dragon-in-spirit · 7 hours
i genuinely think people harassing celebs is a labor rights issue as well as a conversation about boundaries. celebs make art for you and perform for you but they, like me performing my metaphorical song and dance for my customers, have off the clock time that needs to be recognized for what it is. celebs are artists making art for you, they, a person, are not a commodity. you are not entitled to them at any time day or night any more than my boss is entitled to ask me to work off the clock either.
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dragon-in-spirit · 8 hours
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on Tuesday, I thought there was a good chance of him dying overnight. he was whimpering in pain in his sleep, and it kept me wide awake. every hour so I’d check to make sure he was still breathing. the next day, after receiving medication, he chased Pangur through the house at full speed and then jumped on Grim’s back like a goat. he went from almost a corpse to so full of life that it was actively a problem, in the space of 24 hours. it’s probably insulting to call this medicine magic, because it disregards all the human labour that went into creating it, but to a pedestrian like me, it really does seem like magic
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dragon-in-spirit · 8 hours
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the weekend's here
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dragon-in-spirit · 11 hours
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From the Wikipedia page on loons
Now with free ready-to-print .png and .tif file
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dragon-in-spirit · 11 hours
idk if I’ve posted about this before but by far the strangest things that’s happened to me in retail was the time someone’s total came out to my birth-year and I said “hey! that’s the year I was born!” and then the next customer’s total came out to like $12.57 and just bc I’m a weirdo I said “hey! that’s the year I was born!” and without missing a fucking beat this like, 70+ year old man said
“Ah! Another like me! We’re few and far between these days, aren’t we?”
And I was like oh man this guy’s sense of humor really aligns with mine! And I laughed and made some other joke about being immortal and thought that was the end of it,
but this man.
He stood by the register for five more minutes. Maybe more. Which let me tell you is an EXCRUTIATING amount of time for something like this to happen.
And he just kept upping the ante!! He starting talking about some REALLY specific details regarding day-to-day life in the 1300s to the point I started getting worried that I’d misled a genuinely immortal being to believe I am also immortal.
He eventually politely left when I got too busy with other customers to awkwardly respond.
Who the fuck was that guy.
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dragon-in-spirit · 11 hours
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China’s Autonomous Regions and its Designated Ethnic Minority
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dragon-in-spirit · 11 hours
You're walking through the woods and see this in the distance:
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dragon-in-spirit · 11 hours
“I see the trap,” […]“I see the lifestyle that is so all-encompassing that you can’t get out of it. I see the systematized denial of agency and options so that you might wake up one day and want to be out of it, but you’ve closed door after door after door so that there’s no one there to help you. There’s not a bank account to turn to. There’s no agency to just start asking questions or to change your life, if you decide you want something different.
“And that really underscores why this is not just an alternative lifestyle choice,” she says. “It is part of a movement.”
“Patriarchy needs women to perpetuate it, so it grooms our participation, and then it holds us there with the guilt of our complicity, and then we become perpetrators. So it’s like the cycle that just keeps going.
“I always call this the cult without walls, and the members are really used to being isolated in plain sight – so they will be your neighbors or someone you see at the grocery store or the park, and they feel alone and separate,” she says, “Try to connect, try to engage in conversation … because if they can trust you, you might be the one they ask for help when it’s time to get out.”
I don’t normally post this kind of stuff and I know it’s kind of off topic for my animal blog but I still think this is a very important article and one that I think really nails the reasons why the tradwife movement is so dangerous. I know farmblr talked about it when ‘cottagecore’ and ‘farmcore’ first became popular, and I know a lot of people also talked about the racist and colonialist roots of a lot of those ‘aesthetics’. It scares me to see how big tradwife stuff has gotten even in the last year, it is huge on Instagram. I hope Tia’s book reaches the people that it will help the most, even the minimal details in this article were absolutely chilling to read.
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dragon-in-spirit · 12 hours
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dragon-in-spirit · 12 hours
writers and artists will go “this isn’t good enough.” my brother in christ, you’re creating something new out of nothing and expressing yourself creatively. your productivity and unrealistic standards of perfection do not define you or the worth of your art. you’re doing great.
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dragon-in-spirit · 12 hours
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Calling my trans siblings that do injections (and anyone else that does regular self-injections)!
This is a ShotBlocker. It’s perfect if you have a fear of needles, injections, injection pain, or any other kind of injection anxiety. You place the plastic spikes on your skin and firmly press them down while doing your injection. Having many different points of pressure distracts you from injection pain and I’ve found it helps mentally as well.
I’ve been doing T injections for about a month now and tonight I didn’t have to work myself up to it like I’ve had to in the past. AND it wasn’t as painful as my other injections! I highly recommend getting one of these if you’re struggling to do injections. You can get them for $5-$7 online and they are reusable.
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dragon-in-spirit · 12 hours
doomsday preppers always keeping rusty tins of food in their basement but never building springhouses and smokehouses and paddocks for future livestock 🤨 those canned peaches are only going to bring you so far babe
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dragon-in-spirit · 12 hours
there should be more options than suffering via employment and suffering via unemployment
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dragon-in-spirit · 12 hours
You hate yourself so loudly. You hate yourself at the top of your lungs. Your loathing for yourself permeates your speech. “Sorry I’m just rambling.” “Don’t worry about it.” “Just ignore me.” “Sorry if I’m annoying you.” “Sorry I don’t make sense.” “Sorry about that.” Sorry, sorry, sorry. You act as if you have to beat everyone else to the punch. As if the punching bag is you. If you hate yourself first, if you hate yourself loudest, then nobody will hurt you. You clapped your hands over your ears and shut your eyes and balled yourself up so that you’d never have to experience people’s loathing for you. And it meant you never heard their love. You drowned it out. You screamed your hatred over it. And you never got to hear it. 
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dragon-in-spirit · 14 hours
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dragon-in-spirit · 14 hours
redo because i messed up
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dragon-in-spirit · 14 hours
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