draculasmavis · 2 years
open starter!
It was that time of the day when the bakery ran out of bread, and Sara always felt bad about it, no matter how long they’d been in business. It was much earlier today than usual for it to run out, though, and Sara had ordered Tom to make another few loaves to at least get them through another hour or two. There was no telling how busy it was going to be on a Sunday morning in winter. “Morning! If you’re looking for bread, we’re waiting on the next batch of loaves to be done, and it’ll be a little bit, so I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.” She’d considered handing out free coffee or tea to anyone who was waiting for bread, but she didn’t want to assume before giving anything away. “Anything else, though, we have pretty fully stocked.” She took a look to the window, clutching her sweater around her shoulders. “How is it out there, by the way? It’s freezing in here, I can’t imagine how cold it must be outside.” 
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“I didn’t come here for bread but if they’re selling out fast, I feel like I should put in an order for a loaf.” She joked, letting out a soft laugh. The smell of all the lovely pastries were enough to get her through the day but she was here on a mission. The rough winds managed to freeze out the lobby of her hotel, she hadn’t noticed until it was brought to her attention late in the morning. The guilt of leaving her staff members in the cold was enough to find some way to appease them while the heating worked its way to the front of her establishment. “I’m actually just looking to get a variety of things and enough to feed my morning staff. So I’ll take pretty much anything you have!” All she had on her was a jacket and gloves, not the best way to dress for weather this cold but it was more than what she felt she required, anything more felt like a nuisance to carry around. “Oh, yeah it’s pretty cold, I regret not taking a scarf and a hat.” She hurriedly feigned shivers going through her body, something she noticed people would do when cold.
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draculasmavis · 2 years
It wasn’t rare one would find Mavis picking up lunch orders for her employees. She didn’t mind having to do a favor like these, plus there was the usual enjoyment in getting out of the hotel. It was a standard pick up and Mavis wasn’t expecting much trouble when she reached for the drink labeled to Elsa. “Oh, I’m sorry! I was picking up an order for my friend who also happens to have the same name as you, I just assumed..” Her sentence wandered off as a new thought entered her mind. The stranger had a cold touch to them, so cold that Mavis had to wonder if they were a vampire themselves. From what she could hear, the other had a heartbeat so that couldn’t be the case. Figuring she was overthinking everything, she shot the other a quick smile, “Tea should do the trick in getting you warm, the weather outside has been getting colder and colder every day, after all.” Mavis never cared for the weather, it didn’t affect her at all as a cold-blooded being but if lying to save face was needed, she’d say whatever she could to sound like a normal person. “Lately, it feels like all I’ve wanted to do is stand in front of my fireplace.”
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open starter
location: lucky cat cafe
Elsa hadn't left the house in- well, long enough that it was a bit embarrassing to mention. She knew Anna was worried about her, and that she was becoming enough of a hermit to cause gossip to spread throughout Echo Creek and beyond. She didn't mind the gossip, but she did want to make Anna happy, so she decided to get them both a sweet treat at the Lucky Cat Cafe.
She ordered two chocolate chip cookies, which she could tell were going to be warm, gooey, and delicious, and a peppermint tea just for herself. As she reached for the tea when it was placed on the pick-up counter and her name was called, she nearly knocked it over when someone else reached for the same drink. "Oh, um," she started, "sorry, but, uh, that's my tea. It has my name on it- Elsa."
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Lilo was lonely. It was a familiar feeling, but even after all these years, she couldn’t help but long for connection. Nani was busy, Stitch didn’t always need her around anymore, and she could count all of the friends she’d made on one hand. She tried to put herself out there, but after being ignored and teased in school, sometimes it seemed better to just burrow into herself. She was torn today, sipping her milkshake and listening to the quiet conversation that surrounded her. Not enough to make out the words, just enough to wish she had someone to socialize with. Wondering if she should try to butt in somewhere. Then, out of the blue…
She squealed, audibly, when the music change hit her ears, paying no mind to the questionable looks she may or may not have received by others. If anything could make her day, it was that smooth, beautiful voice. “It was such a good choice!” Her eyes were wide with excitement, palms pressed onto the table as she leaned over to speak to Mavis. The poor woman had no idea what she’d gotten into. Lilo had the tendency to… obsess… over things, and her number one obsession was none other than Elvis Aaron Presley. “You’re right! Everyone knows the popular stuff, and it’s really good, don’t get me wrong! But you bring up Moody Blue or I’ll Remember You or even Wearin’ That Loved On Look and they’re just lost.”
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Mavis held a deep love for the Elvis Era, it landed around, what she considered, her teenage years and she could’ve been easily been called one of those crazed fangirls of the time. Had she been more brave, she probably would’ve tried to see him live in concert. “Exactly! I mean, I figured some wouldn’t know much of his older work but people don’t know about Moody Blue? They’re clearly missing out!” She unconsciously began moving all of her things over to the other’s table in excitement, settling herself down on the seat in front of Lilo. “If I had my own pick out of all his songs I could play, I’d definitely pick out Almost in Love. Once I heard him sing it in Live a Little, Love a Little I’ve been hooked, it’s my favorite one of his movies. Please tell me you’ve seen the movies!”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Hiro couldn’t decide whether or not he wanted to bring up the signal to Mavis. If she brushes it off again he’ll be back to square one. It’s not like he wanted to break her trust and snoop around without her knowing, but he wanted to keep that option open. “I’m sorry to bug you again. I just thought you’d be the perfect person to test the security bot out. I’m trying to prevent another bot thief from taking my boys- I mean work.” Hiro hands the bot over to Mavis so she could take a look for herself. The bot was all black and fit in the palm of a hand. “It should work, in theory. I mean, it passed my tests at least. Haven’t tried it on ghosts so you’ll have to get back to me about that one. Right now the features are very basic. I’m hoping you have suggestions.” Hiro paused and took a breath. He could never get over the nerves that came with showing someone his work. “Anyway. This is the little guy, name in progress. I can show you how to use him if you want. I promise I won’t ask for a tour this time.” Hiro tried to brush off Mavis’ nervous sounding allusion to the signal, remembering the signal blinking on his phone. 
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She could let out a small sigh of relief now that she was promised she didn’t have to show him around again, she wasn’t sure what she’d have to do if his bot did end up in some employee’s locker or a guest’s room. “Oh! Well, I’m always glad to help. Not sure how much insight I could have, though, I’m really not a scientist. It looks cool though, is it made out of a special type of metal or something and can do backflips?” Mavis stared at the tiny device, unsure of what it could do on its own. It was impressive alone that he made them, but maybe this tech business was getting too advanced for her to comprehend, she could suddenly understand how her dad felt towards things like radios and cell phones. “Yeah, I’d love to see this thing in action.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
🌃 A song for night time
Midnight, The Stars and You by Al Bowlly
“The title explains it all but this song just brings me back memories of my dad listening to this late at night, I think it reminds him of my mom.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
"I search for your dark side." - Billy
“You don’t have to look too far, you can see it anytime I find out a guest has stolen pillows.” She’d hoped her joke was enough to throw as a distraction, wanting to avoid any conversation on herself. She wasn’t one that reveled in introspection, she was all about looking out for other people and whatever the future held. Yet, here was this deep cynic trying to comprehend her psyche. Truth was, she rarely ever got angry, sure she had bouts of rage every once in a while but nothing that harbored heavy thoughts and grudges in her soul. “Why does there need to be a dark side to me? This is all there is, nothing too complex or more sinister than the average person. It’s not like I have anything hidden, y’know, other than the obvious.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
⏳ A song you love that was released before you were born
Reverie by Debussy
"I went really old school with this one. What can I say? I just really like the classics."
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draculasmavis · 2 years
mavis | pacifica | gwen | kim
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Time for another meme week! Below the cut is a list of memes we will be using for the next week so make sure your asks are open! Meme week starts at midnight, January 22nd until January 31st! If you have multiple characters, please reblog the desired memes once and tag the muses you have under it! Have fun!
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draculasmavis · 2 years
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Zoey for New York Magazine
ph. OK McCausland
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draculasmavis · 2 years
closed starter for @elvisenthusiast​ location: the candy bar
Most of the time Mavis didn’t go to these places for food, not that it could satisfy her needs anyway but her main objective was always to meet new people. Also to be in a new environment, the hotel walls were lovely but she’s had enough of a lifetime to look at them. Before finding a table to station in, she politely waited her turn to look at the selection the jukebox offered. It was funny seeing a myriad of songs ranging from the 50s to the modern hits that she could recall when they were released. It was a little game she liked to play, linking these songs to date moments in her life. Like the song she chose, Devil in Disguise by Elvis Presley, released around the time her dad surprised her with a TV to help pass the time in the hotel faster. 
By the time her pick started playing, she was already settled down and trying to finish off the crossword in today’s paper. Her song choice was a bit more dated than the songs that had played, it might’ve gotten in the way of the vibe that had been established. About a second into the song, it was noticeable that someone in the booth close to her was very excited over the choice, Mavis was more than happy to announce she was behind the decision, “I picked it out! It’s one of my favorites, been listening to it since I was a kid.” If the normal definition of a kid involved 70 year olds, which she was at the time, then she wasn’t lying. “I just wish they had more of his lesser known songs to pick from but I guess I might just have to dust off my vinyl collection if I want to listen to them.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Zero cringed a little bit.. everyone was always a lot more touchy feeling this time of year. And he couldn’t even begin to try and process how many people would be crying over new years kisses and who got them, and who gave them. It was a lot. Thankfully he knew the assignment of anything to enhance the mood and experience and popped and drank what he could for these moments. “Funny how one day and claiming a universal restart makes everyone go a bit crazy. It’s either things they need to do before the year is over or things to start, as if the next day isn’t just that… a day.” Shrugging he looked around at everyone, replying his own thoughts in his head for a moment. “Nah.. just surviving.” 
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There was hesitation in her face as Zero went on about how he felt on the holiday, it wasn’t how she’d like to think but then again, she was more optimistic than most. “I think it’s more about the symbolism. Sure, everyone can start on any other day but it could be easier for some to start fresh with a new calendar and the looks of a whole year in front of them.” She waited a moment, hoping he’d say he was joking and give a small list like she’d expected but that moment never came. She let out a disappointed sigh, “Zero.. that’s kind of a bullshit answer.” She didn’t mean to be harsh but she knew with the right influence, he could do way more than just work at the hotel. It was worrying to hear someone with a lack of goals for themselves, especially for someone so young. “Come on, you’ve got nothing to look forward to? Not a single habit you want to break or anything you want to cross off the bucket list? It doesn’t even have to be anything big, y'know.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Dusk made a face and just shook her head. “I don’t think I’d make the best full time vamp. I don’t have the patience for people half the time, and if I was constantly craving, well.. I wouldn’t be making the well behaved list that’s for certain.” A small smile tugged on her lips. “I mean why not start one now? Sure the traffic of customers may be limited and you’d kinda have to do your own little personal market pitch to him. But I’m sure it’d be something they could appreciate. If anything I’d be signing by. Beats having to bug you ever time I get the itch and just wanted a nice meal. Anyways besides our lovely food, how’ve you been?” 
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“I guess patience comes with age,” Mavis shrugged as she thought of the others that fit the same description Dusk had made. “I don’t think my dad would be okay with the idea, it’s a bit risky.” It was such a safe choice for her to follow everything her dad said but she could recognize that what he thought wasn’t always what was best. After all, the last major decision she’d suggested was to open up the hotel and here they were years later with the business successful. “Then again, it’s not much different than me sending out all the blood pouches to everyone.. I’ll think about it!” It suddenly became an exciting opportunity, something for her to work on and focus her time on when she wasn’t working. “Nothing’s changed really, just the usual work and trying to find whatever I can do outside of the hotel on my days off. But I haven’t had much time to relax, I’ve had to handle a bunch more guests because of the barrier growing. What about you? How’s everything with your band?”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
[ closed starter : @draculasmavis· ]
For some strange reason, Hiro couldn’t stop thinking about the hotel he had stumbled upon while searching for the bots. He has gotten the occasional ping from that area but hasn’t had time to check it out since. Plus, he found himself really wanting to talk to the owner again. Maybe it was because he hadn’t really had anyone to talk to lately. Maybe it was because her hotel was like nothing he’d ever seen and it fascinated him. Whatever it was, he found himself in the lobby of Hotel Transylvania again. After asking at the front for Mavis, Hiro found something to sit on and pulled out his phone. Hm. There’s still a bot signal coming from the building. As much as he wants to respect the boundaries Mavis has, he know the signal can’t be an error. He slides his phone in his pocket and pulls out the security bot prototype he brought for Mavis to see. It was just a low level basic bot, but it could still be useful. When he sees her approaching he holds it up for her to see. “I brought you something to look at. Or borrow if you want to try it out, I could use the feedback.” 
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Mavis had been doing some cleaning around her apartment before getting the phone call that she was requested. It wasn’t often she’d been called specifically to some matter but when it was, it wasn’t always for the easiest of tasks. Immediately pausing her chores, she set off to the lobby, ready to handle whatever was needed of her. The sight of someone she’d seen before was unexpected but nevertheless, made her happy. “Hiro!” The cheery expression on her face went away as she realized the problem hadn’t gone away. After the last time he’d visited, she’d figured the signal had just been wonky considering nothing was ever found. “Huh,” she stared at his invention, taking a bit before she realized what she was looking at. “And this thing is really working? You sure it’s not meant to catch ghosts instead? The hotel’s got plenty of those!” She let out an awkward laugh, trying to joke her way out of having to show him around again. “I’ve kept an eye on the lost & found since last time but nothing’s showed up, I swear. And any guest that was staying around then has probably left by now.” 
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draculasmavis · 2 years
It felt like forever since he’d paid Mavis a visit. Which he was kicking himself over, truly he enjoyed her company most of the time. So of course when he saw her in the crowd he made his way over. It would be rather odd to just be people watching most of the night. That and he couldn’t really find himself in that much trouble if he was keeping busy. “Happy New Year…” he stated raising a glass. “Having fun?” || @draculasmavis·
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It was a nice surprise to see Zero at the party, not that he couldn’t enjoy himself but Mavis would’ve expected him to be out with friends. Nevertheless, she was happy to see him and waved to him before joining him in cheers. “Happy New Year!” She was in a giddy mood, the party was a mood booster and a way to just not think about anything relating to work or vampire life. “Tons! I always like these celebrations of life, it’s so pointless but fun. Like all just because a couple days pass, we get to all have drinks and dance and kiss and hug?” Her sense of time has warped over the century, a year moved much quicker to her than others. Still, her appreciation over the holiday was very much real. Maybe it was different since the whole cynical ‘one year closer to death’ outlook never really applied to her. “It’s really one of the greatest things humanity has decided to do.” Since it was a time to reflect and set goals, she thought it best to ask him about his ideas, “Do you have any big plans for the new year?”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
It’d been awhile since Mavis had seen the other. Toss aside the extra … diet supplements she has to follow through with, and the moments were she gets the small desire to bite someone.. Dusk had felt pretty normal lately. Which in her head made her feel like she was getting it together. Just not enough to feel a part of either world.. human or the vampires. Sighing softly she sat aside the smoothie made by the other. It was rather delicious. Though, Mavis always had the best things to eat in her opinion. “You should really start a vampire cook book or something. I don’t know if it taste this great for .. others, but for me its a hit. Curves the craving rather nicely. Then again.. I doubt my craving is as strong as other that it would be targeted for.. so..”  || @draculasmavis·
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“I’m glad it’s helping someone other than myself.” Mavis tried to keep her optimism at all times but lately it was hard. Most of the vampires she came across wanted to reject every rule she tried to set, that’s why she was really grateful to those like Dusk and Emily who did as she suggested in terms of blood intake. “You’re pretty lucky you don’t need that much. Sometimes the cravings feel never-ending, drinking blood pouch after blood pouch..” It was a frustrating life, she could admit even if, by her own standards, she was supposed to be used to it by now. It just made her feel really guilty on others that were still adjusting to the change. She shook her head, feeling the need to lighten up her own mood, “I swear, if some day vampires could just live freely and openly, I would so set up one of those meal plan delivery services where they send you the ingredients and recipes.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Mavis was pretty, but she liked to talk a lot. She was also incredibly kind, and it was sort of rubbing him the wrong way. Billy was a troublemaker, and he had this preconceived notion that vampires are never naturally kind. They kill people to start with and drink blood to sustain life. How could one exactly be as kind and enthusiastic as Mavis despite their grueling circumstances? “Whatever you say.” He shrugged his shoulders, following her to the dining room. He wasn’t one to say no to blood in any form. Billy was still having a hard time with the transition, and every person he met felt like a meal to him if he wasn’t full for the day. “Tell me, sweet thing. What’s all this?” He squinted at her, tilting his head as he sat on the table. “What motivates you to be like this? How did this happen?” He crosses his arms around him. Billy happened to know Mavis because she was one of the vegan vampires who were kind enough to help him transition from his old ways. Still, there was much to know and much to find out about her. He couldn’t figure out what makes her happy despite being sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole — that’s what being immortal to him felt like. “Will you dine with me, then. I do have a lot of questions to ask.”
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She measured on her watch how much time she could spare him, noting she was due for a break anyway and took him up on his offer to eat with him. She let him choose the table and sat down in front as she pondered the questions he’d asked. “What motivates me to be like this..” Mavis repeated, she knew she was different but his question seemed to confirm her fear that other people could easily tell that she wasn’t like the others. “I was raised differently, not sure how many people can say they’ve been stuck in a hotel for over a hundred years.” A nervous chuckle let out, trying to play off a cause for concern as if it were nothing. “I guess all that time trapped up made me enjoy life a bit more than everyone else. Maybe if I was kept here another century I’d have gone crazy but now’s my time to catch up with everyone else.” She didn’t think it was fair for her to do all the talking, especially if was just going to give her whole life story. There was intrigue into who Billy was as well, and how someone could be so cynical at their young age. "Is it my turn to ask questions now?” She didn't give the other a chance to answer before asking, "How'd you turn into a vampire?"
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draculasmavis · 2 years
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                           MAVIS DRACULA: new year’s party
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