dprgod ¡ 4 months
Zack was Angelas and Hodgins first child, Sweets was Booth and Bones first child too, in a cute found family trope way 🫶🏻
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dprgod ¡ 4 months
My CriMi n Bones heart healed with this fic
The Snippets
part v - the collision
Warnings: alcohol consumption, canon typical violence
Note: i planned this chapter to contain smut, but ended up cutting it out cause it didn't feel right. but also, FINALLY, am i right??
Series Masterlist
It was two weeks later when Lance came back to the FBI. 
You were talking with Spencer and Derek in the bullpen about some nonsensical thing, really. About Derek's latest conquest, about Spencer's latest movie that he watched and really liked. Over the years, they have grown to be your big brothers here in the BAU.
That was until Emily came in and stood across from you, leaning against the other side of Spencer's desk. 
“Watch out, Doctor Candy just got off the elevator,” Emily said conspiratorially. 
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, and so did Spencer. Derek sighed, “Sweets, she's talking about Sweets. I thought we were mad at him?”
“Then why don't you just say so?” Spencer said, spinning in his chair.
“Cause he's an eye candy–in Y/N’s nerdy, sweet, kickable-in-the-playground type of way,” Emily shrugged and Spencer narrowed his eyes at her. “What? That doesn't mean that I actually do it.”
Spencer, just to be a little shit because he saw Lance was approaching, grinned and said, “Does that mean I'm your type, Y/N?”
“Oh, shut up,” you whined. They had been teasing you relentlessly since you started hanging out with Lance, even more so when he left and you were quite devastated for a week. Profilers could be very annoying to spend almost the entirety of your waking moments with.
“It's nice to tease someone else rather than be the one teased, huh, Reid?” Derek snickered, messing up Spencer’s hair.
The Good Doctor agreed, still grinning like a Chesire cat, ignoring the mess on his hair. “Very much so.”
“Hi,” a different voice said. Your heart jumped and flipped, and those gosh-darn profilers must have seen it all over your face because they were trying not to laugh.
You turned around, finding Lance with a pink box from a place called The Pink Box. “Oh look at you all suited up. Can't stay away, can you?”
“Well, what can I say, the coffee here is irresistible,” Lance said, and you thank God that your friends couldn't see your face then.
“Sure,” Derek coughed. “Coffee.”
It was as if Lance just realized the audience that you both had. He smiled what you call his Sweets™ smile, the kind where his dimple would show, showing off the glint in his eyes, and greeted them.
“Agent Morgan, Agent Prentiss,” he said, then, to Spencer. “Doctor Reid.”
“Oh my god,” you sighed, exasperated. “Ignore those shitheads.”
“Right,” Lance said, but he kept glancing behind your shoulder. 
BAU agents tended to have an intimidating effect on others, especially since it was one of the most revered units in the Bureau. Not to mention the shitheads behind you were actively trying to intimidate Lance because of his disappearing stint that left you sulky. 
You rolled your eyes, placing your hand on his arm. That got his attention. “Can I help you, Lance?”
His eyes didn't move from yours then, “Right. Right. I got you these–” he handed you the pink box. “As an apology.”
You took the box from his hands and opened it. It was cupcakes–eight of them, with five of which were decorated to spell out S-O-R-R-Y and the rest with regular buttercream. “You really shouldn't have–”
“I want to,” he said, though his demeanor was still nervous. “What's your plans for lunch?”
“Nothing, really, I was just–”
“Crimefighters!” Garcia interrupted from above the staircase. “We have a nasty one in Florida–are those cupcakes from The Pink Box?”
You blinked up at her, then at Lance. “Um, yes?”
Garcia's gaze found Lance, then narrowed. “You are on thin ice, Dr. Sweets,” she moved her attention to the band of profilers sitting around Spencer's desk. “Come on, don't forget your sunglasses!”
There were collective groans from the team, and you sighed in defeat. You loved your job, really, but it had a habit of sneaking up and snatching you up during the most inconvenient time ever. There was one time when you were mid-sex with Wendell at that Egyptian bed at the Jeffersonian when Hotch called you away. It cost you an orgasm already, and now it was costing you a date with Lance. The disappointment was clear on your face and his eyes. 
“I guess I'll be going to Florida for lunch,” You said, shrugging. “Rain check?”
“Right yeah, okay, go save the world!”
“Thank you, for this, really, you didn't have to,” you shook the box a little before you remembered it was filled with delicately decorated cupcakes. 
“L/N, let's go,” It was Hotch, using that stern voice where he did not want to play around. You knew he didn’t really care about what you do, so the case must’ve been a pretty bad one. (You found out on the jet that he was also teasing you).
You straightened up in panic, running up the stairs as fast as you could. “Right, sorry! Coming! I'll see you when I get back, Sweets! Thank you again, for the cupcakes!”
But you didn't see him after. At least, not right away. Whenever you were around, he wasn't. And the times you did spend in DC rarely ever let up now that you were working on your dissertation. Hotch even lets you do ViCAP interviews on your own during that time, giving you access to the BAU’s long list of criminals to pick their brains. 
It wasn't until two weeks later that you finally saw Lance.
The last ViCAP interview you did was at a federal facility in Dallas. After what happened with Elle all those years ago, Hotch was cautious to send you in, but you took Derek as a bodyguard, promising to be a gym buddy for a month afterward. At first, you were annoyed, like Hotch didn’t trust you enough to go alone, but then you were grateful for it. 
A string of coincidences lined up like dominoes that turned your world upside down. It just so happened that when you were in that facility, two men had planned a prison break. In the report, Lance would soon read, saying that the inmates started a riot, set fire to the cafeteria, and held you captive in one of the cells. 
Derek took most of the burnt of the torture. Field day with a black cop and a helpless little lady agent. 
It took them long enough to rescue you that the memory was imprinted in your head forever, considering the team had to divide themselves to also cover the manhunt for the missing inmates. You remembered how those inmates ran his hand along your neck and your chest. Those guys ripped your blouse open, shivs carved from toothbrushes carved your skin. They said you were lucky that an opposing crew had come in and started a fight. You walked away with bruises and cuts, nothing more.
“I’m here because I killed the man who raped my sister,” your rescuer told you. You wouldn’t forget his face and his name for as long as you lived: Bilal Zaidi. “I don’t care that you are a Fed, nobody deserves to go through that.”
Unfortunately, you also wouldn’t forget the name of the man who assaulted you: James Bernard, notorious sexual sadist serial killer whom you had come to interview. 
What pissed you off the most was how well Derek seemed to be handling it. He didn’t lose focus during a case, didn’t break down in the middle of the night at some random motel in the middle of nowhere, and didn’t lose sleep. He was fine.
It was after too many sleepless nights and the way you almost knocked out a guy who brushed up against you in a coffee shop, that you finally braved yourself to ask for help. You were scared that Hotch was going to fire you or transfer you into another unit with less violence, but you knew then with the way he handled Spencer’s addiction, you’d be fine. 
“I need help,” you told Hotch. You had come in early in the morning, hoping to beat everyone to talk to him. 
“Okay,” Hotch agreed. It was one of the things you liked about him, how he trusted his people, how he let you decide how to proceed with the judgments you had made. “I will make time for you this afternoon. Is that okay?”
You shook your head. “No.”
“Not you,” you insisted. “Not Rossi, not Derek. No one from the team. Please, Hotch, I need someone else, anyone else.”
You did not mean for it to be Lance. 
When his name was written on the paperwork, you debated whether or not to actually go into his office and tell him that you’d be fine. But the fact that his name was on it meant that he agreed to do it. He read the file, he’d psychoanalyze you and treat you like his patients. 
“Not him,” you barged into Hotch’s office the second time that day. “Anyone else.”
“L/N,” Hotch sighed. “I figured since you already have rapport, it would be easier for you to go through the process.”
“Hotch,” you collapsed into one of the chairs in front of him, one hand holding your head in desperation. “I need to fix myself. I need this to work. I don’t want to walk away from the team and the job. I don’t want it to have to be like–” Like Elle. “–please.”
“Okay,” Hotch said. He reached out to your free hand, squeezing it for comfort. “I will request Dr. Wyatt, is that okay?”
You squeezed his hand just a little harder, as a reminder that he was there, he was trying to help, and he wasn’t letting you go anywhere from your spot on the team. You nodded, “Okay.”
“Y/N,” Hotch called when you made your way to the door. You turned around, facing your boss who was surrounded by paperwork. “You shouldn’t go through this alone. The team is here for you, and you have more people who care about you than you realize.”
“Thanks, Hotch,” you said, and as you stepped out of his office, it was like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. 
It wasn’t like you left the office late on purpose, you really did have work to do, and being inside the office building gave you a reprieve from your heightened anxiety. The short-lived relief you had during the day was all that you had before you had to take double-dose melatonin gummies just to sleep when you got home. You didn’t know that Lance was waiting for you in the lobby.
The lobby was empty, save for Barney, the late-shift janitor, and two security guards. 
And Lance, of course, who was asleep on the sofa they put for visitors. 
You debated whether to leave him there or wake him up, not ready to face him. In the end, you couldn’t help yourself. The way the streetlights illuminated his face, you couldn’t resist but run your hand through his hair, waking him up gently. 
“Lance,” you whispered. “Wake up, hey, let me take you home.”
“Five more minutes,” he grumbled, snuggling closer to your hand. 
“No, hey, come on,” you insisted. “Wake up, it’s me.”
Slowly, his eyes fluttered open. You tried to ignore the criminally long lashes, opening up to those dark eyes. You really wanted to kiss him. 
“Y/N?” Lance said groggily. “What time is it?”
“A little past nine,” you answered. “What are you doing here?”
“I, uh,” Lance blinked, taking a second to compose himself and gather his thoughts. He took a deep breath, “I was waiting for you actually.”
“Waiting for me?”
“I went up but Agent Rossi said you were busy, so.”
You stood back as he stretched his back and shoulders. “Did you need something?”
Lance rubbed his eyes, taking his time to lean forward, elbows to his knees, looking up at you. “Yeah, an explanation would be good.”
“For what?” You played dumb. 
“You know what,” he said, sighing. “You refused to see me for a psych eval and therapy. Why?”
You took a step back, trying to put some distance between the two of you. Unconsciously, you wrapped your arms around your chest, putting up some defense because you knew that if he started asking, you’d let it out. But instead of comfort, he’d shrink you. 
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Don’t–” Lance’s shoulders drop. “Please don’t shut me out. I can help you, you know I can. Let me help you, please.”
“I don't want you to be my shrink, Lance.”
“Why not?” He demanded. “I’m the best psychologist the Bureau has, just because I’m not the best profiler–”
“Because! You know why!” You exclaimed, throwing your hands out in frustration. “You know why–I can’t have this–this professional–clinical relationship with you. I don’t want to be your patient. Anyone else, Lance, just not you.”
There was surprise in his eyes, followed by realization, and then understanding. His features softened, but his eyes still shined, still kind. He reached out to your shaky hands, holding them in his cold one. 
“I still want to help, Y/N,” he whispered, standing up to be closer to you. “In any way that I can, any way that you will let me. All I know is that you are struggling and I can’t do anything about it.”
You weren’t sure when you started to like Lance romantically. It might be the drunken kiss you shared at the Founding Fathers the first time you met, but his everything annoyed you to no end after that. But even then, you knew there was something about him that pulled you in like magnets. And maybe, maybe, you didn’t want to let go, ever. 
“Oh, Lance,” you wrapped your arms around his body, pulling him close. It was the first time that you two were ever this close, this embrace, that wasn’t sexually charged. His arms tightened around you, head dropping to your shoulder. 
You pulled away slightly, letting his forehead rest on yours. Lance was close, the two of you breathing in the same air. For the first time, you weren’t thinking about the incident, about the sleepless nights and the all-consuming fear you had powered through for the past two weeks. You needed this to last. 
So you did what you thought was the only thing you could do to prolong this: you kissed him. 
Lance let you at first, but only for a second before he put his hand on your chin to keep you away. “Wait–”
The rejection sat quickly in your bones. Your cheeks flamed, shame and embarrassment flooded your body. Turning away from his touch, you started to say, “Sorry, I–”
“No, no, wait!” Lance said, arms reaching out to keep you close. You complied and stayed put, though you kept your eyes closed because you couldn’t bear to look at him. He didn’t feel the same. “Wait, I–”
“Lance, I get it, it’s okay, we can just forget–”
“If you can’t be a rebound for me, what makes you think I can just be a distraction to you?”
You paused, listening to each other’s breathing to clear your head. Slowly, you opened your eyes, only to find him already staring at you. “What?”
“I’ll help you,” he said. “But not this way. I need to know that what we have is real. Is it?”
“Lance, I–” you wanted to argue, to tell him that you have liked him for a while, but there was a doubt. There was always doubt, especially now that your head was all fucked up. “I understand.”
Lance breathed, “Okay.”
“Okay,” you echoed, ready to let go, but you really didn’t want to. You really didn’t want to let him go now that you just got him back. “How about–how about lunch?”
“Lunch?” he smiled, all dimples and teeth. 
You mirrored his smile. “Yeah, lunch.”
“My treat?”
“Your treat.”
You went to lunch together on Monday, and let him treat you to The Best Burger In Town. That was also the time you told him that you’d be taking a sabbatical to finish your dissertation and defend it back at Cornell. 
“I need to finish what I started,” you told him, seeing the disappointment in his face when he realized you would be away.
Lance squeezed your hand on the table, “Absolutely. I’m excited for you.”
“Don’t look so sad, sweet boy,” you said. “I’ll keep in touch.”
You came back two months later with a new degree in front of your name, ready to get back to work. Most importantly, you were ready to see Lance again. 
The team celebrated your homecoming with a local case of three missing women. You worked with Will, JJ’s boyfriend, while she was away on an assignment for State. It was fairly open and shut but still ended later than all of you preferred. 
“I need whiskey, pronto,” Rossi whistled as the team stepped into the elevator. 
“I need vodka, pronto,” Emily echoed. 
“I think our newly crowned Doctor here should be buying,” Derek prompted, wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“Oh, that is so true!” Garcia exclaimed. “Let’s go and celebrate!”
“Where? Isn’t O’Keefe being fumigated?” You asked, remembering the last time you went to a bar that wasn’t O’Keefe as a team, and Rossi bolted out of there so fast because there were too many brass as patrons. 
Garcia grabbed your arm, excited, “What about that bar I took you to when you first got here?”
That was how you ended up back at the Founding Fathers, credit card held hostage by the bartender, doing vodka shots with Emily and Penelope Garcia. Spencer was taking pictures the whole night, seeing as he was the only sober one out of the lot of you. Along with Hotch, he was the one responsible for getting everyone back home safely. 
You were at the bar, waiting for your turn to be served when someone called your name. 
“Oh, Agent L/N!” It was Dr. Brennan.
“Dr. Brennan, hi!” You greeted her, and in your tipsy stupor, you pulled her into a hug, giggling. “It’s so good to see you!”
Awkwardly, Dr. Brennan patted your back before pulling away. She gestured to the pink sash you were wearing. “Are you getting married?”
You laughed, shaking your head, before adjusting the sash that read ‘Dr. Y/N L/N’ so she could read it better. “I’m celebrating! With my team! Because I am officially a doctor–not a doctor doctor, but a doctor like you! But in criminology!”
“Oh, congratulations!” She said. “I am also here to celebrate.”
“Yeah?” you asked, looking over her shoulder. Sure enough, a small number of the Jeffersonian team was there, already watching your interaction. You recognized dr. Saroyan, Angela, and Dr. Jack Hodgins, with one other person who you assumed was one of their interns. You waved at them, receiving smiles in return. 
Dr. Hodgins then whispered something to Angela with a beaming smile. The artist just sighed and nodded, before both of them make their way to you and Dr. Brennan. 
“Hi, guys,” you greeted. 
“Hi, Agent L/N,” Angela greeted. 
“Oh, please, if I don’t have my badge, it’s just Y/N!”
“Okay, Y/N,” Dr. Hodgins said. He was bouncing on his feet, eyes shining and lips grinning like he was excited about something. “We have news!”
“Oh, me too!” you said, matching his excited energy. “I just got my doctorate! Finally! And also, congratulations on your baby!”
Dr. Hodgins’ entire excited demeanor changed as his shoulders fell. He looked at Angela in disbelief. “I can’t believe–she knows?”
You slapped your hand over your lips. “Was I not supposed to?”
“Ange, did you tell her?” 
“How can I, this is quite literally the third time we see each other!”
“To be fair, I am a profiler,” you said sheepishly. You felt bad for ruining his surprise, though. “I have friends, though right over there, who had no idea who you guys are except for Emily. You can break the news to them!”
“Are they profilers too?” Hodgins asked, pouting.
You grimaced, nodding your head. “Yes, but they’re kind of drunk?”
“Thank you,” Angela said, shaking her head in amusement. “And congratulations to you too.”
They went back to their table with Dr. Brennan, carrying five pints of beer. You turned back to the bartender, managing to catch him in a millisecond before he went to the other side of the bar. 
“Sorry, sorry,” you said to the bartender. “Just water, please!”
The bartender gave you a tall glass of water, and you gulped it down in relief. Your head was starting to clear, but before you could make your way back to your table, a voice stopped you in your tracks. 
“I sure hope that’s water,” Lance said, with a teasing smile. “Are you old enough to drink?”
“Hey, sweet boy,” you beamed, leaning further into his space. “I see your opening line hasn’t changed after three years.”
Lance stepped forward, leaving as little space between you as possible. He smiled, “So you do remember?”
“How could I forget?” 
He ducked his head, bashful, and you couldn’t help but adore the pink tinting his face. “Congratulations, Dr. L/N.”
“Why, thank you, Dr. Sweets.”
It felt like a full-circle moment. You, who just came to the city, approached a guy drinking alone at a bar. He, taking you in, looking at you like he wanted you to ruin his life. You, who came back to see him. He, approached a girl drinking alone at a bar. 
There was no other way. You knew this orbit you were spinning on around each other would collide in some way. This way, specifically, right there, right then. 
“Just kiss her already!” Angela called out, at the same time Penelope said, “Kiss him!” 
And so you did, in the middle of a bar, with both your teams cheering you on, you kissed Dr. Lance Sweets, and this time, you knew it was for good. 
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dprgod ¡ 4 months
4 yo me had a massive crush on Dr. Reid and Dr. Sweets, 18 yo me has an obsession with both ‼️‼️
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dprgod ¡ 4 months
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Breakfast is SERVED ✨ here’s a Lance Sweets painting to brighten your day C:
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dprgod ¡ 5 months
Sweets it’s Brennan n Booths son🗣️‼️‼️
do u ever think abt how sweets tried to publish his Booth/Brennan fanfiction cuz I do 
333 notes ¡ View notes
dprgod ¡ 11 months
Drabble #4: Fluffy
Pairing: idol!seungmin x fem!reader
Content: smutty?, mention of weight and body parts.
Notes: English isn't my first idiom, let's not mention my bad grammar 👨🏻‍🦲
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You were fit, your favorite activity was moving, always found yourself going on walks, in the gym, riding a bike, something that requires burning calories, not because you intend to be, but because you were always hyperactive.
Lately you had less time to go to the gym or any of your personal activities, your work was short in staff and you gladly put to the extra hours, the little change in your life style caused a weight gain, not too much for your occupied mind to notice, but enough for your boyfriend to notice.
He started to notice when he hugged you from behind and felt extra fluffy in your belly, when he squeezed your thighs and felt softer, when your ass giggled a little more while you danced, and specially when your breast popped out your shirt. He was feral about you, but hadn't been able to be with him because of work, both work an hectic schedule, his hand was tired.
Finally your company gave you a small week vacation as a gift for the extra hours you did, and he didn't let you go as soon as he got you for himself, this was new, he wasn't the type to have a high sex drive but the first 3 days of vacation he at least fucked you 4 times a day, truly a gift from God.
"Minnie, what's gotten into you, baby?" you asked after a good evening sesh. He hovered you, kissing here and there on your neck.
"Jagi, I don't want you to take this in any wrong way, but you lately been looking so fluffy and I really can't help myself around you" You blushed, not knowing how to feel, but enjoying the moment.
"Minnie..." You moaned at the contact of his lips onf your breast.
"Sssh, let me take care of you, softie baby" he smiled at you.
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52 notes ¡ View notes
dprgod ¡ 11 months
Tumblr lost my draft of a Channie drabble, but I can give y'all a preview, let me know if you want me to rewrite it 👀
Content: drug dealer! Chris x fem reader based on a Bad gyal song🤫
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dprgod ¡ 11 months
Man I love Stray Kids, I wish they were real 😢
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dprgod ¡ 1 year
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Snack break
749 notes ¡ View notes
dprgod ¡ 1 year
Drabble #3: Reminder.
Pairing: Hyunjin x gn!reader
Content: manipulative Hyunjin, mention of stalking and therapy process!
Notes: this is kinda based on something that happened to me and I need to vent this out with strangers👨🏻‍🦲☝🏻. Also I like to write relating with songs, should I keep going?
This was your year, after everything you've been through last year you deserve all the good things you could achieve. Last year you took braveness to end a toxic relationship with Hyunjin, don't get me wrong, you two were passionate and hopeless romantics, but he wanted more from you that you could ever give and you were too possessive over him and his idol career, you two were too insecure for the other. He didn't let you go at first, he called you until you blocked him, he search for you until you moved countries and eventually he just gave up.
All your friends were excited for your new persona, you improved yourself, you went to therapy and became the top at your work field, definitely life was getting better and they decided to throw you a big birthday party to celebrate a new year with a new you. You throw on your most expensive outfit feeling the most confident in months, the celebration was a night before your birthday in a luxury hotel hoping they will sing you at exactly midnight, everything was perfect.
12:01 am.
You could hear the happy birthday song all over your ears, your friends and strangers clapping for you while waitresses brought you Birthday shots, the breeze before the storm.
12:24 am.
You stumbled to the closest bathroom to retouch your make up and check your phone, a lot of unknown missed calls, a new one coming in.
"Happy birthday love" he said, and even after becoming the woman your always dreamed to be, you felt young and insecure again.
"Hyunjin, please, why you do this to me?" you said with your heart skipping beats.
"I missed you, I'll always miss you" like you did, you missed his soft voice, even when he tried to manipulate you like this.
"Please don't, it wasn't good enough for you to hold onto something dead, I'm different now, I bet you are too"
"Don't you miss me too? Did I mean something so little to you to say that?! " he said exalted through the phone.
"We can't argue bout this again, jinnie, you know how I'll always feel about you."
"If you feel this now, I'll make sure to remind you I'm here" he paused "every time you try to forget who I am, I'll be there to remind you again, love". He hung up proud of himself, knowing it won't take too long for you to reach out again, boy, he was wrong, yes, the call messed up your feelings but you were another person this year; your year.
12:37 am.
You came out of the bathroom going straight to the bar, making sure to ask for the strongest drink to black out as soon as possible, hoping you won't remember anything tomorrow or the next eternity.
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9 notes ¡ View notes
dprgod ¡ 1 year
Drabble #2: Different.
Pairing: nonidol!felix x fem!reader
Content: smut shot, unprotected sex, breeding, fluff(?
Notes: hope y'all enjoy it😁👍🏻
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Since your teenhood you and all your friends thought you'll never change your disgusting taste in man, always falling for the bad boys, always dropped with your heart on the floor, that's why you decided not to date until you fixed this little big problem of yours.
You met Felix because of his stubborn ass, lately you've been taking yourself to this little dates visiting calm not very known restaurants, he saw you once on a brunch and lost his opportunity to talk to you, he cleared land, seas and the sky to find you again. At first you found creepy everything he did to know you, but you gave him a chance.
Felix was different to all the guys you've dated before, Felix is pretty, he's gentle, he cares about you, he's passionate, he's not afraid to show his feelings, certainly something new for your heart. He made you love again, there you were, always babying him, loving the skin ship and pure kisses, but something was missing.
"What's missing for you? The guy gives you everything you ever asked for" Chris said frustrated, your best friend was the no. 1 fan of your relationship, sometimes you think that if you break up he'd change you for Felix, you ain't blaming Chris.
"I don't think I can talk bout this with you, Chris, you're a man"
"Eyo, I'm your friend, if it's something sexual I can even give you advice" it felt wrong, but you needed to vent this to someone as quick as possible."He's too vainilla, I love him but yk, I wish he would bend me over and rail me"
"Okay, that's a lil too much for my ears you freak" he said with his infamous red ears, you laugh. He smiled creating a plan on his mind.
Days passed and you tried to forget that small issue, Felix invited you over to make pumpkin pie and watch movies, perfect date for the fall but he was weird today, nothing you couldn't ignore. Low lights, cinnamon and pumpkin candles, his sofa was full of blankets and pillows, he was sweet as per usual, you two changed into pijamas and baked a delicious pie, the time was around 12:34 am and you were cleaning the counter top while Felix was decorating the pie.
You felt something someone behind you, hugging your waist, leaving kissed on your nape and roaming hands on hips and stomach, not mentioning the boner on your back. This wasn't your boyfriend, it felt distinct, it felt stronger and sexier.
"Felix?" you sight to his touch.
"Sssh baby, let me take care of your wishes" his hands made room to your clothed center, ghosting his fingers in your clit and folds making you whine, trying to get out of his lock to touch him but it was impossible, when did he get so strong?
He took your breast and kneaded them like a baker for a living, you could feel your legs getting weaker. "I'm gonna take you right here and you'll like it, okay sweetheart?" he was expecting an answer, foolish Felix, he turned your face around, your deer eyes full with excitement and lust made him twich in his pants, definitely he should do this more often "please Felix, I'll love it".
He pulled both of your fluffy pijamas, you moaned cuz of the mix cold breeze and juices in your pussy, he bend you over on the counter and caressed your back slowly making you impatient. "Lixie please, put it in already" you pleaded, and he smacked you ass. "I'm giving it the way I want, don't be a brat now" he teased your entrance to make you suffer a little, but he couldn't even hold it like this, he you bottomed out in one go making both of you moan out loud. Exactly what you wanted, pain and pleasure.
He trusted slow but strong making you a mess "That's what you wanted, hmhm? Me fucking you dumb, baby?" he groaned, you couldn't even think at this point "You could've ask sweetheart" he said going faster, your pussy vibrated around him, the effect of his newly dominance and deep voice was messing with your brains.
Hitting the right places you were trying to hold onto anything close to you, the known sensation of a knot on your stomach was coming closer, Felix knew because of your clenching around his cock, he kept his pace and moaned close to your ear, he knew how his voice made you a total slut. "Felix! Felix! I'm cummin" you moaned, he smiled hitting in you and letting himself go too, cumming inside of you, riding both of your orgasms.
You panted with your face smacked on the counter, trying to process the juices spiling out of you and how did he knew about this fantasy. He started giving you back kisses, giving you comfort "How about a hot shower and movies, babygirl?" you slowly turned around with help, his face full of freckles was too cute to know he fucked you a couple minutes ago.
Almost on the verge of falling asleep on his arms you needed to know how he full filled your fantasy out of nowhere "A little bird told me, and I'll do anything for you" he said and gave you a kiss on your forehead, your eyes felt heavy on his embrace, your last thoughts were love, comfort and a self note to thank your big nose bird friend.
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dprgod ¡ 1 year
Drabble #1: Sinful thinking.
Pairing: bang chan x gn!reader
Content: lil smutty drabble(?
Notes: my first post, hope y'all enjoy 🫶🏻. English isn't my first idiom btw.
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Just the thought of him takes you to another level. The suddenly boredom of having a family dinner made you think about a couple nights ago when you had your lover between your thighs, how he praised your body, playing with his fingers here and there, leaving some kisses in your tummy made your head and stomach flip.
Should I call him?
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dprgod ¡ 1 year
being a non-native english speaker is so funny because i be reading fics and smuts here and there when suddenly a word pops up out of the blue and i be like wait i never read this word before, let me look it up and then proceed to learn its meaning and then i go back to the fic and be like where were we? oh right back to fucking
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dprgod ¡ 1 year
pumpkin spice in the air, horror movies while cuddling, a little cold and candlesss
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