dragoncavevents · 4 years
the true horror isn't that you're insane, it's the fear that you're perfectly lucid, and that it's NOT in your head.
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(Doctor David from The Magnus Archives, episode 177)
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Wait, so the owner of this blog is legit rage-quitting? It's nothing you can step away from for a while and come back to later? Is the DC community so toxic that it eventually drives everyone to rage-quit, or do people who have a tendency to rage-quit just happen to be attracted to communities like DC?
It’s not rage, it is disappointment. If you run one of these blogs, you’ll see it too. People desperate to put others down. I can only assume it is like a reputation war. They’re hoping they’ll benefit, or hurt their target, or maybe just hoping their target will begin to be disliked if they put them in the right frame.
I was only logging in to disable email notifs. I will leave this blog up as a testament.  For a damn egg game, DC has an unbelievably disgusting side and I could not take it, as I suspect the other/s could not. It is not a tiny loud minority, judging from the range of ips that submitted here. Posting the worst of it it for proof would not be worth it since it would hurt people. Believe me. And be wary in DC communities since these people are probably among you, and they delight in hiding anonymously to spout sadistic shit about people they probably interact with in the same damn communities. Back stabbing self serving bullshit. To think they would probably do it to my kid sister if she got an egg they wanted or whatever, pisses me off beyond belief.
Take care, you decent folk. At the very least, find a buffer community in between DC. Truly, farewell this time.
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Dragon Cave is such a fucking terrible game. Pixel eggs are created and people fight to the death over them. You do not want to fall into the eternal abyss that is dragoncave, trust me. QUIT.
Sound advice!!!
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Something that’s bothered me a bit....Anon, if your claims were true, then you’d know who ran this blog, no?
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
I was about to go on a rant that his blog doesn’t accept....whatever is in the inbox at the moment. However, I am instead going to announce that this blog will be left to die. I am tired and have no time to spare. And this is the worst side of DC by far. I had a naive idea of this and how it would work out. People are worse than I thought. The amount of hateful bullying I delete from the inbox monthly is just not ok. It gets to me since my sister has mental health struggles/illness like the targets of this hate often do. This is a sudden decision and I am not sorry for it. Good riddance to this tumorous creation. Sorry to the legitimately alright peeps. You can use the other blog anyway.
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Wall analogy: ur at a dinner party, theyve made something for everyone. u show up and get ur plate of chicken and go "but it should be ALL chicken, for me". the AP is for everyone. yea Walls can be annoying. but i always think "oh, its not for me right now, ill wait" theres no argument against Walls that doesn't boil down to "but i want everything the way i like, everyone else should stop playing the way they enjoy and let it be for me"
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
2/2 Wall help lower AP time (yes, it does, it doesn't coincidentally do that *everytime*) Lower times help new players get eggs they can hatch quickly and free an egg spot, or get BSAs. It helps ratios. And most importantly, the people making walls e n j o y it. When theres no walls, thats youre time to use the AP. when theres walls, its theirs. before you reply to this, think this: does my argument boil down to "i want everything my way all the time" this isnt anti-DC so i hope it gets posted
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
"But AP walls lower egg times!" No, shut up. Let the rest of us decide whether or not we want eggs with higher time" And what about new players that dont have enough Reds (and use the low times to be able to grab them/hatch them/free a space) to incubate? Or use the low times to build up their collection. YOU dont get to decide what the AP is used for. Sometimes theyre low time,sometimes they're not. When they're not thats your time to use the AP. Think of it as a pie chart. You get one slice.
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
THE UOD is awesome. STFU if you think its bad, everyone is cheerful and funny and caring. only stupid retards interpret genuine compassion as ass-kissing
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Why is it that no one ever thanks the person who concepted a new dragon? All I ever see is "thanks artists! thanks TJ!" Like?? Cool, the artist did a lot of work. I get that. But without the person who penned the idea, there wouldn't be so many pretty glorified lizards to collect. I concepted a dragon, and I'd be hurt if I wasn't thanked during/after it's release (if that ever happened). Sorry this is so long.
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Sorry for how everything was handled, I'm still gonna play but I'm no longer hunting nor accepting codes anymore.
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
If ever decided to multiscroll itd be solely to grab and smash as many celestials as possible. Fuck those goddamn walls.
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
i love dragon cave but why is the majority of the community grade a freaks who can't take a single joke
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
Hahaha, oh wow. Looks like I have officially become the most hated person in all of Dragon Cave, someone can get permabanned because a mod thinks that person is me posting on an alternate account, even though it's not. I am loving this %"&@!
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dragoncavevents · 4 years
So who has supposedly been banned for talking about SAlts/Spriters?
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