
Leah Penniman and the Community of SoulFire Farm
Leah Penniman is a farmer, educator, author, and activist known for her work in promoting food justice. Penniman is an advocate for equality within food systems and fights against the racism present within these systems. Penniman is passionately dedicated to food sovereignty and environmental sustainability, highlighting the need for these practices within marginalized communities.
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Penniman is also a co-founder and co-director of SoulFire Farm in Grafton, New York. SoulFire Farm is a BIPOC centered community farm share and initiative that highlights the use of sustainable farming techniques. SoulFire Farm’s mission is to combat injustice and racism within food symptoms and create an accessible, community driven space that encourages inclusive education practices. The farm’s food is cultivated with the use of organic, ancestral techniques and the farm’s workers focus intently on using environmentally friendly methods. Activists and workers at SSoulFire create and host a multitude of programs focusing on education, information sharing, and skill building within the realms of food sovereignty, climate activism, and environmental justice in an effort to bring together communities and spread the word of environmental sustainability far and wide.
Alexis Nikole aka “Black Forager” on TikTok
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In the vast, and often strange, world of TikTok, Alexa Nikole Nelson is a beam of light that creates content focusing on wild food foraging, nature exploration, and culinary creativity. Though her knowledge is formidable, Alexa Nikole creates content that is accessible and fun. Her page boasts recipes for delights such as pine cone jam, oyster mushroom toast, and seawater pickles. Whether you want to learn about wild mushrooms, gain knowledge on the history of foraging, or follow along with a recipe, this massively successful account reaches out and speaks to many. This celebratory expression of the abundance our world has to offer is not only entertaining but inspiring and educational. A truly innovative influencer, Alexa Nikole advocates for food justice and expresses a passionate appreciation for nature in a wondrous way.
Personal Food Sovereignty and Fluctuating Food Relations
My current expression of food sovereignty is a search for food knowledge and an honest attempt to expand my understanding of the food systems in which I participate. Unfortunately my current apartment garden only consists of a few herbs, but my upbringing in rural Pennsylvania gave me the permanent desire to get my hands in the soil. It seems that berries always taste sweeter when you watch them grow, cheering them on as their journeys progress. I have been healing my relationship with food throughout the course of my adult life and the pandemic certainly forced me to take a more active role in the process of cooking / feeding myself. In the years since, my relationship with kitchen creation has bloomed and blossomed, and I feel physically, mentally, and spiritually nurtured by this. One of my favorite city activities is a farmer’s market expedition, participating within the process of food sourcing as much as I am able.
Poetry as Protest - Ayisha Siddiqa Spotlight
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Ayisha Siddiqa is a poet-activist-climate defender, a beacon of hope for humanity, and a brilliant advocate for human rights. Her use of poetry as protest and self preservation shatters the heart and rebuilds it again. Siddiqa has been personally and tragically affected by the symptoms of an unwell environment since she was a teenager and has transmitted her pain into potent activism that emphasizes educating youth and inspiring future change. In 2020, Siddiqa became a co-founder of the global youth activist coalition “Polluters Out” and helped to launch an activism training course called “Fossil Free University”. Siddiqa was named one of TIME’s Women of the Year in 2023. At COP27, Siddiqa performed one of her poems about climate justice entitled, “So much about your sustainability, my people are dying” :
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Another poem of Ayisha Siddiqa’s that stops my heart in it’s tracks is:
“On Another Panel About Climate, They Ask Me to Sell the Future and All I’ve Got is a Love Poem”
What if the future is soft and revolution is so kind that there is no end to us in sight.
Whole cities breathe and bad luck is bested by a promise to the leaves.
To withstand your own end is difficult.
The future frolics about, promised to no one, as is her right.
Rage against injustice makes the voice grow harsher yet.
If the future leaves without us, the silence that will follow will be an unspeakable nothing.
What if we convince her to stay?
How rare and beautiful it is that we exist.
What if we stun existence one more time?
When I wake up, get out of bed, my seven year old cousin
with her ruptured belly tags along.
Then follows my grandmother, aunts, my other cousins
and the violent shape of their drinking water.
The earth remembers everything,
our bodies are the color of the earth and we
are nobodies.
Been born from so many apocalypses, what’s one more?
Love is still the only revenge. It grows each time the earth is set on fire.
But for what it’s worth, I’d do this again.
Gamble on humanity one hundred times over
Commit to life unto life, as the trees fall and take us with them.
I’d follow love into extinction.
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doved-icelebrity · 7 months
It is all too apparent that our world is grappling with a climate crisis with an ever-increasing sense of urgency. It can seem at times as though this devastation is not felt as widely as it must be. “All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis” edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson is a brightly lit reminder that these feelings do indeed run deep, and there is always hope. This is a profound, precious, palpable anthology consisting of essays, poems, and artwork featuring a diverse array of voices leading the way for sustainability and environmental justice. With endless brilliance and bravery, these artists / activists pool together their wisdom and experience in order to inspire obtainable action, meaningful change, and hopeful resilience.
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Within this experiment in hope, we are encouraged and rebuilt from the ground up. The chapters are divided divinely, detailing the need for our intervention, the history of climate activism, reframing our perspectives on what it means to be a climate advocate, instilling us with confidence in spite of the gloom and doom, reconnecting with our compassion, calling us into ourselves, and lastly, most importantly, nudging us into the future. This anthology is structured to speak to several assorted pieces of us, acknowledging the abundance of responsibilities we are lucky enough to possess
“And yet when we talk about climate change, there’s often a hidden resignation-like of course we harmed the Earth. And when we talk about acting on it, there’s also an undercurrent: that it will require a level of sacrifice that is worth it, but just barely. What if, instead, the story we tell about climate change is that it is an opportunity.” Kendra Pierre-Louis, “Wakanda Doesn’t Have Suburbs”
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This multifaceted, multidimensional collection geared towards meaningful solutions is a guided exploration of our very own potential. Each piece is a contribution to a grand collage of insight and call to action. The inclusivity of diverse expressions and outlooks of scientists, essayists, authors, artists, poets, politicians, and activists, highlight how much we all have in common, at the heart of it all, regardless of how unique our paths may be. This anthology’s diversity enriches the discussion as well as shines a spotlight on the interconnectedness of the issues at hand.
Amplification of voices that challenge modern narratives surrounding climate change, emphasizing women from diverse backgrounds, opens doors for necessary intersectionality within the conversation. This crisis is a complex one that affects us all, and the solutions will require us all. This anthology reminds readers of the profoundly inspirational powers of art, storytelling, and empathy.
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A golden thread interwoven throughout “All We Can Save” is the concept of collective action and the transformative power contained within each and every one of us. As Adrienne Maree Brown writes “Dandelions don’t know whether they are a weed or a brilliance. But each seed can create a field of dandelions. We are invited to be that Prolific. And to return fertility to the soil around us.” This is to say, the power of one can inspire many, and it is our duty to enrich the earth we call home while we are here as well as after we are gone, leaving this brilliance behind us. Each of us has a role to play in this ongoing climate crisis. There are many routes to take and each one is valuable and necessary. Brown goes on to say “ We are constantly impacting and changing civilization- each other, ourselves, intimates, strangers. And we are working to transform a world that is, by its very nature, in a constant state of change.” We are all too capable of changing and therefore we are capable of enacting change. “All We Can Save” calls readers to recognize their personal agency and power.
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Continuing with the theme of constant continuation, Maggie Thomas writes “If we dare to listen, we can embrace.climate policy as a living document- an evolving, improving set of ideas. If our planet is built upon fluid systems and cycles, why shouldn’t the policies we put in place to protect it be the same.”
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“In a way, our darkness - the knowledge that without our great effort, many or most of Earth’s creatures will vanish- is what reveals the light within, the seed of life and possibility that we share with all of Earth's life, the one that we can carry forward. For better and for worse, we are the ones at the intersection of knowledge and agency.” Emily N. Johnston, “Loving a Vanishing World”
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My heart is moved by all I cannot save: / so much has been destroyed / I have to cast my lot with those / who age after my age, perversely, / with no extraordinary power, / reconstitute the world.” Adrienne Rich, “Natural Resources”
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“For This is noble and necessary work, and it is impossible to do alone.” Kate Knuth, “Becoming a Climate Citizen”
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This is a dire time, glimmers of hopes are desired and required desperately. To be immersed in an age of flood and fire can be overwhelming beyond comprehension, and these experts assure us of a simple truth: In order to address a crisis, in order to enact change, it must first be acknowledged. This anthology is a beautiful vehicle for discussion and discourse that is imperative for the possibility of a future. We are not alone, there is always something you can do, there are always people who care.
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In “All We Can Save,” Mary Oliver offers a profound perspective through poem; holding humanity’s relationship with nature to the light so we can see it clearly, up close. Mary Oliver has been a poet held near and dear to me long before I discovered this beautiful anthology, and to see her work included within these pages resonated with me deeply. I have always found Oliver’s poeticisms to be rich with hope and a deep loving respect for this natural world in which we reside.
Mary Oliver maintained a prolific poetic career, consistently celebrating the beauty of nature. Her journey began in Ohio, in childhood, in the landscapes that served as solace and superpower. Her writing invites us to slow down and appreciate where and who and what we are. The way in which her poetry can transcend geographical limits, and transport a reader to a new world is an endless stream of earthly inspiration.
One of Oliver’s most iconic works “Wild Geese” has traveled far and wide showcasing the wondrous worlds we each have access to if we allow ourselves to look outside of the chaos we internally create. “Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, / the world offers itself to your imagination, / calls to you like wild geese, harsh and exciting - / over and over announcing your place / in the family of things.” Oliver proclaims the sense of belonging one seeks is always in existence. There is so much humanity to be discovered in the wilderness, we are not so different, we are not so alone.
Oliver’s poetry resonates deeply with an abundance of readers and is often referenced in discussions on nature, hope, and the interconnection of the two. The legacy of Oliver’s work is timeless, and her call to cherish and protect our earth feels magnificently at home within this anthology. Lovers of nature and poetry can feel the reverberations and echoes of her writing throughout the pages of “All We Can Save,” as believers of enduring earthly beauty stand together. There is an invitation for us to remain hopeful, to cultivate senses of wonder, to stand in awe of nature. This invitation is an inspiration, these poems are spells of protection. “Mornings at Blackwater” beckons us, “What I want to say is / that the past is the past / and the present is what your life is, / and you are capable / of choosing what that will be, / darling citizen./ So come to the pond, / or the river of your imagination, / or the harbor of your longing, / and put your lips to the world, / And live / your life.”
A challenge Oliver presents readers with again and again, is to get outside, to pay attention, to look closely, to breathe. A walk in nature can wake one up to the reality of what has become of our world, it can reframe our brains. Oliver spent her life evoking readers to embrace the earth and value their relationship with nature. Not only must we love the natural world, we must realize it loves us back. We are held and cherished within the tapestry of planetary delights that surrounds us.
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doved-icelebrity · 7 months
Week 3 Compassion and Leadership
Compassion and leadership may historically seem like opposing concepts, but empowerment through empathy provides a more human approach to making important decisions. Exploring compassionate, inclusive leadership through the lens of Jacinda Ardern shines a spotlight on the significance of female leadership and a restructuring of what it means to be in a position of power.
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Jacinda Ardern has come to be known as a beacon of hope, an example of leading with one’s heart while upholding the values of strength and resilience. These values are not in contrast with Ardern’s empathetic approach, but are interwoven within her processes seamlessly. This prioritization of citizens and the wellbeing of community sets a profound example to leaders across the globe.
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The intersection of power and empathy, the interconnection of understanding and service- these core concepts make up the human experience. Why, then, should the designated leaders speaking for us and ideally fighting for our betterment operate without a focus on the honest, authentic, heartbreaking pieces of this humanity?
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Women have long been underrepresented in positions of power and leadership in a variety of spaces. Leaders like Jacinda Ardern provide a glimpse into an alternate reality and allow unique perspectives and experiences to shine through. Diversity in the realms of leadership can only bring positive changes for the many, allowing equal representation, opportunity, and understanding.
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The prioritization of equality, gender related issues, social justice, inclusion, and overall societal progress is a complete necessity. The stereotypes must be shattered in order for the light to get through. The barriers must be broken in order for the reality to be seen and shifted. The modern world is rich with complexity and suffering, we all deserve a bit more empathy, and we all deserve a chance to achieve this.
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Malala Yousafzai is a complete encapsulation of selflessness and compassion leaving an extremely positive mark on this world. Malala Yousafzai’s unwavering commitment and devotion to advocating for human rights and the education of girls in the face of unimaginable adversity is the definition of true power. Yousafzai is a voice for the voiceless and speaks loudly for the silenced. Yousafzai has delivered no shortage of unbelievably powerful and important statements, but a couple of quotes that capture these specific points are as follows:
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”We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.”
”I raise up my voice- not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard… we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.”
Malala Yousafzai’s impact is entirely transcendent of borders and generations. This impact is a beacon of hope, and a reminder that all voices can contain the power to enact change. The endless inspiration of her bravery, commitment, endurance is a light that can shine on the darkest parts of our psyche’s and the world. Inspiration and compassion can serve as an antidote to the hopelessness and fear that holds us back.
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doved-icelebrity · 8 months
Week Two : MegaWatt Celebrityhood in the Social Media Era - Assignment and Reflections
The Evolution of Celebrityhood and Social Change
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Celebrities can wield their immense influence and power in a variety of ways that could positively influence society in profound ways. With such a large amount of eyes on them, they can choose the content that is being seen by vast, often impressionable, audiences. Social media platforms can easily be used to raise awareness about critical issues in real time. Followers and fans can be encouraged to donate to causes directly or through proceeds of merch sales. In this modern internet age, the flow of information is never ending and it benefits celebrities to stay consistently visible, the relationship between these two concepts could benefit a large scope of individuals and issues. This highlighting on a grand scale could have lasting, long-term impacts on critical sociopolitical issues.
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Of course celebrities are given the same 24 hours in a day as anyone else. They do not possess otherworldly qualities in most senses. Though the resources they have access to are superhuman when compared to what most of us are working with. I believe that we all have the capability and duty to do what we can to enact change and help others. The ability to reach such wide, vast audiences instantly is a quality Spider-Man could only dream of. “With great power comes great responsibility” is an adage that never gets old. Yes, they can impact much-needed accelerated change for good, and in fact they really ought to.
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Celebrityhood is transforming at the same pace as everything else- all at once, all of the time. With greatly increased access to information, the average person is made aware of so much more on any given day than they may have been in a past reality without a super computer in their pocket. As the everyday Everyman shifts and changes, those we look up to must evolve at the same capacity. As our societal, cultural, and environmental awareness expands, so does our desire to actively contribute to positive change. Our humanity is constantly being activated and called upon. The disparity between the people we know and love in our real lives struggling and suffering and the luxurious overconsumption of celebrities on our televisions / social media feeds becomes more shocking and more difficult to actively or passively support as time goes on.
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I believe that more structures being put in place to regulate the climate destruction free-for-all is something that is long past due. We desperately and urgently need to fight against climate catastrophe and discourage endlessly excessive consumption. Tax proposals are controversial, and I do agree that policies should be well considered and made to be fair, however, I am far more concerned with the health and endurance of our environment. The blatant irresponsibility and carelessness expressed by those with enough financial freedom to live luxuriously at the expense of our one and only planet is something that deeply disturbs me.
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Perhaps the best award for aligning with social causes would be the ability to sleep well at night, knowing you are doing the right thing for this world. However, as we have seen over time, this is not always the most motivating experience for some reason. In this case, public recognition, positive coverage throughout media, and receival of various pertinent awards should get the job done. Discernment between greenwashing and true commitment is something that can be evaluated over time and sustained impact. However, it is possible that even a symbolic gesture could motivate/encourage real change, reflection, or contribution within the sphere of audience reach.
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In the imagined future generations, it would be beautiful to envision a class of celebrities that are known for their authentic impassioned contributions to making the world a better place, to put it quite simply. A celebrity of the future might be lauded for their activism and environmental engagement. A celebrity of the future may be admired for their showcasing and highlighting of social and cultural inequality and their efforts to make sincere impacts that send beneficial waves of change far beyond the realms of entertainment. An imagined future audience would praise these efforts and acts of loving devotion to the planet. The most praise-worthy act one can do is give a voice to the voiceless, to shine light on those suffering in the dark, to aim their powers towards those that most need a helping hand, when they most need it.
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There is hope where there is humanity. When focusing on the disaster of capitalism, consumerism, and negative celebrity impact, it can feel like this life is on a dark path. In spite of the harsh realities we are facing on a global scale, I believe that hope is essential. Faith in a better future is the most important tool we have. From hope onwards, we can take the steps we must to create change.
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doved-icelebrity · 8 months
Hello! I’m Dove. I’m based in Ridgewood, New York with my two cats. I’m an artist and a transfer student at the New School in the BPATS program. I’m new here, but I’m a third year student intending to focus on psychology.
A celebrity activist I would like to highlight is Jane Fonda. Jane Fonda is an icon with decades of dedication spanning across a variety of sociopolitical causes. Fonda has been an outspoken force for change since the 60’s, touching on issues including, but not limited to, support of the Civil Rights movement, Feminist causes, LGBTQIA+ allyship, and Environmentalism.
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