draconicdetective · 5 hours
there should never be peace for the tumblr users who started the racist drivel that all palestinians on tumblr were scammers. three months later and that lie seems to be the belief of liberals on here
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draconicdetective · 9 hours
Gatekeeping is so good and important
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draconicdetective · 9 hours
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draconicdetective · 9 hours
I don't think kingdom hearts fans pay enough attention to the fact that in kh1 Sora literally kills himself ON SCREEN as Donald Duck and G. G. "Goofy" Goof beg him not to do it. He gives a strained fucking smile, stabs himself with a massive pointed weapon, actually literally DIES, and this happens in the same game universe as the winnie the pooh swing minigame
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draconicdetective · 10 hours
I should run for president so the media can find my tumblr posts and show them to america
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draconicdetective · 11 hours
I've always thought Margarita would be a beautiful name for a little girl
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draconicdetective · 12 hours
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I’ve been waiting a year to post this
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draconicdetective · 12 hours
done healing my inner child. next up is my inner teen. her highness demands a sword.
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draconicdetective · 14 hours
Can I get silly looking fish please?
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You get a Caribbean Roughshark
Oxynotus caribbaeus
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draconicdetective · 15 hours
It sucks that there's only 20 minutes in each day. If there was more than that I would get more stuff done I'm sure
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draconicdetective · 16 hours
Am i (22f) the asshole for being a step ahead from all of you bitches since the beginning of time?
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draconicdetective · 17 hours
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rare moment of me using twitter and im genuinely enraptured by this video + the caption
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draconicdetective · 18 hours
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Mariachi Miku!
I love this trend of drawing Miku all around the world, It just makes me very happy
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primes higher than 17 and lower than 101 are all such bullshit numbers
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draconicdetective · 2 days
"you attract what you fear"
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draconicdetective · 2 days
every time I find a pill on the ground I take it home with me and draw a picture of it with crayons. here's the collection so far.
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^ the very first pill I found & drew. couldn't identify it (markings rubbed off) but it looked very beautiful to me.
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^pill no. 2: fluoxetine. my greatest find and finest crayon drawing. sorry to whoever lost their fluoxetine. I'll save it for a special occasion. I used a sharpie pen to clean up some lines on this one I think.
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^ pill no. 3: ibuprofen. accidentally closed my laptop on this one, destroying it. and getting goop on my laptop. I found another one though. People drop a lot of painkillers. The first 2 used only colors from the classic 24 pack of crayons, but I had to break out extras from my childhood crayon collection for this one.
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^pill no. 4: benadryl. this pill was crumbling inside its plastic when I found it, but it was intact enough to take home and draw! Hooray.
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^pill no. 5: midol. this one was real scuffed up. I actually found an entire bottle of midol on another occasion, and someone's last 2 weeks of birth control yet another time, but those are the kind of things I leave behind because someone's likely to miss their entire bottle of midol or sealed birth control and come back for it.
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^pill no. 6: unfinished advil/ibuprofen. I find a lot of painkillers, as mentioned, so I guess I got bored. I also have a drawing of acetaminophen that I am not posting because I don't like it.
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^pill no. 7: severe tylenol. I didn't know such a thing existed until I found it on the ground. "severe tylenol" makes it sound like the tylenol is mean. this was among the more challenging ones and it's kinda rushed, but drawing the plastic was fun. just did this one an hour ago.
in case you're wondering, I do keep the pills when possible. I like to hold onto my reference material. they live in a separate box from my vintage ibuprofen collection.
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