dragonshitlavellan · 8 days
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inspired by @swordlesbianopinions obv
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dragonshitlavellan · 8 days
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remembering arlathan.
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dragonshitlavellan · 8 days
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bella <3 
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dragonshitlavellan · 8 days
i just got here but sincerely what is wrong with dorian pavus. he’s a necromancer. he helped invent time travel with his phd supervisor; this is never touched upon again. he comes out to you in front of his homophobic dad by going “sex. with men. ever heard of it”. he’s canonically so good at magic that he can keep up with god in conversation about it. constantly complains about the weather and all while he has one tit out at all times. his backstory is that he’s simultaneously a delinquent and a girlboss. he’s an alcoholic. his facial hair is completely fucking indefensible. h
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dragonshitlavellan · 8 days
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Both kinds of Bioware girls got a lot of rep at the 2024 VMAs
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dragonshitlavellan · 13 days
If Solas and Varric really are our only two advisers, I can't wait for the sequel to the Cole Custody Battle playing out through every single one of Rook's choices.
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dragonshitlavellan · 13 days
I need a solavellan reunion, yes, but I also need solavellan meeting each other for the first time again.
It’s been an entire decade.
Give me solavellan not meeting each other as elvhen apostate and dalish hostage but as the Dread Wolf and the Inquisitor.
Give me solavellan meeting each other again on the other sides of their own apotheosis, free of pretense and masks.
Give me, “Is he still the man who hates tea, the curious man who wonders at the mundane beauties of life, the gentle man who supported a grieving spirit, the silly man who set his own coattails on fire, the loving man who called me his heart?”
Give me, “Is she still woman who surprised me at every turn, the strong woman who faced a would-be god so that others would be spared, the cunning woman who made an entire empire dance to her tune, the compassionate woman who would go out of her way to help the hurting, the open-minded woman who hadn’t scorned an outside view, the loving woman who vowed time and time again to protect me, the woman who changed everything?”
Give me solavellan meeting each other the first time again after 10 years and realize that, yes, you are still my vhenan.
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dragonshitlavellan · 13 days
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How I imagine Solas' DA4 casual outfit to look like... And yes, it accentuates his nice butt, I regret nothing 😌
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dragonshitlavellan · 13 days
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Veilguard goal: Stop the blighted gods Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain from destroying Thedas and the world as we know it
Veilguard NEW goal: Pet every cat
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dragonshitlavellan · 15 days
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you were people and you deserved better. Like all the rest I have used in one hopeless battle after another.
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dragonshitlavellan · 15 days
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dragonshitlavellan · 27 days
One of the craziest things about Dragon Age (and this might help those of you who don’t go here kind of understand what people are yelling about in the coming months) is its lore. But I don’t mean that in the way you’re probably thinking.
I mean, quite literally, the way it presents its lore to you. In picking up notes and books as you go along and sifting through the codex, the game effectively asks you to act as an anthropologist. You’re met with a host of primary and secondary sources, some many hundreds of years apart from one another, written by anyone from the highest Chantry scholar to John Farmer, and you’re meant to constantly be questioning every piece of information you’re given. What biases are present in what I’m reading? What is fact and what is complete fabrication and what is, potentially, a slightly twisted version of a fact? How does one source potentially contradict another? The lore is one giant mystery-puzzle that you get to piece together across three games, and what conclusions you draw are going to be entirely different from someone else’s, and so on.
And yet, the series still does something even cooler than any of that. You realize, at a certain point, that this idea you have been engaging with on a meta-level — this idea that history is biased and fallible, that it’s written by colonizers and conquerers, genocidal racists and religious zealots, that the ability to control historical narrative is the prize you win for spilling the most blood — that idea is one of, if not perhaps THE most important, overarching theme of the series. The way that we remember history — what we remember and what we don’t, and why — and the impact that has on people on a sociological, political, cultural and psychological level, on both a macro and micro scale. It’s the entire thesis of the series’ main villain’s whole motivation.
And there’s gonna be a lot of people that don’t care about all that but me personally it makes me want to gnaw on a cinder block and scratch at my walls
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dragonshitlavellan · 29 days
i am such a big fan of lavellan and solas kissing & touching non stop but i am also an advocate for touch starved solas who felt his hand around her wrist one time and simply couldn't handle the possibility of touching another person again.
the YEARNING. the desperation, the sick, twisted hunger at the bottom of his stomach just thinking about the warmth of lavellan's skin. He's so steadfast in his conviction i think the only reason they DID kiss was because it was the fade. I think Solas purposefully tried to avoid touching anyone, especially lavellan, because it's one more affirmation that the world around him is real and this isn't a dream. He can't give himself an inch because he will take a mile. It's like when you haven't eaten for so long that the idea of food makes you nauseous. He shakes and shivers just at the graze of her armour. AGH
the idea that he loves her so badly that just the thought of her touch sends him weak enough to isolate himself physically makes me want to curl up and kick my feet.
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dragonshitlavellan · 30 days
Wait I did NOT realize that the inquisitor was the one who sought and found Solas' dreaming mind in the return to haven cutscene. I usually select the "that was incredible" dialogue option but when you say "that was... I don't know" (voiced: "when I asked to talk to you I didn't think we'd be doing it in the fade"), he responds with "since you went to the trouble of finding me in your sleep, it was worth doing something interesting," implying that you were asleep the whole time???
That's WILD I always thought that Solas was the one who engineered that encounter but apparently he was minding his business in the Fade when the inquisitor just rolled up and imposed skyhold on top of whatever he was doing and he was like well sure but I hate your choice of venue.
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dragonshitlavellan · 1 month
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dragonshitlavellan · 1 month
actually I want to make a full post about this. I've known about Solas for a pretty long time but I didn't expect him to be so silly?? I love it so much. I love how genuinely lighthearted and goofy he can be (like how he'll tease an inky that romanced iron bull or his "I am grim and fatalistic, getting you into bed is just an enjoyable side benefit line) and I believe this is who he wants to be, just a man who can live life with his friends and be with his beloved. I could be reading him wrong but hell, it sounds like he's doubting his plan by the end of tresspasser it's so knife twisty. He's capable of loving and being loved but is forcing himself to be the sacrificial lamb (wolf?) In a sense.
Me and Veilguard will have words if they do my boy dirty. (Also I'm realizing epic the musicals "just a man" is such a Solas song)
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dragonshitlavellan · 1 month
i like w,hen ......... theres a Big scaresy fantasies beast ok .... and then the big beast has a litter of babies,,,., and the babeis are veryvery small . ok
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