dragneeltwins · 3 years
Dravic History: The Dravic Gods From the Beginning and Their Interactions With the Civil War Over Humanity Summarized.
This is a very, very, very long post. It is contained to a few key points though.
1: The birth of the universe and the dravic gods, and the extension of their families
2: Events that started the pro-human vs anti-human dravic civil war
3: Historical things that directly tie the FairyTail universe and the Edens Zero universe together in our aus.
That being said, not everything will fit in this post. but this is the bulk of it. 
EDIT:  Parts of this have been changed and reworked, so an updated version will eventually show up. treat this one like a rough draft.
Enjoy <3
The universe was born in fire and heat all too unbearable for all but the first living creature to come about, the dragon Aldebaran. The ether that condensed in what was at the moment, a tiny universe, created him as the first being. He lived for tens of millions of years flying through space as it expanded, creating the stars and eventually, life. But the life he created was not like him. He shifted himself to appear like a human and would walk among them, helping them and befriending them, but  their lives were so short before they died. Every friend he made he eventually lost, so he sought out to create the second dragon, Solara. 
Aldebaran poured his heart and soul into creating her the same way he made the stars, for the stars lasted a long time and so would she too. They lived and enjoyed each other’s company, but Solara was not like him. She too passed away over time, though she lasted much longer than the other life he had made. She was reborn from stars over and over again until Aldebaran found the key to giving her immortal life like his own. 
Magic was as easy to use as breathing to him, but not for those he created, so he first suspected it was his magic that kept him alive. After she was reborn again, he began to teach her to make the stars the same way he did, to craft the night sky and shape worlds full of life. No matter how good she became at it though, it was ultimately only a single piece of the puzzle. 
It took him thousands of years to realize it was his very soul that made him who he was, so he made the first of many new magics, creating the concept of soulmates, or mates for short. Mates did not have to be romantic, nor would they have to be perfect, but they are a person that makes you who you are because of the way your souls resonate with one another. Linking souls the first time was difficult, but once it was done, she lived without fear of dying as the second god.
While they started as companions and friends, they fell for one another over the years, and Aldebaran gifted her control of the stars and a place by his side forever. She quickly created the concepts of plasma and lightning based on those stars, giving the people wonderful light shows and a taste of the danger many people sought out. 
To all outside of Dravic society, she was called “Mother, creator of the universe.”
Together they studied ether, ethernano, and all their components to create new forms of magic and new ways to use it that they had not yet seen. Positive Ether was rigid, only acting in specific ways for specific people, and changing minutely even if one was taught to use it in the same way. This caused the few humans to use it to refuse to call it magic, instead giving it many names over the years, though the one that stuck was “Ether Gear.” Negative ether was more flexible and remained as the base of magic, so much so that they began to call it Ethernano in order to differentiate on paper at a glance. Neutral ether was tricky, often slipping between someone’s fingers when they grasped for it, and sometimes even hurting people if they could not balance it with both positive and negative ether control. 
They found that while some humans can only filter one kind of ether, those who can filter only ether or ethernano. Come could use both, but the ether was pure regardless. The dragons they looked at and even two two dragon gods themselves could not do that. The ether and ethernano they generated within their own bodies and that which they took in from the area around them gave them had connected with their emotions and their very soul before use, empowering them thousands of times over.The dragons lived and breathed harmony with those around them and the universe itself. 
They also discovered that while Ether only has 4 distinct subgroupings, Ethernano has 13 and another for anomalies, which gave them their brightest idea yet. The universe was getting larger and larger at an alarming speed, and they needed more people like them to protect it. They also could not be each other’s only true companion forever, and even if they weren’t all as immortal as they are they would like there to be some dragons that are. 
So from the universe’s own ether, they crafted their closest companions as fast as they dared, for the process could nearly exhaust a god of their magic..
They first created a dragon who could predict use, and even change the flow of time and space, and use it to her advantage. They used their knowledge of physics and dragonfall, the land outside of the universe, to create her, but her birth also spawned the first blackhole and whitehole. Xiao-Mei often appeared in the form of a human child in order to keep from scaring people, but she spend much of her time helping humans and other gods. She is the pair’s first eternal friend. 
Soon after her came Raina, who controlled the oceans and rains. She was once a planet made entirely of water, dense and stuffed with ether until she was given life. She and Solara were fast friends, and they often used thunderstorms to scare off wild animals from humans around them on the occasions when they traveled together.
Porlyusica, dragon of the sky was born with a single breath and wish, but with her came more than the power to control the wind. She developed a type of healing magic so she could cure the sick and wounded. 
Viserion and Senka came together as light and darkness. Holy and demonic. One god could not exist without the other, and as such they were created together by accident. Their friendship is still seen as one of the strongest in dravic history, and the balance they keep is almost directly tied to the way that positive ether and negative ether react to one another.
Jezebel was just as much of an accident as Senka. The gods were sparing as they did often, and their magics combined in a way that disrupted the ether in the area, and the chaos created it’s own user. 
Mother Glare was created from the unknown and was made to help others accept it.Her job was to protect humans who were starting to use magic and ether gear, as their abilities tended to frighten other humans. 
Next was Rhaegar, who could make planets bend to his will as he shaped them for life to reside there. The earth shifted or rumbled at his will, and he built cities into mountains for many. As he continued to shape plantes he found that nature and metal were harder to bend, so he had a genius idea. 
If Aldebaran could create others, then why couldn’t he? Unlike Aldebaran, he did not come to see the dragons he created as friends, but rather, his children. The first was Suzu, born of molten metal and formed to take shape with the ether that would allow her to live. 
Rhaegar sought to create a nature user almost as soon as Suzu was born, but a simple mistake became an extra dragon, and so he had Oleander and Rose. Oleander, like the plant they were named for, has poison flowing through their veins, but never from their lips, and Rose who nature would bend to the whim of with no more than the flick of a wrist. 
Once the other dragon gods learned of what Rhaegar had done, some of them sought to create siblings, children, or even companions of their own. However, none were as skilled as Rhaegar, and they could only create dragons who shared a type of magic with themself. 
Porlyusica created a little sister she named Grandine to help her travel and heal. Xiao-Mei created Ziggy, a happy-go-lucky little brother who was always zipping around and ready to help. Raina created Jiero to control the icier domains that she considered unfavorable, but that she knew her new sister would love. Viserion created a set of twins named Serena and Crystal, and he loved them dearly as his children
They all decided that one representative for each category would be in charge of the pantheon of the dravic gods, and that they would be the protectors of magic. At the time of this decision, the following were made into the 13 representatives: Aldebaran, Solara, Raina, Xiao-mei, Oleander, Rose, Suzu, Rhaegar, Senka, Viserion, Jezebel, Mother Glare, and Porlyusica. 
Soon after that it was decided that Aldebaran would be named the dragon king as well as the head of the pantheon, in order to cater to the demands of their people. They asked for a ruler so the pantheon agreed that only the best would do. 
Aldebaran and Solara made another discovery soon after this: They could have children the same way as humans. The two were overjoyed to learn such a thing, and even more so when they learned godly blood passed through the bloodline as well. This meant their children would not die before them. The older twin was named Igneel, and the younger Atlas. They would be the dragon’s first princes. 
Suzu fell for a water dragon named Adrian shortly after this, and they two had a child. They named her Silvia, and she became one of Igneel’s most precious friends, and, like hatchlings do, they caused chaos together and would for years to come.
This is the event that sparked Mother Glare’s interest in creating a couple dragons to be her fellow godly companions instead of her subjects. She created Drakken Joe, a partner for herself, and Cecil, a sibling, hoping for them to use their powers to protect the people. Unfortunately, Mother Glare was the least skilled of the dragons when it came to creating life, and Drakken was missing a few crucial things. 
Cecil, also sometimes called Cecilia was the younger of the two, a lineart of the sketch if you will, and he clung onto Mother Glare’s original teachings of protections and peace, but Drakken was not the same. 
Drakken’s soul was hollow and unfilled by the care the dragons had for one another, and he did not possess the ability to love, not even platonically. He quickly learned how to fake it with his care and affection, but it only grew into more and more anger. “Why do dragons treat the humans as equals?” he thought often. “We could lord over them as the gods we are.” and so he began to plan.
it also did not take Drakken long to realize he was not as immortal as the other dragon gods due to not having a proper soul. He began working on a fix for that too, and what he came up with is horrifying. He used his magic to suck the life out of people in order to use their life force as his own. He would drain entire planets at a time.
The other dragon gods had much more peaceful plans for their time. Theyslowly began to fill the universe with other dragons, though none but those already created had the same power the dravic gods held in their palms. Their people lived happy and free and in harmony with the humans they helped, so peace was all around them. 
They knew they could not stop everything, and that sometimes there would be fights and war, as was the way of life, but there was not war over people deserving the right to live.... until there was. 
Drakken’s plan was crafted so strategically that even Xiao-Mei didn’t see the signs. The dravic gods had no warning of what was to come. He spent years cultivating the hatred for dragons on a lone little planet that sat off where not many dragons went, and he taught them how to lure in Mother Glare herself. When Mother Glare showed up, she was captured by a clever trap surrounded in magic she had not seen and could not break. It never occurred to her that it might be Drakken’s. For weeks she was tortured by the magic, slowly losing her mind until not much was left beyond rage. 
That’s when Drakken double crossed the humans, killing them before they could tell her the truth, and using the incident to preach his anti-human ways. In the face of what had been done to her, Mother Glare could not argue with him, and she joined him in his planning. 
They were forced to keep their motives secret lest they be caught, but over time they began turning dragons one by one, training them to keep quiet and wait for their call to arms. 
The rest of the pantheon would remain none the wiser for a very long time.
In only seven centuries, the princes grew to be kind and as bold as their parents, so it surprised no one when Igneel found his mate Seiko, a shy fire dragon with no godly parentage. But he loved her so dearly that the cruel words of jealous dragons could not steer him away from her, despite her  insistence that he could do better. 
It’s the love and magic that he felt deep in his soul that connected to her own, and gave her the very same immortality and power that the gods carried. While it seemed like a fluke at first, it was discovered not to be when they finally examined Suzu’s mate of several years, Adrian. He too had become a god without anyone, not even himself, noticing. It was just another instance that reinforced Solara’s hunches on the differences between dragon and human magic. 
Cecil and Jezebel, who everyone thought were just chaotic friends, as possibly platonic mates, turned out to be a little more than platonic, but the announcement of a soon to be hatchling was met only with joy. Acnologia would be in their arms by the end of the year. 
On the contrary to the happy couples that were all too willing to share their love and stories, everyone in and outside the pantheon could see Gran and Rose liked one another except themselves, and considering the more than ten million years of pining in total so far, I think that’s worth noting. 
Drakken and Glare begin experimenting on Dragons in order to make them stronger and more prepared for the battles ahead. As they do so, they mistakenly create something that, in a way, is almost an anti-dragon. The creature thrashes and doesn’t obey physics or even make sense to them, but Mother Glare is from the unknown, so it will soon be known to her. They call it a Chronophage. a time eater. a beast born only to destroy and to tear humans apart.
Cecil makes the mistake of trusting their sister and her mate with baby sitting Acnologia. Drakken and Glare begin teaching their nephew from a young age to despise humans and how to hide his true thoughts about them.
Acnologia very quickly gets attached to Serena, and soon they’re an insistence pair. He uses his sway over Serena to slowly turn him to their side. He’s successful.
In the very heart of Dragonfall, Acnologia is given the signal to begin the attack, and he destroys much of what is there and kills many dragons. Not a soul suspected him, or anyone for that matter, to be a traitor, but many dragons rose up alongside him and many lives were lost. Serena is by his side through the entire thing.
Glare and Drakken hand over control of the armies to Acno. They’re more than willing to let him be the face of the anti-human dragons as they funnel inside information from the pantheon to the anti human dragons.
Raina was the first to fight against Acnologia when he attacked, and as such, was the most critically injured. It was during this that all of the god dragons had a startling realization: They could kill one another. they could die of pitted against one like themselves.
Due to her injury, Raina hands her place in the pantheon to her little sister, Jiero, who spends most of her time with Mei while there. 
While recovering on a planet far away from the action, she befriends a human named Munmu, who’s only wish is to be reincarnated as a dragon when he dies. She grants his wish before he passes and adopts him as her own son. The spell she uses will become the prototype for the dragon slayer spell. 
Cecil catches Glare and Drakken red handed as they’re sending information to Acnologia, and they’re forced to flee. Cecil is given Glare’s place i n the pantheon, but it’s never been something they wanted.
Space faring humans are the biggest targets to the anti human dragons, and that slowly changes the view of dragons in the eyes of humans. They are slowly becoming more hated and more feared.
Despite the fact that only four god dragons turned, it’s a difficult fight... and it becomes more so as Mother Glare claims more and more hatchlings are her own children, their magic morphing them into gods, though the transformation does not properly work, seeing as she does not actually love them as if they were her children. They are her pawns.
Human worlds are being devastated at alarming rates. The dragons want to find a way to give humans a magic that they can use to protect themselves as well as have them slowly become a dragon, so they won’t have to bury their children. Raina leads the research on the spell after mentioning how she adopted Munmu. Slayer magic is created, and “dragon slayer” becomes interchangeable with “hatchling” in almost all dravic dialects. 
Ziggy, the dragon, creates a robot, which he names after himself, in order to be in two places at once and confuse Glare’s people. They collect information and help people
Silvia, the feared silver general, finds her mate in Metalicana, a fighter who who carved her a wonderfully detailed statue of herself from iron. Silvia adores it, and met wishes she’s throw it out because he can do much better work now than he could then. Senka finds her mate in the head spy, Skiadrum. They chase each other through the shadows while training, and the comfort they bring one another isn’t comparable to anything else. Crystal finds he mate in Weisslogia, the good who cracks jokes in order to keep those around him from losing hope.
They work together with Igneel and Seiko to nudge Gran and Rose in the right direction. Needless to say, it doesn’t work.
The battles die down for a while and there’s fewer and fewer sightings of anti-human dragons. They think they’re winning. they aren’t. Glare has a plan.
Igneel and Seiko announce to their closest friend and family that they’re going to be having a hatchling, thinking it’s safe to do so now. A few weeks later they’re even more overjoyed to discover they’re having twins.
The Dragneel twins are born, and they are adored by all who meet them.
Ziggy gets the idea of creating another god to help them with what he thinks is the last bit of “cleanup”. He accidentally creates two hatchling twins which he names Shiki and Rebecca. He adores his new children so much and takes to being a dad quite well.
Glare attacks the heart of dragonfall with a bigger force than they ever thought she had, and Weisz is snatched up in the confusion. At Three years old, he’s alone and in chains. 
Silvia is the first non-Dragneel to land a hit on Mother Glare, and it’s certainly more than one. Mother Glare flees the fight looking worse for wear, but the damage has been done to the pro-human dragons as well.
Another captured dragon by the name of Bryn sees Weisz cry in the tiny cage they shoved him in, and something in her snaps. She kills as many of the anti-human dragons as she can before taking him and fleeing. They eventually make it to a place offering shelter to those injured in the attack, and someone there recognizes the missing prince. 
They’re escorted to the castle, and Weisz refuses to let go of Bryn. She’s cared for him so much in the past week, and he’s gotten very attached. Seiko and Igneel hug them both so tight they almost bruise when they see Weisz alive. 
Bryn stays there to help them fight and to stay near the twins, who both have taken a liking to her. It only takes a few months before Igneel and Seiko realize they had another mate all along. 
Ziggy makes the difficult decision to give Shiki and Rebecca to Solara and Raina so they stay away from the fight in one of the places they’ve made to be a hatchling sanctuary.
Ziggy(dragon) does not realize his robot has gained some sentience and can act without his orders. The robot goes and gets his hatchlings and Solara believes he will be taking them to Ziggy. The robot has so much dravic influence that he believes the best course of action is raising the hatchlings himself, but as he heads towards an abandoned planet to do so, they’re attacked. Rebecca is separated from them and assumed dead, so Ziggy(robot) flees with Shiki to raise him and cuts off the dragon Ziggy to keep from being found. With no humans on Granbell, it’s hard to tell how much time has actually passed. 
Rebecca will grow up on the streets of bluegarden, living only on stranger’s generosity for far longer than a human normally lives.
The hatchling sanctuary is attached shortly after and Ziggy believes them both to be dead. He’s devastated, and he blames himself. 
Dragons are considered hatchlings until they are 500 years old, and the appearance they have while growing up depends on both genetics and luck. Some hatchlings may look like they’re 17 when they’re only 30 or they may look 6 years old at 400. That will even out around the age of 500, which is the rough equivalent of 20 human years.
Porlyusica is injured gravely by Glare while trying to protect a group of people, While she managed to heal herself enough to live, she ends up stepping down from the pantheon anyways, handing ehr spot to Grandine. Healing magic has come a long way, but it will never be perfect.
Despite the dangers of having hatchlings in such an environment, SIlvia and Metalicana have Gajeel just 30 years after the Dragneel twins are born. He’s a 13 pound chonker. 
Natsu thinks of Rose like an aunt, so when he sees her hurting inside he geos and talks to her. It takes a  while, but he successfully gets her to talk to grandine, fixing the problem than none of his family before him could, and all it took was a pout at the right moment.
Senka and Crys are overjoyed at learning they’ll be having hatchlings just a few months apart from one another, and 48 years after the Dragneel twins.
Atlas rescues a water dragon named Lorelai and befriends her. They admit they love one another after several months of her healing and Atlas being by her side, but they refuse to call each other their mate in public out of fear that someone will use them to hurt one another.
Jiero and Xiao-Mei are guarding a planet that is now to be another hatchling sanctuary, but it’s also a planet very close to dragonfall: Earthland. While there, they adopt a human child who loves the ice just as much as Jiero. Her name is Ur.
Ur learns magic from both her new dragon parents, and she uses time magic to control dynamic ice make, which she teaches to Lyon a few years later’
Wendy is born 72 years after the twins.
Ur has Ultear, who is a very sick child. She doesn’t know that this is due to her now dravic heritage as a slayer and the genes she passed to Ultear. She believes Ultear dies when she’s told she died. 
Ur picks up Lyon a year later and begins to teach him magic. She does the same spell her dragon parents did for her, but she forgets to explain what it does. She does the exact same thing two years later with Gray. She also teaches them some components of time magic without fully realizing what she did.
None of her three children will realize they’re slayers turning into dragons for a long time.
Attacks from antihuman dragons pick up again about 12 year after Wendy was born, and the dravic civil war has officially been happening for more than half a million years. since they know how much of a target they are, the dragons of the pantheon send their hatchlings to the most protected place they can think of: Earthland. unfortunately, they decide it might be safer to split the princes up, so that if one is found the other isn’t.
The Dragneel twins look about 10 years old when they leave. Gajeel about 12, Sting and Rouge about 8 and Wendy looks no older than five
Weisz goes to Norma with Bryn, both unaware that it is one of the planets Drakken is using his life draining magic on. It latches to the strongest dragon there first, and Bryn dies from it, leaving Weisz alone.
[start of canon events/events specific to individual aus avalible on the blog]
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dragneeltwins · 3 years
Hello and welcome to our incredibly self indulgent blog! This blog is ran by @jaci-serigala (she/they) and @jinx13gxa (any pronouns) and we made it to share some of our chaotic AUs with you!
This blog mainly deals with the headcanons that The Fairy Tail and Eden’s Zero universes are the same universe, and that Natsu Dragneel and Weisz Steiner are twins! These two headcanons are found across almost every AU! 
We have lots of AUs following this premise as well as delving deep into dragon mythology, biology, and culture! These are our headcanons and while you’re free to agree or disagree with them, but your opinions won’t change ours. We have different AUs that will have different tags. We will keep the tag list as updated as possible by editing this post! 
Most of the characters and AUs are queer! Dravic society is also very queer, for example, they have no gender binary, and the language uses descriptors rather than pronouns, but Jinx will talk about that later! Alongside this, a vast majority of our AUs will contain content for the ships: Gray x Natsu, Shiki x Weisz and Kris x Laguna x Shiki x Weisz - however, the focus of this blog will primarily be about Natsu and Weisz and their relationship as siblings.
All of that being said, the characters as they appear here conform more to our headcanons than canon. So there will be posts that go over our headcanons for individual characters. They deserves more than the half assed attention that mashitma gave them. 
Any OCs mentioned on this account belong to us. Do not use them without explict permission. 
DNI: Gruvia and Wermit shippers
Tag lists+ a quick summary:
Character headcanons: Our personal headcanons for a character. These typically stretch across all aus and will also have the Standard AU tag if they do.
+ many more characters: There’s more characters than tumblr will let us list in the tags. Some characters will always be tagged, but if there’s too many this will be added after a few
Standard AU: these are headcanons that exist across all, or almost all AUs.
Dravic Pantheon: All stories about the dragon gods. Lots of world building and lots of headcanons, pay attention to the associated tags.
Dragon Instincts: Silly little things the dragons do in most, if not all the universes.
Can I uses these headcanons in a fic/art/edit/ect?
Yes please! and tag us if you do! We wanna see! 
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