dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“Almost everyone would assign this distinction [a great literary work] to Dante’s Divine Comedy, but this may be more of a nominal judgement than a real one. It might be like seeing that someone is sexually attractive but not feeling sexually attracted to them.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
1. Also called moonsail. Nautical. a light square sail set above a skysail.
2. a simpleton.
Origin: 1780-90; moon + raker1
“A moonraker is also the nickname for a native of Wiltshire, and a very silly story is told there as its origin.”  - Jacob Larwood, The History of Signboards
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“No work of art springs out of nothing. Coleridge did not invent ancient mariners and Keats did not dream up Grecian urns.”
“There can be no absolute novelty, as some twentieth-century avant-gardists forlornly dreamed.”
“This is not to suggest there can be no novelty at all. If there are no absolute breaks in human affairs, neither are there absolute continuities.”
“It is with postmodernism that the hungry for novelty begins to fade.”
“...we have a simulacra without an original.”
“Everything at this late, streetwise, rather cynical point in history has been done before; but it can always be done again, and the act of doing it a gain is what constitutes the novelty.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“ ‘What are you going to do, then?’ I asked.
‘To smoke,’ he answered. ‘It is quite a three pipe problem, and I beg that you won’t speak to me for fifty minutes.’”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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compunction - a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“...alternating week to week between cocaine and ambition...”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“And I dont have no intentions of carvin a stone water trough. But I would like to be able to make that kind of promise.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“That’s my heart yonder, he told the horse. it always was.”
“Well, she said, past a certain age I dont guess there is any such thing as good change.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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mam·mon noun wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship and devotion. It was taken by medieval writers as the name of the devil of covetousness, and revived in this sense by Milton.
“...when you encounter certain things in the world, the evidence for certain things, you realize that you have come upon somethin that you may very well not be equal to and I think that this is one of them things...”
“...When you’ve said that it’s real and not just in your head I’m not all that sure what it is you have said.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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Saint John Baptizing in the river Jordan
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“None of this was your fault.
She shook her head, sobbing.
You didn’t do anything. It was bad luck.
She nodded.
He watched her, his chin in his hand. All right, he said. This is the best I can do.
  He straightened out his leg and reached into his pocket and held it. For her to see the justice of it. He held it between his thumb and forefinger and weighed it and then flipped it spinning in the air and caught it and slapped it down on his wrist.  Call it, he said.”
“The coin didn’t have no say. It was you. Perhaps, look at it my way. I got here the same way the coin did”
“For things at a common destination there is a common path.”
“I had no say in the matter. Every moment in your life is a choosing. Somewhere you made a choice. All followed to this. The accounting is scrupulous.”
“Oh God, she said. Oh God.”
“Bone sticking up under the skin. Not Good.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“I knowed this wasnt done with.
      Smart girl.”
“I buried my mother today. I aint paid for that neither.
      I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“You’ve got no cause to hurt, she said. 
      I know. But I gave my word.”
“Even a non-believer might find it useful to model himself after god.”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“You’d be in a fix if you didn’t know where you was at.
I don’t know. Would you?”
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dr-zarathustra · 8 years
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“The only people I know that know what a character is, he said, are other characters.”
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