dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
ADAPTABLE | ADVENTUROUS | affectionate | AMBITIOUS | artistic | athletic |ASSERTIVE | BEAUTIFUL|BRAVE|CHARMING | CLEVER | COMPASSIONATE |CONFIDENT | CONSIDERATE | cooperative | courteous | creative | curious | DECISIVE | dependable | DETERMINED | diplomatic | easy-going | enthusiastic | FAIR | fashionable |FORGIVING | friendly | fun-loving | funny | GENEROUS | GENTLE | HARD-WORKING | HEROIC | HONEST| hopeful | humble | imaginative | incorruptible |INTELLIGENT | INTUITIVE | inventive | jocular | LEADER | lively | loving |LOYAL | MERCIFUL | musical | observant |open-minded | optimistic | organized | outgoing | passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular | PRACTICAL |RESOURCEFUL | SELF-ASSURED | selfless | sensible | SINCERE | STRONG | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile | warm-hearted | WELL-INTENTIONED | wise | witty
absent-minded | abusive | addict |AGGRESSIVE | aimless | alcoholic | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | bigmouth | bigot | blindly obedient | BLUNT | callous | childish | CHRONIC HEROISM | clingy | clumsy | cocky | COMPETITIVE | corruptable | cowardly |cruel | cynical | delinquent | delusional | dependent | DEPRESSED | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | flaky | FRAIL | fraudulent | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | gullible | HEDONISTIC | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | IDEALIST | idiotic | ignorant | immature | IMPATIENT | incompetent | indecisive | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar| lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | NAIVE | nervous | nosy | ornery | OVERPROTECTIVE | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessmist | petty | power-hungry | PROUD | pushover | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigorous | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-martyr | shallow | sociopathic | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled |STUBBORN | tactless | temperamental | timid | tone-deaf | traitorous | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated |untrustworthy | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
TAGGING: @steelxfxathers + anyone that wants to
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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          When she mentioned -evil men- his mind wondered to his father. All the hardship he’s but his only son through. What kind of parent would mutilate their child because he didn’t fit into the social norm? His eyes narrowed at the thought, maybe she could help him stop his father and those cruel German men who made him fight for his life. He swore that he would get them back for what they did to him, used him, made him into a monster.
          “Alright, If i help you, i want to get rid of my own evil men. “ He chuckled softly, “Men who ruined me “ He said bitterly. He couldn’t exactly take get revenge on En Sabah Nur Apocalypse, since hes already got what he deserved, but his father and those cage fighting owners will be enough.
          “ What a great gig, Working for the Mother of Dragons. That alone is reward enough. But i will accept you showing me your kids. Haven’t seen them up close before “ 
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She was no murderer-- but she had a tendency to give people what they deserved; and more. 
Her interest piqued when he mentioned his own revenge on his self-proclaimed evil men, and she saw no issue in the repayment. “Deal.” It was that simple. Daenerys offers a smile: if this was what it took to make another oddity feel complete, then she would do it a hundred times... over and over again until they were content. 
“You will have many opportunities to see them, I am sure of it. But perhaps it would be nice for you to meet them personally. Shall we leave then?”
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                                      -- i am so sorry for my absence lately. i will get to replies very soon.
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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moodboard: daenerys targaryen
“I am Daenerys Stormborn and I will take what is mine with fire and blood.”
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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          His brow tilted. It was easy to call him a ‘person’. He looked like one, acted like one. Well, most of the time anyway. She wouldn’t call him that if she knew what he’s done. What he became. He’s a monster, he’s a mess. There’s no denying that.Anyone would turn away from him, he wouldn’t blame them. Maybe if he helped her he might find some sort of redemption. He didn’t redeem himself in the end of that fight like Ororo or Erik did. This might be the only chance he has. This wouldn’t be for anyone other then himself, he didn’t want to prove anything to this world. It didn’t deserve it.
          “ Some wild kids you got there, I don’t even think I’m that bad “ He smirked, he’s often been compared to a wild, untamable beast. More times then he will admit. “ So if i help you, Why exactly do you want me to do? “ He’s helped someone in their ‘glorious’ plans. That didn’t end well for him. Now he needs to know what he’s getting into.
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There were many men that Daenerys had sided with throughout the years that would call themselves ‘ evil ’, but she was never one to linger in the past. It was always about what was happening in CURRENT times; if they were loyal to her, she would be loyal back. There were no exceptions.
When he mentioned her children, a smile was offered in return. She’s always enjoyed speaking of them, and she loved seeing the reactions of people who had never seen them before. 
“ I want you to help me take back what had been stolen from me. I want you to help me rid the world of a few evil men. In return, I will give you whatever you would like. Money... power... loyalty, friends...” The list would go on. She was a very forgiving woman, and she always made sure that she returned kindness and good intentions with her own because it was hard to find it.
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                      he had loved others in the past, but they had human lifespans & had died.  only his two wives had lived longer due to his magic.  able to keep them from aging, they were by his side for centuries.  but then he was usurped, & without the supply of magic to keep them young, zahhāk concluded that they had died.  other loves had come & gone, but he found himself unable to replicate the same magic after it had been injured.  he was fated to love & loose over & over again.  
                      & he knew that with daenerys it would be the same thing.  he knew he should cut himself off now to save him the pain,  but his feet wouldn’t move.  this was a new kind of love, one he didn’t want to walk away from.  & as they kissed, & he felt her body against his,  he knew he’d be damned.  he could deal with the pain later if this is what he got now.     
                   he could feel her want for their bodies to become one, & he found himself sharing in that want.  one hand came to rest on the small of her back, the other tangled in her hair at the back of her head, pulling her closer to him.
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Feeling his heartbeat on her skin almost feels rhythmic and methodic, something that breaks the silence in the room that falls around them. She’s made love perhaps many times, and she’s been kissed multiple times RECENTLY, but it never felt like this. It was always missing the affection on her side, despite how much she allows it to happen.
Her fingers touch over the curve of his ear and down the back of his neck, only parting their lips to breathe. A semblance of a smirk reached her lips at the hand in her hair, not daring to move away. If she had her way, they’d be conjoined already.
“Tell me what you love,” Daenerys whispered; she wanted to feel the warmth that stirred in her stomach at the thought. Look at that, he turned her to putty !
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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               oh wow i suck at making graphics & i’ve never done a bias list before so pls bare with me.  so i hit 250 probably a week and a half ago, but having just moved to guam, i’ve been kinda busy & have been adding onto this little by little over the past few days.  i just wanted to say THANK YOU to every single one of my followers.  i know that original characters have their own challenges & just thank you for thinking my smol angry dragon child is good enough to follow bc honestly idk what i’m doing half the time & just hoping i seem like i do, haha.  i’ve had this blog up since february, but haven’t actually been on here until around june 1st, so getting most of these followers in a little over a month, WOW, so thank you so much & honestly i love you guys so much.
@arsnist @erkalla @intopandemonium @dxae @kveljast @wolfxbrother @huunte @wcrthyqueen @sxtekh @regiisms @feralgods @strigc @helqust @aegisofra @fcmes @violentroyalty @rhacgal @hiswar @chasteflames @heirofevolution @psythe @dragxnblooded @dracoiignis @ashcrowned​ @neckerchiefsandmagic @swordbearingmaiden @shehound @magiicly @wolfskiinned @ghxstiing @munlnn @wrxckage @dragonofstars @thrimja @vampyrc​  @loathedlineage @phoeniiixia @veryincrediblenightcrawler @urulxce @overyourhubris @wintercrowned @mortangelo @wolfixis @thelatin @rageruled @siilentsnow @kaplxn @conqueredqueen @sembiyaan @wxngedshadow @aureadraco @lcvedbythesun @littlelannisterlion @wvngless @maddragcn @exhodos @hellstail @nachzehrerr @lycanking @creatingxdragons 
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                      only silence came from his as his dark eyes looked into her violets.  how could he not trust her ?   her dreams, her wants, came true.  she brought back to life a species believed extinct.   she’d come from nothing, & now stood as queen because of her decisions & ambitions.  
                     trust, however, was not easily given by him.  he usually only relied on himself, not trusting others with their words or intentions.  only he could be sure that he’d achieve whatever it was he wanted.  & his trust in daenerys hadn’t been automatic either.   he had questioned some of her decisions, but kept quiet, wanting to see how they’d play out, & acted how she had planned.  through their victories & her ability to not let him down came the trust he now bore for her.  
                        the trust & love he had come to harbor for her in only the short time of knowing her made him want to stay by her side.  even before she offered him the title of prince,  before she confessed those three words, he’d already taken it upon himself to be her protector ;  to be by her side as long as she would allow him.  to make sure the only thing that claimed her life would be old age.   but with those words now spoken between them,  he could be more.  how much more,  he didn’t know.  but that would come later.  now all he needed to do was return those words.             ❝  —-  i love you too.  ❞
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She wonders how many times he’s done this  — got close to a mortal only to watch them wither up with old age and die in what would be a lifetime to some and in short time for himself. Or perhaps this was his first time, considering who he was so many years ago. & perhaps it won’t be the last time, either.
She doesn’t linger on it.
She also doesn’t know what to say at this very given moment-- should she say something? It’s been so long since she’s felt this way-- what do others do in this situation? Daenerys doesn’t speak in response.
Instead, her feet move to close the gap between them once more. This is something she wants so much that it almost physically hurts with the way her chest tightens as her fingers brush across his cheek. Daenerys attempts to hide just how overjoyed she was and only allowed a slight smile touch her lips before pressing them to his once more. A kiss less hesitant & more passionate than the one given before; feeling as though she could mold their bodies together as one. Physics prevented her from doing so, but instead she simply pressed against him to feel a steady heartbeat against her own.
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                      his previous joking smile turned down & sorrowful concern shown on his features. she seemed so eager in the kiss, but broken away now, regret filled her.  he didn’t reach out for her, nor counteract her.  he let her have her space.  instead, he just replied with,   ❝   why ?  ❞   
                      he didn’t regret the kiss.  actually, he found himself grateful for it.  it reawakened feelings he thought had long been buried or forgotten ;  a feeling that he had never truly felt.  as king, he had had wives before, two of them ;  stolen daughters from a neighboring kingdom that zahhāk had squashed.  he didn’t love them, though.  the love he felt for them was possessive, & only because of what he gained from them.  but, with her he felt selfless.   zahhāk had fought for her, & he had seen her strength & intelligence in her conquering of westeros.  he had been willing to give his life in this war  ( though he’d much rather have kept it )  if it meant that she sat on the iron throne. 
                       then slowly, feelings started to cultivate.  he ignored them, of course.  as queen she’d be expected to wed a noble or someone important from one of the houses ;  someone to strengthen her position or whatever. 
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 “I have many loyal men, and I have just as many loyal women at my side. But with you— you put your complete trust into everything I stood for when everyone else doubted me—” she felt as if she would be standing here for hours if she would get into the details. 
All those years ago, when her hands were stained red from the [ MURDER ] of her late husband, she had promised herself not to allow her emotions get in the way of everything else. But here she stood, with LOVE filling her chest because she had mistakenly got too close to him. What will he say when she shows him how weak she truly is? Despite the blood of the dragon, she still had the heart and the emotion of a human and there was no stopping of what was to come.
She didn’t regret the kiss -- [ oh no, she quite loved it, ] but she’s mostly ashamed of herself for not being able to hold back these conflicting thoughts. & now she needs to say something — to say [ anything ] as opposed to this silence that unsettles them. The air feels so thick that it could be suffocating, words barely suspended on air and their feet sewn to the ground.  
                                                                                           “ —I love you,”
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                      what did keep him at bay ?   RESPECT ?  FRIENDSHIP ?   at first it had been his curiosity, caused by the rumors of his kind alive again.  but as her armies & dragons progressed & claimed westeros, he could have killed her at any time & demanded that they recognize him as king. he could be sitting on the throne right now,  but the thought only brought unease to his stomach.  setting out for daenerys from the wastes of his homeland, he hadn’t known what he wanted.  perhaps to do just that ;  to claim a kingdom for himself,  but as time passed, he found himself wanting to simply stay by her side.  whether that be as a friend or simply an asset.  
                       the dragon didn’t speak as she renewed her offer, giving him the position of PRINCE.   then he kneeled before her, hair falling over his face as he looked down to his shoe.  ❝   i accept your offer, daenerystargaryen, & hope i can rule the same as you do after you pass.  ❞
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The silence that fell between them [ even if it had been for seconds -- ], she knew that she caught him in a state of being wronged. Daenerys knew what she was doing-- she had her reasonings for these types of decisions. She’d been questioned about things like this before, but NOT ONCE had it been a wrong decision. If this had been a decision that she would regret, it would be the first one in many years.
His kneeling gave her the impression that he would accept this offer, and his words only strengthened it. A smile was given here, “Thank you. That is all I ask for. To try your best.”  
𝕚 𝕠𝕨𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
       continued from { * } @ushcm
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It’s been such a long time since she’s felt this way-- something she had not felt since she was young and with child. An emotion that was red and syrupy, streaked with white and a sense of confusion which was lost in shades of grey. For a moment, she took comfort in the arms that wrapped around her waist. Far too often, the bad outweighed the good and somewhere they may have even lost sight of the supposed good. Her own arms reached to the back of his shoulders - almost unsure of who was finding comfort in who. Being pulled closer, she could feel her blood rushing to her hands and feet as she pressed her body completely against his.
She’d been told hundreds of times -- by men she thought she had cared for: ‘ I love you ‘. What did that even mean? What wayward monster had she become that she’d captivate these men and then turn her back when they confess their feelings to her?
  so tell her now, where was her fault?                            in loving him?
Taking a half step back from him, she had wished he didn’t ask that question. “I’m sorry.” Was all she could say. What else would she say? There was no way she would confess those words-- not anymore.
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                      she’s going to exile him, he thinks.  or cast him out of her chambers & demand to never see him again.  SILENCE is all there is.  his voice quiets & all that is heard is the beating of his pounding heart.  then she speaks, & his eyes rise to meet her form again.
                       ❝   what you do is expected of a ruler.   no one should dominate over the queen. no one should raise a hand to the queen.  my subjects did none of those things …  & yet i still KILLED THEM.   simply because ifelt like it.   ❞     what had happened to her,  it was terrible,  but she ROSE ABOVE it, & turned the pain she had endured into strength.   zahhāk had SUCCUMBED.   he had been afraid & angry, & that translated into violence.    ❝  they had to bind me beneath a mountain to stop my reign.  i couldn’t be killed or injured, so they stuck me in a cage where irotted for centuries.  ❞ 
                          people may change,  but his change was new.   who was there to say that it would stick, & this wasn’t just a phase ?  she said she’d cast him out, but who was there to stop him.  if he reverted back to the dragon king he once was, a simple command, her dragons & armies would not keep him at bay.      ❝  —- i fear the monster i can become if such power is given to me.  ❞
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“You HAVE all the power in your hands right now as we speak. Tell me, what is holding you back from killing me and taking over, right here, right now?” she elaborated just as firmly, emphasis on each word as it was spoken carefully with conviction. The Queen, she saved the world with her decisions. Something that far outweighed her family’s mistakes. But he — he destroyed half of the world, killing thousands of innocent people. Had they not this friendship between them, whatever was left of it that hadn’t been forsaken, she would be something he would have killed so many years ago. 
“...Zahhāk,” The name escaped her in a  breath when she was at a loss for words. They were there — at the tip of her tongue, but refusing to be spoken. 
“Then you will not have the power and remain PRINCE until I die. I do not have human children, and I never will. Who will take after me when I am gone? If this decision was a mistake, then I am at fault and I am a fool. But I will only live for so long when you can live longer. My reign is bound to end, the bloodline stops at myself. I am putting trust into your loyalty and this newfound personality you’ve developed, and I am asking you to give yourself a chance.” 
𝕚 𝕠𝕨𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
@dragxnblooded liked a thing
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          Yara smiled at the white haired women before her. She would admit she was rather skeptical when she first heard the stories of Daenerys and her ‘children’. She would have to see them with her own eyes to believe it, and the Iron born was certainly not disappointed. Dragons were truly breath taking creatures. She almost wanted to touch one of them. Her brother had a very different reaction to them. Nearly being scared shitless. Yara wasn’t surprised in the slightest at his reaction. He’s been skittish ever since he got back from his imprisonment with that Ramsay Snow. She would never give him the pleasure of calling him a Bolton.
          “ So, Whats your plan once you take the throne? Taking Kings landing would be easy but the North is a different story. They work differently. “ Yara took a sip of her ale. None of that girly wine. “ I hope you have a plan to take the North, It’s big place and we’re rather useless when it comes to battle on land “ Sure they were strong fighters, but they are stronger on the sea.
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There was nothing she enjoyed more than witnessing another woman who desired power. A woman that rejected societal norms, such as herself. It’s the reason why she could not stop smiling at her as she relaxed a few inches in front of her. 
It was even more satisfying to see the BROTHER the weaker one, the one that had been forced into submission.
“I am simply taking what is rightfully mine, and I will not fall as my father had. Once I have King’s Landing, then plans will be rearranged to conquer the rest.” She stated, and she was going to leave it at that. Although they were now allies, she had to be careful as to what she speaks of. “You must know the North better than anyone, what would your plan be?”
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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                      he may have changed recently, but for the majority of his life, zahhāk had been self-serving.  who’s to say that once the crown was placed upon his head, that he wouldn’t revert back to that ?   —- she said that he was free of judgement,  but he feared that she’d not want him by her side any longer once she had heard who he had been.  
                       ❝   who i am now, is new.   he was born when i met you on the seaside & you offered me a position by your side.   centuries before then,  i was a king.  i ruled the land east of essos.   ❞     he pauses, & his mouth turns down into a frown as anger fills his words. he’s not going to sugar coat it or make it sound as if he were in the wrong.    ❝  would you like to know how i became king ?   i was prince.  first in line for the throne, but my father was young.  he could have ruled for decades longer.    —-  i killed him …   i dug a pit in his favorite leisure spot & he fell in & he died.  it was deemed an accident, & i was crowned.  ❞    emotions raged through him ;  anger, fear, embarrassment.  he didn’t deserve to be king along side her.  he didn’t deserve to even serve her.   sure, a demon had convinced him to do this, but zahhāk had done it.  he had shoved his fingers into the earth with vigor, a picture in his mind of himself on the throne.
                         ❝   i was cursed soon after i was crowned.  a demon kissed my hands & with that the infection spread. the black scales i wear as a dragon started to grow over my human skin.  i summoned every physician in attempt to remove them, but nothing worked.  finally, one arrived with a solution ;  to bathe my infected skin in human blood.   —- i had my soldiers take a man off the street every day & i bathed in their life’s blood.  i did this for months, killing dozens.  it didn’t work, though.  soon enough the scales covered my entire form & then my body started to morph into the beast you know now.  i am no longer human, though i may look it.  it is dragon’s blood that runs through these veins.  it was my people & other kingdoms that felt the repercussions of what i had become.  i was angry & fearful at what i had become …  i killed mercilessly, & most of the time, there was no reason for it.  i would devour my subjects simply because i would get annoyed at them or they would make the simplest mistake.   ❞  
                            he had stopped looking at her long ago, not wanting to see her reaction.  zahhāk new he had been wrong, & knew he was better now that he had met her,  but he was still a dragon.  a creature of fire & blood & fury & tyranny.  what dragon could rule justly ?
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"Zahhāk — " She attempts to cut him off, but it’s lost to her. There’s a word tacked on to the end of his name. A word she can’t bring herself to say because she knows this isn’t going to play out like she wants it to. Daenerys had never been good at accepting things lying down; this isn’t an exception. She’d sensed hesitation laced in his words. [ Though perhaps it’s within her own mind it’s hesitant. ]  Daenerys didn’t want him to continue-- because she didn’t CARE about what he had done-- she had made allies with evil men before. 
But she allowed him to speak, listening to each and every word that passed those lips, noticing the lack of eye contact he was giving her. A tension crackles in everything they’re not saying. Negative, positive— does it matter? 
Finding it useless to stand around any longer if he does not wish to look at her, Daenerys saunters to the window as she makes herself a glass of wine. Whether she was looking for Drogon or simply finding a way to rest uneasy legs, it’s not known. It’s not annoyance she’s feeling. When his words finally stopped, that’s when she turned her head to face him again. Silence lingers in the gap between them until Daenerys breaks it.
 “ Years ago, I stood beside my brother. A boy who RAPED me, who ABUSED me, and who would threaten to kill me himself if I dared to disobey. Years ago, I would not speak unless spoken to and I would tremble and cry if someone raised a hand to me. “ Daenerys began. “ I watched as my husband burnt my brother alive with hot gold. I set a witch on fire and I felt joy as she screamed. I will cut the hands off of anyone that dares to raise them at me, and I will no longer allow myself to be spoken down to by any MAN that attempts to prove his dominance over me. “
She is sure that he is wondering what this all has to do with him-- what does this have to do with his story? It’s when she speaks again when the answers follow. “ People change. DRAGONS change. And if you do not believe this, then I will MAKE SURE you remain righteous, or you will be exiled by myself to remain alone once more. I have hope for you. Dragons are not monsters, or I would be one as well. ”
𝕚 𝕠𝕨𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦
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dragxnblooded-blog · 8 years
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asoiaf meme ♕ [2/3] houses » House Targaryen
Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.
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