dragon-advocate · 3 years
On hiatus until further notice.
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dragon-advocate · 4 years
◦•●◉✿ Daily Reading ✿◉●•◦
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Issue / Action / Outcome
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Issue: Today’s issue manifests in your ability to deal with emotions. The Page of Cups indicates innocence and beginnings, so you may be trying something new, especially when it comes to inner work. Try not to be too hard on yourself today, as you’re just starting out and are bound to make mistakes.
Action: The Page of Wands indicates a flurry of activity! You may have lots of ideas on how best to approach your new exploration of these emotions, and want to try out all of them. While it’s good to have options, be careful to not over-concentrate on your goals for yourself today. All good things in moderation, as the next card will tell us.
Outcome: Normally, the Queen of Pentacles is someone who manages her money and material wealth responsibly, and does so in a fair and structured manner. When she’s reversed, however, that calm focus turns into obsessive tunnel vision. While you are experimenting with your emotions today, understand that it’s more than okay to have lots of ideas on how to approach things—just be sure not to get so caught up in them that you lose sight of everything else that’s important (especially physical health).
Overall: Although there is a great opportunity for a fun exploration of your emotions and behaviors today, remember to take care of your body and your relationships today as well. With a reading of exclusively court cards, there will likely be lots of powerful energy circulating about. Just be conscious in not letting that energy turn overly negative, and enjoy the introspection! (Learning about yourself opens up so many new paths for growth, and it’ll improve things in your life around you too, just by proximity!)
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Request 3-card readings FOR FREE here! Want more? Check out my Ko-fi! Tarot deck used: Shadowscapes
And have a lovely day! °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖°
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dragon-advocate · 4 years
◦•●◉✿ Daily Reading ✿◉●•◦
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Issue / Action / Outcome
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Issue: Based on the past few days’ readings, your issue for today seems to indicate that you’ve passed the rough period and are now entering into the rehabilitation and renewal period. It may be difficult to concentrate on relaxing, as you’ve been dealing with many difficult things for so long that you probably can’t help but expect more bad things to come. But the cards reassure that you’re on the mend, starting today.
Action: Some advice the cards have for you today is to follow your heart! Using your head to help you navigate the problems you’ve been experiencing for the past several days has left your intuitive ability weakened. Listen to what your heart wants and go with the flow!
Outcome: If you let go of what your head is telling you to worry about and embrace the fleeting happiness of the now, you will find yourself feeling more optimistic, confident, and, ironically, more in control! You’ll find that you don’t need to always have plans laid out for every single thing in your life to go right. Trust your gut feelings, be a little spontaneous, and rejoice in the beauty that life has to offer you today.
Overall: The period of stress and dark times seems to be subsiding for now. As always, like bad times, good times don’t last forever, so the cards are telling you to take advantage of this time. Relax for today! Treat yourself! Take the opportunity to care for yourself, and you will end up stronger and wiser for it. Enjoy!
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Request 3-card readings FOR FREE here! Want more? Check out my Ko-fi! Tarot deck used: Shadowscapes
And have a lovely day! °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖°
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dragon-advocate · 4 years
◦•●◉✿ Daily Reading ✿◉●•◦
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Issue / Action / Outcome
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Issue: Today you may encounter something that leaves you feeling stuck, like your path forward is blocked by something. Whether this is in your social life, romantic relationships, or a physical manifestation of a problem, the issue is like a big rock in your way and it will take a bit of work to figure out a way around it.
Action: The Six of Pentacles suggests that you'll be feeling an urge to devote all of your resources into solving this issue and resuming your path forward. It's a fine thing to work hard when you are confident you will succeed (or when you feel okay about failing), but the Four of Cups has a wise warning for you below.
Outcome: If you donate all of your resources into overcoming this obstacle, you will be left with no resources to spare for yourself. This could leave you feeling tired, unmotivated, dissatisfied, or even make you forget what it was like to be moving forward on your path in the first place! Obsession like this could blind you into seeing nothing other than this troublesome obstacle in your way.
Overall: You are allowed to pour your energy and time into overcoming challenges, but if you pour too much of yourself out, what is left over? My advice for you today is to listen to your limits. Acknowledge the rock in the middle of your path, but do not continue to waste resources on it if nothing appears to be working. After all, there is usually never just one path forward!
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Request 3-card readings FOR FREE here! Want more? Check out my Ko-fi! Tarot deck used: Shadowscapes
And have a lovely day!  °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖°
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dragon-advocate · 4 years
◦•●◉✿ Daily Reading ✿◉●•◦
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Issue / Action / Outcome
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Issue: The Sun reversed indicates that you're feeling down, depressed, or cold today. Not full of the light and warmth that normally inspires your actions and decisions. This is an issue for a number of reasons, the most important of which I feel is your current tendency to look at things in a negative light. It's easy to remain in the dark when there’s no light to encourage you out of it.
Action: When the Nine of Wands is reversed, the summoning of your final scraps of strength turns into giving up, ignoring problems, or dropping your responsibility onto someone else. With the sun so dimmed today, you may be very tempted to stay in your cozy cave and wait for the bad times to pass. But, as I'll explain in the next card, that could leave you with consequences you're not entirely equipped to handle.
Outcome: Ordinarily, the Seven of Cups is a hopeful card. It means considering all your options, letting yourself explore your future, and overall has a very light theme. But when reversed, the danger of getting lost in your fantasies becomes a very real possibility. Suddenly there are too many options to choose from, and you may very well be feeling overwhelmed. If you neglect your responsibilities for too long, they could easily accumulate and pile more onto you when you’re not ready to handle them.
Overall: At first glance, an entirely reversed reading seems like a negative thing. But in every negative thing, there is something positive that can be gleaned from it! As you stay in your cave today, resting and waiting for the sun to shine on you once more, remind yourself that sometimes we need breaks from troubling life matters before we can make the best decisions for ourselves and others. There is no shame in taking care of yourself when you most need it. And in fact, it's a very responsible thing for you to do! With so many pressing matters needing your careful contemplation (as seen in the Seven of Cups), don't you think you should be at your mental, emotional, and physical best before deciding on anything?
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Request 3-card readings FOR FREE here! Want more? Check out my Ko-fi! Tarot deck used: Shadowscapes
And have a lovely day!  °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖°
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dragon-advocate · 4 years
╰☆☆ Tarot Request Rules ☆☆╮
I will do readings for just about everything, so if you have a specific 3-card spread in mind, or a question you’re just dying to ask, feel free to let me know what that is AFTER you’ve read everything below this message:
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Things I Will NOT Read For:
Anything NSFW
Yes/No questions
Specific date/time/place/name questions (i.e. When will I die? What is the name of my soulmate?)
I reserve the right to decline any request for any reason.
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If you’re not sure what spread to use, I can choose based off what I think would best for your situation, or you can choose from the helpful list I made below!
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Things I WILL Read For:
Past / Present / Future
Issue / Action / Outcome
You / Them / Relationship
Yourself / Your Goals/ Your Path
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3
Strengths / Weaknesses / Advice
Only 3-card spreads are free. If you want more in-depth readings, check out my Ko-fi!
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Finally, please remember that I am not your therapist or someone who has all the answers to the universe. I’m just your friendly neighborhood tarot reader who is doing their best to fill the world with love, kindness, and compassion, one reading at a time.
If your troubles are a little more urgent, please reach out to a hotline to connect with someone more qualified to help.
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dragon-advocate · 4 years
◦•●◉✿ Daily Reading ✿◉●•◦
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Issue / Action / Outcome
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Issue: The wheel of fortune spins once more, and this reading indicates that your luck may turn for the worse or make things harder upon yourself. The important thing to note here is that sometimes there are things simply outside of your control, so there is no reason to blame yourself for what fate has dropped upon you.
Action: The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you have been undertaking a lot of hard work lately. It’s not that you haven’t tried, it’s that the wheel of fortune has just turned against you recently. Take comfort in the fact that the wheel is always spinning and our fates are always changing. Thus, the bad times will not last forever.
Outcome: The reversed three of Pentacles may signify that if you continue to struggle to make things work (from the Seven of Pentacles card), you could very well end up tiring yourself out and draining any last scrap of motivation you had left in your body. This will leave you feeling disconnected from others and from life itself as your body desperately attempts to recede from things so that it can rest and recuperate.
Overall: If the fates are deciding that this time is when you are going to struggle, then there’s very little that can be done about that. In the meantime, do what you can, forgive yourself for what you cannot, and employ self-compassion in everything that you do. A capitalist world like the one you live in may not be very forgiving, but that doesn’t mean you have to be that way too.
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Request 3-card readings FOR FREE here! Want more? Check out my Ko-fi! Tarot deck used: Shadowscapes
And have a lovely day!  °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖°
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