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 “Obervations are being made…”
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Ummmm.... XD
Hi! I just joined and...... I don't know how to comment on a post. XD whoops..... Heheheh.....
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Just the look on the cats face! I mean honestly, who does that!? XD
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My account for my AstroBoy 2003 OC, Dracen.
Name: Dracen Himitsu
Age: based on a 12/13 year old
Gender: Female
Race: Huminoid Robot
Personality: Brave, loyal, adventurous, Cold towards new people ((mostly adults)), But will warm up to them fairly easily if they show her respect and kiandess. She loves challenges and never backs down. She is a bit of a dare devil. She has a dark side that she never shows ANYONE. During that phase, she will become blood thirsty ((as if she isn't already. XD)),  and cruel. But rarely hurts anyone. She likes to have fun, and is very crazy, and a big weirdo around those she feels like she can trust and she is close to. Although will do ANYTHING to get to kill/harm a person named : Uragirimono Mayashimasu. Or. For short Uragi Mayashi. She HATES him with all her heart.((will be explained during RP)). 
Important info: She was based off of the well known Astro Boy. ((Also will be explained during RP.)) She runs on human blood as well as electricity. ((NOT cyborg what's so ever!!!!!!!!!)). And she has a Relative named Faolan. ((Name not mine.)) Though will not say how he is related to her seeing that he is a wolf.
Abilities/Powers: Shape shifting, telepathy, can fly, a very weak arm cannon that she rarely uses.
That's all! She is in my fan fiction and I hope I can RP with you guys! :-) 
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