dragcnprince · 6 years
despite having lived in shallune for several months, niklas was decidedly not used to the rider lifestyle. the long and grueling days were a far cry from his years in the palace, and every day seemed to serve as a new reminder of that very fact. so, when a moment of idleness came his way, he jumped at the opportunity to escape to the neighboring forest. ati trailing behind as fallen leafs crunched beneath his feet, a babbling river caught his attention. sitting down next to the stream on the plush moss, he watched as ati curled up atop a boulder with a huff. maybe she had the right idea. closing his eyes, it didn’t take the former prince long to drift off. that was, until a noise snapped him out of his slumber. with a jump his eyes shot open, head bobbing back and forth. “i swear i was just resting my eyes.” 
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dragcnprince · 6 years
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NIKLAS ARSLAN, who strongly resembles JACK FALAHEE, has made the Shallune Cliffs their home. They are a TWENTY-SIX year old HUMAN. He is known to be QUICK-WITTED & EMPATHETIC, but also UNWORLDLY & STUBBORN. He is an APPRENTICE dragon rider, bonded to a 14 MONTH old WYVERN named ATI. She is YELLOW colored, & can be FAITHFUL, but also TIMID. 
hello! i’m spence and i am here to introduce you lovely people to niklas. i’m 19 and really just trash for anything sci-fi or fantasy related. specifically i am huge comic trash, ngl. don’t get me started. 
a few quick points on arslan: 
born to the king and queen of valura, niklas was born into a life of both luxury and tension. while not the oldest of their four children, he was well educated in all that was to be expected from a young prince.  
despite playing his part of a respectable prince to his parent’s satisfaction, niklas constantly felt like he was walking on eggshells through the palace halls. it seemed like the smallest of errors could bring tsunamis of shame and guilt down upon him. days spent wandering through neighboring villages and nights stargazing atop rooftops, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was wasting his life away under the large shadow cast by the throne. 
really, him coming into contact with ati’s egg shouldn’t have happened. through a chance encounter after straying from his siblings one afternoon, he bonded with ati’s egg. instantly two emotions set in afterwards: relief and terror. 
letting people down is a huge fear of niklas. so as one could imagine, the strain between him and and his parents that came as a result of becoming a rider has caused him a lot pain and inner conflict. 
out of his comfort zone, niklas is still adjusting to life outside the palace. while well educated, he is still fairly naive to how the world works in many regards. snarky and unaccustomed to his new status, he can come off as a bit of a brat sometimes. yet, his heart is in the right place and he does want to do good with his life. 
although the bond is relatively new, niklas is extremely protective of his dragon, ati. she is a big sweetheart who can be a bit timid at times. the two of them are already thick as thieves.
if anybody would like to plot, feel free to im me, im always down for new connections !!
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dragcnprince · 6 years
bold any fears that apply to your muse, italicize what makes them uncomfortable
the dark | fire | open water (sea/ocean) | (any) deep water | being alone | crowded/enclosed spaces (agoraphobia) | confined spaces (claustrophobia) | change | failure | war | being controlled/lack of free will | prison | blood | drowning | suffocation | public speaking | natural animals (any kind) | supernatural monster/animals (any kind) | heights | death/dying | intimacy | rejection | abandonment | the unknown | the future | not being good enough | scary stories | talking to new people | poverty | loud noises | being touched | powerlessness 
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dragcnprince · 6 years
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dragcnprince · 6 years
Some people are born with tornadoes in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea.
Nikita Gill, Perspectives (via lorelaiwritings)
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