dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
Eddie grumbled, shifting his weight and glancing around from his place in line. They were impatient. They didn’t know why the woman in front of them was taking so long, it sounded as if she was trying to haggle. That poor vendor was just trying to do their job, probably didn’t even set the ridiculously over-priced prices. Those were typically expected at a festival. 
What happened next was unexpected though, he didn’t imagine they’d be included in this. Clear surprise was on his face once she turned to him again and handed him a pretty expensive bag of goodies. “What?” 
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Eddie stepped out of line, since there wasn’t any reason to be there anymore. [Is there chocolate?] He shoveled some chocolate covered pretzels into his mouth and heard his symbiote practically purr at the flavour. [Sweet and salty!] “Mhm…..” He regarded the woman beside him. “Thanks…. what made you want to do something like that?”
vex also left the line, her own hand dipping into her bag to pop a chocolate morsel into her mouth. gods, it was good -- probably the first good thing about being here. she took a moment to savor the treat before addressing the strangers question.
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“why, it’s a thank you. for letting me do my thing -- know it always bothered my brother. don’t worry, they’re still making quite a bit, even with the discount. i’m not made of money, you know.” none of them were, considering just how much this place took. despite her airs, vex was warm to the stranger, her words soft and playful, “plus, i’ve got festival prizes i’d like to try my hand at. a trinket here has a pie eating contest to win.” at this, her bear cub groaned.
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
vex watches silently from a corner as the zombies slowly begin to surround the stranger. there was little to be done with weakened  abilities, but sounds drew the undead. without hesitating, the archer pulls the bow from her side and shoots an arrow towards a pile of garbage she thinks will be enough to draw them, at least long enough to buy some time.
ATTACK ROLL: 10 + 11 = 21
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on some days, vex does not see the need to bring the useless thing, but she’s thankful she brought it out on this day. quietly, she motions for the girl to make her way over while the creatures are distracted and wandering away.
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
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had they all been mindless wandering creatures it would have been fine. it’s when those that could run reared their ugly heads that vex begins to worry. her arrows did nothing, because they were not arrows, not truly. she did not have her magic, and is not strong, but she does have an adorable bear.
trinket growls at the creature, lunging for its legs as vex moves to help the girl up.
“are you alright, dear? let’s stick together here, we can lose them.”
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
they truly aren’t a threat, not by the way the amble about. it simply terrifies the archer by the way that some of them look like her loved ones.
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“this way seems clear.” the stranger that has joined her near the shoreline seems capable enough, even with the replacement weapon she has been given. “i hope you’ve been lucky enough to not see any familiar faces.”
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
she hadn’t stopped thinking about vax’ildan -- about her mother -- soverign uriel -- about tiberius. there were so many lost, so many unnamed faces. so many haunted her without even knowing her.
and here they were roaming about, mindless as the corpses that vecna commanded with just the point of his gnarled finger. only this time it was real, unlike the nightmares that would creep in like vines that wrapped around saundor. the ever brilliant dragon was a mindless, thrashing beast. pike, the archer prayed silently to her friend -- had she been here she would have known what to do.
but of course, the prayer was answered. gods are ever - keen on such ironies.
the small cleric was pale, ROTTEN. and dragging along nearby. the sight brought the sobs that vex’ahlia had been holding in to erupt in her throat. she cried, and determined to stop looking into the crowd of undead, before she saw her husband, scanlan, keyleth or --
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his cloak was unmistakable, as was his hair -- even if was only his back. before she could stop herself, vex screamed.
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
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let’s celebrate!!
this is a starter call for the depths event: uncapped! vex will be enjoying all there is to offer, and probably brooding quite a bit all things considered. i’ll hop into dms to chat abt plots or smth.
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
“hold just a moment, darling.” vex offers a small smile at the stranger behind her before turning attention back to the vendor. sure, she’s holding up the line, even trinket notices, and is tugging at her cape with a small and desperate grunt, but they are ripping her off. sure, it’s a festival, but that doesn’t mean their exorbitant prices are justified.
“alright, so you’ll give one to me and my adorable bear, and one for the gentleman behind me: sound far?” of course it did. 
most likely they were tired of her, so they offered her the treats with a tired sigh. vex smiles, thanks them, and turns around to give the second bag of goodies to eddie.
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“here, dear. enjoy.” wink.
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
it’s hard not to notice the little blue tiefling with the keen eye vex has. the assorted pranks and vandalism has the ranger feeling... nostalgic, for so many reasons. the baroness watchers her, until the presence of some official seeming folk pull her attention away.
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“hello there, just here to do some special work for the festivities. we’ll be done soon -- just trying to be discreet, you know?”
just for good measure, vex winks. it seemed enough -- more than enough -- to have the miscellaneous workers satisfied, nodding in understanding before walking off. once they’re out of earshot, vex turns her attention back to the cleric. “nice work, darling. you’ve got quite a talent. i think you should finish up -- people are starting to get suspicious.”
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
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let’s celebrate!!
this is a starter call for the depths event: uncapped! vex will be enjoying all there is to offer, and probably brooding quite a bit all things considered. i’ll hop into dms to chat abt plots or smth.
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
without further ado here is vex!! app can be found by clicking the diamond or /a. thank you!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Vex!
You’ll be housed in Condo 475!
You’ll be able to use Cure Wounds five times per day. You’ll also receive a plastic bow with suction cup arrows.
– mod spica
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dracolangvorem-blog · 6 years
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