dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What are the signs and symptoms of inguinal hernia?
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Inguinal hernias appear as groin or scrotum protrusions or swelling. When the infant cries, the swelling may be more visible, and it may shrink or disappear when the baby calms. If your doctor gently presses on this bulge while the infant is calm and laying down, it will normally shrink as the contents of the sac go back to the abdomen. If the hernia is not reducible, the intestinal loop may become too large to pass through the gap in the abdominal wall, necessitating emergency surgery.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
Can a child's inguinal hernia be repaired laparoscopically?
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Yes, hernias can be easily operated on laparoscopically, even in small children. Pediatric surgeons normally only provide laparoscopic hernia repair in limited cases following a thorough diagnosis and symptoms. Straightforward indications of laparoscopic hernia repair are bilateral hernias and recurrent hernias after a failed repair.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
Is it necessary for a child to get a flu shot every year?
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Yes, it is advised. The flu vaccination is improved each year to better match the strain of flu that is likely to cause the majority of flu illnesses during the following flu season. Because flu viruses may vary from season to season, it's important to receive a flu vaccination every year to protect yourself and your family members. While it’s possible immunity from a prior year’s shot can be protective, One Medical stands with other bodies such as the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization in recommending annual flu vaccination for everyone 6 months and older.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What is Laparoscopic urology?
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Laparoscopic urology, often known as keyhole surgery, is a newly developed minimally invasive procedure in the area of urology. Patients who have had this surgery have the same diagnostic and therapeutic values as open surgeries, but they also have less postoperative discomfort, a shorter hospital stay, and a greater aesthetic advantage. Recently, robotic technology has been applied in this sector to help patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic urology is used to treat both benign and malignant problems, and it has a quicker recovery rate than previous open surgeries. Laparoscopic urology is used to treat both benign and malignant problems, and it has a quicker recovery rate than previous open surgeries.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What is Laparoscopic Orchiopexy?
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Orchiopexy is a surgical procedure that is used to move an undescended testis into the body and permanently fix it there. This term is also used to describe the procedure done to correct testicular torsion. This is done in children who were born with undescended testis.
Laparoscopy in orchiopexy is a dependable and safe treatment alternative for individuals with impalpable testis. Laparoscopic orchiopexy is performed to improve male fertility and reduce the incidence of testicular cancer. It is currently very important because of the additional advantages it provides, such as decreased hospitalization following earlier surgery.
Overall, laparoscopic procedures are employed in the area of urology to reduce postoperative issues in patients and are a better and safer option for patients.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What is alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency?
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Alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) insufficiency is a hereditary condition in which a protein called A1AT is unable to be produced at sufficient levels from the liver into the blood. This results in a lack of the A1AT protein in the bloodstream. A1AT is a specific protein that inhibits the function of other proteins involved in inflammation (swelling) and tissue breakdown in the body. When the A1AT protein is not present in the blood, tissue inflammation and tissue damage are exacerbated, particularly in the lungs. The defective A1AT protein that persists in the liver may induce hepatitis, which can lead to cirrhosis (permanent liver scarring) and liver failure.
A1AT deficiency is quite common, with about 1 in 1,500 to 2,000 people affected. Both parents must be carriers of the genetic defect to have a child with A1AT deficiency. Although carrier parents partially produce the abnormal A1AT protein, they usually have no — or very minimal — symptoms and they may not realize they are partially affected until their child is diagnosed with the condition.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What is Wilson's Syndrome?
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Wilson's Syndrome is a rare inherited disorder that causes copper to accumulate in your liver, brain, and other vital organs. Most people with Wilson's disease are diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 35, but it can affect younger and older people, as well.
Copper plays a key role in the development of healthy nerves, bones, collagen, and the skin pigment melanin. Normally, copper is absorbed from your food, and excess is excreted through a substance produced in your liver (bile).
But in people with Wilson's disease, copper isn't eliminated properly and instead accumulates, possibly to a life-threatening level. When diagnosed early, Wilson's disease is treatable, and many people with the disorder live normal lives.
For more information, consult Dr. Advait Prakash the Best Pediatric Surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
When should a child begin receiving immunizations?
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Under the Universal Immunization Programme, immunization of children starts as soon as a child is born. A child is immunized against childhood TB (BCG), polio (OPV), and maternally transmitted Hepatitis B (Hep B vaccine) shortly after birth. Following that, particular vaccinations are administered at the prescribed ages and ways stated in the National Immunization Schedule.
If you are looking for a Pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Ujjain.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
How do immunizations safeguard my kid against disease-causing organisms?
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Protection against various infections is provided by the presence of certain defensive chemicals in the blood (known as "antibodies"), which destroy or neutralize the action of disease-causing organisms when they enter the body. Vaccines include a reduced, destroyed form, or portion of the disease-causing agent (bacteria or virus), which, when administered into the child's body through the proper route and procedure, initiates a protective response against a particular pathogen by the development of specific antibodies. These protective chemicals or antibodies provide further protection to a child in the event of a second infection episode.
If you are looking for a Pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What is Gastroenteritis in children?
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Gastroenteritis in children is a digestive disorder that causes symptoms such as watery stools, vomiting, and stomach cramps. It is an ailment that regularly afflicts children all around the globe and is worsened in those who have little or no access to appropriate medical treatment.
Gastroenteritis in Children is quite common. Anything from polluted water to handling diarrhea-infected animals may pass the disease to the child. This pathogen may take the form of a virus, bacterium, or parasite.
If you are looking for a Pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What are the causes of Chronic kidney disease?
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Chronic kidney disease may be caused by any of the following factors:
A long-term blockage in the urinary tract
Alport syndrome. This is a hereditary condition. It causes deafness, kidney damage that gets worse over time, and eye defects.
Nephrotic syndrome This is a condition that causes protein in the urine, low protein in the blood, high cholesterol levels, and tissue swelling.
Polycystic kidney disease This is a genetic condition. It causes multiple fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys.
Cystinosis. This is a hereditary condition. The amino acid cystine collects in cells in the kidney called lysosomes.
Other chronic conditions. Diabetes and high blood pressure are two conditions that may cause kidney issues. If these aren't treated, less oxygen and blood can get to the kidneys.
Untreated acute kidney disease. If not managed, acute kidney illness might progress to chronic renal disease.
If you are looking for a pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Ujjain.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What exactly is pediatric renal disease?
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Kidney disease (renal failure) is a condition in which the kidneys undergo temporary or permanent damage, resulting in a lack of normal kidney function. There are 2 different types:
Acute kidney disease. Acute renal illness manifests itself abruptly. In certain circumstances, it is possible to reverse the condition and restore normal kidney function.
Chronic kidney disease. This kind worsens gradually over at least three months. It has the potential to result in irreversible renal failure.
If you are looking for a pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What is Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)?
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Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disorder in which many fluid-filled cysts form in both kidneys. Cysts may proliferate and get so big that they cause renal failure. The majority of PKD cases are hereditary. It might be diagnosed before or after the kid is delivered. There are no symptoms in some instances, but PKD may cause UTIs, kidney stones, and high blood pressure in others. PKD treatment varies; some instances may be controlled with dietary adjustments, while others need a kidney transplant or dialysis.
Multicystic kidney disease (MKD) occurs when large cysts form in an improperly built kidney, ultimately leading it to cease operating. (Unlike PKD, which always affects both kidneys, MKD often affects just one kidney.) Fortunately, the unaffected kidney takes over, and most MKD patients have normal renal function. Prenatal ultrasonography is frequently used to diagnose MKD before delivery. Doctors treat it by maintaining blood pressure and checking for urinary tract infections (UTIs) as required. In rare cases, surgical removal of the kidney may be required.
If you are looking for Pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
What are the Symptoms of Kidney Problems?
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The following are some of the indications and symptoms of urinary tract or kidney problems:
swollen areas around the eyes, cheeks, feet, and ankles (called edema)
a burning sensation or discomfort when urinating
a considerable increase in urination frequency
Controlling urine in children who are old enough to use the toilet
recurrent nighttime bedwetting (in kids who have been dry for several months)
blood in the urine
high blood pressure
If you are looking for Pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
Which children are at risk for kidney disease?
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A child is more likely to develop the acute renal illness if he or she has:
Blood loss, surgery, or shock are all possibilities.
A urinary tract obstruction
Been taking medicines that may cause kidney problems
A condition that may slow or block oxygen and blood to the kidneys, such as cardiac arrest
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
If you are looking for pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
Can an inguinal hernia in children be corrected laparoscopically?
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Yes, hernias can be easily operated on laparoscopically, even in small children. Pediatric surgeons normally only provide laparoscopic hernia repair in limited cases following a thorough diagnosis and symptoms. Straightforward indications of laparoscopic hernia repair are bilateral hernias and recurrent hernias after a failed repair.
For more information, do visit Dr. Advait Prakash the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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dradvaitprakash · 2 years
How is a child's scleroderma diagnosed?
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Your child's healthcare practitioner will inquire about his or her medical history and do a physical exam. The alterations in the skin and internal organs are used to get a diagnosis. An antibody test may aid in determining the kind of scleroderma. Your child may need further testing, such as:
Urine and blood testing These may aid in the detection of any issues with blood counts, and renal or liver function.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) (ECG). This test monitors the electrical activity of the heart, detects irregular rhythms, and detects heart muscle damage. An ECG may be used to detect changes in heart muscle tissue caused by scleroderma.
Echocardiogram. This technique produces a moving picture of the heart and its valves using sound waves. It investigates the heart's anatomy and function.
X-ray. A small quantity of radiation is used in this test to obtain pictures of inside tissues, bones, and organs. Scleroderma-related alterations in bone, soft tissues, and organs may be shown by X-rays.
If you are looking for a pediatric surgeon, Consult Dr. Advait Prakash one of the best Pediatric surgeon in Indore.
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