Happy Birthday, Sensei Lloyd!!
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I usually don't post my sketches because they're ugly and so different from my finished artworks, but I had to scramble something together for my beloved darling's big day 🥹💚 get some rest, Master!
Also for the people who can spot my Northern Lights easter egg; I love you ♡
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missing pieces - voxtrot
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finally got caught up on ninjago and started on the dragons rising seasons, pure joy in lego form
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All ninja dogified designs
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+ garmadon and wu!
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drainingsunflower115 · 2 months
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All right decided to make them all.
Three or so generations of EM. Aaron (earth) and Rin(Ice) are not canon names, they are unnamed in the show.
Electra (Lightning), Yule(Ice), Solaris (Fire), Kai (Water) are my OC.
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drainingsunflower115 · 2 months
arin and ras are out in the wilds when they find and welcome back an unexpected teammate.
word count: 1556
Arin sighed and speared another strange fruit with his stick. Its juice spilled down the branch, and he angled it away so it didn’t drip onto his hands. He frowned and held it over the fire, watching the way its skin sizzled and roasted. 
It was the fourth day of being out in the wilds with Ras. The tiger had reclaimed his hammer and was scrubbing its surface with a spare shred of cloth Arin had volunteered from his gi. His ear turned towards Arin, listening to the fruit cook.
They were tired, to be honest. With Ras having lost all his companions, and Arin abandoning his, they were on their own together. It sucked, and it left them to survive in the wilds with nothing but pure skill and luck, but they were alive. For now, that’s all that mattered.
Arin decided the fruit was roasted enough and handed the stick over to Ras. His nose twitched, smelling the fruit nearby, and he wordlessly turned and took the branch. His chuff was thanks enough. 
“You’re sure you can eat it?” Arin asked, raising an eyebrow. “Aren’t you a carnivore?”
“Obligate carnivore,” Ras corrected. “We have seen very few animals, and have hunted fewer. I will take whatever food I am able to, in this circumstance.”
“As long as you’re not gonna die from eating that,” Arin shrugged, going back to his own dinner - a weird squash-like vegetable that smelled like wet mud and pumpkin. It, too, was roasted over the fire, and tasted something similar to eggplant, but sweeter, and with a coarser texture.
They ate their dinners in silence. Arin chewed on his lip when his squash was gone. Ras had taught him how to hunt for animals recently, which Arin was not very good at, but he hadn’t done anything to tell him about his parents. A little hint of doubt crept into his mind. What if Ras was lying? What if he didn’t actually know where his parents were, and he wasn’t gonna even teach him anything useful?
No, he decided. They were both just focusing on survival right now. Besides, even if he did turn his back on Ras now, where would he go? His parents are gone, the ninja definitely wouldn’t want him back when he betrayed them like he did (though he wouldn’t want to go back to them anyways), and he didn’t want to wander the Merged Realms forever until he died. That seemed pointless.
So Arin only had Ras right now. He could trust Ras. Cuz there’s nowhere else he could go.
A branch breaking startled him out of his thoughts, and he was immediately up in a fighting position in the direction of the noise. Ras, too, had gotten up, ears pressed back and growling low in his throat, tail lashing.
Out from behind a grove of trees flashed something blue. “Who’s there?” Arin yelled. 
And when the figure shakily stepped out from the trees, Arin and Ras straightened up in surprise. Because there was Jay, the Blue Ninja, scowling and holding his arms.
“Walker,” Ras growled, getting out of his fighting stance. His fur lay flatter on his body. “What are you doing here?”
“You sent me away,” Jay grimaced. “I was out here, wandering, thinking about what to do, when I heard something over here and… well…” He gestured at the two of them and their fire. He chuckled. “I was just about ready to return to the Administration when I felt my powers return to me.” 
Lightning crackled around his hand, illuminating his face in the darkness. His eyes seemed to glow an unnatural color until the lightning faded away.
Ras tilted his head and stepped forward, towards the ex-ninja. Jay immediately cowered and ducked his head. “I’m sorry for failing you, Lord Ras! You were right, that damned ninja was trying to get into my head, and for a moment, it almost worked. That weakness cost me.”
“That it did, Jay,” Ras stated unkindly. “I sent you away for you to clear your head. I had expected you to have a longer lasting impact on the ninja, but… in retrospect, perhaps they would have corrupted you further, if given the chance. They were very determined to convince you of their lies.”
“It won’t happen again, Lord Ras. Next time, I won’t be as lenient,” Jay continued, head still bowed. His eyes flashed red. “I’ll finish her off next time.”
Ras looked thoughtful for a moment, tail swishing and head tilted. Arin frowned and looked at the former ninja. Jay used to be the joke-slinging, fun Blue Ninja, fearless in the face of combat and doing it all with a smile behind his mask. This… wasn’t Jay. Not the Jay that the world used to know. His amnesia really screwed with him, huh…
Eventually, Ras huffed and nodded. “You are the only one of my men that still remains. All the rest are either under the control of those Forbidden Five, or are too far to reach now.”
“A-and the Gong of Shattering?” Jay asked, looking up at Ras. 
“With them, presumably.”
Either Arin was really bad at reading expressions, or Jay looked… disappointed at that. That face was immediately drowned by one of hope. “Then…”
“You may stay with Arin and I,” Ras decided. “None of us have much else to do.”
Jay bowed quickly, nearly folding himself in half. “Thank you, Lord Ras. I won’t disappoint you again!”
“Good,” Ras smiled. “See to it that you don’t.”
As Ras walked away, it let Jay see Arin, as if for the first time. They blinked at each other for a second before Jay’s face scrunched up suspiciously. “Aren’t you one of those ninja brats?”
Arin tried not to scowl. “Nope. Not anymore. Not since they betrayed and lied to me.”
“Yea, they’ll do that,” Jay nodded. “You’re training under Lord Ras now?”
“He’s done a better job at training me than Lloyd so far,” Arin shrugged. He was past the point of caring about his so-called heroes. He looked over the former ninja, dressed up in the wolf warrior regalia typical for Ras’ lackeys, but with a few more embellishments. Personalized, almost. “You… don’t remember the ninja at all, then?” Arin continued.
“Am I supposed to?” Jay raised an eyebrow. It was his notched one. That was always one of Jay’s signature traits, alongside his freckles and striking color. 
“You had fought them at some point prior to your amnesia,” Ras spoke up from where he had sat back down. His hammer was in his lap. “Or, so I assume.”
As Jay scoffed, saying something about how the ninja were stupid for trying to worm into his brain like that, Arin stopped to think about this.
Jay used to be a ninja. He may not remember any of it, or want to remember it, but he was still a strong fighter. And, if he could play his cards right with Ras, a good additional teacher. If Ras taught Jay how to fight, then Jay could give him some further tips. And, well, they both hated the ninja right now, and looked up to Ras for guidance. Despite it all, Jay was the best ally one could ask for in their current circumstances.
Ignoring the fact that the Gong of Shattering definitely did something to Jay’s morality. One gong probably didn’t hurt too much, right?
And… Jay used to be Agent Walker - the Manager of the Realm Reassignment division. If anyone knew where Arin’s parents were, it’d be Jay.
As the ex-ninja moved to sit by the fire, Arin hurried to sit next to him. Maybe he didn’t have to abandon all his former heroes. He’ll keep this one. “Hey, Jay?”
“Hm?” Jay hummed in question, grabbing a fruit from the pile Arin had gathered and biting into it raw (and making a face when it tasted like mush, as all of those fruits do). 
“When… when you worked at the Administration,” he frowned, fiddling his hands together, “did you happen to see my parents?”
Jay swallowed his bite of fruit down and raised an eyebrow. “Uh?”
“They look like me,” Arin added. “Black hair, dark eyes - Dad has a bit of a beard, Mom’s hair was short…”
He trailed off, but Jay gave an unsure snort. “Kid, if I remembered every single person who came by the department, I think I could easily replace the first two decades of my life with that. My memory’s bad enough as is.”
Arin tried not to sound too disappointed when he sighed. “Oh…”
As if sensing he made a mistake, Jay clicked his tongue. “Gimme enough time, I’ll try to remember. Two humans, short black hair, look like you, gotcha.”
“You’d try and remember?” Arin asked hopefully. He hoped his relief was evident on his face. 
Jay rolled his eyes. “Yea, yea. Least I can do for my teammate.” He gave Arin a once-over. “You don’t look like a half-bad fighter. Lemme finish up this fruit and let’s spar.”
Arin grinned. “Sure!”
He looked over at Ras, who nodded his approval. He got up and started doing stretches. He was one step closer to finding his parents. And, maybe, siding with Ras and Jay for the long run wasn’t such a horrible idea after all.
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drainingsunflower115 · 2 months
"Garmpa we all say in Union"
Random shit that randomly spawn in my head. So lets just say Lloyd adopt Sora and Arin ok? Headcannon.(Let me live) And they shouldnt call Garmadon grandpa or papa or whatever but Garmpa.
I am sorry guys I know this is random but I just wanted to post smth😭
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drainingsunflower115 · 2 months
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arin doodle! still practicing humans...
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drainingsunflower115 · 2 months
GUYYYYSSSSSS Here's my Ninjagi Height Headcanons !!!!
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Shortest to Tallest !!:
Kai - 167 cm (5ft 6in)
Jay - 172 cm (5ft 8in)
Nya - 177 cm (5ft 10in)
Lloyd - 180 cm (5ft 11in)
Cole - 190 cm (6ft 3in)
Zane - 193 cm (6ft 4in)
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Oh and Morro
Morro - 185 cm (6ft 1in)
Gonna post Pixals later once I have her design !!! (I've procrastinated it for way to long okay I will do theirs I swear)
Also I'll do the DR kids and villians and stuff later as well when I have their designs cuz I haven't done them yet either - 😃
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drainingsunflower115 · 2 months
GUYYYYSSSSSS Here's my Ninjagi Height Headcanons !!!!
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Shortest to Tallest !!:
Kai - 167 cm (5ft 6in)
Jay - 172 cm (5ft 8in)
Nya - 177 cm (5ft 10in)
Lloyd - 180 cm (5ft 11in)
Cole - 190 cm (6ft 3in)
Zane - 193 cm (6ft 4in)
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Oh and Morro
Morro - 185 cm (6ft 1in)
Gonna post Pixals later once I have her design !!! (I've procrastinated it for way to long okay I will do theirs I swear)
Also I'll do the DR kids and villians and stuff later as well when I have their designs cuz I haven't done them yet either - 😃
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drainingsunflower115 · 3 months
What if dragons rising took a toh route with Arin?
So I was brainrotting Abt toh last night and that got me thinking, what if dragons rising took a toh route with Arin? So in toh luz FUCKING DIES but then gets powers from the Titan himself, And gets a Titan form what if that happens but with Arin!!!
what if he'll get powers but for a short amount of time and even a dragon form (not like the ones in crystallized) from what though??? Maybe a source dragon, or another theory that I personally liked is that Arin will win the tournament and maybe get rewarded with some kind of dragon power? Either way I think it's a really cool concept to think about I can't wait for part two!!!
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drainingsunflower115 · 3 months
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drainingsunflower115 · 3 months
Jordana is the most lesbian character ever
You cant tell me different! 😤
some of dragons rising characters' queer hcs <3
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sora (she/cat)
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arin (he/them)
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wyldfyre (any)
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euphrasia (she/they)
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geo (they/he)
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bonzle (she/her)
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percival (he/him)
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cinder (he/they/xe)
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jordana (they/she)
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drainingsunflower115 · 3 months
Song is Talentless by Chai :3c don’t listen to it if u don’t want Danganronpa 2 spoilers. On another note, WOW. IM NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN BECAUSE THIS TOOK FOUR HOURS. Halfway through editing this, I realized I didn’t like how I placed the lyrics and had to change it... and capcut doesn’t have the thing where lyrics show up on time so I had to do it all BY HAND. And my tablet ran out of storage halfway through 😭😭 I’ll post again in like two weeks (let this post marinate for a bit yk) and I think y’all will like the angst 😈😈😈😈😈
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drainingsunflower115 · 3 months
my daily thoughts
sora ninjago
arin ninjago
sora ninjago
arin ninjago
sora ninjago
arin ninjago
sora ninjago
arin ninjago
sora ninjago
arin ninjao
sora ninjgo
arin ninblago
sora ninblegof
arin ninjergo
sora ninregoi
arin ninierfo
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drainingsunflower115 · 3 months
It's actually so over for arin....
i thought the new tournament would let everyone participate but i was wrong, so how is arin gonna get in? bc from the set leak he cleary has his his tournament outfit..well ik set isnt rlly canon but cmon
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drainingsunflower115 · 4 months
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The sudden and violently intense urge to draw older Arin and Sora overtook me, so here I am post midnight on a schoolday, sillying my way through life. But at least I have my now older children with me <3
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