dragon-devourer · 8 years
// hi!! not sure if anyone really cares, but i haven’t posted here in a while, and probably will continue not to do so. it was fun at the time, but it’s been a month later and i don’t really feel it....
if anyone wants to talk or something my main blog is @officialarcanines​, ciao!
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
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// - ✎ OOC ;;
  ❝ Finally stopped being a lazy turd. (´・ω・`) Whoopsies. Hehe. 200 Follower Giveaway Prize 3/3 for @dragon-devourer ! Hanzo~  ❞
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// i don't even know what to say here. i'm not feeling it
// today was my graduation ceremony!! however i got pretty drunk so of course no rping again today
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// today was my graduation ceremony!! however i got pretty drunk so of course no rping again today
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// i managed to narrow my drafts down from 10 to 4 so i’d say that’s productive!! but it’s 2 am so good night
also like this for a starter if you want
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// hhhh thank you so much,,,
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
He bit his lip, frustrated with her response. If her legal obligations were true, then there was nothing he could possibly gain from interrogating her. At the same time, he doubted the truth in that.
“... Fine. I understand.” He spoke at last after a brief hesitation, although his tone conveyed anything but understanding. There was definitely something that Ziegler was hiding, and he intended to find it. 
“You could at least tell me a bit.”
Her eyes narrow slightly as her brows furrows and knit together before her lips finally parted for speech. “I do not have to do anything of the sort. Doctor-patient confidentiality mandates that I cannot disclose any information to a third party.” 
The legal ramifications were simply a front. In truth, Mercy had no desire to divulge anything to him… to the man who nearly took that life of his own brother in cold blood. The image of Genji’s broken and battered body still remains within her mind’s eye - as clear as the day they had brought him to her. She could never forget such a sight, nor could she forgive the one who inflicted such pain upon her comrade and dear friend.
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// aaaa and you too thank you!!
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// thank youuu! it really means a lot!
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
°ω° (i may be a wee bit too biased cuz well, it's you :3c)
// this is Not Fair i am a trash
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
Send °ω° if you think I am portraying my muse correctly!
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
              Only a few strides away, his hand was already raised, ready to strike. But...
              The intruder remained silent. Only a foolish assassin would reveal himself before the kill. However, he noticed that the woman was armed - the moment her hands moved to the hilt of the pistol, Hanzo dived into the shadows. It seems this would not be an easy target as he had hoped.
                 Hanzo sighed deeply as he caught his breath, the leaves cushioning his fall and dampening the noise he made. Stealth was of the essence. He wanted to get this over without a fight.
                 No matter. Noticed or not, tonight would be her death for certain. Bow in hand, the arrow he was carrying had already been nocked, string drawn back as he aimed carefully for his prey. The tip of the arrow gleamed in the moonlight, for in a moment it would find itself lodged through the head of the doctor.
Cᴏɴғʀᴏɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ → [C]
               Angela relaxed, her gaze turning skyward once again. She was never one for the hustle and bustle of nightlife, so finding this quiet little vantage point on the outskirts of Hanamura was a true blessing. She was able to enjoy herself without subjecting herself to the unnecessary stress of other people — or, more accurately, their noise. She loved quiet. Absolutely loved silence…
               … None too quickly, she came to realize just HOW silent things had become.
               The air had gone still and stagnant. The once-pleasant breeze died in the branches of the trees, and the night’s insects had ceased their twittering songs. She couldn’t know just how long the change in atmosphere had existed prior her notice, but she couldn’t do anything about that, now.
               Slowly, she slid her hands into the pockets of her jacket, the fingers of her dominant hand clasping the hilt of a small pistol. Of course, she would never go anywhere alone without protection. She might have been impulsive at times, but she was not stupid.
               Angela remained still, contemplating on whether or not to address her knowledge aloud. After all, if there wasn’t anyone there and her intuition had failed her (for once), it’s not like there was anyone around for her to be embarrassed about.
                       ❝ State your business. ❞ Angela voiced finally, keeping her tone light but firm. She did not turn from her overlook of the city.
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
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the dragons short in a nutshell
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
          “... I am also here on business.” He states, cautious of revealing too much to a stranger. While they were talking, he had also been gauging McCree with a careful eye, a bit confounded by his cowboy getup. 
          A simple tip of his hat came as he cocked a brow at the stranger. Making eye contact but still looking Hanzo up and down once over as to gauge his person, McCree finally cleared his throat to speak up. “Merely here on business. How ‘bout yerself there?”
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
Just a routine visit. Nothing more. He was perfectly healthy - he’d get this over in a bit. Dr. Angela Ziegler is supposedly some renowned doctor, but frankly, he doesn’t care. 
Let us get this over with. He whispers to himself as the clerk calls for him. Within the office, he is greeted by a pair of gazing eyes, trained upon his face, sizing him up as if he were some zoo animal.
It was what she said that perked his interest immediately. 
“You... you know my brother?” His eyes flare up immediately, a blend of curiousity and confusion. How did she know his brother? “... Tell me more.”
It is telling that as soon as she sees the name “Shimada” on her patients list, she assumes the worst.
As it turns out, however, Hanzo Shimada comes to her with nowhere near as many problems as his younger brother. He just appears at the door, skin unmarked and limbs attached, and Dr. Ziegler can’t help but wonder how much like him Genji might have looked had things gone differently. She might have even stared a little bit as she let him in, eyes flicking over his face.
“Are you well, Mr. Shimada?” she asks congenially. “I’m familiar with your brother, but I don’t believe I’ve treated you before.”
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
      Hanzo crossed his arms, refusing to see anything beyond the darkness which clouded his heart - the doubt that kept him awake at night, the lingering obligation to regain honor, none of these could just simply go away as the monk thought. 
Yet, he knew that there was reason behind those words. It was his stubborn pride which deterred him from admitting to it. What good would talking out his life motives and issues do? 
      “I understand... that he has. What I wish to know is how.       He is a fool to believe in me.       I was nothing but an idiot walking in the shadow of my family name.       Were it not for my ideals... Things could have been better.”
  Zenyatta had always effortlessly radiated that aura, calming a small environment with just his presence, even if only slightly. And this was not disrupted by the demanding negative energy Hanzo let off, not by much. It wasn’t something he couldn’t endure.
The orbs close in and then expand like a sigh, mimicking the motion of his chest.
      “He has accepted himself and forgiven you. Is that so wrong of him?        Must he be miserable over things he can’t change?        I would not deter you from what it is you seek,        only see to it that you walk the path with more ease.”
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dragon-devourer · 8 years
// summary:
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