dragonsarenoice · 10 hours
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dragonsarenoice · 10 hours
re: google AI. seriously. do you want machine generated misinformation or do you want to come here, to our beloved tumblr, and receive specially hand crafted misinformation. support real artists, guys. come to tumblr for your misinformation
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dragonsarenoice · 10 hours
outdoor cat defenders really are simply some of the most Delusional people on the planet, like you can list fact after fact all with verified sources about how bad it is to let cats outside for both them & the environment around them and people will cover their ears and be like "umm not my frumpkins he knows not to play in traffic & he has magical resistance to coyotes and disease"
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dragonsarenoice · 10 hours
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dragonsarenoice · 10 hours
recognising your parent's mannerisms in yourself and physically feeling psychic damage occur
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
Anya would be the kind of child to warn her parents about something school related the night before the deadline.
It'll be 9PM and she will turn to Loid like "Dad, I need cardboard and cotton for a school project tomorrow morning."
And Loid would reply "okay, I'll buy your cardb- TOMORROW?!"
Cue Loid walking around the city at night to find cardboard so his child won't get a tonitrus.
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
Sometimes I think about Bond from spy x family and just start laughing. Like he’s a dog who can see the future. But also he’s just a normal dog??? These scientists trying to make biological weapons just gave him the worst superpower. Cause he’s still a normal dog? He has a vision of a terrorist attack and is like “Wow loud sound super scary. Won’t go there! Back to sniffing this tree.” Like it’s just so hysterically funny to me. This creature given incredible power it absolutely does not comprehend. He just wants ear scritches.
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
One thing that I like about Franky is the fact that he hasn't made a pass at Yor even though he knows the Forger marriage is fake. I can't help but think that a character with less scruples and sense, but who is just as desperate to be loved, would have done so by now. It's nice to see a character like Franky be a good bro, and I think it's part of the reason why many of us are rooting for him to eventually find love.
At this point, I highly doubt Franky will ever make a pass at Yor unless he's trying to get Loid to admit his feelings for her or something along those lines.
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
I feel like my favourite thing about spy x family is that they're all at least a bit morally ambiguous.
They all do things that are considered wrong; both Yor and Loid have killed, they're all dishonest, Loid has been ready to return Anya, both Yor and Loid agreed to be married to help keep their jobs a secret, also that time Anya planted a bomb and threatened that guy lol.
And yet, they're all very likeable. It's difficult to hate any of them because they have the honourable motive of wanting to make the world a better place, and so we forgive the actions even if we don't condone them.
An ability to present the characters in a positive way whilst the audience actively disagrees with some of their actions or choices makes it a very interesting read/watch.
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
Loid and Fiona (Twilight and Nightfall) going through the trials of hercules in the tennis tournament, managing to stay ahead but it being still incredibly hard, and Loid knowing if they weren't super spies they would have failed
And then Fiona challenges Yor and Loid's like "don't do it" and you think he doesn't want Fiona to destroy Yor
But then Yor minces a tennis ball and kills a tree and he's just like
"I tried to warn you"
He KNOWS Nightfall's skills and yet still knows she's no match for Yor's crazy strength
And yet
Seeing these two women, back to back, and he has absolutely not even the dimmest of light bulbs about why his civil servant wife us able to complete eviserate sports equipment and high level spies
Love really IS blind
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
I know it's a running gag that Anya is kind of a dumbass because she's literally 4 years old and while it is true that she views certain things with a naivety that only a child can have and that she's not very academically smart compared to her classmates, it's totally overlooked how intelligent she actually is.
At this age she's not only able to read and write, she's trying to keep up with children who are two years older and basically have been trained to go to an elite school since birth.
Anya is very clever when it comes to hiding her psychic abilities, she knows exactly what will draw suspicion upon herself and avoids saying it, especially in front of adults. An example for this is how she acts in order to save the kid that's drowning in the hospital pool, she know she can't just tell her dad that someone is drowning so she just runs away with an excuse that seems logical enough for a first grader and it works! Mr chronic anxiety and paranoia himself didn't suspect her. Damian only suspects her being able to read minds because she's less carful around her peers. All of this is clearly a trauma response because she is afraid of rejection and of abuse, both things that caused lots of suffering in her past.
But those aren't the only instances when she shows her intelligence: she escaped a probably heavily guarded research facility on her own, when the terrorists plan to explode the building her dad is about to enter she comes up with a plan to stop the bomb from going off, she keeps track of everything that's going on during the missions (like the cruise ship), she covers for her mum and dad and she distracts adults in order to be able to do the stuff she needs to do.
She manipulates people based on the information she's gathered from mind reading. She's a bit clumsy at hiding this because what she's saying always seems out of nowhere but her being a first grader covers that up. Examples: she uses Loid's thoughts to fill out the crossword puzzle in order to get adopted, she tells her mum how much she loves her and never wants to be apart from her in front of Fiona, she tells Yuri she wants to get better at school for her mum's sake, she provokes Damian into meeting his dad when he has doubts, the list goes on.
Tldr: Anya is actually really smart for a four year old.
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
honestly one of my favorite things about Spy x Family is how Anya simultaneously thinks Twilight is the coolest AND lamest person in the entire world
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
my favorite thing about spy family is that bond's bark is just clearly a human man saying 'borf' into a microphone. no effort put in to make it sound dog-like. its the best
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
im a big fan of the way anya and loid both have the inner "for the mission" mantra, but the way it comes off is so very different.
Anya does [insert silly thing here] because she genuinely finds it to be helpful for the mission, and a lot of the time it is really just helping Damian or interacting with him, so it comes off as super innocent
Loid, however, will take his wife on dates, coddle and tuck his very young daughter in bed, make breakfast every morning and dinner every night, and take care of the family dog. for the mission.
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dragonsarenoice · 1 day
Just finished the Spyxfamily movie and can we talk about that fact that while Loid was fighting a big bad general they made Yor fight a CYBORG with GUNS FOR ARMS cuz it was the only POSSIBLE thing they could think of that could believably hold back yor and they STILL had to make a point that knifes didn’t work cuz otherwise she would have won immediately… my girl is really op and they know it
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dragonsarenoice · 2 days
I read on Twilight's wiki page that Endo always intended on him having a high paying job (like a doctor or a lawyer) and in the end he chose to make Loid a psychiatrist due to his affinity for psychology.
And can I say. Lawyer Loid was such a missed opportunity. So much comedic potential.
Like. you have Loid Forger, notorious in the firm for winning every case that comes across him, due to his clear and concise arguments and knowledge of the law. Then you look at his home life and see that this man can't win an argument against his four six year old daughter. The minute her eyes turn teary he folds so easily. Like. That's comedy gold.
And I feel like on first meeting Yuri would hate him even more. Like, I feel like Yuri's the type of guy who goes, "a defense attorney? AKA a professional liar?" (← is a cop lying to his sister about his job) and his internal monologue just goes, "what does yor see in him? sure, he's handsome, smart, popular in his firm--" [angrily munching on food Loid made him]
And there's news of a murder on several news channels while they're having dinner one day, and the news agency names the suspect and Loid offhandedly goes, "Oh, my firm handled that" (I have to mention my work life for the mission, so they dont suspect I'm anything but a lawyer), and Yor goes, "I don't think a man his height could have done that. Look at the blood splatter. Had to be someone taller" And Loid's looking at her like: 👁️👁️, and Yor fumbles with, "Oh, Yuri used to love those detective shows when we were kids" and Loid's like, "anything you say <3. do you want some more chicken?"
And, logically, if he's assigned to a popular/high-profile enough firm, there's a higher likelihood of him making contact with high-profile businesspeople (sure they have their own legal teams, but for a consultation or something?) rather than a psychiatrist. (Again, my own opinion)
But the only downside is whenever he pulls some medical shit he cant go, "Oh, I learned that in med school" but the natural excuse can be "oh, i was a sergeant, i learned some basic medical knowledge during the war"
Anyway. Lawyer Loid could have been peak comedy.
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dragonsarenoice · 2 days
I cant stop thinking about Yor Forger, THEE character of all time. she's the country's greatest assassin. she's a dumbass. she has a drinking problem. she does parkour. she's married to a complete stud. she has never kissed. she can't cook for shit. she loves her daughter more than anything. she will kill again.
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