dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“I can’t say I do either. But this place makes me curious to at least try it.”
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“No, I don’t know how to ride horses, I just like visiting them sometimes. Whenever I have time off.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
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“Sunglasses inside are cool right? I don’t look hungover?”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
[ taped to Roland's door was a tiny rose and note that simply read 'xoxo -Ratigan' ]
“Oh fuck.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
Roland sighed giving Olivia a look as well. It was just a bit of a messy situation and he was just ready for conflict to explode.  So he was pretty on edge and that meant watching over Olivia more because he knew how she was. Or could be when she got defensive. “She’s not mad at me, she’s just being a little pissy.” He explained with a shrug. He meant it in the nicest way and if Olivia heard him he wasn’t worried she would take it the wrong way. 
Taking the charcoal from Olivia he moved to get it ready quickly handing it to her mixed with a little water. “Take this in a sec, let me finish your arm because you’re going to end up throwing up but it will get it out of your system.” And that was what mattered. Finishing the stitching he cleaned it up and quickly gave it a dressing moving away from the bed. “It shouldn’t. Everything was clean cuts. It’ll be a little dark for awhile to heal up but after some time it should go back to normal.” He explained taking off his gloves and cleaning up the station a little bit. “And it really is.” He mused smiling at Olivia softly before turning his attention to Rhegan. “Drink up.”
“If you wanted a moment of privacy, you could just say so,” Olivia murmured, giving Roland a look before doing just as he told her and speaking with one of the nurses. She explained the situation and asked for the charcoal, hoping that it was help Rhegan from overdosing. Even if she and the villain weren’t on the best of terms, she hoped that maybe in saving her that in the future she could pass the good on. Maybe she would look at the two of them differently.
Once she finished speaking with the nurses, she returned to them, staying completely silent as Roland stitched the other girl up. She was transfixed on his technique, how flawless it was. It was only when he spoke that her attention switched. “It’s a welcomed change for once,” Olivia mused quietly, setting her hands in her hands in her lap.
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“And that’s exactly why I’m not worried.” He stated simply with a shrug and a smile in the boy direction. “There’s basically one for every part of the body, there’s pediatrics, so medicine with kids, there’s general, like me if you didn’t wish to specialize. There’s also being a vet or a dentist or psychology if being a therapist is your deal.” He explained listing them on his fingers. “twenty-five and sure for friends age isn’t too much of a factor but when I think of dating anyone too much younger it just feels wrong.” Smart didn’t mean ready to date an adult and that’s what he worried about. He was so much further into his life then a lot of people here. “I don’t believe that, you can keep going and trying to find another solution. Olivia is one, she’s my partner, so I leave that stuff to her.”
“I would never try to use something,” he laughed, finding it ridiculous to practice when he was not a hundred percent sure about medicine. “I am not sure what I am interested in. What sides of medicine are out there?” He was new to it all. “How old are you? And being young shouldn’t be unattractive – there are a lot of smart people here. You can have a decent conversation with anyone.” But Zachary understood why it was difficult. Roland was a doctor, there was much work to be done in the infirmary. “I do not believe it either. There are only so much you can do until you have to kill someone, however. Have you talked to the other guards about it?”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“That’s the most you can do and the best you can do. That I’m sure of.” He nodded once as if it was a reassurance to her. But he didn’t even know if he could be that reassuring when he was still pretty much a stranger. “Maybe.” He could see it though because if the men weren’t doing it and she found someone she truly wanted the heartbreak would be much more. Taking the glass he let out a soft laugh. “I did not but I’m quite enjoying it. It’s opening my eyes more too and hopefully helping you which I love to do.”
Ellie nodded, knowing that she was mostly willing to do anything for her happiness now. “Being open to new things isn’t exactly a strength of mine, but I’m trying to be a better version of me.” She was on the hunt for the things and people that truly made her happy rather than the things she expected to make her happy. “I’ve had my heart broken before, so that isn’t anything new. I mean, maybe it will be a different kind of heartbreak. Something worse.” Especially if she really was attracted to girls and that could end up hurting. “I figured you would.” She smiled, pouring them each a glass and handing one to him. “Bet you didn’t expect to have this conversation.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
It was hard not to notice how quiet Rhegan had gotten and although he wanted to say something he knew he shouldn’t. “True. Would you mind grabbing it from one of the nurses, I want to finish stitching this up at least.” He stated mainly because it would give Rhegan at least a little breathing room because he could have just asked one of the nurses to get it for him. He was just glad Olivia was taking his seriously, not that he thought she wouldn’t but at the same time he worried her sass was going to go a little out of hand. 
Roland smiled though hearing the Olivia he was so use to hearing and not the tough girl that everyone else saw. It was always nice to know about that. “Well this is the calmest I think the three of us has ever been.” He teased awkwardly. The atmosphere was just so dark he couldn’t help it.”
“ You pulled your gun on me and fired! Do not blame me for your behavior, ” Olivia bit back, glaring at the other for a moment before sitting on the ground beside Roland and sighing. She wasn’t worth her time. “ Activated charcoal might be helpful here, Roland. It would get any of the left over drugs out of her system. Then we can replace the water she has lost afterwards
 ” She knew that the wound had to be treated first but since they knew nothing about how much drugs she had taken, it was better to make sure she didn’t overdose. With his look, she raised a brow at both of them. “ Don’t give me that look! I actually agree
 As much as dislike you, you don’t deserve to die, Rhegan. If you need the help, you should be able to have it. ”
As she struggled with telling her about the gun, Olivia felt almost bad for her. It wasn’t normal for her to feel sympathy for Rhegan, especially after all she had done but this time she was allowed to feel bad. “ Thank you, Rhegan, ” She said softly, sincerely. There was a change in her tone, one that normally only Roland would hear but she felt it was right to use it here. If the other girl was letting her guard down, she would too. Olivia was still young and maybe that was her weakness. She took the gun from the other girl’s hip and emptied the remaining bullet’s into her hand, making the gun safe for anyone to handle before leaving it all with the knife. “ She’s safe to treat
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“Sure, I don’t see why it would be a problem. It’s all for knowledge and as long as you don’t try to do some of those things then everything is good with me.” He couldn’t have Zachary acting like a doctor but he didn’t think it would happen. “Is there one side of medicine you’re very into?” He questioned. “I don’t know, I suppose I feel like a lot of the people here are a good few years younger than me, which isn’t a bad thing it’s just sometimes it’s not attractive and I don’t always have the time to get to know them the age is the only thing I know.” There were quite a few in their twenties which was nice but at the same time there were plenty under the age of twenty and Roland just didn’t want to date that young. “Not the one here. I don’t drink too often.” Sighing Roland nodded. “There’s always going to be a way. I don’t believe in the death punishment so no matter what she does I won’t condone her death.”
“Really? Are you sure you wish to show me those journals? I would love to give those a glance. If I cannot understand a word, I have the google to look those up.” While he may have not known how to use it fully, Zach was perfectly capable of searching the web for a word. “Come on, you haven’t found anyone? I’ve seen guards fall in love, what makes you different?” Zachary thought Roland should have been able to love another – it was right for anyone. “Why? You should get out more, you know. Have a drink or something. Have fun. Have you ever been to the tavern?” He asked. “I don’t know how you would get her back to London. She’d have to be passed out or something to get on the ride home. What if she hurts more people? The guards killed before.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
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“Roland’s fine in this case. Well I’m not sure anyone really gives off the impression of their profession all the time but I suppose being a professor is a good impression to give off. I am, worked here nearly half a year now.”
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“So Doctor it is, then? Or would you prefer Roland? I didn’t get the doctor vibe from you, not that I don’t believe you. I would have guessed a professor or something, but both are very intelligent jobs. Normally I read in my room, attempt to see my brother, and occasionally make a friend. You’re a doctor here?”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“There’s a lot of medical journals I could show you. Some of the terms might be a little difficult but once you get the hang of it I’m sure you could breeze through it.” Although it was English and a little challenging at points Roland was already sure Zachary was very smart. Unable not to laugh Roland shook his head. “I came to work not to find love.” He wasn’t opposed to it, but really finding love seemed a little unreasonable at the moment. “I don’t, I mainly keep to myself and my partner but that’s about it.” Shrugging Roland messed up his own hair. “Lock her up I suppose. See if we can get her to go back to London. It would be the only way short of killing her to keep people safe.”
“Beyond my time as well. Sounds intriguing though, to look at. I am extremely fascinated at evolution. I never imagined a world as this.” It was a dream in which Zachary never wanted to leave – far more fairytale like than his home was. “Life goes quickly when you are in the palace. Before you know it, you might be engaged. Would be scary to think right now, but down the road perhaps. Do you like anyone here?” Zachary asked, very curious to know more about the doctor. “What are you going to do to her?”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“I think that has to be the best way to go about it. You have an idea of a relationship you want and you’re open to something new.” Sure he wanted to help but in a way the girl seemed perfectly fine on her own working through everything. “It’s just having your mind open to thinking you could be with someone of the same gender. Sadly you’re probably going to get your heart broken a few times but it will probably be worth it in the end when you do find the person you need.” Laughing slightly he put down his bottle of water. “Perhaps I’ll have a glass of that wine now.”
“I would love to have a relationship like theirs. And if it is with a woman and I’m actually happy, then I think it could be okay.” And if that really did happen, then it could potentially end up being a shitstorm for her. But if she loved the girl enough, then she would be alright. “That does make sense. I suppose I should at least try it. Because it wouldn’t hurt that much, especially if I didn’t end up falling for them that hard or just thinking they were attractive.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“Perhaps that’s what will happen for you...just you know with a woman?” He stated a little awkwardly. Running his hand through his hair he pursed his lips for a moment. “Do you have to limit it that much? It would suck to find out you like someone that isn’t into girls bug if you’re focusing only on that maybe you could miss just falling for someone in general and realizing you do like girls?.... did that make sense?”
“It’s not spoken about at all when I’m from. It was quite a shock when my ex-boyfriend started dating a man, but they are very cute together and I can’t imagine with him a woman now.” Ellie replied honestly, loving Zachary and Chandler too. “That’s a good point. But I wouldn’t know where to start with that. I suppose I would have to really think about the girls here and who I think is attractive of I would want to potentially go on a day with. And also the ones who are willing.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“That sounds about right. I’m not really well versed about it, it’s not really common...or out spoken of in my time but I’ve read a little bit on the subject.” He wanted to be proper but he didn’t know how to be. “Well if you’re with her just to figure out if you like girls that could be bad but if you have genuine interest in someone and said that I don’t think it could be bad? At least she would know you like her but if it’s platonic or romantic you’re not sure?”
Ellie shrugged, finishing off the last of her wine. “It’s real life.” She laughed a little, setting her glass down. “I don’t know. I don’t know who or what I like, and it’s confusing. I thought I liked men, but maybe I was just told to like men all of my life, so that’s just what I did? Or maybe I’m just terribly confused. My ex-boyfriend seems to think it would do me good to be with a girl, but I don’t want to use her just to figure out my feelings. What if I hurt her? Being used isn’t fun.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
Roland blinked slightly trying to take a moment to figure it all out. “Well that was a story.” He mused thinking about it all. “So you’ve even dated non royalty too.” So maybe that wasn’t like he had thought. He didn’t want to suggest maybe she needed to be single because it didn’t even sound like that. “Do you like guys? You know in general?” It wasn’t something he was exposed to a lot but he had been reading a lot about all modern things lately. 
Ellie pondered what he said for a moment, swirling her remaining wine in her glass. “Hmm
 That does seem a bit weird, but not crazy. I could do that.” Besides, it would hardly be different from what she was doing now. At least, without all of the sex. “I don’t think I know what I want, to be honest. I feel like no relationship will ever work out for me. The first one was practically a sham since he was betrothed to another, the second was arranged and subsequently dissolved by my father, the third was with a man who comes from a family who wants to torment my family and he turned out to be gay, and then the last one was everything I could have asked for but didn’t truly want. And now I don’t know what I want. Or who.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“It’s weird to say but don’t look. The more you want maybe you won’t get what you need?” He wasn’t sure but a lot of things seemed to work out like that. “Oh please go ahead, I’m a great listener and I think I offer some good advice at that. So go ahead and talk.” And it was Olivia’s influence that made him curious.
“Wise words.” Ellie said with a nod. “Maybe I don’t need a prince. I suppose I shall just keep on looking.” She sighed. “I know you asked, but I’m sorry for dumping stuff on you right when we meet. It’s the alcohol, I think. And probably the fact that I over share and I tend to ramble. Don’t let me start talking because I won’t stop.”
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dr-rolanddawson · 8 years
“Sometimes what we want and what we need are two different things entirely.” Sometimes you didn’t even know what you needed. “All the qualities of a good guy seem to be there..Maybe you don’t need a prince?” He questioned trying to figure it out.
“That’s alright. I have about one friend.” Ellie smiled, glad to have Zachary as her sole friend. If she was going to only have one, she would choose him. “I thought I did, but then I got it and he wasn’t what I wanted. That was my last boyfriend, Nate. And he was exactly what I wanted: gorgeous, kind, funny, a prince, next in line for his thrown
 But I don’t think I connected on the same level he did.”
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