drama-cats2468 · 18 hours
Per your latest reblog, how does Skyclan feel about tattoos? I'm assuming similar to Thunderclan, but I wonder about what specifically they do with tattoos? Are they more likely to get a certain kind because many of them are from outside the clans originally?
Old skyclan had their own tattoo rules. All members of Skyclan get a tattoo of their clan symbol and their name next to their hearts, marking them as a warrior of Skyclan. This tradition started with Clear Sky as a kind of gang symbol type of thing. However, as time passed, it became more of a mark of honor and a way to identify bodies.
Modern Skyclan does not have this tradition as there was no way of Firestar or Sandstorm to know it, and Skywatcher never got one. Their views on tattoos are much in line with Thunderclan's. Some warriors have tattoos, and some don't. It left to the warrior's preference.
Their main difference is their medicine folk. Modern Skyclan don't let their medicine folk get tattoos opposed to the other clans that have heavily tattooed medicine folk. This is due to Skyclan being heavily influenced by the culture of outsiders. The outsiders don't think holy people should be, so neither should Medicine folk. Fire and Sand tried to explain ita a spiritual thing, the new skyclanners still didn't buy into it.
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drama-cats2468 · 1 day
Human au headcannons- Tattoos
All clans have their own traditions and superstitions regarding tattoos
Tattoos are created via bone needles with ink made of charcoal, ash and other minerals added
Medicine cats tattoo warriors
•Similar to Hawaiian tattoos, they are given huge tattoos for new achievements they earn as warriors
•the best warriors are those that have full sleeves
•they like to mock Windclan for their markless skin, think Thunderclan's tattoos are disrespectful, and easily misinterpret Shadowclan's tattoos for honor marks instead of punishment
•Apprentices have no tattoos
• tattoos are only for those that break the code or disgraced themselves
•Cheaters risk getting a tattoo of their spouse's choice if their affair is discovered
•the former Tigerclan members bear the Tigerclan symbol over their hearts as a reminder of their past mistakes
•Dark Forest trainees bear a black star over heart
• Warriors who are heavily tattooed are distusted and seen as villainous. Bare skinned warriors are more likely to be deputized
•they are confused and annoyed by Thunderclan tattoo fashion
•thanks to being so close to the outsider villiages for so long, they picked up their attitude about tattoos
• tattoos are more of a fashion statement. They are not required at all and only hold as much meaning as the warrior give them
•tattoos are not seen as bad, but being that Thunderclan is sandwiched between River and Shadow, being heavily tattooed is seen as looking Dangerous or scary
•the other clans dislike their lack of sacrament to tattoos
•apprentices are only allowed tattoos if their parents give the okay
• During Jayfeather's duty, the clan had to get Leafpool or Alderheart for tattoos (Jay still jokingly offers)
• tattoos are a no go unless you are the leader or medicine folk
• leaders get huge, elaborate tattoos across their backs upon ascending as a symbol of their connection to Starclan
• Upon coming to the lake, Mudclaw got a huge tat to undermine Onestar's rule
• Mudclaw's uprising started a trend of young warriors and apprentices secretly getting small tattoos where no one but their lovers would see. They are usually really bad since they are given by other teens
-Breezepelt was one of these teens. His got infected and he was stuck in the med hut for an entire week.
Medicine folk
•med folk are typically heavily tatted reguaress of clan
•Med folk often bear facial tattoos
•notable untattooed/under tattoed med folk
-Runningnose (allergic to the ink)
-Mothwing (stopped getting tattoos bc losing faith)
-Alderheart (fainted after 1st heart tattooed, too scared to continue)
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drama-cats2468 · 8 months
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I love how in the new warrior s book, firestar comes back to life for the soul purpose of giving the viewer a reminder THAT PALESTINE IS STILL YET TO BE FREED!!!!!FREE PALESTINE AND DEMAND CEASEFIRE
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drama-cats2468 · 10 months
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drama-cats2468 · 1 year
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drama-cats2468 · 1 year
A woman whose epilepsy was greatly improved by an experimental brain implant was devastated when, just two years after getting it, she was forced to have it removed due to the company that made it going bankrupt.
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drama-cats2468 · 1 year
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Thunderclan houses!
Certain warriors specialize in carpentry as a second clan role on top of their warriors duties. Brackenfur and Dustpelt consider themselves artists.
Apprentices and unmarried warriors all live in the long house until they either get married or get rewarded housing rights for a courageous feat. Chores are handled by apprentices, but everyone is responsible for their own quarters
Many young warriors unwisely try to get married as soon as they can to get out the long house, but the elders will call them out on it.
Private houses are allowed to be customized by the owners, but there will be scrutinizing from their peers. Berrynose once painted his house bright green and everyone called him Pukeboy until he repainted.
The meeting hall host group meals and meetings. It has a full kitchen and room for seating. The whole clan eats together. Cooking duties are rotated, but elders tend to take leading roles as they enjoy it
The medicine cabin has 2 floors and a basement. The top floor is the medicine folks private area. Ground floor is the hospital area and where herbs are stored. The basement stores most of the clans' emergency supplies.
The basement also has secret tunnels that lead across the forest and connect to other medicine folk's tunnels. There is rumors that the tunnels were used to dispose of diseased bodies
There is a herb garden outside the medicine cabin. The medicine folk are in charge of tending to the garden (if they are bad at it, then warriors who specialize in farming help). Jayfeather was really good at gardening. Sometimes he and briatlight would sit in the garden together and chat.
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
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Been thinking about this for a while and finally made a chart
please feel free to add more lol
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
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spottedleaf design (2021)
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
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please be nice to toddlers
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
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Sorry for not posting in a hot minute, care for some anthro Warrior Cats?
Bonus sketch:
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
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thinking about how the only thing to bring joy to Yellowfang's life was fire and cinder and how that's also the last thing she ever saw
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
ive been sending my apprentice on dangerous quest because i fucking hate him and want him to die, ive told the guy to retrieve rare rock salts out of active volcanos and to take the neck bones from venomous frost giants, yknow impossible stuff, and he completes every task unharmed without fail, its really pissing me off, i think im just gonna bludgeon him when he walks through the door
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
To be clear- Cinderpelt finding a new sense of purpose and direction as a medicine cat OF HER OWN FREE WILL after suffering a life-changing injury is not ableism. Firestar constantly feeling sorry for her when she's clearly happy and lamenting the fact that she never got to be a Warrior every time she so much as crosses his line of sight is ableism.
Briarlight being physically unable to preform traditional Warrior duties and finding other things that she can do around camp that make her feel good about herself as a contributing member of her community is not ableism (though they really should've explored it more). Millie explicitly saying that Jayfeather keeping her daughter alive is only prolonging her suffering and that she will always have an "incomplete" life is ableism.
Longtail choosing to retire to the elders den early because he feels unable to comfortably preform his Warrior duties after the loss of his sight is not ableism. Jayfeather being told his blindness means he has no other choice but to become a medicine cat and then being bullied into it by the adults in his life and even his ancestors, despite the fact that he states again and again that he wants to be a Warrior, is ableism.
Disabled characters existing, and not being able to do all of the things that fully abled characters can do is not the problem, and rewriting them to be able to do everything able bodied warriors can is not the solution. The problem is denying disabled characters agency, refusing to accept that they can find happiness and fulfillment in non-traditional roles in Clan life, and treating their lives as though they are somehow diminished by their disabilities.
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
"have you given them names?" crookedstar's voice is soft, distant - graystripe wouldn't have heard him if it weren't for how cramped riverclan's nursery is.
mosspelt is fast asleep, the two kittens curled at her side; graystripe feels a deep stab in his chest when he realizes that he's still expecting to see silverstream there instead, with the life they should have had together.
"i....did," graystripe knows that by now, crookedstar has decided to not be outright hostile to him anymore - his grief over silverstream is too overwhelming. but graystripe can't help but be cautious, afraid of one misstep ending in him being exiled from riverclan and away from his son and daughter.
crookedstar turns to look at him, his green eyes questioning; he stares for a few moments, before gesturing for graystripe to speak.
"i named the molly featherkit," he murmurs, twitching his whiskers. "her....she has this fluffy little tail, and we....silverstream and i, she liked the sound of it. it just kind of fit."
"featherkit," crookedstar repeats, turning the name over in his mind. graystripe waits for the hiss, the annoyance that he didn't ask crookedstar for his thoughts on any names - but the tom doesn't seem angry at all. mostly just sad. "featherkit. that's a good name."
"and the boy...," graystripe looks at his son, tilting his head. "silverstream....she told me that if we had a son, she wanted to name him stormkit. that was the only name she kept saying - he has to be named stormkit. and....i really like it; it fits him, with his coat and all..." graystripe blinks. "so his name is stormkit. she wanted him to have that."
crookedstar is silent for a long time; graystripe frowns, turning to look at the old tomcat, to see crookedstar's face tight with emotion, staring down at little stormkit.
"crookedstar?" graystripe whispers, frowning. "did i..."
"she wanted to name him that?" crookedstar asks, his voice soft and broken. he turns to look at graystripe, and graystripe can see the mixture of emotions - grief and heartbreak, but a little bit of what seems like joy as well. surprise, even.
"yeah," graystripe says, confused. "do you..." graystripe blinks. "do you like it?"
"that's a good name for him," crookedstar says, nodding. "it's perfect."
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
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drama-cats2468 · 2 years
warrior cats is so fucking buckwild because like. you have 3 - 8 authors working on this thing at any given time, and unlike other major series with multiple authors under one pen name, like nancy drew, there’s really no effort made to hide it and it’s just common knowledge that erin hunter is multiple women arguing with each other and their publisher and editor via their cat ocs. it’s basically game of thrones with cats. soap operas with cats. each arc is 6 books long and none of them are fully planned out or outlined in advance. the authors apparently never fucking talk to each other, because books routinely fail to agree on the characters’ ages, families, or appearances. there’s a grammar error in pretty much every book and continuity is tied up in knots. at some point you just have to quit thinking about the timeline. again, there are 3 - 8 authors working on this series and yet they have no series bible, and even the authors admit to using the fan wiki to fact-check details of their own series. virtually no fan has read every book and you’re not really expected to because between the “main” series and all the supplementary material, there are over 80 books and it’s still going. even most fans will agree it’s not exactly good writing, in terms of money, this is one of the most successful book series ever made. and it’s about cats.
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