drconicking ¡ 4 years
So, you wanna get started with divination? (Masterlist)
Well, I am hardly an expert, but I can point you in the direction of others who are!
Divination Intro
Tarot Cards
How to Get Started in Tarot
How to Read Tarot Cards When You Don’t Know Shit
Tips for Interpreting Tarot Cards
Reverse Tarot Cards
Yes/No Tarot Tips
Moon Phase Tarot Spread
How to Cleanse your Cards
Cartomancy ABC Guide
Cartomancy: The Suits
How to Cleanse your Cards
Tasseography Guide
Preparing a Lithomancy Set
Scrying [Witchcraft 101]
Scrying Tips
A Guide to Greek Alphabet Divination (Runes)
An Introduction to Norse Runeology
Elder Futhark Rune Correspondences
Blooding Runes
Candle Work
Reading a Candle
Reading a Candle (Yes/No Questions)
Lesser known forms of Divination
Seashell Divination
Seashell Divination II
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drconicking ¡ 4 years
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drconicking ¡ 4 years
The Green Dragontail butterflies
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
Witchtypes and Crafts
Merry meet. And welcome to this long long post. Since I am new to witchcraft I am currently researching a lot. And one of those topics I am researching is the Types of Witches and their Crafts. Since that is on every List for the New witch to research. Right after History of Witches. Maybe I will make a Blog about the History as well. Later, when I have more Informations on it.
Some hints for this Post:
1: this List is not complette.
2: No witch is just one Type. Labels are nice and give a good Sense of Order. But most Witches have more then one way to do their magic. So Mix Types are usual in my experience.
3: It is mostly about where the witch is focusing on and what she works with.
4: Changing your “Type” is possible and maybe even good. Maybe you will find a way for magic you didn’t even new existed. Try it out.
5: If I am presenting something wrong, please tell me. I will change it. We all can learn from each other.
6: if you know another Kind of Type that is not on the list, feel free to reblog and/or comment.
7: several names for one Kind of Type happens. So dont wonder about it if you know the Type but under a different Name.
8: there are alot of them. And some go into each other. But are their own Type. So I Made some Kind of big categories. I hope you can follow me through this all.
9: I wrote all of this in my Book of Shadows. There I just got a little Checklist. Not the Text Version like I am giving you here. If you want the short Version just write to me and I will see what I can do.
Now to the actual List of Types. There are a lot of them. So buckle up.
1. Eclecctic Witch
Just because eclecctic has a negative ring to it in some languages (German for instance), doesn’t mean that these Witches are uncreative. This witch Pulls their Pratcises from many other different types, depending in what they want, need and can do. No eclecctic witch is like another.
2. Hedge Witch / Liminial Witch
These witches concentrate more on the In-Between Places. Astral Projection, Spiritual Places and Dream Magic are very common for them.
3. Green Witch / Nature Witch / Garden Witch
You can meet these Witches outside. Plants and Nature are there Expertise. The Garden is normally the centrum of their magic.
- Wild Witch
A special Form of the Green Witch. This Wild Witch is not feral. No. They just love the wilderness and the nature in its free Form. Tamed and orderly kept gardens are not so their thing. She Feels much more connected to the wilderness, where humans have not meddled.
- Forest Witch
Also a special Form of the Green or Nature Witch. These Witches love their Woods and Forests. Trees are Essential for them and their magic.
- Weather Witch / Storm Witch
If it as a Storm, Rain or just the sunshine, these Witches know how to work with the weather and what enegies they can harvest and use. From what I read these Witches seem to Prefer the rain and wind, with the occasional ligthning Strike. That is why there are also known as Storm Witches.
- Ozean / Sea Witch
The first thing that comes to the mind when you hear Sea Witch would be Ursula from Ariel. (I personally have bad relationship with her… oh childhood you follow me everywhere). But Ursula is giving a pretty crooked Picture for these witches. They focus on the Tides. And who rules over those? The Moon, correct. Trying to seperate the Ozean from the Moon wont work. And these witches also use the storm magic like the Weather Witches. Of course more focused on the sea weather. Sadly bot every Sea Witch is so lucky to live near the Ozean. Other great water bodies work as well for them. A Lake or a sea work as well.
4. Kitchen Witch
One of the most well known and beloved witches today. Not surprising. Food is something we all love and cherish. But for these witches their Kitch and their food are their Kingdom and sacred place. They love to cook or bake. New Recipes and creating their own, that is something they enjoy.
- Garden Witch
This witch is equally well known and often very close with the Kitchen Witch. The Herbs from the Garden are not only being used in the tea, but also made into little bags and bundels. In German you may know here as a “Kräuter Hexe”.
- Cottage Witch / Hearth Witch / Personal Space Witch
This type of Witch concentrates her magic on her home. Cozy and Safe, that is her motto. They need a safe and sacred place, which is their home. This witch often overlaps with the Kitchen and Garden Witch.
5. Healer Witch
The Healer or healing Witch uses her magic mostly for - well - healing. Like the name indicates. Selfhealing or the healing of others: The Witch Doctor is IN and waiting for their next patient.
6. Crystal Witch
A very common witch. And don’t I understand it. These little guys are pretty and gourgeous and very useful and powerful. Crystal, Gem, Jewels or just a plain rock. These witches knows a lot about them and how to use them. You could say the crystals are the “foundation stone”.
7. Divination Witch
This Witch concentrates her magic on the subconscious and their intuition. And uses them to predict the future. Just because of that, they don’t think that everything is set in stone. They know very well of the free Will and the power it holds and wields. Tarot, Palm reading and others. There are many ways and options to get a glance into the future. But be careful, you might not like what you get to see.
8. Empath Witch
I personaly found this witch very relatable for me and found myself reflected. This Witch concentrates on their emotions and Intuition. They can pick up all kind of energies, vibes and moods (of a room, person, animal, you say it), read them and work with them
9. Mental Witch
The mental witch fascinated me immediatly, when I heard from them. And it demanded immediatly a lot of respect from me. The way they are using their magic is purely mentally. That means no physical counterpart. Complete concentration and a lot of Imagination are needed and necessary. That is why it is an incredible hard magic. I can imagine how quick bad things can turn out, just because you are not in complete control of your thoughts while you work your magic…
10. Cosmic Witch / Astrology Witch
These witches are living with the Nightsky and are constantly working with him. Not just the moon, the stars and the plantes are an important part as well in this witchcraft. With the phases it is very diverse over the year.
- Lunar / Moon Witch
They focus on the moon. And they look how it affects them. Their power comes and goes with the moon.
- Solar Witch / Sun Witch / Day Witch
This witch works only on the day and rises and goes with the sun. The night is not for them at all. The Sabbats and the Summer Solstice are their Highpoints of the year.
- Nocturnal Witch
As the name suggest, these witches are the complette opposite of the Solar Witch. The Night is their Kingdom.
11. Cultural / Traditonal Witch
This is a group of many different tipes and stiles, put under one label. From Nordic to african and egypt. The Homeland and the culture and traditions (Heritage) from there are a solid and important Part of their Craft
- Religious Witch
This one is pretty simple and normaly just an addition (like I said way up, most witches are a mix of many types). This witch gets in contact with their God, Godess or Gods in her magic, makes it a part of it. All Religions can be combined with Witchcraft. Christianity or Buddhism, a religious witch can find a way to get the higher ups involved.
- Wicca
You probably heard already from these Witches. Wicca is neopagan religion and is using a lot of old models and musters in their ways to live.
Nice sentence to remember from Skye Alexander: Every Wicca is a Witch, not every Witch is a Wicca.
- Ancestral Witch
This witch lives close with their family and the ones that came before them. A Family tree will be found somewhere, I am sure. And it will be up to date. They have a close bond with their Ancestors and are communicating with them.
- Necromancy Witch
No, this witch doesn’t raise the dead and doesn’t creates Zombies (why can I hear the sigh of disapointment…?). But they comes easily in contact with the deceased. And blood realtion is not needed for them. The Graveyard is a place of serenity and company for these witches.
- Hereditrary Witch
To be this kind of witch, you need a witch in your family that teached you their craft. Grandmother or uncle, who it is was and is, is not so important. Passed on Spells and Recipes from Generation to the next Generation. Maybe our Children or nieces and nephews will learn the witchcraft from us and with that will be carring on. (Just think, the spell you created might be still used some Generations later. Quite Impressive)
- Ceremonial / Ritual Witch
This witch loves Ceremonies and Rituals to bring their magic into the world. Rules and clear procedures, which makes them the opposite to the Chaos Witch, a Type that will be described later.
12. Elemantal Witch
Like the name says, these witches a working mostly with the elements and their spirits.
- Air/Fire/Water/Earth Witch
These Witches have specialised themself on one Element. The one they feel connected with. The Reason is only important to the relationship and how it will be expressed.
- Fairy / Fae Witch
I hardly now anything about these witches. Just that they work with the faes. That’s about it.
- Dragon / Draconic Witch
I don’t know a lot about these witches as well, saddly. Just that they work with the dragons, and with the fire.
- Pact Witch
These Witches make contracts with a lot of magical creatures and other beings. How these pacts look like differs not only from witch to witch, but is also different depending on the partner of the contract and their relationship.
13. Shadow Witch
One of the first witchtypes I looked into more. They use Shadow Work. Now what is that? It is about knowing yourself, all sides and facettes. The good and the Bad. And to shine a Light on them to work on and with them. The Subconsciousness is incredible important for them. And Meditation and Reflexion are frequently Methods for them.
14. Warrior Witch
These witche have an incredible urge to be activ and are protectiv. Like the Name tells you these witches are not afraid to fight for what they believe in. They have a strong and good Sense for what is right and what is wrong. Ethic and Morality are a Talent of theirs.
15. Chaos Witch
I mentioned this witch a litle earlie, that they are the opposite of the ritual Witch. They are untraditionel and love to think outside the box, because of that their magical praxis is nothing like the “schoolbook”. Flexibel and spontan are here a key. Also the changing of their way of magic is usual and not weird at all. The Genius overlooks the Chaos.
16. Modern Witch
- Tech Witch
If it is the Smartphone or the Laptop, this witch understands Technologie and knows how to use it in and with their magic.
- Urban / City Witch
This witch loves the Big Cities. The more people on one place, the better. The engery that exists there is easily used by these witches. But also the tram or cars are part of their everyday magic.
- Pop Cultural Witch
Who doesn’t know them? The new witches and wizards. Harry Potter, Sabrina, and who not and whereever they are. Magic always fascinated humans, even so it has it spooky side (or exactly because of the spooky side). Because of this fascination it became easily part of our stories. Fantasy. But most things in witchcraft happen in the head. Spells and Potions from these fantasy stories are brought to live and into reality by the Pop Cultural Witch, not exactly and to 100%, but you can see the connection and the inspiration they found. Maybe some even found their way to real witchcraft through the Pop Cultur?
- Art Witch
These witches are artists. Drawing, sketching, writing, sewing, singing and many other things with their Art they not only express themselfs, but bring their magic into the world.
- Music / Rythmis Witch
The sound of a heartbeat, a poem, drumbs or even just dancing and so much more is part of this witchcraft. Rythm is in their lives and their magic, a real beat. Loud or quite, it doesn’t matter. They will bewitch you with their beat and sound of their magic.
- Color Witch
The Colors of the wind. Well, yes. These witches are colorful. Their favourite color? Better buckle up for a lecture over two hours long, about colors and their meanings and the intentions they have. These witches know their colors. When you know one, look at their clothes they are showing you, the colors will gladly tell you what is currently on your friends mind and happening in their live.
- Sigil Witch
Sigils are the key and shield for these witches. If old ones or just created from the spot. There is hardly a situation this witch will not have a sigil ready to be drawn. And if they encounter one, they will create just the right one.
Well. That was the list. For now.
My head is mushy and is running in circles, I bet yours is not different.
If I did get anything wrong, I am terrible sorry. Just comment or write to me about it and I will correct it. After all, learning from each other is one of the most important things we can do.
By the way, It could be that there are spelling and gramma errors. My mother language is not english, and I was not very good while I was in school. Now I am catching up, by reading and listening and watching almost everything on english. But writing it is quite different. So just correct me and I will be able to get better at it, too.
I do hope I could help a little with this list and didn’t bring more confusion…
Until next time, my dear ones.
Your hexellent learning witch.
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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Some sigil I made today for people :3
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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Witch ball ornaments 🔮
Preserved fern fronds, moss, acorns, and bark along with duck feathers and real critter bones.
No animals were harmed for the purpose of my art.
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
A Witchy Guide To Time
Days Of The Week
Connected to the Moon
Colors are blue, silver, and white
Spells to do: Enhancing Psychic Power, Peace, Wisdom
Connected to Mars
Colors are black, orange, and red
Spells to do: Cursing, Protection, Courage, Strength
Connected to Mercury
Colors are orange and purple
Spells to do: Luck, Wealth, Wisdom
Connected to Jupiter
Colors are blue, green, and purple
Spells to do: Protection, Healing, Wealth
Connected to Venus
Colors are pink
Spells to do: Love, Friendship
Connected to Saturn
Colors are black and purple
Spells to do: Cursing, Protection, Cleansing, Banishing, Binding
Connected to the Sun
Colors are gold and yellow
Spells to do: Healing, Success, Wealth
Times of the Day
Daytime (6 AM to 8 PM): Protection, Growth, Money, Success, Opportunity
Morning (6 AM to 12 PM): Fire, Awakening, Beginning, Balance, Blessing, Purifying
Midday (11 AM to 1 PM): Strength, Willpower, Endurance, Overcoming
Noon (12 PM to 5 PM): Air, Protection, Manifestation, Power, Luck, Wealth, Travel
Evening (5 PM to 8 PM): Water, Banishing, Creativity, Friendship, Cursing
Dusk: Change, Open-mindedness, Astral Travel
Night (8 PM to 6 AM): Earth, Wisdom, Divination, Love, Healing
Midnight (12 PM): Liberation, Reparation, Recovery, Ending
Spring: Air, Wisdom, New Beginnings, Healing, Fertility
Summer: Fire, Energy Work, Prosperity, Purification, Passion, Banishing
Autumn: Water, Astral Travel, Spirit Work, Cleansing, Banishing, Binding, Peace
Winter: Earth, Rest, Dreams, Grounding, Death, Passive, Wealth
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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image source: permaculture.co.uk 
Growing and Gardening
food not lawns - book
food forest farm (video) 
what is permaculture? (video)
101 permaculture designs
how to make a keyhole garden
the unconventional gardener
Gwenfar’s Garden
a beginners guide to gardening - RHS
gardening guides - BBC
how to grow a lot of food in a small garden (video)
how to garden indoors
6 indoor gardening ideas
Gardening with a disability - RHS
Thrive (a charity which helps disabled people get into gardening)
frugal gardening
bee friendly plants - UK
strawbale gardening - tumblr post by @diygabl
vertical gardening (video)
grow veg - has a free newsletter and guides 
grow all you can eat in three square feet - DK
veg in one bed by Huw Richard 
allotment month by month by Alan Buckingham
RHS grow your own crops in pots
mini farming: self sufficiency on Ÿ acre by Brett Markham 
the edible garden by Alys Fowler 
food not lawns: how to turn your yard into a garden and your neighborhood into a community by Heather Jo Flores
RHS the urban gardener 
RHS little book of small space gardening 
RHS growing vegetables and herbs 
a gardeners guide to surviving brexit by Unconventional Emma - dropbox link 
the vegan book of permaculture by Graham Burnett 
Gaia’s garden: a guide to home scale permaculture by Tony Hemenway
post last updated: 24/4/2019
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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This was the first method of sigil making I ever learned, from a post by @the-darkest-of-lights. I decided to make my own tutorial on it with my spare time. Happy sigil making! I’ll be making more of these on other methods of sigil making I think, because there’s so many different methods, and this was quite enjoyable to make. (I know that you can make sigils with the other various planetary numerology squares but honestly I still haven’t figured out how, I only know this one.)
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m just calling it “Letter Shaping” because you’re using the basic shapes from certain letters. This is the most common form of sigil making, and it allows the most creative influence. As you see above the sigils are for nearly the same thing, yet the sigils came out completely different. Not because the purpose was different, but because I approached them both a different creative way, and that’s what I like so much about this method. There’s a lot of freedom and personalization involved.
(UPDATE: Here’s a link to a guide on how to deconstruct letters down to basic shapes)
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
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How to use a sigil wheel.
A tutorial. 
I rarely use this method myself, but I know people are always looking for tutorials on different methods of sigil making and not finding any. I’ve had a few different people asking for more graph based sigil making techniques, and this is a fairly well known one that fits that category. I hope this tutorial is coherent and answers questions instead of making things more confusing. If you have any questions, however, never be afraid to ask.
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
beginner witch here so if this is a dumb question i’m sorry but how do i go about charging a sigil/making it work i’ve already made one that i love (using your sigil wheel post so thank you) what am i supposed to do next? thank you for all the help!!
Well there are 2 types of ways to make a sigil work.Here’s a quick post on which method is best for what result1. Charging
Giving the sigil energy periodically to keep it working (think of it like charging an electronic)How:~Pouring personal energy into it     Place both hand on sigil and visualise your energy flowing from your body into the sigil
~Sun/Moon Energy     
     Place the sigil somewhere it will get good exposure to sunlight or moonlight and the sigil will absorb the energy from that.    (Note: Sunlight and Moonlight have different magical properties, so you should look up what those properties are before doing this)
~Charged Water/Watercolour          Dripping some charged water (think sun/moon/storm/or otherwise charged) on the sigil.     Some people add watercolours to the water they plan to put on the sigil with an intention-based colour to drip onto the sigil. OR you could draw the sigil with these watercolours instead so it’s automatically charged.
~Tracing/Kinetic Energy          Constant movement on a sigil can charge a sigil. This can be done by tracing over it with your finger over and over again till you feel it’s charged enough or through other means like tapping it or putting it under something people regularly step on.
~Heartbeat          If you draw or tattoo a sigil on yourself that sigil will be constantly charged by your heartbeat.     You can also put a sigil you’ve drawn over your heart or wrist somehow and as long as you wear it your heartbeat will keep that sigil charged
     Have a sigil pulled up on an electronic screen while the device is charging
~Other          There’s thousands of unique ways to charge a sigil, the ones listed here are just a few, feel free to look around the witch tips on tumblr or try some different stuff yourself
2. Activating
Destroying the sigil with something that often creates a quick burst of energy, sending it out into the universe to be done.
~Burn it
~Rip/Shred/Cut it up
~Stabbing it
~Ingesting it
~Flushing it down the toilet
~Let it blow away with the wind (if it’s biodegradable)
~Any way you can think of that destroys the sigil
Important Notes:
~Sigils can be used as spell components on their own
~You can charge and then activate a sigil for stronger results
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
THROUGH A RAPIST’S EYES” (PLS TAKE TIME TO READ THIS. It may save a life, It may save your life.)
An Article from Neena Susan Thomas
“Through a rapist’s eyes. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interview…ed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
1] The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun! , braid, or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed. They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair. Women with short hair are not common targets.
2] The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who’s clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around to cut clothing.
3] They also look for women using their cell phone, searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4] The number one place women are abducted from / attacked at is grocery store parking lots.
5] Number two is office parking lots/garages.
6] Number three is public restrooms.
7] The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to a second location where they don’t have to worry about getting caught.
8] If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn’t worth it because it will be time-consuming.
9] These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas,or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands.
10] Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you’re not worth it.
1] If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk: can’t believe it is so cold out here, we’re in for a bad winter. Now that you’ve seen their faces and could identify them in a line- up, you lose appeal as a target.
2] If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell Stop or Stay back! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they’d leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
3] If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yelling I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
4] If someone grabs you, you can’t beat them with strength but you can do it by outsmarting them. If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm between the elbow and armpit or in the upper inner thigh – HARD. One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it really hurts.
5] After the initial hit, always go for the groin. I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy’s parts it is extremely painful. You might think that you’ll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause him a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble, and he’s out of there.
6] When the guy puts his hands up to you, grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
7] Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings, take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don’t dismiss it, go with your instincts. You may feel little silly at the time, but you’d feel much worse if the guy really was trouble.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do it.
2. Learned this from a tourist guide to New Orleans : if a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you…. chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car: Kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won’t see you but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping,eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON’T DO THIS! The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side,put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE the DOORS , LEAVE.
5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
a. Be aware: look around your car as someone may be hiding at the passenger side , peek into your car, inside the passenger side floor, and in the back seat. ( DO THIS TOO BEFORE RIDING A TAXI CAB) .
b. If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
c. Look at the car parked on the driver’s side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot).
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP IT! It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked “for help” into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it’s better safe than sorry.
If u have compassion reblog this post. ‘Helping hands are better than Praying Lips’ – give us your helping hand.
REBLOG THIS AND LET EVERY GIRL KNOW AT LEAST PEOPLE WILL KNOW WHATS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. So please reblog this….Your one reblog can Help to spread this information.
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
" Sit back, relax and calm your soul with TerraLiving. This is one of the many ways to appreciate the time spent with moss.
Fog trapped within the Pillar of Moss (Live Moss Variant) were slowly poured into “The ChemisTree” sitting beside it.
Pumping fog into a closed glass chamber is an alternative to our usual watering method. However, sharing the fog with other mosses are just…purely for fun. Thank you, enjoy and have a nice day."
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
The Elements And Their Traits
Earth: The element of grounding and sound mind. NORTH. Ruled by the Sun. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Air: The Element of Intellect and Invention. EAST. Ruled by the Moon. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Fire: The element of Passion and Ambition. SOUTH. Ruled by the Sun. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Water: The element of Intuition and Emotion. WEST. Ruled by the Moon. Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.
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drconicking ¡ 5 years
Dance Fucker Dance
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This spell is inspired by the song “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” by The Offspring.
A banishing, revenge, and binding spell designed to speed up karma on a person who did you a wrong, tripping up their life and forcing them into a downward spiral.
Note 1: This spell is still able to be edited upon, so feel free to tell me any changes you would/do make, and tell me how they would be better so I can better understand how to write the best spells I can.
Note 2: The spell is best done on a Saturday, the day of binding.
Note 3: Thank you, @strangesigils, for your help with finding components for the sigil, and with checking on the basic design of the spell!
Necessary Ingredients:
1. A poppet
2. A tag lock (a photo or name on white paper)
3. A black marker (black is the primary color that corresponds with Banishing)
4. Two (2) pins
5. Something you can play music from
Steps to the spell:
1. Play the song “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” by The Offspring.
2. Draw sigil (shown above) on the back of the tag lock in black marker, and charge it with the intent of the spell.
3. Using one of the pins, stab the tag lock, making sure it goes through the sigil to activate it, and pin it to the “chest” of the poppet, visualizing the wrong doer.
4. Say “Dance fucker dance” and stab the second pin between the “eyes” of the poppet.
Please tell me how the spell works out for you if you try it out! It’s my first time writing one, and even with help, I’m a little nervous about how the spell will work out for various witches who utilize it!
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