dracojounin7 · 7 years
me: *does literally one thing*
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
let your child be goofy and silly and make messes. teach them to clean up the messes without yelling at them. let your child be a child. not a mini adult who has to be perfect 24/7
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
Okay so @q2qcomics and I are currently apartment hunting for the fall and I just stumbled upon the weirdest apartment ever. 
Like at first, wow this looks nice:
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How can it be only $650/mo?? Something’s gotta be wrong with it.
… And then you find the floorplan:
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Like… WTF is this place? And you realize it’s on bottom of three “apartment units” (Clearly this was meant to be one big place). 
This is your enterance:
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Have fun living in the maintenance hallway under the rich folks. 
It comes with such stunning features as:
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Creepy ass long murder hallways.
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A room with many doors (all closets).
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A bathroom that’s clearly just meant for storage.
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And whatever this thing is in your kitchen.
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I hope you like wine, A LOT.
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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objective time
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
what do you call someone who smokes two marijuanas
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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ive watched like 2 hours of playthrough this is the game right? -Mod Adachi
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
mosquito: *about to bite me*
me: umm i have a bf
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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Wayan Sumardana, the Indonesian welder that made bionic arm out of junk - Watch the video
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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Got a new dice case ;o
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
Calling MyShots (for me)
5th Edition, same party as the “rolled a floor-teen” post.
We have a few more players at the moment, so we’re up against a fairly large group of necrotic cultists.  My character, a third level goliath Monk, dashes into the room right after the surprise round.
Monk: I leap over (two other party members) and swing my quarterstaff at a cultist.
DM: (as I’m rolling) Yeah, with your current bonus you’re pretty much going to hit unless you roll a 1.
D20 die: (shows a 1 literally as the DM is finishing his sentence)
Monk: …
DM: …Did you just roll a 1?
Monk: …Yes.
Party: (bursts into laughter)
DM: Okay, then, you swing overhead and miss the cultist by about a foot, the impact making you shake like a cartoon character, and the cultist laughs at you.
Monk: Well, I’m going to bonus action for an unarmed strike.
DM: (as I’m rolling) You can try, you probably can’t roll worse to hit, but you’re probably not going to do enough damage to take him down unless you crit.
D20 die:  (shows a 20 literally as the DM is finishing his sentence)
Monk: …
DM: Wait, did you just crit?
Monk: YES!  Stop narrating my dice, they’re not supposed to be in-universe!
Unsurprisingly, crit damage ends up taking down the cultist as advertised.
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
my brother just prank called the auto parts store he works at asking if they had fallopian tubes and the guy spent like 20 minutes looking lmao 
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
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dracojounin7 · 7 years
so there was flash flooding in my town yesterday, and the lower portions of the university started to flood before class was canceled. we’re talking waterfall staircases, runoff several inches deep, the works.
anyway, a student stole one of the patio umbrellas from the student center and things escalated
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