dramasierraw · 4 years
Jordan laughed, placing a hand over her heart. “You flatter me so when you say stuff like that,” she loved Sierra’s daughter with her whole heart. She treated them both like family. Because they were. “You know I’d never mind givin’ her life advice,” though she really didn’t have much experience in the department of life. “Or at least try, you know I haven’t gone out and done a ton,” she laughed, shaking her head, “But can help her keep a good head on her shoulders.”
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Sierra laughed a little looking at her for a moment, “That’s what I am here for. I am the best friend you could ever ask for and you know I love you.” She smiled for a moment and smiled, “Well at least she can go to her Auntie Jordan for the best advice ever.” She smiled for a moment looking over at her, “Well I am sure you will give the best advice to her. She is going to need it.” She laughed for a moment looking at her for a moment. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“she’s nice to me and the girl is pretty interesting. she keeps my attention anyways and it’s just weird, you know? i never felt such a connection during the first conversation but me and her, we just clicked.” travis admitted. he pursed his lips and thought for a moment, “i don’t know. i don’t think it makes you a bad mom but you definitely should’ve told him beforehand.”
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Sierra sighed for a moment and smiled over at her best friend, “Well that is good, I am very glad to hear that. I hope things work out for you. Just please don’t forget about me. Or at least Kiera, she misses you, you know.” She laughed a little looking over at him for a moment and sighed, “I know I should have and I hate myself for not. I guess I can’t change the past. Sierra’s my world and I love her so much.” 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
davis nodded, “which is good. it wouldn’t be a good party if everyone wasn’t having fun.” he pointed out with a small laugh and then pushed his fingers through his hair. “i like it. me and hadley,” he paused nodding toward the girl from across the room who he was sure she would know from school, “we’re having a blast. what about you?”
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Sierra looked over at him for a moment, “Yeah for sure we do love a good party. Or I mean I do at least.” She laughed a little looking for a moment, “Oh that must be nice, is this like your first date or something?” She asked smiling over at him, “That is good. Yeah I came alone but having a great time. You know we should hangout more outside of work. I feel like I should for sure I need to start making an effort with the people who work in the same place.” She laughed a little as she took a sip of her drink for a moment. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
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ANNIE MURPHY and CATHERINE O’HARA for the Hudson’s Bay “A Call to Joy” campaign
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dramasierraw · 4 years
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“no, don’t pull that bull shit on me sierra.” grant somewhat fumbled on his words, but every word he said, he felt wholeheartedly. “sure, maybe he wouldn’t have liked it, but it would’ve been better to tell him about a grand daughter that you KNEW was his.” he snapped back at her. not that he wanted to get into a big fight with sierra at thte halloween party, but the alcohol was never a good mix with his anger. “you know what i’m not sure what i would’ve done, but at least i would know i have a daughter. who knows what would’ve happened sierra, but you took that choice away from me by not telling me.” he said, shaking his haid. “how do you know i’m the father? i don’t know who else you were sleeping around with!” grant shouted. but immediately after, he knew he messed up by saying that. that was something grant back then would’ve said, and ironically maybe she was right by not telling him back then. “wait sierra that’s not what i meant…”
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Sierra stood there for a moment, she couldn’t even be bothered, she was fed up, she knew she had done the wrong thing but she didn’t need him telling her that as well. “Listen Mr Know it all. I know I should have told you. I also know you deserved to know. I was selfish, and I know it. Do you not think I feel bad that I didn’t tell my daughters dad that he was her father. I don’t need you to make me feel worse then I have the past six years.” She shouted at him as she wiped the tears that started to fall down her face for a moment. She wanted to turn away and never see him again, “What are you trying to say? I’m a whore or something?” She sighed looing at him, wanting to slap him, “I know because when i slept with you, it was the first time in 2 months and then after you I didn’t sleep with anyone for at least a few months. So she is yours.” She shouted before turning around kicking the floor for a moment. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“sabrina. sabrina elliot.” he answered. travis pursed his lips a little and nodded slowly, “i mean, that’s your decision. are you telling him because you have liquid courage in your system?”
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Sierra smiled, “Oh I don’t know if I have spoken to her before but I am sure she is nice or I have spoken to her and I don’t remember. But as long as you’re enjoy it.” She smiled looking over at the guy for a moment. Shrugging, she smiled for a moment, “I might be, well mainly yes.” She sighed looking over at him, “Do you think I am a bad mom for not trying to tell him earlier on in life?” She sighed. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
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honestly grant was in such a drunk haze he couldn’t remember how much he drank, however he does recall the thing he had for sierra, though breif, still great from what he remembered. and here she was recalling that night. “yeah, i can’t really forget it…” grant started out saying the last thing he thought she would say. that suddenly, he felt as sober as a judge and his face fell serious. “wait… what?” he asked, rubbing his temples together, making sure it wasn’t his drunk haze that was saying all of this. “you’re serious? like completely serious?” he asked, before finally looking up at her. though he could feel the dizziness come back to his face, so he found a nearby chair to sit down on, before he fell over himself. “you’re telling me i’m a dad?” he asked, putting his face in his hands, still not believing the words coming out of his mouth. and then a suddent sense of anger washed over him. “and you didn’t tell me for six years?” he said, more aggressively, looking up at the blonde. “i’m not exactly to get a hold of sierra, my dad’s the fucking pastor after all, you could’ve i don’t know, given him a call?” he spat, as he stood up, finally able to gain some balance and able to look at her. “sierra are you sure she’s even mine? it was so long ago. i have to get a paternity test to at least see. i just, why didn’t you tell me a long time go?”
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Sierra stood there and bit her lip for a moment as she ran a hand through her hair for a moment, she didn’t know how to react when she stood there and saw him react to the news, she knew it was going to be intense, she knew it was going to be tough and part of her wished that she just kept it to herself. Maybe Travis was right not to tell him there. She sighed, “Yes you’re a dad and yes it is you. I got it right. I haven’t forgotten just because I well never told you.” She sighed looking down for a moment, “First of all did you want your dad just to know we randomly slept together and you got me pregnant? Also what would you have done Grant? given up on your plans to come back?” She snapped, “You do not need a paternity test, it’s the truth, why would I just make up some bullshit? I know who her dad is and who I slept with.” She snapped at him. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“Sometimes I wish I was that way,” she laughed in the small admittance. Though, she knew that the end of the day, she would never be able to be that way. It simply wasn’t who she was as a person. If Jordan was going to sleep with someone, there was a high chance she already had feelings for them or absolutely would develop feelings for them. Even with a drunken hook up. It was not her best character trait, but it wasn’t exactly her worst either. “Of course,” she shook her head at Sierra, “I mean, what else are best friends for.”
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Sierra glanced over at the girl for a moment, she knew the girl wasn’t like her and she wished she could take advice from the girl, because maybe she would be settled down with someone right now. She laughed, “Nothing wrong with not being that way.” She nodded looking over at the girl as she took a sip of her drink for a moment and laughed a little as she nodded, “Good that is what I like to hear.” She laughed a little looking, “Maybe you should be Kiera’s role model.” 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
Adrienne was a little out of her depth. She was new in town and could barely recognize anyone on a good day, much less when they were dressed up in costumes. She was supposed to meet someone by the exit but couldn’t seem to find out if they’d even arrived because she had yet to see them in the crowd. It had been a feat to get to the bar with free hands and the route to the exit proved to be even harder as she continuously bumped into patrons. When she side stepped to avoid a group of zombies, the brunette gasped when her shoulder collided with another. “Shit, shit! I’m sorry. Did I get any on you?” She asked, hoping the blue liquid hadn’t stained her costume. 
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Sierra was at the party with a friend who she hadn’t seen for a while but they had always get along. Being child free for the night was something she really enjoyed and she was glad to have a night to herself. As she was about to walk to the bar she felt herself bump into someone, she laughed a little before nodding at her, “It’s totally fine, no need to be sorry, we all have these moments.” She smiled and looked at her outfit, “A little but don’t worry it matches my costume so it’s all good. Where were you heading?” 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“Well, let’s see– I signed up for my first year when I was fourteen which would have been twenty-nine years ago. So, since 1991!” Atticus chuckled. It made him feel old just even talking about it with the blonde. “I don’t know,” he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “If you want pictures I’m sure you could find them at the school,” he mused. “And, yes. I did get the role, kind of. I got under study and it happened that the last night of showing the main role got sick and I had my chance to portray him. It was like liquid luck! Though, I was sure that I was going to vomit from being too nervous. What about you? What plays or musicals did you participate in back in school?”
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Sierra laughed a little, “Okay but I just can’t believe you used to act.” She laughed a little looking over at him for a moment, “Can I?” She exclaimed for a moment, “I would love to see these photos. Did you get to wear some like really cool costumes?” She laughed a little looking over at him for a moment, “Quoting Harry Potter are you? But that’s still pretty amazing.” She laughed a little looking over at her, “Well I did a lot of shows at college and high school. We did a show of Les Miserables in college and I played Cosette. I also played the role of Mimi in Rent at College and several others. I used to be center of attention and main girl and used to want to be on stage or in movies after college and well things just well changed.”
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dramasierraw · 4 years
Billie’s heart warmed in willful momentum at the display of motherly love, unable to halt her palpable display of awe by pressing her hands to her chest. She could only dream of one day sharing in such experiences with a child of her own or perhaps, if she was fortunate enough, several. I hope they have Benny’s eyes. Billie’s cheeks are suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose, the blooming color blatant against her pale skin. It was far too premature to be having such finite musings, she was barely days into her newly discovered romance after all. But she looked forward to the joy a child would bring, clearly from the way Sierra adored her daughter so. Aside from the pleasure of caring for her daughter, Billie also found the drama teacher enjoyable to be around. They shared a love for the performing arts and the number of evenings after she’d returned home they’d spent enthusing over the latest musical were immeasurable. 
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“Well she’s certainly on her way to following in her mama’s footsteps, aren’t ya sweetums” she tapped her finger against the young girl’s nose, delighting in the giggle illicit. “You should have seen her rendition of a gluttonous shark during snack time, I was incredibly entertained. Those goldfish didn’t stand a chance”. Billie adjusted the brightly colored ribbon keeping the hair from her face before nodding reassuringly. “Oh she was a perfect angel, as per usual” 
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Sierra loved Billie, she was always so helpful and Kiera loved her which made her life a lot easier. Sierra was not the most parental person, she was very chill, she tried to always be like her younger self but Kiera was the most important person in her life and she would do absolutely anything for that girl. She laughed looking over at her daughter for a moment who had a big bright smile on her face, “She might be but she is also ten times smarter then I am and she’s only 6 so it’s crazy.” She laughed a little looking over at the women before looking over at her daughter again, “Well I will have to get her to show me later.” She smiled as she put her down for a moment looking at the girl for a brief moment, “Well that is great I am glad. Did you want to stay for dinner or are you busy tonight?”
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dramasierraw · 4 years
davis gave her a small smile as she spoke. “that, you are.” he was a little shocked about her costume actually. it fit her well but he didn’t expect it from her. then again, he didn’t really know sierra personally. he only knew her from the high school and he’s only had a handful of conversations with her. “everyone is having drinks so you’re definitely not alone but yeah, i’m having fun. this has been one hell of a halloween party.”
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Sierra looked over at the  guy from the high school, she was hoping that maybe one day they could potentially be friends. She smiled and looked over at him for a brief moment, “They are. Everyone seems to be having fun.” She smiled for a moment as she ran a hand through her hair for a moment as she looked over at the guy, “It really is. How are you finding the party? Are you enjoying it?”
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“it’s not like me to come to events. i don’t like frequenting places where there’s a lot of alcohol.” he had an occasional drink here and there but he was trying to give it up completely so that he didn’t relapse. “that’s probably best. i don’t think this is the time or the place.”
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“I know that but you know still. Who did you come with again?” She smiled looking over at him for a brief for a moment before shaking her head, “I meant I would tell you what happened another time. I am still telling him tonight.” She sighed shrugging for a moment.
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“hey, what’s so unbelievable about that? you don’t think i can get a date?” travis asked, his eyebrows raised as he looked over at the girl. he knew how unlikely it was for him to get a date though. it wasn’t his thing but he’d finally found someone, which he was happy about. “good. you’ll have to let me know how it goes.”
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Sierra laughed, “It’s not that I don’t believe you could get one, I just, it shocked me that you have one. It’s not often you come to events with a date. I was starting to think I would have to bring Kiera to be your dates.” She laughed a little looking over at the guy for a moment, “I will make sure to tell you what happens. It’ll probably have to be over coffee some other day.” She laughed a little. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
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grant always thought that sierra was one of the prettiest girls he’s landed here in tupelo, no matter how chivalrous it may sound. “yeah, wow six years. but you still look amazing.” he said flashing an award winning smile at her. “oh wow that’s great. i’m sure you’re a good teacher.” he smiled at her again, just before she asked him outside. his eyebrow raised up at her strangely, wondering what it could be. “yeah, sure.” he said suspiciously, before looking around for the outside area, and leading the way out there, where there was finally a quite place to talk. “so how’s it going? what did you wanna talk about?”
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Sierra was definitely happy to see him there, it just felt weird because now she was having to tell him that he was a father to a six year old. She blushed, “Well Grant, aren’t you quite the charmer. Thank you.” She smiled as she felt herself blush more before shaking, “Well I definitely try my hardest to be a good teacher.” She smiled as she took a sip of her drink before walking outside as seh ran a hand through her hair for a brief moment before looking over at him. She sighed, “So it’s going good. Here’s the thing Grant...” She paused for a moment, “Remember that night we slept together? Many years ago now. Well I fell pregnant. Grant, you’re a dad to a six year old girl named Kiera. She’s amazing, so smart and just amazing. But well you’re a dad.” She sighed looking down for a moment, she was nervous as of how he was going to react. 
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dramasierraw · 4 years
travis’ eyes widened and he placed his finger over his lips as he laughed, trying not to draw so much attention to them. he didn’t like eyes being all on him. “yeah, i have a date.” he confirmed. “her name’s sabrina. she’s…really great.” he breathed out, a smile crawling over his face. he didn’t like gushing over anyone but sabrina had been amazing. “oh,” he lifted his shoulders up in a shrug, “i guess if you’re going to do it outside that’s not so bad.”
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Sierra glanced over at the guy for a moment and smiled widely looking at him, “I can’t believe you have a date and I don’t.” She laughed a little looking over at him for a moment, “But seriously that is amazing, so happy for you.” She laughed a little looking over at him for a moment and nodded for a moment, “Yeah of course, I wouldn’t do it in front of everyone don’t you worry.” She laughed taking a sip of her drink for a moment.  
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dramasierraw · 4 years
“it’s interesting to see you outside of work, sierra.” davis started as he grabbed the two drinks he ordered for both him and his date. “i mean, mostly because i don’t think i’ve ever seen you in anything but work clothes and now, it’s a costume that i see you in.” he added, a small laugh leaving his lips. sierra was someone he talked to in passing at the school but she wasn’t really as close to him as tate or hadley. either way, he figured there was no use in ignoring her and instead, he struck up a conversation. “anyways, are ya havin’ fun? there sure is a lot of people in here.”
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Sierra was enjoying the Halloween party and she knew people she knew from work were going to be there but she didn’t care she was going to drink. She wandered around the bar as she admired people’s costumes before she looked over at the guy who approached her for a moment. Looking over at the guy she worked with she smiled, he was attractive as always and she couldn’t keep her eye off him for a moment. She smiled, “”Well here I am dressed as Harley Quinn, I know how to have a good time.” She laughed a little looking over at the guy for a moment. “I am having a great time, might have had a few too many drinks but I am having a great time, how about you?”
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