draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
(retags) @the-trash-eating-llama @cow-stealin-gal
(New tags)
@f4y3w00d5 @bi-gender-sorcerer @tapjoys @applegameisprollytaken @slimylittlemaggot @meltymooncakes @the-spine-eater @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @aroace-wizard @ash-the-nekogirl @optal @crystaza @arttisticcoffeepot @ignisuada
Can't tag one because of my legal issues today. Vyra should know who by looking.
reblog if you've made a good friend on tumblr.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Yaaaaaay! (I think?)
I forgr yesterday was Saturday, so…. Happy Slimegirl Sunday! Me, in my outfit for pride!
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Well, here's to hoping life gets a bit better everyday! I can relate to something being horrid...
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I forgr yesterday was Saturday, so…. Happy Slimegirl Sunday! Me, in my outfit for pride!
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Also, almost all the heckling so far has been from cowards who would rather bully than show their stripes (anon asks).
The only ones that did show their stripes are blocked as well, some by them, some by me. Those were for different reasons.
Almost every Transgender Woman I have interacted with the past two days has been without reason.
Today especially, I take time to read what everyone is saying and quote or reference those words in my reply, if considered relevant.
I see almost nothing of respect in the responses, but I quote those responses anyway to show I am paying attention.
I also researched Tone Policing because I was blamed of that but did not understand. I will try to stick to fact and logic if at all possible.
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Please understand I do want peace. I want a civilized discussion. We cannot have a civilized discussion without understanding and compromise.
Seriously, I would apologize if I could. Almost everyone I have talked to has blocked me and I cannot see reason to continue a pointless discussion.
Leave this topic alone. It is something I would like to consider done.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
You just now saw this? Better late than never I guess.
I forgr yesterday was Saturday, so…. Happy Slimegirl Sunday! Me, in my outfit for pride!
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Word of advice: never order a horchata, it is liquid preservation starches with extra sugar... Not healthy under any means.
Told this by 7 of my coworkers, who are all of Latin American descent. Also, I cook a lot of rice and the look seemed right if I were to add brown sugar.
As for the dumplings, that sounds tasty! What was in them?
I usually freeze my grapes, something about the texture on a cool day. It also doubles as a wine chiller if that helps anyone. Boosts the flavor of it's the same kind as well.
The games sound enjoyable too!
Oi, if someone gives you crap about this situation push whoever it is my way. I can take it. I've been blamed for both just and unjust things my whole life.
Anyone that tries to harass another should be reflecting on what words can do, too. Misinterpretation and lack of information are what make these situations worse.
Ask for whoever it is to copy parts of what is posted by you in response, then explain what is understood vs misinformation.
Use first person statements (I, me, my) as much as possible. Never use second person (you, your) to avoid the idea of blame being pushed around.
Make sure to do the same for what you respond with.
I hope ya take a break from Tumblr. This did not deserve to happen to anyone.
Unrelated note:
Today I visited a local festival and then I was watched a movie (Inside Out 2) with food and drinks.
I played some games afterwards.
I had a pretty good time today.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Actually, I do wonder one thing.
What happened to Apollodimiyon?
Like their comments are gone and when I tried to check up on their blog, I couldn’t get to see them.
My best guess is that the person blocked me, which is weird because I haven’t responded nor blocked them.
If that user was seen from one of my posts, I likely blocked them.
I got so much anon hate that I blocked them all and turned off anon asks. It's easier for people to act tough behind a screen or two after all. At least with this, I know who are willing to be open with their words.
The only non-anon, relative ask I did get I read over and deleted after the third "You" statement.
Afterwards, I looked at any replies from others that likely would not see reason either and blocked them too.
As for anyone else, idk.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Fun! What was the festival for?
Was the food good?
What games ys play?
Oi, if someone gives you crap about this situation push whoever it is my way. I can take it. I've been blamed for both just and unjust things my whole life.
Anyone that tries to harass another should be reflecting on what words can do, too. Misinterpretation and lack of information are what make these situations worse.
Ask for whoever it is to copy parts of what is posted by you in response, then explain what is understood vs misinformation.
Use first person statements (I, me, my) as much as possible. Never use second person (you, your) to avoid the idea of blame being pushed around.
Make sure to do the same for what you respond with.
I hope ya take a break from Tumblr. This did not deserve to happen to anyone.
Unrelated note:
Today I visited a local festival and then I was watched a movie (Inside Out 2) with food and drinks.
I played some games afterwards.
I had a pretty good time today.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Almost every Transgender Woman I have interacted with the past two days has been without reason.
Today especially, I take time to read what everyone is saying and quote or reference those words in my reply, if considered relevant.
I see almost nothing of respect in the responses, but I quote those responses anyway to show I am paying attention.
I also researched Tone Policing because I was blamed of that but did not understand. I will try to stick to fact and logic if at all possible.
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Please understand I do want peace. I want a civilized discussion. We cannot have a civilized discussion without understanding and compromise.
Seriously, I would apologize if I could. Almost everyone I have talked to has blocked me and I cannot see reason to continue a pointless discussion.
Leave this topic alone. It is something I would like to consider done.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
I already sent an apology reply.
So ignore facts? Just solely fiction and feeling?
Blame me for tone policing, I want to exclude that. Then be a hypocrite saying to include it.
Reason is out the window? Alright. Just leave me and my friends be then.
Draco I know you didn’t mean ill and I’m not holding against you or calling you transphobic or even unfollowing, but def next time do NOT double down when someone corrects you, even if you think you’re not in the wrong. As a trans woman myself I am acknowledging that you are absolutely a trans ally, and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say when all of this blows over❤️
Thank you for this, it is helping me remain calm.
Especially with my coworkers driving me even crazier.
However, I will not go belly up for someone who is trying to discredit and insult me for something I felt insulted on first.
I just hope this has a better ending!
I'll likely take a break from Tumblr tomorrow.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
I sent this BEFORE I replied to your last blog. I was uncivil when writing this because I was frustrated how it affected my friend.
I apologize for the profanity, I got blinded.
Edit since I can't reblog:
Slimygoo blocked me. She accepted the apology but did not forgive me. That's all I want to relay.
Hey, leave my friend alone, bitch.
I am fine being made fun of, but I will not tolerate anyone hurting my friends.
I have said I would apologize to Noelle already, but we have blocked each other. I do not want more people being hurt.
you posted that you got sooooo anxious and nervous and upset that you were told not to misgender someone, and now you’re in my inbox calling me a bitch! Now how do you think that makes me feel? Any consideration for how *I* might be sooooo anxious and shaking and throwing up? I mean I’m not but like. Come on. At least you have the decency to gender me correctly.
I responded to your friend ONE TIME saying that they were continuing to misgender MY friend while policing her response, I did not “hurt” them, they are not “suffering” they have worried themselves into a spiral over a negative response to a mistake they made and refused to rectify. Fuck Off.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Thank you! It is appreciated!
@stormlendinez @f4y3w00d5 @applegameisprollytaken @slimylittlemaggot @tapjoys @the-spine-eater @serious-tabaxi
(retag) @the-trash-eating-llama
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ok but does anyone else ever just
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Hey, I wanted to give a quick update!
I actually got severely ill from the anxiety buildup from yesterday and barely made it home. It was embarrassing throwing up in front of my friend's place...
I want to just continue on with my day as tomorrow I have sentencing for an event. This event is already stressful enough as it kept my life on hold the past four years.
That being said, there is something I got to say:
The incident happened really late at night for me, and I needed to sleep before work. I was more calm and was going to apologize that morning. However, I saw all the hate comments and insults. I get I am in the wrong for the Noelle incident, but I hate the emotional hell I went through yesterday.
I need EVERYONE to understand that being cruel is not my normal. I see things that would be hurtful for anyone, not just me. Those words could be suicide bait to the wrong individual.
If it were anyone else, I'd step in and make them hate me just so my friends do not have to suffer. I know several people on this site who are struggling emotionally, some with depression or suicidal thoughts. I also struggle with depression and have violent mood swings, but I have suffered to the point where I do not feel anything at times.
I did not think to check Noelle's pronouns, I didn't consider that when making my post for a few reasons. They're not fully alleviating, but they are my only reasoning why:
Blogs on this site also can be from several years ago, dating back to 2007 if I recall. Noelle could have been born a woman then became a transgender man by the time I saw the post.
I use "they" because: yes, I am too lazy to check everyone's bio or pinned blog. I can not if I am in a bad reception area.
I don't want to short circuit my brain either. Some of my mutuals have Role Play blogs of another gender, so I default to what feels safe.
I do not feel safe. I feel attacked.
I see people who want a place in the world actively making someone suffer. I see people making a self-fulfilling prophecy come to light.
These same people who are fighting for their place in the world refuse to listen, to compromise, to explain what went wrong and how to fix it!
I was taught reciprocate what I hear and to use "I, me, my" statements when in a disagreement. That way, I show if I understand correctly and say my piece without blame.
All I got in response was the same set of words and "You, you, you" statements. That is just constantly pushing blame on another. "You are the problem. You refuse to give respect. You will not reflect on your actions!"
I get I was in the wrong! I want to apologize to Noelle! I want an apology from punishedgirldick for refusal to listen, but that is all. Anyone else who wants an apology better consider if they were ANONYMOUS asking. I will consider them unworthy of an apology. I showed my stripes, but they did not show theirs.
Call me a transmisogynist if you desire, but I want everyone to be heard, not just one side or the other.
With all that said, I'll see those that care later tomorrow.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Go to bed at 10pm in your respective time zone or I'll send Gary to put you to sleep.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
You responded to my last ask by saying you were "careful with your words" and that's what got you in trouble. That is the opposite of the truth. Being CAREful with your words would mean CARING enough to check pronouns. You're lying to yourself if you think you were being careful
It was fucking midnight. What is your point?
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
On a post where a trans woman had already been misgendered and corrected someone about it, you didn't think it was necessary to check her pronouns? If you're too lazy to take 2 seconds to check someone's pronouns maybe you should be too lazy to make the post. No one was forcing you to add that comment, you chose to, and it took longer to type that than it would have taken to check her bio. Then, when she was understandably frustrated that she had to make the same exact correction twice in one post, you called her a clown instead of apologizing. In fact, I still don't think you've apologized
Like I have said repeatedly:
She. Blocked. Me.
And again, if I cannot use a gender neutral term to describe someone, does that give them the right to be rude to me immediately after?
All I hear is "You, You, You." I keep getting blame pushed solely on me for something I was insulted by.
I will not cave to someone who refuses to listen.
I want recognition of my side of the story, or else any words I see are rendered pointless. Also, I did not respond directly to her. I responded to whoever made the correction first, then she responded with to me her exasperation.
I'll say calling her a clown is wrong, but I would rather everyone consider the original post was about a silly demon dance or whatever.
All I see is people so closed minded they would rather ignore a large part of a problem. All I see are hypocrites that make a problem worse.
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draco-the-voiddragon · 3 months
Thank you, Optal!
This just reminds me of my childhood, my old man was so punitive that he tried to punish me because I get no cell service in the area and his GPS tracker failed. I went to walk my childhood dog, who lives a mile or so away, and when I came back, he thought I was lying.
Draco I know you didn’t mean ill and I’m not holding against you or calling you transphobic or even unfollowing, but def next time do NOT double down when someone corrects you, even if you think you’re not in the wrong. As a trans woman myself I am acknowledging that you are absolutely a trans ally, and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say when all of this blows over❤️
Thank you for this, it is helping me remain calm.
Especially with my coworkers driving me even crazier.
However, I will not go belly up for someone who is trying to discredit and insult me for something I felt insulted on first.
I just hope this has a better ending!
I'll likely take a break from Tumblr tomorrow.
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