dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Is this about your father? Is he back?
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A big mistake.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
I wouldn't say bother. The latter part of that sentence interests me more than the former.
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The floors need polishing...
Maybe. Does it bother you? I flatter you as much as I can.. either on your work or… you know.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Do you flatter all the women who ask you to stop over working them?
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The floors need polishing...
Obviously, but you are getting paid to do your job and as long as I pay you, you will have to keep doing it, and you are very good at it. If you leave, who would do your somewhat flawless work? I can’t even Imagine the Reed Inc. without you.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Sweetheart, slow down and breathe a little.
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Tell me what's this all about.
A big mistake.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Your habit has me working over time. I love my job, but it's not all I do, sir.
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The floors need polishing...
Well, it wouldn’t be the last time that you would be most helpful, darling! It is a habit I have, I rather like it.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Are you sure? It would be like old times; just me and you.
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A big mistake.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Do you want everyone to bombard me for sessions because you overworked them? Again?
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The floors need polishing...
There are not polished enough. I want to see my face on every surface available here and I can’t see it when the floor is not clean enough… should I create a robot or something like it to achieve what I want? I am no expert in robotics but it won’t be more complicated than what I already know, I’m sure.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Emmett? Do you want to talk?
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A big mistake.
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That’s all I am.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Well, Dr. Langdon, that depends. If your childhood consisted of disturbing weather, then you'd better pay a visit to my office.
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I certainly wouldn't complain if the weather were to take a sudden change towards a cooler direction.
Ah, Dr. Chadwick, hello. I’m curious if you’re going to start with picking apart my comment on the weather or just get straight to the childhood traumas.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
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I certainly wouldn't complain if the weather were to take a sudden change towards a cooler direction.
This lingering Summer heat might not be abysmal but there is something to said about the crispness of Fall.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
Alright, I'll meet you at that little coffee shop down the road. Thanks for this. I would hug you but I doubt it'll be highly appreciated. 
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Well I can’t speak for anyone else because clearly they didn’t want to talk to you if they avoided you like the plague. Um probably somewhere else, Atum isn’t exactly the most comfortable place in the world. We could go to a coffee shop or something?
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
It might make things worse, or it might make them better. You wouldn't know until you try. You probably hear that a lot, but the shot's worth it. 
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I guess I could try, though I’m not sure how much good it’ll do. Besides, bringing it up again might make things worse than they already are.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
I understand that bit. There was bound to be some resistance before I could get some tangible information.
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Would you like to take a stop at my office sometime? Or would you rather talk somewhere you're comfortable with?
Alright, I’ll take your word for it then. Well I don’t mean to be rude but it might be that whole putting a chip in our heads that forces us to be our parents’ idea of perfection thing. You know, maybe. 
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
I see. Maybe you should give them another chance, yeah? Sit them down and tell them how you feel?
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I suppose. And yeah, sort of. I mean, they won’t ever speak directly about him, but I can tell what they’re getting at.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
I assume it won't. I'm not going to try anything that'll affect it like that. 
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I have asked quite  few you you, but glitches don't exactly accept us perfects this easily.
Yeah I don’t see the harm- wait, can you promise my chip won’t start working again with me talking to you and giving you information as the cause? Seriously? That’s a really long time to be waiting, did you ever ask a glitch if they wanted to trade information or whatever? Or am I just the odd one in two years?
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
You would? I've been looking forward to hearing that for two years now.
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Well no one really likes the chips once they’ve had one, there you go. But I don’t know, I’m interested in the life of someone who talks to Utopians for a living, maybe I could help you learn a little more about the glitches. Question for a question sort of thing.
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dr-chadwick-blog · 11 years
It's alright to be angry, dear. It's a part of life. I'd be surprised if you weren't. Did they bring up Jack?
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I don’t mind sharing… Well, they brought up some stuff, like what happened before I got my chip, and I, um… I kind of snapped at them. I know I shouldn’t have, but I can’t help feeling angry about it.
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