dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
It's not a matter of us wanting the same things or not because I don't care. And I really doubt that the Hunters will disband after this. Besides, I have crippled you for now so your threat lessened a little bit more so I don't see any reason for interaction beyond that. I can keep you huddled up in one place and that's it.
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It's been over a week already... [private]
You should trust me because whether you like it or not, I want the same things as you, but I’m not in a position where I can actually influence decisions to put things in motion. I’m not saying I want to get rid of all the Hunters or kill them off, but the sooner they all split up and allow me to live peacefully the better. As for your other comments, the power of family and the strength of your love for them can make you do crazy things, something you must recognize even if you don’t have a sibling like I do in Vince.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
Anger is an understatement. If the both of you never wanted the job, then why the f*ck are you in here? Were you held at gunpoint to join?  You wanted to shove the truth in me when I get is more blur. All that you have been telling me is how you didn't want to be a Hunter yet you're in there. You are betraying them to some extent and you already betrayed me. So really, tell how should I trust a man like you? 
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It's been over a week already... [private]
Vince was my brother and best friend longer than he’s been a Hunter, I know him better than anyone and I know he doesn’t want to stay with them, whether he knows it or not… Nathan, you’ve been so blinded by anger at your lack of control over the town that you’re ignoring the truth. Look at yourself, you’re nothing like the man that I met a few months ago.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
Vince is a Hunter though. You can start to not cope now... not unless you'll convince yourself that that's not true either. Anyway, just pray that this thing comes down soon so you can leave us all alone with this mess. For all I know, it could go worse if you try to stay to help put things back up.
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It's been over a week already... [private]
You’re right. I can’t sleep at night, and it is because of the danger and guilt that surrounds being in the position that I am. But I can cope with not being able to sleep. If I had allowed Vince to join the Hunters, leaving him to an almost certain death, I wouldn’t have been able to cope with life itself. So at least I made the right choice in that respect, protecting my brother instead of leaving him to die. There’s nothing more I can do now, all I can do is hope that when the wall around Redwell gets lifted the Hunters disband and leave, letting me and the people I love settle down and restart our lives as normal people, because none of this is what I wanted for our lives.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
Exactly the point. You were the part of the group who did nothing. You knew very well that coming into Redwell will put innocent lives in danger. See, even if you did nothing, you still had the intent to put their lives at stake because you stepped in. People whose lives you don't even know and people who didn't even do anything to deserve this. My home. That is way beyond personal, Anthony. You were part of the group that stood idle and watched while your more vicious colleagues planned each attack, planned each scheme, each infiltration. You are a part of the problem. You are the part of the people who didn't stand up for the greater good. You are the part of the people who would rather stand and watch this town burn to save yourself than do something to make your group move on and spare this town the storm that it never deserved. You have caused more hardship that you know, Anthony. And I don't even need an admission to know for sure that you have never slept soundly at night. I know that these things have kept you awake and that alone speaks for itself. You may not be a villain, but that doesn't spare you from the guilt.
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It's been over a week already... [private]
The consequences of my actions? I haven’t fucking done anything here! The only thing you can be personally angry at me for is lying to you, but that was only because I thought if I managed to keep it a secret and I didn’t have to be a Hunter anymore, then that would be the best way to stop people from getting hurt, including you. All the Army did was make me value life and hate death, something which living here in Redwell has only strengthened. If you can’t forgive me then I guess I could understand but at least know that i’m not the villain here. Nothing bad has come of my being here, and I haven’t caused any hardship to you or anyone else.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
Only to those who are decent enough to value the trust that I give. It's funny how you and your brother both came from the army. You'd think that they are good at teaching brotherhood and camaraderie...and the actual set of values needed to protect the people and uphold peace. Then there's you two. Too bad Redwell doesn't have an army though. So as long as this wall is still up, you can use all of your free time thinking about the consequences of your actions. Maybe next time, you'd think twice before you betray someone.
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It's been over a week already... [private]
Yeah, I’m beginning to see how compassionate you really are. So basically there’s no point in me trying to do anything that I have an interest in… I don’t understand why I bother, nothing I ever want to do ends up going well, maybe it’s time to rejoin the Army…
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
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"Oh." Nathan mumbled with a slight frown when he accidentally took a shot. But before he checked if the thing was on and did take a picture, he finished adjusting his lens first -- which was the primary objective of his focused scrutinizing.
"Something wrong?" Jacob asked softly after finishing whatever he was doing. At the edge of Nathan's vision, he reckoned Jacob was busy sending a text. Probably a client.
"Just my camera, I pressed the button while I was fixing it..." Nathan voice trailed off and then smiled to himself when the screen lit up. He felt Jacob lean in to check what made him smile and he leaned back to avoid him. Unfortunately, he was a second too late. 
"I look good while texting." Jacob teased and chuckled softly as he glanced at the picture then up to Nathan with a cocky half smile. Nathan just scoffed and shook his head, then went back on to adjusting the camera's fixture. He said nothing and watched Jacob lean away again, his movements only caught through Nathan's peripheral once again.
"You do look good while texting..." Nathan finally admitted with a mumble and a smile, but he never looked up. Although he knew that Jacob put up yet another smug smile in reply.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
...That would require another permit. Given the fact that you'll have a different place to prepare your food that you will distribute to the townspeople, you have to undergo another inspection. Because that's how we do it in Redwell, the innocent unknowing townspeople comes first. And since you have an outstanding health inspection case, I doubt that getting a new one will be easy. See? I'm compassionate enough to offer advice...
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It's been over a week already... [private]
I thought maybe you’d at least have a bit of compassion, but I guess that time’s gone. Nathan you really don’t need to use veiled insults anymore, I know you think me and Vince are bad apples, and to be honest I don’t see a way of convincing you otherwise. I’ll just have to start doing a takeaway service from my house then, it’s either that or getting a job in something i’m grossly unqualified for…
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
After your lie? Of course not. Why would I be your person? Anyway, the health board has a different rules and regulations to ensure that they do their job right. And I do think that the building adjacent might have some pests too. Maybe it's a sewer breakout...but we have to be sure that this doesn't spread. We have to put out the bad apples for the sake of the good apples after all...
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It's been over a week already... [private]
I’m no asking you to fix this for me, if I can’t find a way to fix this no one can, I just needed someone to talk to. You obviously don’t want to be that person… Have you spoken to Vince and let him know you know the truth? Do you know who can help us with that then, because if there’s one thing I can be absolutely sure of, there was no infestation in my pizzeria. I think i’m going insane without it…
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
Not my problem to fix. You Hunters are really bad at cleaning after your own mess, aren't you? But until that time comes, I do think it's best for me to not put anymore trust in you and your brother...so I really can't help you now with your pizzeria debacle.
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It's been over a week already... [private]
I never said I’d succeeded in my plans, it’s all turned out to be harder to do than even I expected. If you can tell me how I leave a group of people who are all trained killers and defend the secrecy of the group with their lives, then I’ll be happy to tell them all I’m done with that crap. In the mean time, it’s probably best not to get myself or my brother killed.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
But here you are, betrayed the people that gave you their trust, made a mess out of the peace, and most of all, still a Hunter. Hooray for progress, right? You've certainly come a long way, Anthony.
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It's been over a week already...
I just… I’ve done what i’ve done to protect my family, and that’s all I thought I wanted to do when I got here. Do you know the story about how me and Vince ended up with the Hunters? Once we were with them, everything I did was to protect him, including settling down here in Redwell. But now I love my life here, and I had the choice I’d stay here forever with the new friends I've made and the pizzeria I run. The whole point of me and Vince being here is to not be Hunters anymore, to get away from them without hurting anyone. That’s all I've ever wanted here, to be able to live a normal life.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
You really think that I'll buy this one? Fine. Let's say that you didn't have to do anything that happened. But you can never erase the fact that you have endangered lives by befriending people from here --- you and the others. The people in here never knew what you are and the kind of trouble that you bring. But still you befriended them and thus got them involved indirectly in this mess. What if the one you hunted used one of the locals you're friends with as hostage? You may save them, but you can never deny the fact that you placed them in danger. The fact that the pizzeria had served unknowing locals ever since you got here. What if a rabid pack attacks your place during the lunch time hour? I doubt that you can defend them. You are not as innocent as you think. You might not have drawn blood yet, but you are bound to because you are a Hunter.
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It's been over a week already...
I have nothing to do with what happened at Dillon’s party, I was caught just as off-guard as everyone else, and I helped to get everyone away from the house including those who I already knew were wolves. I’m not going to stop you from trying to get rid of us because I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but at least try and keep a clear head about it all. You’re not this person you’re trying to become Nathan, you’re a good guy.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
Nothing really happened? Everything happened the moment you stepped into this town. The attack at Dillon's party was the start of this town's trek downhill. You came and started this mess and you wonder why I'm so vindictive? Unlike you who can just move in and move out of any town that you deem riddled by whatever creature and do whatever to protect your so-called honor at the cost of innocent lives, Redwell is the only home that I have ever known. And you, along with the others, just came in here to cause trouble when we had done nothing. So yes, I do think I have the right to be vindictive.
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It's been over a week already...
Nathan, what has ever happened to you to make you so vindictive? I like to think that if our positions were reversed, I’d be able to understand where you were coming from and even help you to live the peaceful life you want to lead. Me and Mallory work because we actually understand each other’s motivations, that we’re not stuck in this situation because we want to be here, but to protect or honor certain people. As for what you think of the supposed vigilante group, what makes you think that the majority of them actually behave like that? I’m curious, because nothing’s really happened since we’ve been here so I wanna know whether you’ve made it all up in your head or if you’ve seen something I haven’t.
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dr-nathan-ward · 11 years
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