dpn-datalogs · 2 years
Silk shifted back some allowing him to move his arm out of the way. 
“Well that sounds a bit lonely.” she thought aloud while listening to him. “I’m sure it’s fine if youre not looking for anything long term but I’m guessing it’s safe to assume youre ready for something a little more. Also explains why Scimi told you to stay away from my family.” 
She chuckled a bit weakly at that but kept up her smile. 
“Yeah...I guess I can’t hold it against her too much for thinking I’m kind of a degenerate. I pretty much was.” Hydro confessed with a sigh. “I’m trying to get better about it, though. Take things slower, keep it in my pants a bit more. You know, basic stuff.”
He then looked down at Silk. “Hey, maybe once she trusts me again, our families can get together and do stuff. You know, like that one Christmas.”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
She laughed, “Glad you think its adorable.” 
Seeing him floating like that had her reaching out, stretching herself from the dock until she was close enough to cross her upper set of arms over his chest and rest her chin on them so she could float with him. 
“We are taking it slow to see how it works out. Work and all.” 
“Hmm...that sounds smart.” Hydro went to cross his arms, but Silk was pinning one down be using him as a floatation device. He carefully worked his arm out from under her, and just put his hands behind his head. “I should probably try that sometime. Whenever I meet a girl, I always want to get things to the bedroom asap...maybe that’s why I’ve never had a real girlfriend that lasted...” Sure, there was Candy, but that was it’s own crazy set of circumstances.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
Hydro couldn't help but giggle at that story. "So what, you had such a good time you just kept going?" he asked with a smile. "That's not wierd. Heck, it's adorable."
Hydro narrowed his eyes a bit, but then sighed before leaning back. Soon, he was floating face-up on the surface of the water. It was hard to believe someone so bouyant was made of metal.
“So…you and Celerity, huh? That’s unexpected.” he said, looking over to Silk. “Or maybe it isn’t. I don’t really know Celerity that well.”
“Well the story behind that is kinda weird.” 
She reclined back some while remaining anchored the dock, crossing one leg over the other in an almost seated looking position. 
“See I was emotionally distressed that I was going to go another Valentines day single and Celerity was also distressed so she came to me saying that if we couldn’t find dates in time then we had to go out together. I didn’t know if she was serious about the little pact and when Valentines came around there she was at our doorstep flowers in hand.” 
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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“Like...do I know any personally? Um...”
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“Not really, no.I kinda get along with anybody as long as they aren’t poachers!”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
“Sorry, I didn’t think it’d scare you.” she chuckled. “Honestly I figured you would prefer to float around in the water while talking. I don’t get to enjoy taking a dip very often.” 
Hydro narrowed his eyes a bit, but then sighed before leaning back. Soon, he was floating face-up on the surface of the water. It was hard to believe someone so bouyant was made of metal.
“So...you and Celerity, huh? That’s unexpected.” he said, looking over to Silk. “Or maybe it isn’t. I don’t really know Celerity that well.”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
Slumber Party ask list!
Fuck, Mary, Kill
Send 👀 with 3 characters and my muse will sort them into each category.
Would You Rather
Send 🤔 with two scenario options and my muse will pick which they would prefer.
Smash or Pass
Send 💥 with a character and my muse will determine if they are smashable or not.
Add + with each emoji for an explanation with the response.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
He’d hear a laugh from under the dock where she had anchored herself to the wood using the spidery limbs on her back. It allowed her to enjoy the feel of the water without sinking like a rock. 
“Come on! Youre a water bot get down here!” 
Hydro gave Silk a frown before dropping into the water and swimming over to her. “Please don’t scare me like that again.” he asked. “I’ve had bad experiences wih robots sinking.” Himself included, likely.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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A short, pained sigh. “...I regret how distant we’ve become, honestly.” she said somberly. “Silk was one of my first dear friends outside of my family. She honestly did challenge me to open up to the world, just by being her cheerful self. She also helped me to realize how judgemental I used to be...and still am to a degree.”
The bot would bury her face in one hand. “I know I should reach out to her and apologize for so much of why we’ve grown distant, but...I’m so afraid that she won’t forgive me...”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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“Well, there was this one time I caught Scimitar in the kitchen after everyone else went to bed. She was grabbing some strawberries out of the fridge, and tried to tell me that she was just hungry.”
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“Of course, then Synth came out of Scimi’s room in Scimi’s pajamas. Now I’m not one to judge having an adult sleepover, but it was pretty fun watching Scimitar try and fail to make it look like she wasn’t grabbing a mid-boink snack.”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
She clicked her tongue against her teeth. “Oh so you want to experiment got it. I get that.” 
Slowly she crouched down, gracefully swinging both legs over the side of the dock. They dangled there while she looked out over the water. 
“Well you need to do you and figure out what it is you want.” 
With a push from her arms she fell away from the dock with a giggle. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re ri-” A splash cut Hydro off, and he looked to see a distinct lack of Silk on the dock. Did...did she just jump into the water? Could she swim? Was she waterproofed? Hydro looked over the edge, watching for any sign that Silk was okay. She couldn’t have slipped, right? Did Hydro need to go save her?
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
There was a half nod from the spider bot at his words. It still felt awkward with Scimi and she couldn’t place why.
“So out of curiosity are you looking for a relationship or is she right and you are just looking for a fun time?” 
There was a chuckle in her tone. 
“I mean I know you like ladies and you admitted to liking my design and I know someone that you can swim with if you are looking to be with one person” 
“Uh...good question.” Hydro scratched his cheek. “I mean, I’m not against having a legit girlfriend, but I don’t know if that’s what I wanna go straight for.” he tried to explain. “I guess I just wanted to give being with you a shot and see where it went.”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
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“Oop!” Hydro suddenly found himself in the strong arms of a pretty spacebot. “...you know, I’m more accustomed to being the one who picks up the lady.
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
Well that wince wasnt good and he very much didn’t catch her words. 
“We recently went on a date together and it went really well.” she explained. 
“I personally don’t mind being in a relationship with more than one person if everyone is okay with it. It’s not like we have to follow human traditions.” 
It wasn’t often those outside Silk’s family saw her frustrated, but she couldnt help frown some while hugging her arms across her chest. 
“I understand having over bearing siblings. I really do, but they shouldn’t dictate your life. Scimitar isn’t your creator and she isn’t some kind of warden. I dont understand why she decided to prevent you from asking me before or if she just decided to blacklist my family for some reason?” 
So Silk was dating Celerity now? Well, that shot down any hopes Hydro had for dating the spider. When Silk started tensing up, Hydro got a bit worried. “...hey, hang on. It’s nothing against you. Honest.” he tried to convince her. “Scimi just...well, she doesn’t trust me is all. She thinks I’d just pump’n’dump you and not care about how it makes you feel. She’s just trying to protect you.”
Thinking about it for a moment, Hydro rubbed the back of his neck. “If anything, I should be the one getting upset with her...”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
“...so this Monster Hunter game...all you do is hunt monsters?”
“Pretty much.”
“...do...are the monsters evil or something?”
“Some of them. Mostly, they’re just hanging around.”
“...can you at least take them in without killing them?”
“Yeah, but the new game is set up so you’re better off slaying them. You generally get better drops if you carve.”
“...Burrow, I don’t think you should play this.”
“Ugh, this is why I didn’t want to show you this game!”
“You shouldn’t be playing games that encourage poaching!”
“I’m not! I’m hunting actual monsters, not regular animals!”
“And who decided these beautiful creatures were monsters!?”
“I dunno, Capcom!?”
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dpn-datalogs · 2 years
send ⚠ to pick up/carry my muse
If a multimuse, specify which muse
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