draconichel · 2 years
I am going to put mild, moderate, and severe so that you know the level of evil you are dealing with. Mild can also be karmic, but severe is most likely black magick
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A lot of these symptoms can be due to physical illness, mental distress, preferences, or mental illness. Only count the ones that are new to you and unexplained by any events that could have triggered these feelings. 
Mild Symptoms:  -Frequent headaches  -Anxiety worse than usual -Nightmares  -Intrusive thoughts  -Constant yawning -Uneasy feeling when you are alone -Relationship problems (including family, friends, acquaintances)  -Pets are acting strange -Plants start to die or get diseases -Crystals or other spiritual items disappear  -Aches and pains -Feeling drained and unmotivated -Not wanting to clean your environment or cleanse it  -Feeling distanced from spirituality  -Low or no sex drive Moderate Symptoms:  -A string of bad luck  -Minor inconveniences such as losing something important at a critical time -Seeing shadows out of the corner of your eye -Candles burn unevenly or blow out, or blow up -Your electronics start malfunctioning -Minor injuries to you or your loved ones -Pets get sick -Sudden unexplained illness or infection  -Finding water in strange spots in the home -Someone killing you or cursing you in your dreams -Photos have gone missing  -Sudden financial losses -Hearing odd sounds -Minor accidents -Missing underwear -Unusual breakouts (not caused by hormones)  -Job loss -Sudden breakups -Strong aversion to healing meditation music or chakra healing music 
Severe symptoms: -Things catch on fire (stove, oven, house, furnace, candle burning other items, etc.) -People around you die of freak accidents -You get into a serious accident or get a serious injury -Pets start dying, run away or disappear  -Spiritual items start breaking (pendulums, crystals, wands, and it wasn’t from stepping on them)  -Demonic possession -Demonic oppression -Seeing the number 666 over and over (and it feels bad to you)  -Seeing 13 birds, specifically magpies  -Talismans in or around your home (dolls, knives, jars full of nails, nails, broken glass, liquid, powder, symbols, grass missing) -Trees around your property start dying -An orb following you around (negative feeling)  -Crosses, protection talismans, spiritual items fall off the wall, are inverted, destroyed, or damaged  -Finding drops of blood around your house or on you -Hearing screaming outside your house at a significant time (midnight, 3AM)  -Sleep paralysis  -New thoughts of suicide (go to doctor just in case)  -Knives being thrown off of counter (for no reason) -Obsession over people or items -Everything seems to be going in a downward spiral  -Scratches appear on you out of nowhere (particularly 3) -People try to harm you physically -Your hair starts falling out  -You start behaving in a strange and erratic way (also go to doctor just in case)  How do I know I am cursed?
Mild curse: If you experience 5 symptoms of the mild symptoms, cleanse your home and do some good deeds. Behave in a more positive light and try to give more to combat any bad karma or negative energy.  Moderate curse: If you experience 10 or more symptoms of any curse above, serious spiritual intervention must occur. You need to purchase cleansing materials and start your banishing rituals immediately. You can find them online. Intuitively pick the ritual that you feel will help.  Severe curse: If you experience 5 or more of the “severe” curses, or more than 10 of moderate to severe symptoms, an exorcism may need to take place. You may also hire a witch or a priest to bless you and your property. Hex removals should also take place. They can be found online.  If you only experience a few of these things, you could be experiencing a dark period in your life that is a part of your life path. Try to stay strong, and if things worsen, simply cleanse yourself and your home, room or apartment.  If you find any odd objects inside or outside of your house, dispose of them immediately. Bless what cannot be physically removed, and cleanse and bury or throw away any physical item far, far away.  Make sure to cleanse your spiritual supplies and deep clean your space. 
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draconichel · 3 years
🔮Tarot Spreads🔮
❤️‍🔥Love Spread❤️‍🔥
This type of spread evaluates the relationships relevance, how strong they are, and how happy they are. With this spread you’re able to evaluate your physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual connection with your partner.
After shuffling the lame, lay out 6 cards.
1.) The first card signifies what you currently feel about your relationship, your approach, and your outlook.
2.) The second card represents your partners current emotions towards you, their attitude, and their expectations about your relationship.
3.) The third card is a connection card. For example a common characteristic between the two of you that you share.
4.) The fourth card is an indication of the strength of your relationship.
5.) The fifth card shows the weakness in the relationship.
6.) The final card is the true love card. It interprets if the relationship is going to be a success or if it is going to fail.
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draconichel · 3 years
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Like I promised, I’m posting this one publicly for Valentine’s Day. A write-up of my own reading with this spread will be coming soon for my patrons.
Edited to fix a formatting issue
Here’s the interpretation guide:
A: Partner 1
B: Partner 2
C: Connection of Partner 1 and Partner 2
D: Blocks or flaws in the connection
1: Star: Each partner’s guiding purpose and higher ideals.
2: Strengths: Each partner’s strongest positive attributes
3: Weaknesses: Each partner’s strongest negative attributes
4: Mind: Each partner’s worldview and thought processes
5: Heart: Each partner’s emotional needs and tendencies
6: Hips: Each partner’s tendencies regarding sexual and nonsexual intimacy
7: Base: Each partner’s foundation and past experiences
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draconichel · 3 years
💗 — Day 3: Love Tarot Spread
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● This spread’s main meaning is to identify love — and what weaknesses and strengths it brings. It can be applied to self love, wanted love, relationship love, career or objective love and familial love.
Position 1 ● What is this love’s form?
Position 2 ● What are this love’s strengths?
Position 3 ● What are this love’s weaknesses?
Position 4 ● How can I make this love progress?
Position 5 ● How can I make sure it is healthy?
Position 6 ● What can this love bring me?
Good reading!
Day 2 | Etsy 💗 Sale | Ko-Fi
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draconichel · 3 years
Elaborated Past-Present-Future Tarot Spread
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It can be used as a general reading, but also with a question in mind or with a specific theme (love, career, self-development, etc.).
(1-2-3): Main Timeline Energy
1: Present Energy
2: Past Energy
3: Future Energy
(4-5-6-7-8-9): Timeline's situation
4-5: Present Situation
6-7: Past Situation
8-9: Future Situation
(10-11-12-13): Events that happen and explain the shift between the Timelines.
10-11: What happened that lead to the Present situation
12-13: What is being manifested in the near Future and lead to the Future Situation.
(14-15-16): Advices
14: Lesson learned or to be learned from the Past
15: Advice to deal with the Present
16: Helping energy to either prevent or manifest the foreshadowed Future, depending if the Querrant desire or not the Future to come.
Note: At any point, the Querrant can ask clarifiers/specifiers to get more information on what they desire.
To not get lost, I recommend adding only 1 more card for each Past, Present and Future ones, 2 more for each Connecting events, and 1 more at most for each advices card. But you can add as many as desired, of course.
Also, idk why I feel the need to say it, but you can draw and place the cards in whatever order feels more convenient or logical to you. As in 1-2-3 could be the Past, and 4-5 the connecting events, etc. for you. The way I presented it is just how I do it, but it's not a necessity to make it work lmao. ~Act freely my witches~
Last suggestion: You can also possibly add three other cards preceding the Past section representing Past life influence that have affected or are still affecting the question you are asking about. And you could add Connecting Events cards for the Past - Future and even Past Life - Each Timeline if you really want a complicated-jump-pack-headache-assured reading.
*And please, do not repost. Anyone could have thought about this spread. Pretty sure it might already exist somewhere. My goal was only to share a spread I like to do sometimes.
**If you already came up with a similar spread, dont come at me and claim I've stolen it from you. It really popped from my own damn mind, it's simply an easy spread to think of. Just enjoy the effort I did put to make this goddamn image lmao.
Have fun~~
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draconichel · 3 years
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God Jul! 🎄🪵🌞❄️🐐
For this Winter Solstice tarot spread, I created a 6 card prompt.
1. What shadow work prompt should be your focus in the new year?
2. What elements have pushed you forward this year?
3. What elements have held you back this year?
4. What gifts do you carry?
5. How can you use those gifts to heal yourself and others?
6. A message of guidance from your deities or ancestors.
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draconichel · 3 years
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Weighing of the Heart Spread
In Ancient Egypt (and now through Kemeticism), it is believed that when the deceased arrived in the Duat, their heart was weighed on a scale against a feather of Ma'at's in order to see if the person was worthy of to live forever in paradise (if not, their heart was devoured by Ammit).
This spread draws from that story, and lays out what you need to know about yourself and what you need to do in order to grow!
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1. How do you currently see yourself?
This card touches on your idea of yourself- do you see yourself positively or negatively? What do you think of your current self?
2. What are you really like?
Following up on the first card, this card brings up what you are actually like, not just your self image. How does it vary from what you see?
3. What are you balancing?
What are you able to do in order to see yourself as you truly are? What do you need to do to "balance" those two view points?
4. What does your ideal self look like?
This card touches on what your "perfect" or "ideal" self, and how they would look or act.
5. What can you do to actually grow?
Finally, this card brings up what you need to focus on in order to grow from your current self into your ideal self.
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draconichel · 3 years
Weekly Reflection Spread
Every Sunday, I like to reflect on my week, and gain insight on the week ahead. I came up with this spread to help!
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What can I learn from this past week?
What can I let go of from this past week?
What should I expect from the coming week?
How can I show up for myself this coming week?
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draconichel · 3 years
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draconichel · 3 years
Peering Down the Path
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A tarot spread for helping decide if a new direction you’re considering is right for you.
What Am I Missing? Things typically don’t beckon us when we are 100% content. What hole are you looking to fill? What element are you seeking out? What are you hoping to gain from this?
What Does This Path Offer? This is both the response to the question posed in the previous card and a guiding signifier for the whole spread. What does this specific path bring you? Does it heal, look pretty, or empower you in some way? Does it compliment what you’re searching for?
Short-Term Look What will the beginning of this path be like during the first month or three? Will it require a lot of prep-work? Will it be enlightening or frustrating? 
Long-Term Look  Where does this path lead after more time? Is it tough in the beginning but become really fulfilling if you stick with it? Does it start out strong but fizzle out later? Is this path an investment in your future or a temporary supplement? (Either is fine, but it’s good to know so you don’t cling to it after it’s spent.) 
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draconichel · 3 years
How to Do the Major Arcana Grand Tableau
This spread uses all the Major Arcana to give you an overview of your whole year ahead. It is best performed on your birthday or on New Year’s Eve.
STEP 1: Lay out the Major Arcana in order.
Line 1: The Fool to The Lovers Line 2: The Chariot to The Hanged Man Line 3: Death to The Star Line 4: The Moon to The World
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STEP 2: Shuffle the Minor Arcana.
As you do this, ask your higher power to show you a glimpse of your destiny for the upcoming year.
STEP 3: Draw a Minor for each Major.
One by one, take 21 cards from the top of the deck and place them over the Major Arcana, starting with The Fool. Then take the card at the bottom of the deck, and place it over The World.
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STEP 4: Read the Minor against the Major.
The Major Arcana represent the important aspects of your life. The Minor Arcana reveal what will take place within these aspects.
The Fool – What will begin in your life?
The Magician – What dream will manifest?
The High Priestess – What secret will be uncovered?
The Empress – What will you harvest?
The Emperor – What will you have control over?
The Hierophant – What will remain unchanged?
The Lovers – How will your love life be?
The Chariot – What will make you victorious?
Strength – Where will you find strength?
The Hermit – What will you need to reflect on?
Wheel of Fortune – Where will you find luck?
Justice – Who will avenge you?
The Hanged Man – What will you have to sacrifice?
Death – What will be reborn?
Temperance – What will bring balance into your life?
The Devil – What will you be most passionate about?
The Tower – What will trigger a profound change?
The Star – Where will you find hope?
The Moon – What will stay clouded?
The Sun – What will bring you joy?
Judgement – Which of your oppressors will be punished?
The World – What will give you a sense of accomplishment?
Sample Interpretation:
The Four of Pentacles on The Lovers – “Your romantic partner will be very protective of you, maybe even to the point of being possessive.”
The Ace of Wands on The Hanged Man – “You will need to sacrifice a part of your career or pause a project you are passionate about.”
The Ten of Cups on The Devil – “You will be focusing all your attention and energy on starting or expanding your family.”
If we tie it all together, we arrive at: “You will get pregnant this year, prompting you to leave your stressful though fulfilling job, so you could focus instead on ensuring you have optimal health to carry the baby to term. During your pregnancy, your spouse will be taking care of you even more than before.”
STEP 5: Identify the court cards.
The Kings, Queens and Knights are the people who will play a vital role in your life, positively or otherwise.
King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)
Sample Interpretation:
There are two couples here — the King and Queen of Wands and the King and Queen of Pentacles: “You and your other half will be highly supportive of each other. You could be a Taurus and they could be an Aries, or vice versa. Either way, you will strongly feel the love and passion in your relationship.”
STEP 6: Notice the dominant suit.
Wands – Passion will overflow.
Cups – Emotions run the show.
Swords – The battle is in your mind.
Pentacles – Finances will be bright.
Sample Interpretation:
There are nine Wands and nine Pentacles each: “Your year will definitely not be lacking in passion and stability — materially and emotionally.”
STEP 7: Note the numbers that appear at least thrice.
Aces – A year of beginnings
Twos – A year of dilemmas
Threes – A year of affairs
Fours – A year of stability
Fives – A year of changes
Sixes – A year of harmony
Sevens – A year of challenges
Eights – A year of labor
Nines – A year of completion
Tens – A year of harvest
Sample Interpretation:
No number appeared more than twice. There is no discernible theme, numerology-wise.
STEP 8: Observe the ruling colors.
Black – Loneliness, regret, obstacles, purging
Red, Yellow, Orange – Passion, love, happiness, power
Blue, White, Green – Spirituality, logic, innocence, intuition
Sample Interpretation:
Red, yellow and orange are the ruling colors: “Your year will be filled with a passionate love that will bring you joy and a strong sense of control over your life.”
STEP 9: Record your grand tableau.
Take a photograph of your spread, and write down your interpretations of it.
STEP 10: Review your grand tableau.
At the end of each quarter, note which predictions have come true. By the end of the year, compare your interpretations to how the spread manifested. Doing so allows you to reflect on your past year, and improves your divination skills.
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draconichel · 3 years
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draconichel · 6 years
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“Every Night & every Morn Some to Misery are Born Every Morn and every Night Some are Born to sweet delight Some are Born to sweet delight Some are Born to Endless Night.”
Mythology Moods | Asteria Moodboard
Asteria ( Ἀστερία, “of the stars, starry one”) was the Titan goddess of the oracles and prophecies of the night (including prophetic dreams, and necromancy), and of falling stars. 
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draconichel · 6 years
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draconichel · 6 years
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draconichel · 6 years
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Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019 ✨
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draconichel · 6 years
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Tap into your inner witch.
Charmed premieres Sunday, October 14 on The CW.
Art by Tumblr Creatr Lunares 
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