dragonflyascend · 2 years
Sometimes I just want to fly away and never come back. As I sit here crying over the anger I feel while looking at someone I should love, I wonder why I’m even still here. It’s an endless roller coaster of emotions almost every other day and I’m ready to hit the eject button. I am not my mom and I am not myself. I choose this life for my son, but it doesn’t feel right anymore… but how do I leave? What’s if I regret it? Will my son resent me for taking his father way? Not forever, just separating. Separation seems to be the key, but with inflation and no money coming in for saving… how can I go? It’s been a year barely holding on and I can’t even show with a smile or glimmer in my eye… I don’t know who I am and I want to know who I will become for not only myself, but for my son. I want him to see his mother happy and thriving…
I just want to be happy
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dragonflyascend · 2 years
Welcome to my Chaos
My mind moves faster than my fingers as I try to write my words. I have been on this earth for 27 years and can honestly say I don't know who I am... I have always camouflaged myself into social groups to avoid bring the "weird girl" and to stop the bullying. At home I had to mask my real feelings in fear of upsetting my mother or grandmother. I learned to hold my emotions in unhealthy ways and I'm ready to be a better me...
I have lived in depression and anxiety most of my life, and I want freedom. I want to be a beacon of hope for my child and show him that bring himself is nothing to be ashamed of. I want to feel like I can breathe and not worry about what others think of me.
I used to be an decent creative writer, developing short storys and poetry; in addition to art in different mediums. But I lost my way... I want to get back to the girl that want to create something out of nothing. I want to become the witch I always felt I was meant to be. I want to give myself a new start in life...
I need to get back to the root of me and creatively unblock my mind.
No one will probably read this and that's okay. I'm not adding tags or anything special. This blog will be for me to et my stream of conscious fly free and do as it pleases.
No pressure. No stress. Just Post.
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