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Like Andraste long ago, once again the fate of Thedas will be determined by a woman.
Kristen Stewart as Cousland, Antje Traue as Hawke, Evangeline Lilly as Lavellan
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when people try to tell me dragon age 2 was a bad game
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people keep complaining about krem being unromancible but i haven’t found this to be a problem
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                                              Fenris + light/dark
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..another kiss in the Fade, ma vhenan?
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The Throne Room
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Solas: Expressions
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
me: looks up at the night sky
me: thinks of mass effect
me: cries
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
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some things never change.
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
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the redeemer
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
Yooo. If any of you guys roleplay I made an OC centered around the Bioware games. Go check her out? C:
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
Favorite romance from Mass Effect 2?
Reblog this for Garrus Vakarian
Miranda Lawson, Tali’Zorah vas Normandy, Jack, Jacob Taylor, Thane Krios
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
Behind her stood the walls of Orzammar, behind her were the dying sounds of fanfare, the tantalizing smells of a feast. Behind her were the Dwarves, dressed in their finery, and for once, the deshyrs opted to leave their schemes at home, trading them temporarily for a expression of solemnity. Behind her stood the Warden’s, friends, allies, brothers and sisters. They were less composed than the Dwarves, shifting with grief in the shining blue and silver mail. 
Before her stretched the dark maw and fetid air of the Deep Roads. 
The Warden-Commander drew in a heavy breath, exhaling slowly as to restrain the sigh that threatened to escape.  She gripped her staff tightly, the only show of apprehension, for no emotion passed over her lined face.
In the twenty years she had been a Warden, she had always known this day would come, but never expected it to occur as it had. Not with this much heartache, not with this unbearable sense of grief. 
But despite this, she reflected that her life had been a good one. She had made innumerable friends, traveled to places she would have never imagined. She killed dragons, demons, and an old god. She loved and she lost, she learned secrets and shared knowledge with the world. It was time to bow and take her exit, time for new heroes. 
Behind her was the life that she could no longer be part of, before her was the darkness that matched the burning taint in her blood and bones. Next to her, with an expression of resolve, stood the man she loved more than anything in this entire world.
Alistair looked to her. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as a reassuring smile crossed his lips. Somehow even after all of this, after all the life they led together, he never lost that youthful joviality that brightened any day, inspired any recruit, and asked to give her everything behind closed doors. 
There were no words between them, none needed to be said. 
Long ago they swore to follow each other into the deep, to heed the other’s Calling like it was their own. When the molted grey marks had begun to appear along her body, there were no words then, just the warmth of love and halcyon kisses over each blotch, a renewal of promise. 
Alistair’s hand trailed up her arm to brush aside the stands of premature silver strands that peppered her hair. For a second his expression faltered, and they were both young again, standing in uncertainty atop the Tower of Ishal. Before they knew death, before they knew the agony of loss, before they stumbled and loved, before worry, duty, and knowing had etched deep lines into their sun-beat faces.
And now they stood together, at the end of it all.
She felt Alistair’s fingers entwine with hers, and drew her eyes from his face to nod silently to the dwarven commander.
The assembly of people behind them hushed, the only sound the scraping of the portcullis opening fully the dark tunnel into the bowels of the earth.  
 She dared not turn back, afraid to falter. As close as two beings could be without sharing souls, Alistair understood, and pulled her with care into a kiss. 
The moment that could have been seconds, or maybe months, was enough. Together they walked into the dark. 
For Warden Appreciation Day
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dragonsandaliens-blog · 10 years
my sister is playing mass effect on the xbox, im playing dragon age on the pc, and we're blasting malukah. I dont think this family could get any nerdier
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