doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
You needn’t have to ask. I mean, like I said, I was just at his coffee shop, but maybe there is another little childish witchling running such a place here. That not clear enough for you?
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Yes ma’am, born and bred. I suppose you have a point with that, but having the same thing all year round really lets you get used to it and know what’s the best way to scare people and the like. Fun? That’s all you’re going to say? That’s a little disappointing; I was almost interested in witchy things and Marcus knows so little, but if a born witch is just going to leave me with nothing then I suppose I should give up on learning about how you work.
Oh, no, it was perfectly clear. I just wanted to have a bit of clarification before I said anything about it. But, I suppose I've gotten all that I need to tell you not to harass Marcus. He's my childish witchling. And I don't believe he's done anything to any wolves that would give you reason to bother him.
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Ah, another alpha. Now tell me, is it a requirement for all alpha wolves to be grumpy? Come on. Everyone knows that Halloween isn't about scaring people anymore. Not the costumes, at least. It's all about the sex appeal, and having a costume that no one else does. Why should I tell you? It would ruin the surprise. Let's just say... we're all a bit more powerful than we usually are. And a lot more carefree. It's kind of like our type of full moon.
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
Spells? So you’re a witch then, eh? I thought I smelled orchids, but I dismissed that since I was just at the little brat’s coffee shop not too long ago.
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Why pretend to be something else when I literally have a built-in costume? Certainly takes out the work when it comes to figuring what to dress up as, at least. It’s different for you guys? How so?
Yes, I'm a born witch. Wait, little brat? Am I allowed to ask who you're referring to? 
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Let me guess... you're a wolf? I just think it's more fun to dress up as something new. Something exciting, and unique. Why wear the same costume you wear all year long? Oh, you'll just have to see, I suppose. We all tend to have a lot of fun.
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
Why would I lie to you, hm? I said you were my favorite from the start, silly girl. Well, look at it this way; Harry’s taking his own vacation and we have more time for training. That way when he gets back I’ll be able to protect myself while you two go have a well deserved vacation without having to worry about me.
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….She’d tell me that? Why would she say that? Well shit, of course I wouldn’t do anything after she said that; I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something were to happen to Karen because I provoked the demon… [sighs] That, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want to lose you in the process. Wouldn’t Jason be more trustworthy though? I mean, he is her brother after all. … No, of course not. The demon would know right away he’d only want to get rid of her, but how would she not be able to see through me the same way? Mikayla, I could care less for my own safety at this point, I just want Karen back in one piece.
Well, thank you. I apologize for not being able to say that you've been my favorite from the start, though. I-- no, Marcus, I don't think that Harry is going to be coming back. I just... I have this feeling. Things are different now. But it's alright. He's still alive; I know he is. And that's all that matters. I've got all the time in the world to train you now.
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I know, I know. But nothing is going to happen to Karen, alright? She's strong -- you've already said that yourself, and she's already proved it, because she hasn't let the demon win yet. Perhaps Jason would be better. I'm sure he's capable of fooling a demon, since he's the alpha. He just hasn't been around lately, and I know that you could do it if you put your mind to it. You just have to... you have to act natural, keep your thoughts away from revealing what you're up to. And we're going to work on some protection spells. Maybe we could teach you to put a shield that would prevent her from reading your thoughts, or emotions.
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
All I have to do is practically snap my fingers and that cold weather is no problem for me.
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What’s so special about Halloween though? You’re obviously no child so you can’t be after the candy. Are you one of the people who’s into the costumes then?
Oh, I'm sure I have a spell or two that could eliminate the problem for me, too. But it's not much fun to mess with nature. Not when I like the cold.
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Well, I've always liked dressing up. Pretending to be something you're not for one night is exciting, right? But I suppose it's just a witch thing. Halloween is different for us.
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
If there's anything I have to look forward to, I guess it's Halloween and the cold weather. Guess I could cuddle with hot chocolate and a blanket. 
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
... You okay, Mark?
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
Yes momma…. Okay! Of course you’re my favorite person, there’s no disputing that at all. I’m sure Harry’s just fine wherever he is. He would never leave you for very long, he’s not that kind of guy. And yaaaay! I can’t wait, Mikayla, really. I’ll do my very best to be the greatest apprentice you could ask for.
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Um.. Maybe a week? I’m not entirely sure. She’s a little spitfire, my little Karen, she’s gotta still be fighting because that stupid demon said Karen kept yelling at her to get out and whatever… And yeah, Jason, that’s it. If you do talk to him, please leave out the bit about me and Karen kissing and telling each other that we like each other as more than friends, yeah? Not sure I wanna die just yet. Sure, we could-wait a second.. Me? I’d have to get her some where secluded? Oh great.. I don’t know.. I guess I should try because it would be for Karen…
Aw, now you're just lying to me. But that's okay, because it makes me feel special. Oh, well.. Harry's also not the guy to disappear without warning. And when he does, it usually means something bad has happened. It's just... it's been more than a few weeks and we had plans to go on a vacation, so. As long as you don't set my hair on fire by accident, I think you'll do just fine.
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I haven't met her yet, but I'm sure she's strong. That's a good sign. And just... listen, I don't know what kind of demon is inside of her, but if she ever tells you that if you try to exorcise her, you'll end up killing Karen, just... try not to listen, okay? That happened with both the exorcisms I did, and Melissa and Maria both came back, alive. I'll be sure to do that. I'm sure Jason would be too freaked out by the fact that his sister was possessed by a demon to kill you right now, anyway. I-- I know it's a lot to ask of you, but you're probably the one person that Karen trusts the most. And it wouldn't make sense for me to try and get her somewhere alone. We can take our time, and work on protection spells. I wouldn't let her hurt you.
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
I’m glad you’re not dead; Isn’t that good enough?
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Not really. But I suppose it's the most I'm going to get out of you.
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How've you been?
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
Well now that Curtis isn’t here I don’t have to agonize over which one of you is my favorite. Okay, you’re my favorite witch. How’s that? And that’s okay, so long as Harry’s your first favorite otherwise that might awkward. As for my magic.. Well, I haven’t done much. Just tried to practice some protection spells you taught me. Now that my little ray of sunshine has gone dark though, I haven’t had much motivation to do anything…
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Not that I know of. I think Curtis and that Shane fellow were bitching at each other to find some way to fix Gaby, but nothing came of that considering I was talking to her the other night and it sounds like she wants to just off her and the hunter that’s still struggling inside. As for Karen, sadly no. I’ve been meaning to find her brother and ask if he has any ideas, but considering she told me he’s the Alpha demon on the island I’m a bit terrified of looking for him. Wait, do you really think you could exorcise her?
Shut up before you ruin the moment. No, I would much rather be your favorite out of everyone on the island. It makes me feel special. And I don't care if that sounds selfish. Of course Harry is my favorite! Even though, I haven't really... seen him in a while. Not that I'm worried. I know that he can take care of himself. Well, it's time for that to change. We're going to work on some more spells, and figuring out what you're capable of and how to handle it. You gotta cheer up. Things will work out, trust me.
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How long has she been possessed? I'd say it was surprising that she was still able to fight, because I know that when Maria and Melissa were possessed they were both extremely weak after just a few days... But I guess it's because she's a hunter and everything. Oh, you're talking about Jason? He's my boss. The guy is a sweetheart when he wants to be. I could always talk to him, if I see him. I think I could exorcise Karen. She's not as strong as Gaby, and it'd be easier for you to get the demon confined to one place -- if you were willing. I just... we'd have to work on a protection spell. Because I don't want you to get yourself hurt if something goes wrong. 
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doyoubelieveinxmagic · 11 years
Well of course you’re going to get a hug, you’re my favorite person on the entire island and I’ve missed you terribly.
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Yes, but it was Gaby’s fault this time. She let her guard down and that’s when the first one happened. Now something else has happened and my darling Karen is in trouble as well… [clears throat] Did I say my darling? See, what I meant was… [sighs] Okay, yeah, I guess she and I are together now. But it really sucks because she’s possessed now and we didn’t even have a full day of being “together” before that happened. My luck is horrible, I knew I shouldn’t have opened up to someone.. And I’m not going to start on Curtis right now.
Did anyone ever tell you not to have favorites, Marcus? Not that I can't say I'm flattered. You're probably my second favorite on the entire island. Which is good enough, yeah? How's the magic been coming along?
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Oh, well... Has anyone tried to take care of the problem? It wouldn't be my first exorcism. But it would take a lot more work to get her confined to one space and make sure she doesn't hurt anyone. There aren't as many people around here as there was before. It's not your luck, witchling, it's just the way of the island. Harry and I hadn't been together very long before I almost died and he risked his life to save me. It was messy, to say the least. It'll work out, I'm sure. I bet it would be easier to exorcise Karen, too. 
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