draco-slander · 3 years
october 31st, 1981
i don't think it was voldemort who killed the potters that night it godrics hollow.
to prove his loyalty to him, i believe voldemort ordered peter to kill them.
thats why james was unarmed when he opened the door, thinking his old friend had just stopped by for a visit
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draco-slander · 3 years
ladies, gentlemen, or whatever else you identify as, may i proudly present to you: FREMIONE
(i apologize in advance for the horrible grammar, its late but this thought just came to my head so leave me alone)
here’s some of my headcannons for how they started to get closer then the start of their relationship :)
when hermione discovered the twins plan for WWW, they expected her to be mad, but she kind of discovered that george and fred werent just two idiots who broke the rules, but they actually had some knowledge inside their brains!! (took you long enough, mione.) so she began to help them with their plans for the shop, going to the library after hours when they couldn’t to grab some books they needed, staying up in the common room late to help them study
george could obviously tell when fred started to fall for mione, and though they had only been friends for about two weeks, he was already head over heels for her. and he was going to make sure she knew that. hermione, as well, started to notice when her eyes would wander to fred’s gorgeous red hair, or stare longer then usual at his beautiful hazel eyes, but she, per usual, pushed her feelings aside. i mean, why would some amazing, gorgeous, pure-blood, hogwarts prank king fall in love with some nerdy, bushy haired muggle-born like her?
Fred was always finding little excuses to touch her; ‘hey, granger, you’ve got something on your face.’ he’s say in the great hall during dinner, taking his warm fingers, gently wiping her chin, george playfully gagging in the background, hermione turning a deep crimson red.  or while the three of them were reading in the common room late at night, hermione’s hand on the page of her book. ‘woah, mione, you’ve got mighty small hands, let’s compare.’ he would say, picking up her hand, placing it against his own.
hermione soon became more comfortable with physical affection with the twins. they had gotten to the point where they were comfortable snuggling up with eachother on the common room couch late at night, while flipping through potions text books, skimming paragraphs. with george, it was all friendly, but when he went to bed early and it was only her and fred, it felt...different. fred would bury his head in the crook of her neck, his hot breath on her making her blush.
after a few months of being close, the two were practically an old married couple. sure, they had never admitted their feelings for one another, but it was almost like they didn’t have to. after classes, while hermione was studying on the couch of the common room, fred would sneak up to her side, twirling her hair while watching her eyes slowly move from one side of the page to the other. ron and harry, who were playing wizards chess on the other end of the room, slowly looking over at the two of them, ron gagging while harry playfully winked at hermione.
and hermione, while she usually would be in her dorm studying during quidditch games, always made sure she cheered the hardest for fred. 
one day after the O.W.Ls, (when fred and george werent taking them), hemione arrived back in the common room, looking tired and worn out. fred noticed this almost immediately, and got to work rubbing her shoulders. she chuckled lightly, before pushing his hands off. ‘i’m not a princess, fred.’ ‘you are to me, mione’ he said with a wink that made her blush
AND OH, THE NICKNAMES. he would come up with at least 5 new ones every day. mione, princess, kitten, granger, darling, love, etc
literally EVERYBODY at hogwarts though they were dating. enough said.
while hermione stayed at the burrow for summer holidays, the two found it a lot harder to be comfortable around eachother when molly’s eyes were plastered to their backs. (BOOK MOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!) hermione somewhat found this easy. it felt weird to her when fred would cuddle up to her on the couch, or kiss her temple repeatedly when she found something that would help with their shop. she always thought that it would be odd for the both of them if they dated, even though she knew she loved him. fred always made little excuses as to why he and hermione were so close. ‘don’t worry, mum, she’s just helping me study! you do want me to have good grades, don’t you?’ ‘oh, no worries, mum, we just fell asleep studying last night. oops!’
one night in the burrow during the summer, fred had gone to bed early, so it was just her and george on the living room couch skimming through books. george knew this was his opportunity. ‘hey, mione, you do know my brother is, like, head over heels for you, right?’ she stopped reading almost immediately, looking like a deer in headlights. ‘he does?’ ‘of course! i really thought the brightest witch of her age would have know that by now’ he said playfully.
after that, she became more comfortable with freddie, never feeling like he didnt like her back.
fred thought long and hard about how he was going to work up the nerve to ask hermione out. ‘should i make it big? i mean, thats what we always do, but it’s hermione’ ‘maybe ill just ask if she wants to go to the library. she likes that right?’ ‘wait, she likes butterbeer...ILL ASK HER TO HOGSMEADE! OH, IT’S PERFECT, GEORGIE!’
so, he did. ‘hey, love, can i ask you something?’ she sighed. ‘first of all, i told you to stop calling me that. second, make it quick, there’s a new potions book out in the library that i think will really help with the puking pasties.’ ‘yeah, for sure, so, uh...i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to hogsmeade with me this weekend? IFYOUDONTTHATSOKAYIWASJUSTASKINGIUH-’ she chuckled slightly, and couldn’t tell if she was glad he had asked her out or amazed that she had just witnessed fred weasley stumble on his words. maybe a bit f both. ‘i would love to go to hogsmeade with you, fredrick gideon wealsey’ she said with a smile, while he let out a sigh of relief.  ‘well then, darling, how about that book, eh?’ he said, grabbing her hand and interlocking it with his own
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draco-slander · 3 years
Wolfstar :’))
I know I have been SEVERLEY lacking good content latley, so here’s some good old fluffy wolfstar for you.
-Sirius cuddling up to Remus after full moons
-You can’t tell me that every year during the holidays, Remus would always get Sirius some really thoughtful present, like new eyeliner or yet another leather jacket, but every single Christmas morning, Sirius would sit under the boys dormitory tree, a bow around his neck, and when Remus woke up, he would just say: “Happy Christmas moony!  My amazing present for you is...ME!”
-The two of them would always help each other with homework (each of them were selectively good at some subjects more than others), not because they wanted to, but because they always looked forward to snuggling up on the cozy Gryffindor common room couch, hardly focusing on their textbooks as much as they were the others face
-Sirius would just stare at Remus any chance he could.  He knew the crook of this jaw line, the slight curve that took place on his lips while reading, and each and every scar that lines his body.
Remus had always been ashamed of his scars.  Sirius caught on to this, and every night when they were cuddling, he would lightly trace them with his fingers, muttering words of appreciation.
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draco-slander · 3 years
cissy :’)
So one thing not a lot of people actually know is that Narcissa Malfoy WASN’T ACTUALY A DEATH EATER.
So here is my personal head cannon about her being forced to serve for voldy moldy
She never actually wanted to become a death eater or anything like that, but, of course, after she saw what happened to Andromeda, she knew she didn’t want to be deemed a traitor.
Her parents noticed this, and decided to take a stand. 
They told Narcissa that she would soon be marrying Lucius Malfoy.
They decided this for many reasons.
One being he was a death eater, so maybe, just maybe, he could convince her to become one too. 
It was probably also because he was rich
Again, Narcissa had no interest in marrying him.  But, of course, she had too.
When she decided she was going to marry him, she had a tiny bit of hope. 
Ever since she was a kid, she had dreamed about the perfect wedding with the perfect man, then having the perfect kid, and letting that kid have a perfect life.
And who knew, maybe Lucius would fit into that fairytale?
She was very, very wrong.
She expected a beautiful, fancy wedding, when in reality, Lucius hired a priest to come and marry them in the middle of the Malfoy Manor.  No vows, no crying, no family, nothing.
Well, maybe it would get better, right?
Even though deep in her heart she knew this relationship would never work out, she still put as much love and hope into it as she could.
Once she was pregnant only a few weeks after their wedding and had told Lucius, he simply said he must go speak to the Dark Lord and let him know that in only 15 or so years, another death eater would be upon them.
Narcissa then sat alone in the huge Malfoy Manor dining room, thinking about all she imagined, and how none of this is that.
When Lucius arrived back at the manor, he told Narcissa that she must immediately become a death eater, because the Dark Lord’s servants were getting sent to Azkaban like crazy and they needed more help.
She just stared at him, wide eyed.  
He looked back at her in disgust.
How dare she speak to him like that!
He walked over to her, grabbed her arm tight, and brought it up to his face.  
He then stormed off, leaving a weak and crying Narcissa behind.
She then thought for hours and hours on end.
She always went back and forth from ‘should I be a death eater?’ and ‘Should I not?’, until she ultimately made a compromise with herself.
She wouldn’t become a death eater, but she would serve for Voldemort, just for her husbands sake.  She announced this to him calmly and collectively one night while they both sat on opposite sides of the large dining room table, eating dinner.
When Draco was born, Lucius was never there to help with the baby.
But Narcissa was somewhat grateful for this, having the chance to maybe, just maybe, teach her child how to not be manipulated by someone you thought you thought you loved, because if they act like that, it’s not love.
And how sometimes, people aren’t always who they seem.
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